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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 11

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:13 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

I have my computer! And I had this all typed out and then, in a fumble between me, Foxy, my recliner, and the computer, my post went *POOF!* Sigh.

Our drive yesterday was good. 200 miles of good roads, light traffic, and no missed turns. Today will be 320 miles and we hope for the same report at the end of the ride. We'll be in Milton, FL, at the western end of the Panhandle. My sister called last night - their friends got a call that their diabetic son-in-law passed away suddenly so they were loading up their motorhome and their little dog and driving to Maryland, 1,000 miles north of them. I feel for their family, but with the little dog and the covid patient gone, we could have hung out with my sister another week. They will be staying and watching the place for their friends.

TINA - how was the massage?? Is this the third of your therapeutic massages? And how did you feel afterward? Our plans this winter seem to be changing almost daily. We made our rezzies back in Austin yesterday. We even got our old site back! It is MUCH cheaper to pay for a full month's stay than for 2.5 weeks at this RV park. So that's what we booked. So we may use up the entire rezzie to Feb 15 or leave any time before that. It's been a crazy, spontaneous year. I can tell you for sure, though, that we won't stay any longer than that because Bill has to get back for cataract surgery.

CAROL - D-land and R2CA all within a week! It's good to be you! I love Hawaiian quilts and would love if you would post a photo of your piece when you get it finished. I know how you feel about wanting to "get things done". A couple of years ago I got the same urge and poured on the coal to finish up UFO's and then tackle my orphan block box - I got SIX quilts out of that box! But by the end of that summer, I was all caught up.

LORI - You mentioned a shop that sells Hawaiian fabric. I made a note of it and am going to Google it. I love HI fabrics and have long planned a quilt for my friend who has a home on the Big Island.

Today is our longest travel day. I can't remember if we have soup in the freezer or not. Neither of us can remember if we ate it on the trip to FL. If not - that will be supper tonite. I think we also have a Ziplock of homemade chili in the freezer. If both of those are gone, then it will be pancakes for supper.

What will it be at your house?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 11

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:54 am
by gershwin64
Good morning all 🌞
Mary, I think it's wonderful that you're going back to visit the A team! I hope you squeeze in every second that you can with them.
2024 sounds like quite a traveling year for you, doesn't sound like you'll be home much.
That's awful news about your hosts son in law, prayers for them.
My massage was great, it really relaxes me! It was the 3rd one. It really seems to be helping me in a lot of ways.
Carol, I'd love to see your Hawaiian quilt too!
Lori, what are you making with the strips?
We're having a bad weather day so Jazmyne, Easton and Preston are here today. School will be getting out at 11 something this morning and Holly just wanted them to not go at all. The high winds will start by 10, I just hope everyone gets home safe.
I think I'll make spaghetti for supper and we'll have salad.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 11

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 10:11 am
by Becca
Hello everyone sunny here in mid 40s today Supposed to get colder Sunday and next week
Maryz Safe travels for you & Bill I don’t like Interstates Sorry about the loss of DSIL
For them
Tina That’s wonderful the massages have helped Hope you can get more Enjoy your Grands today Stay safe
Carol Glad you had great fun on vacation
I choose a hotdog with soup. My family has sickness Caleb again He found a new Dr and I hope he can find his problem