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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Dec 8th

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:23 am
by purrfect-lady
Happy happy birthday, Tina!! I hope your day is filled with all the things you love the most!

Yesterday I worked on Fab Farm. The 4 horses are done and the 4 goats are 90% done. The goats are smaller and quicker than the horses. Not sure which animal I will pick next - cow, pig, sheep, chicken, or bee. Plus there are sunflowers. It's a happening quilt! Today, I hope to get those goats finished. Bill wants to go for a ride, though I don't know where. So Dog and I will go along for a change of scenery. We are on Day 2 of our 5-day quarantine. Though we might go to Aut's library tomorrow, masked, for an outdoor community event - mini horses and hot cocoa - and we can see Amara from a 6-ft distance. Hard not to hold and snuggle her though.

TINA - how did massage #2 go? Do you drink a lot of water after a massage? That's important. Spaghetti? I had a big pot of homemade sauce at home and I divided it up into 2-cup Ziplock packages and laid them flat to freeze. Purrfect for the two of us. But I kind of missed not having leftovers. Red cheese enchiladas? That is a new one on me. Is that a special cheese or red sauce?

BECCA - Today is Frankie Day!!! I can't wait for you to see her finally in person! You will be in love with her and not want to let her go back! We appreciate the updates on the twins. I hope Brodee is going to be OK and Hadlee comes home soon. I also hope Taylor and Levi are OK and have their RSV immunizations. We don't want either of them sick!

LORI - I hope your friend's husband does well with his stroke recovery. My BFF had a stroke back in 2006. The first week she had all the classic symptoms - R-sided weakness, inability to speak, etc. But within a few weeks she gained everything back and now the only noticable effects is a slight lag in her right foot if she gets over-tired. If I didn't already have so much fabric I would maybe buy more kits. As it is, I don't buy much fabric but shop, instead, from my own sewing room when starting a new project. But since I wanted to start this quilt now and have very little fabric with me in the trailer, I splurged. And am enjoying my splurge!

I think we're going to have chili rellenos for supper. I'm going to use Tina's recipe. She made them for us once when we were passing through NM and they were delish! I might add refried beans or a salad.

What are you having tonite?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Dec 8th

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:00 am
by Becca
Hello everyone Sunny but cold Oh my our little cutie is here She is a joy to be around Crawling smiling and happy and a great eater We are enjoying her

Great news Hadlee is going home today She has double ear infections but Dr said she can heal at home Her lungs are strong enough they said
Brodee is running fever but otherwise seems ok There is something going around like that here Only fever and no other symptoms
I pray he heals ok
We just had a Christmas early meal Wow it was delicious I contributed applesauce pecan pie green beans with ginger snaps Wills favorite It was all so good

Happy birthday Tina I hope your day is a wonderful special day for you Eat some of your favorite food Many blessings to you

Maryz You sound like you are breezing through another quilt Enjoy your little Amara
Lori and Carol Enjoy your day
Hugs to all & thanks for the prayers and love of everyone for our little twins

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Dec 8th

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:12 pm
by zfatcat
Happy birthday Tina. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful day.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Dec 8th

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:04 pm
by Quilter7
Tina - Happy Birthday!

Becca - Such good news for Hadlee. Hope Brodee is feeling better!

Lori - Hope you are having a good day.

Maryz - Did you go for a car ride? Where did you go?

I have been doing my usual Friday chores. Laundry is almost finished and I am continuing to quilt. Dinner will probably be leftover Navy Bean soup. (We stopped for hamburgers last night after Mass.)


Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Dec 8th

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:57 pm
by zfatcat
Mary, the "Ocean" quilt kit is on sale on QIAD. From $245 to $98. That's usually when I buy a kit. I hope you get to see the little miss tomorrow. Sounds like a fun event for kids. Where did you go on your ride?

I did some grocery shopping, picked up my new sun glasses, and did a few things around the house. I traced the embroidery project that started on the 1st. There was a template for the background squares, and I get a pattern everyday until Christmas. They are small. Some are more involved than others. It will make a cute wall hanging for next year. I made meatballs this afternoon for Spaghetti tomorrow.

Becca, thanks for the good news on Hadlee.

Dinner was leftover mashed potatoes and meatballs. I had to try them and make sure they were okay.
They were delicious. I use fresh herbs from my garden.

Sleep well

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Dec 8th

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:37 pm
by gershwin64
Hi everyone!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes, you all make my heart smile! My day was awesome!! The kids and grands left about 30 minutes ago but I'm waiting up till Kevin and family get home which takes about an hour and 20 minutes. I wouldn't be able to sleep until I know they're home safe.

Mary, my second massage had me so relaxed and tired yesterday. I didn't take a nap but it was hard to stay awake, i actually fell asleep twice during the massage. I sleep almost all night but had to get up once to potty and then slept till after 7, that's late for me most days, I'm usually up between 6 to 6:30. And yes I drink lots of water daily...... it's pretty much all I drink from 11am to 10pm.... around 90oz a day.
Where did you go for a ride at? Every time you call Scotty, Dog, I hear John Wayne say Dog from Big Jake.
Red cheese enchiladas are just red enchilada sauce, corn tortillas and cheese, it's a great no meat meal. I do mine flat, some roll them.
Becca, such wonderful news that Hadlee got to go home. I sure hope Brodee doesn't get worse and they both are all totally better quick.
Wow, you get bunches of baby lovin, the best kind. Those babies sure do put smiles in our hearts 💕 💞 Sounds like you are really enjoying your time with the family, I'm so glad.
Carol, Dad called me this morning and asked what my plans were for today and I told him not much of anything other than sewing, he said that's how it's supposed to be, no chores on my birthday just fun stuff.... you could've celebrated Tina day with doing no chores too 🥰😍🤩
Lori, is the Ocean kit the Lori Holt Ocean one? I didn't get that for my sale today.

Holly made a Chinese spicy sweet chicken and rice with veggies and Kevin made a hot fudge sundae cake and there were 11 of us here, my table was elbow to elbow packed and it was the best! They cleaned up the mess after too.
They gave me some yard metal Christmas decorations and a cute 3 tier Snowman candy dish. 🥰😍