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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 12th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 12th

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:57 am

The days are whizzing by! Spring is only a week and a day away! I think I can make it!

Yesterday was house cleaning. But I knocked off early to take Happy Hour to Doyle and Susie in her rehab room. We all enjoy a nice hour visit. We take a few snacks and a bottle of wine in. It's a little like normal times for her. She will be there at least another 3 to 4 weeks. We try to visit once a week. Today I plan to finish up some of the last chores, hit the Goodwill looking for some little girl clothes, and then go hide out in my sewing room pulling fabrics for my Christmas quilts. I wanna sew!

BECCA - what type of diet has dr put you on? Do you go to the dining room for lunch or do you fix it yourself? You find more mistakes in your medical billings than anyone I know. Our friend, Doyle found two Medicare fraud incidents last week. Pays to scrutinize those bills and statements!

TINA - good to have a few finished quilts on hand! You worked hard in your yard. Someone needs to dig and divide my iris, too. I suppose that would be me. Sigh. Your suppers in the crockpot sounds delish. So are you making tamales today? I made them once. I'm a greenie at doing that and it took me all afternoon but I made about 3 dozen. They weren't bad. I plan to do them again sometime. Any hints you have, please send them my way.

CAROL - your Stay At Home Round Robin sounds interesting. Can you clarify it more? How many people? Do you make an entire row of each block? By 'stay at home' do you mean it doesn't get sent on to the next person? The photo that Lori posted was great!

LORI - The book was a lot of work - but fun work! I've done a lot of regular scrapbooks for my siblings, kids, and grandkids. This was much faster! I'd never heard of David Owen Hastings so I had to Google him. He seems to have a very modernistic style. That's not really my thing. Does he do anything more traditional? Thanks for the photo of our Carol!

We weren't too hungry last night after having snacks with Doyle and Susie so we pulled some frozen soup from the freezer and let it thaw and heat on top of the wood stove. We'll have our pork chops and mashed potatos tonite instead.

What's your supper plan?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 12th

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:54 am

Good morning all ๐ŸŒž
Mary, yep I'll be making tamales later today. I'm going to make a small batch in the instapot and see if it's easier, it should sure take way less time! I can only think of soaking the corn husks and then blotting them dry before you put masa on them as a tip. I do all my masa first and stack all them then put my cooked meat in and roll them up, assembly line like. Try and make them spicier than you normally eat because the masa seems to absorb the heat to us. That's all I got LOL
Mary, you say you take happy hour and wine to the rehab place.... they let you do that? Not anywhere around here that I know of, plus most in a rehab are on meds here. Snacks sound fun ๐Ÿ˜
I'm waiting to hear how Rosie does after her surgery today, I'm not good at waiting. We may not hear for another hour or more, they had Rosie and 1 other doggie scheduled this morning and I'm not sure who was first. We won't know if she has to stay overnight until later to see how she does after.
So supper will be fresh tamales and rice or beans.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 12th

Post by Becca » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:30 pm

Hello everyone another beautiful day today I got my walk in & went to Lake No ducks or geese yet I also went to P.O. Bank then ALDIs to buy what Denise told me which I had most of it Only bananas and a few items She researched all this when I was inHospital in 2020 with critically low potassium and sodium
Maryz Im to eat plenty of greens protein cottage cheese and yogurt citrus That about covers it
Thatโ€™s nice you visit your. Friend Most go once & stop
I think you would notice on your bill if you had never heard of Dr or never seen the supplies you were charged for I am very careful about my bills and all my business I try to stay on top of. It all
Tina Those Tamales sounds like a lot of work I know you enjoy them I have never tried any
Tonight is Church night I made cornbread to take & some cookies I bought

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 12th

Post by zfatcat » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:19 pm

Tina, how did your tamales come out? I need to try to make some. I need a good recipe for the meat.

Becca, we have ducks and geese year round. When we go to the park on Sunday, Wrigley (our golden) gets very excited to see them. I love when they fly in and land on the water. We should be seeing babies about April.

Mary, did you find any cute outfits for Amara? Looks like Hastings does indigo. I like to see all kinds of quilts and why they make them. I'm intrigued by the journey. I don't have to like that style to enjoy their history. I also find, when I try a new class I may not like the style, but all teachers have tricks and tips they share. I almost always walk away with something I can use.

I finished up the raffle quilt top, and it's off to the quilter. She'll do a custom job. It's a really cute Christmas quilt.

Dinner was snacks. We weren't really hungry.

Sleep well.

Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, March 12th

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:28 pm

Rosie did good with her surgery. The growth was a pocket full of yucky but they don't think it's cancer and aren't worried about getting it tested. We couldn't afford the extra for it anyway.... it was already $700. She's very sleepy and we're keeping her right beside us.
Lori, my tamales turned out really good...Jazmyne was over the moon happy with them, they're her favorite ๐Ÿ˜
Well I gotta clean up my mess from the tamales, I can't leave my kitchen or dishes dirty overnight.... I've been known to try and then end up not being able to sleep so I'd get up at 1 or 2am and clean my kitchen LOL yes I'm weird ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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