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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 13th

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:57 am
by purrfect-lady
Good better-than-yesterday morning! Cold but sunny and no wind or rain. Yay!

Yesterday was finishing up my chores. At least as many as I decided to do. Then I goofed off in the sewing room, organizing some fabrics, pulling some for Christmas, and starting to actually cut. Finally! This morning is chiro, groceries, Goodwill (I skipped that yesterday), and pick up our mail. This afternoon will be more fabric play. Goofing off is a bit more accurate than saying I'm actually getting much done. lol! But after hurrying to meet deadlines, it's nice to back off to snail speed for a while.

TINA - I was wondering yesterday how Rosie was doing. Glad she came through it OK. A doctor told us once that most doctors can tell just by looking at some samples if it's cancer or not but (for people, anyway) they have to go through official testing. I like getting up to a clean kitchen, too, especially after a company dinner. But it doesn't always happen that way. I clean as I cook and we at least get this dishes into the dishwasher after supper but pans may soak in the sink. That doesn't bother me. I can hardly see them from downstairs! And yes, we can take wine into the rehab place. Susie isn't on any special diet or on contraindicated meds. But dr does need to write an order that it is OK.

LORI - I didn't end up going to Goodwill yesterday. Weather was too nasty to go out. But I'm going today! Wish me luck. There is a little kids' resale shop next door to Goodwill so I can check there, too, though some of their prices are higher than brand new. I can picture Wrigley and the ducks! :D I can see why a class might be valuable even if it's not your fave style. I've never taken a quilting class. I've watched TV shows by Eleanor and a few others and a few MSQC tutorials but no class live. When is the raffle going to take place for the Christmas quilt?

BECCA - you are a smart cookie to watch everything so closely. I think I'm going to put you in charge of all my business stuff!

We have leftover mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy so I got out a couple litte steaks to grill, Hopefully Bill is up to grilling. We haven't used the BBQ since last fall. If it's not up to the job, I can broil them. And salad.

What's your supper plan?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 13th

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:19 am
by Quilter7
Yesterday's post of mine went into cyberspace.

Good Morning,

Maryz - You are correct the stay-at-home is all done by the original maker. We will offer two block choices with variations each month. The maker will be able to make as many of each block as she chooses. The layout is up to the maker.

Becca - You are very wise to check your bills carefully. Glad you have a plan to increase your potassium.

Tina - Glad Rosie came through surgery okay. Hope you have enough tamales for several meals or did they all get eaten?

Lori - Love your shamrock quilt. I agree that I have learned things from each teacher even if I don't like everything she teaches.

Dinner last two nights was spaghetti and sauce with a side salad. Dinner tonight will be Barley and Vegetable Soup and a side of Sweet Kale Salad.


Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 13th

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:01 am
by Becca
Hello everyone I had another busy morning Back to Bank to get everything just like I want it Then back to grocery for more potassium items Then Big lots
I made my healthy lunch Now going on walk Did get aerobics in & gym work in too
Yesterday it was 5 miles
Girls You have to be on your toes these days Or some one in the family There’s too many errors they didn’t used to have
Things were also a lot simpler for me in Franklin than here plus it costs more to live here
Maryz the Thrift shop across from me is high for a thrift store Younjust have to be a smart shopper which you are
Tina So glad your doggie was ok They are special To us
Carol Seems you would be an expert by now with all your classes and you have taught too
Lori Same goes for you too I know your time is cut shorter now by your Dad but you won’t be sorry you did for him
Tonight is family night I am glad I get to miss meals here lol
The Accc Tournament is this week so I may get to caught a game or two