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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:41 am

Good morning,

It's June! Seems not so long ago we were all shivering and praying for summer weather to come soon!

Yesterday was a quiet day here. Everyone did their own thing in the morning - errands, appts, washing bugs off trailer fronts, etc. After lunch and naps (not me! I worked on OWL June block.) we went for a 3 hour ride through Tacoma, seeing changes, and eventually ending up in a huge park strolling through rose gardens. A nice time. We came back home and grilled burgers for supper.

Today's plan is making a run to Costco, I think. We're going to be needing a few things for next week's camping trip. And we might finish up our Dominoes game that we left sitting on the dining room table several days ago. I'm hoping, too, to find some time to spend in my sewing room.

TINA - how was your day with the kids? Thanks for the recipe. I might try making that soon. Though I think I'd prefer the regular tirmasu. I find it odd that your oven has a self-cleaning feature, but won't work after you use it. I've always heard that using Easy Off cleaner in a self-cleaning oven will ruin that feature. You might ask the stove maker and also see what users on line are saying.

My sister says she is providing supper tonite. She made chili at home and froze it so that and tortillas will be supper tonite. I think I might also make a salad, though more to use up the last of our salad makings than because I want a salad. They also bought Nutty Buddy ice cream cones for dessert which I'm hoping I can resist. I love them, but I mysteriously gained almost 5# in early spring and have managed to lose almost 4# of it in the past 3 weeks. I don't want to jeopardize my progress.

What's your plan?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:07 am

Good morning everyone!
Mary, your walk sounds so pretty and enjoyable, I love flower gardens, rose gardens ❤❤
The online people are the ones that are saying not to use the self cleaning feature on this stove. It causes the sensors I think it said to not work anymore from the high high heat. I did squeeze fresh lemons in water and put it in the oven, it helped a lot but I let it get too cool before wiping it out so I may try that again and set the timer this time and wipe it out while it's still not so hot.
We're going to go get an order of groceries for Dad in a few minutes and then I'm hoping to start my OWL block for this month. I'm going to do mine as a BOM I think so I can still work on my other things.
I think I'll make meatloaf with potatoes, carrots and we have salad if we need anything else. We have the dessert left for after too. I was thinking with this strawberry tiramisu dessert that it would be good using Nilla Wafers too instead of the lady fingers.....

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by auntjana » Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:56 am

Good morning!

My littles are gone off to school. Kate picked them up as her shift ended before they went to school. Aaron had to set up for one of the high schools to have a parade. He closed off streets for the kids to drive through the area near the school, honking horns and whooping it up. They even included Aaron and his police truck in the parade. I told him to smile! I have most of my uglies done as well. Yoohoodi is doing his thing.

The kids house is moving along. I have a haircut scheduled for tomorrow morning. It needs it!

Dinner - humm... might experiment with something like, tacos in a pita pocket and fresh homemade salsa. Then again, the horse may know a better way, out!

Heading down to work more in my Batt Cave. I need to have space enough to trace a OWL block. Haven't decided where to start, but will start! Even unburied my pencil sharpener . I like sharp old fashioned pencils. Michael uses the mechanical ones.

Clouding up and darkening for a thunderstorm to roll in.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:50 am

I've got my June applique pieces on fusible, I'm picking the fabrics from my stash as I go. After I get all my fusible into fabric I'll sit in my recliner and cut out.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by Becca » Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:04 pm

Hello to all What a day Got packed up & got all the business taken care of It’s been a maddening week And yet tomorrow we go up & I’m in I can’t even imagine the job I have waiting me if putting everything up UGH
We are having ribs bronco and salad
I looked at menu the other day They have great food and feed you well

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by Quilter7 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:40 pm

Good Afternoon,

Maryz - Has it already been three weeks? Is your sister already planning her trip home next week? It is hard to believe.

Jana - Such good news for Daniel. The middle of the month will be here before he knows it. School is out tomorrow? Wow, I bet everyone is happy! As much as I liked school I was happy on the last day of school.

Tina - Glad the Chiropractor has helped you and you are back into the routine.
Becca - This time tomorrow you will be in your new place. You have time to unpack. Peace and prayers are with you.

This morning I made Mediterranean Barley with Chickpeas and Arugula except I left out the arugula. I do not like it. It is too peppery for my taste. I did add green olives to it though. I had some for lunch and it is still spicy but quite delicious. It will also be for dinner with some patties. Last night we had Spaghetti with Quick Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce and a green salad. It was quite good.

I went to the gym, did a load of laundry, went to Costco for gas and the grocery store. DH will be home shortly from jury duty. It is just like having him go to work. He calls me at noon on his lunch break. I need to do some ironing of quilt backs and tops so I can baste them.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, June 1st

Post by zfatcat » Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:09 pm

Tina, I'm pulling from my fabrics too for the OWL. It really is fun to work on, but takes a lot of time. I look forward to seeing everyone's quilts. Thanks for the reminder about Post Images. I've been downloading directly from my computer, but it's not working. I know they'll done some updates so maybe there's a conflict with the download now.

Becca, good luck with the move. Hope all goes smoothly.

Mary, I love those ice cream cones too.

We went to lunch late today, so no dinner. I finally got a picture posted of my house swap quilt top. I need some batting so I can quilt it.

Sleep well my friends.
Lori 8-)

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