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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 21st

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:46 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

What a night! The owls were making so much noise. They sounded like a whole flock of jungle birds all night long and Scottie was just going berzerk, running all over the house, barking at them. Then the cat came in and barfed up a hairball on the bed. ON MY FAVORITE QUILT! I was up corralling the dog, then up again 10 min later to clean barf. What a zoo - literally!

I'm hoping you all saw the note from Irish's sister yesterday. And since I was on the go much of yesterday, Tina was kind enough to put it in it's own thread in the Sew-in. Thank you, Tina!

I also posted a sort of update on my neighbor, Vicki, in today's sew-in. Not much about her, herself, but a little about her situation. We had a good morning, shopping for jeans for Bill yesterday. He came home with 1 pr jeans and 2 pair shorts. And a nice rib eye steak. I made his cake (white with choc frosting, topped with chopped walnuts) and he took some out to our Boondockers last night. He thanks you all for your birthday wishes!

Today - no plans. I have a little mess in my sewing room - was just browsing through some of my books and magazines. I'll clean that up and maybe pull some larger pieces (backings) from my shelves and put them in a tote under the quilting frame across the hall. That will give me one more shelf I can ooze my fabrics onto. :D And I really do need to reline a couple of my kitchen cabinets. Still haven't done that.

TINA - We're having a bit of a cool down here - low 70's with maybe some drizzle. Wish I could share with you! So, just what is a chicken BLT ring? I'm trying to imagine that . . How is Dad doing?

CAROL - glad your first meeting as non-president went pretty well. I like wool applique and enjoy doing it by hand, but my hands are suddenly developing arthritis and don't seem to be liking much handwork lately. Something I've done all my life, since I was 6 yrs old. :cry:

LORI - you missed the cake hour, but I can mail you a piece!

VELDA - what are you making?? Sounds like a 12" crumb quilt! :D

JANA - It sounds like chaos at your house right now. I'm sure things will settle down soon. Won't they?

We still have some baked beans to be et up, so we're having them tonite, but I can't face another brat, so I'm scrambling myself a couple of eggs. Bill will have a brat and then I think I'll freeze the ones that are left. I want new food for tomorrow.

What's your supper story?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 21st

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:20 am
by gershwin64
Good morning!
Mary, sorry about the night of chaos at your house.....I get grouchy when that happens LOL probably because I stay up till after 11:30 and I want undisturbed sleep for my 5 or 6 hours.
I wish you could share your temps, we're going to hit 103 today.
Dad is doing ok but his penicillin is kicking his hiney and making him queasy, I told him to eat yogurt...... You'd think I told him to eat worms 🤪
The chicken BLT taco ring is a papered chef recipe, Jazmyne loves it.....I was requested to take her some so she could take it to school for lunch. It uses rotisserie chicken or you can use other cooked chicken, cooked bacon, kale, pepper jack cheese, grape tomatoes, garlic, mayo, Dijon mustard and you wrap it up in crescent rolls that are laid out in a ring. It's very good leftover too. If you're interested in the recipe I can post it.
We're having the leftovers tonight.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 21st

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:50 am
by auntjana
Good afternoon!

Well, the boys are doing the rearranging dance and cleaning the baseboards too! Karlie and I cleaned the kitchen - everything is washed and the counters are cleaned, except the island. Still have legos on one side. Kari had some boxed goods - food, so found a home for all that up here too. Karlie found the brownie mix, so maybe later we will bake it into brownie bites. Not in the mood to dirty up my finally clean kitchen at the moment! LOL!

Dinner - pizza will do the trick here. Daniel likes Mountain Mike's pizza, so I won't heat up the oven either! Karlie ate a new food last night - she even had seconds on my orzo pasta dish with kielbasa. She thought it was rice , but it's not and she loves pasta as much as rice. Win for Grandma!

I collected porcelain dolls at one point in my life and have a smaller one that is a little blonde that fits perfectly in the rocking chair that Kari brought from her childhood. So I washed the dolly's clothes and recombed her hair. The doll is very well made and has a good wig, so it combed beautifully. Very heavy as the doll is made completely of porcelain, not just the head, but the entire body. With little fingers, I will tie a string around her to the chair to help deter Lila from 0laying with her. The doll and chair will sit on my stair landing next to great Grandpa's Windsor chair. My antique area display is getting quite full. Daniel brought me 20 or so of old glass insulators that were used on railroad signal poles.. I love stuff! I have a plan on how to display them at the entrance to the Batt Cave. Or out in the firepit area.

Well, a bit of supervising is needed. Oh, Daniel is on my side for the floor replacement material, Michael wants carpet, I want the look of hardwood, just pointed out a big point of the hardwood, it can be done a bit at a time and not make a huge move of furniture, which we can't do anymore. Yay, Daniel!


Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 21st

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:51 pm
by QuiltGram8
Hi gals. Just returning home from dinner out. We have $s left on gift card. Stopped at the Walmart in that town to check out fabric. Yuk, their fabrics are going down hill fast! Our local store has none but thought the giant store would have a nice selection... NOT!!
Will drive 6 miles tomorrow to my country shop and check out what he has. He is only open Friday and Saturday now. Business is down for him too.
Not doing crumb quilt blocks. I will share picture later. Just sewing pieces together of this and that. Some bigger than others. No pattern, just sew and go and "grow" in size. LOL