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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 29th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 29th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:26 am

Good morning,

Yesterday was a good day. I got 4 blocks made for April lotto and worked a little bit on my HSH blocks. Then lunch at my friends. She gave me a color bowl of flowers which I have on my deck and can see through my slider from where I am sitting right now. And she made macaroni and cheese for lunch! Yum!!

This morning I have a chiro appt, a stop at the post office to mail my blocks, and then to Costco to pick up my new glasses. I even got new frames! It's been years since I treated myself to new frames, usually just getting new lenses put into old frames. This afternoon - I have lots of things to keep me busy in the sewing room, but it might be a warm afternoon at 62*. I should get out and do some yard work. Yesterday was warm-ish, too, but so windy that branches were coming down out of the trees - and my property is full of tall fir and cedar trees so outside isn't a good place to be if it's windy again today.

BECCA - I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear about the baby. But she has been in labor for a long time - I hope she doesn't need a C-section.

CAROL - How was D-land? What all did you do there yesterday? I've been there 3 times in my life - 1984, 1988, and 2010. Bill says the problem with Disneyland is they let in the little kids! lol! And you are right - potato bugs are what you described yesterday. Though some folks here call roly polies potato bugs and that was the only term I could come up with yesterday. They are also called pill bugs. They are harmless though kind of icky. But at least they stay outside!!

JANA - I Googled that fabric you mentioned. Pretty cute! If I were in need of cat fabrics, I would have ordered it on the spot, but I have a stack 12" high of nothing but cat fabrics. I've got to use up at least some of those before I buy more. :lol: Lyn gave good RV ideas yesterday. Definitely cracking a door or window open when operating the slides makes them work much better because of air displacement. But if Sandee had slides in her motorhome, she probably already knows this. Butchart Gardens is a 90-min drive to the ferry in Port Angeles from us. The ferry is about an hour across the Strait and lands in Victoria, B.C. Taking an RV on the ferry is definitely do-able, but super expensive. Some folks opt to leave their RV here and just take a vehicle. Some go for just a day, but there's so much to see and do in Victoria besides the Gardens they may want to get a motel and stay a few days. But anyway - just options to consider. Last summer we stored a Boondocker's motorhome while they went on an Alaskan cruise for 10 days.

IRISH - we did know about Harriet and how dad was raising the babies. Humans could learn a lot from eagles. The Hays babies are already fighting each other. They will be survivors! You know there are better themes for parties than heart problems! Is Kathy there now? Looks like Tahoe area is getting more snow! Even I would be tired of it by now! I will try your soapy water bottle for the stink bugs this summer while we sit out on our deck. We should keep our screen door closed but it seems the fur folk always want to be on whatever side of the screen that they aren't and I get tired of getting up and down to let them in and out. But this year, I guess I'll do it. That was how we got so many of those bugs inside.

Supper tonite will be soup and salad. We never had the soup yesterday because we were both full from lunch - Bill from the night before's leftover pasta and I from lunch at my friend's. So we'll give that soup a go tonite.

How is supper looking at your house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 29th

Post by Quilter7 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:02 am

Good Morning,

Maryz - Disneyland was very good and very crowded. I think Spring Break. I walked 6.4 miles yesterday. A great day for walking!

Becca - Prayers for baby and mom. Hope all is well and baby arrives soon.

Irish and Becca - My birthday is in July, we have just been talking about being 75.

Irish - Why not go to a Quilt Show? Lois is going to one in Pennsylvania or choose a small one. Look for a local guild show. They are fun to go to and inspirational.

Jana - It is Wednesday but the GK are out of school so you do not have busing duties! What are you doing today instead? Is Karlie enjoying her time off?

Dinner tonight will be chicken, salad, mashed potatoes and vegetable. I will be sewing much of today. It has been raining overnight and will continue until late morning. Then we have more rain tonight for a few hours. Guess why I was glad to be at Disneyland yesterday? I heard people talking about being there today and Thursday. It may be fine, but they may get unexpected showers.

Maryz - Thanks for reminding me to clean my machine and wind some bobbins!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 29th

Post by auntjana » Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:48 am

Good morning!

Normal weather for this place, cold and snow later this afternoon! Michael will take Ethan to cello - orchestra practice using my Highlander. I don't have a school run as it's spring break for my littles.

In fact, the three here just got the princess lecture. How princesses don't run in the house, or scream or make messes! They were warned as they ate breakfast, I had a captive audience, that the consequences, for breaking princess etiquette is the thinking chair for one minute per year they are old. No further warning will be issued. And they don't want to see Grandma turn into the ogre! LOL! Right now they are cleaning Karlie's room, then we have some other uglies to do. Oh, I can be the meanie! ROFLOL!

Dinner - I think it will be stroganoff. Over rice, not noodles..

The dress hems are done and delivered. Today I hope to sew,, but are a few extra fingers, hands,, feet in the house, so I'll see..

Hope to hear about the new baby,, safely in the arms of "her" parents. That's my guess on what the baby will be. And Kumquat isn't far behind! 5 days?

Well, need to get going,
Hugs and prayers,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, March 29th

Post by Becca » Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:26 am

Hello to all Sunny but windy but I did walk Got 112 Hr in today I keep adding new streets on my walk It’s a pretty development Each house is different & They have some yard in between
Maryz Yes I hope for Carol & Wills sake it is very soon I know they are exhausted

Carol We had 6 or 8 trips to Disney It’s fun but I never cared for rides

Jana Hope you get some sunshine soon I’m sure those little ones know Grammie is a softie but respect you Mine always did

I am working on embroidery trying to stay occupied

We had Chicken Parmigiana & salad yesterday We have leftovers so that’s it

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