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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, Sept 28th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, Sept 28th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:24 am

Good morning,

Happy Hump Day! They say we may get rain today! And, of course, those raindrops are predicted to fall on my head right as I am out on my daily 2-mile walk. Just before I have to go to early morning appts. Sigh. So much for getting up early to shower and do my hair. But I won't complain - we need rain!

Yesterday Chip went to the Bernie Spa. And then we went on to Costco. Got a few items. And then a few more. Costco and their trickery! We had half-cart full by the time we hit the checkstands. Oh well. It's just money. Today, after chiropractor, I will do a spot of laundry, pack clothes and non-perishable food into the trailer, and do some cleaning. Going to be a quiet day here.

LORI - Tina saved up her Christmas blocks for a few years and then made a king sized quilt for her bed. I can never wait that long so I put them all together for throw quilts. Since we seem to spend most Christmases in our trailer now, maybe I should save them up for a queen quilt for the trailer bed. But having UFO's hanging around really bothers me, so I can never wait to put swaps together. You had a nice getaway to Santa Barbara! That's where my Autumn went to get married last May. At the fantastic courthouse there. I've only seen pictures of the courthouse.

CAROL - nope! No new machines here. I like my machine just fine. It's only Bill that talks new ones. lol! Makes me think there's some big thing HE wants something. lol!

BECCA - I'm glad you're still getting your walks in. Feeds the soul. Good to hear the box of books made it! I hope you find at least some of them entertaining. You're right - so far everyone has gotten sick on their trips! And our friends, Tex & Annette, who were also going to be camping with us, came over last night to tell us they are cancelling because she is sick - though not with virus of any kind, but a mystery condition the specialists are trying to figure out. She isn't feeling well at all and has more tests scheduled. And the same can be said for their pick-up which just went into the shop, as well. So we'll be camping without them, and hoping for good news from them.

Since our friends came by about 3:30 yesterday and stayed for 2 hours, I never got our tacos made and didn't feel like it by the time they left so we opted for grilled cheese sandwiches and apple slices for supper. So tonite we'll have those tacos. Bill is looking forward to them.

What are you planning for your supper?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, Sept 28th

Post by zfatcat » Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:44 am

Mary, I remember Tina's big quilt. Didn't she make2? We had your tacos yesterday instead of chili.

Jonathan is off to Utah to take care of some business. So I'm watching the dogs while he's gone. He'll get to see his DSD while he's there. I'm doing some cleaning this morning, then once it's starts to get too hot I'll close up the house and sew. I already walked 3 dogs this morning, so that's out of the way.

Dinner will be leftovers.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, Sept 28th

Post by Becca » Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:32 pm

Hello everyone sunny here I had a busy morning with Dr visit Pick upmeds Groceries & DG Then tomorrow is shot day Three days this week I don’t like it but it happens
I got my flu shot too plus EKG Now have to go have an echocardiogram I don’t suspect anything but she’s being cautious My Heart rate was low It’s always low but it was in 40s
I just got thru digging a ditch because we are to have 4 days of rain from storm
The man that supposed was to fix it just leveled it up & the water ran down the road washing the gravel from the side of road Some people UGH My kids would be livid if they knew
I just got my chores done for CA for nighttime
Maryz I don’t get to walk every day but as much as I can I will enjoy the books Read 1 last night I do love The old embroidery stencils I have the animals sun bonnet Sue & others but Love them all I may do animals I think I am doing both quilts but that still leaves the girl out So Grama is hoping Boy lol

Lori Your dogs are a great excuse to walk Mine used to beg every morning until we went

Oh my my meals have been neglected this week due to town errands I will get z home earlier tomorrow I hope
I may make ham sandwiches or pimento cheese We both like either
Plus ice cream for CA. Becca

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