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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 15th

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:43 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

I'm off to chiropractor this morning. I got lucky yesterday - I had a massage appt for this afternoon but he called and asked if I could go yesterday afternoon instead. Always best to have the massage before the chiro but it doesn't usually work that way for me. We also got our fingers printed yesterday morning so we can register Bill's new pistol. I had to have mine done, too, as a second person who can legally be in possession of that pistol. Then we went out to breakfast at a real sit down restaurant, then stopped at Ross to browse while waiting for Sew & Vac to open so I could drop off my Bernie for a 3-week vacation. He's earned it! So between the Tacoma errands and the massage I had time to get binding on my Buckeye Beauty. Now I just need to add a label. Today, after chiro I will circle back to my Irish Chain. I have one more row of blocks to make. The rest of the quilt top is already sewn together.

TINA - I was doing a rain dance for you and I think either I or Mother Nature got our wires crossed. We got a deluge over the weekend that should have gone to you. I'll be more specific next time I do the dance!

LORI - where abouts is Jonathon camped? We've done some camping up in the Sierra Nevada Mts.

JANA - I don't think my machine is in for a quick fix. I had a list of five things going wrong in the last day of hard sewing. They say it will be at least 3 weeks. Then, Bill set up my back-up Bernie, turned it on, and reported it was making a strange noise. I thought, Oh no!! But the bobbin winder lever was engaged. lol! Scared us! I thought I'd be down to getting out my old Featherweight. Which we then discussed that we should probably sell it. I love owning it but I don't have room to display it and don't use it to sew. It just takes up space I can't afford. We were going to Costco every time we ran out of milk, too. But would leave the store with $300 worth of stuff in our cart! We finally arranged for milk delivery at the house every other Monday. It's $6/gal but it keeps us out of costco and saves us hundreds of dollars!

CAROL - my machine is 3 yrs old. But it has a LOT of mileage on it - both figuratively and literally. I probably average 4 to 5 hours of sewing every day. And it's been to Texas 3 time. I pack it well in a padded case but it's still a lot of jouncing. I am religious about keeping it cleaned and oiled and take it for service about 3x/yr. I carry a maintainence agreement on both my machines. My Backup is 12 yrs old - also a Bernie.

IRISH - are you there? Are you watching the nest? Waiting for Eighteen to fledge. He wants to fly so bad like his siblings.

Well, it's that time where I have to figure out what's for supper. At least I'm not standing in front of the fridge at 5pm trying to get an inkling of what to fix! Bill says he's ready for some grilled chicken so I guess that will be on the menu. And maybe some rice. and a salad.

have you got any tasty ideas yet?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 15th

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:57 am
by Irishgram
Good late morning from a very, very warm, humid Sw. Pa....We're even having a heat advisory today, of all things....I finally closed all the windows and turned on the AC, BabyGirl will be happy.....I had planned to work in the yard today but guess that's not going to happen....I have tons of mulch to spread but it's going to have to wait.....

Mary, I'm watching the nest and it makes me sad....But, one of these days, the "baby" will take off..That seems to happen a lot, especially when there are 3..But, then there is that eaglet who seems like it doesn't want to leave home and the parents practically have to kick him out......I just checked a nest out by Cari's and it too is empty....
To have a massage AND an appointment with your chiro, that's great....My chiropractor retired and I'm kind of at a loss....
I'm really anxious to see your Irish Chain, my all time favorite.....I have all the "fixings" to make one for my bed, just need to get to it.....

Not sure what I'm going to get into today since I have to stay inside....Yesterday was our card club and I was gone all day, had so much fun, lots of gabbing, laughing and of course eating....

For my dinner tonight, I have left over spaghetti from yesterday or maybe a burger on the grill.....My sister is going to the Chinese buffet but that's way too much to eat so I begged off...We have bingo tomorrow and she'll be ready to stop somewhere afterwards so I'll wait till then.....She likes to cook (if she has a bunch at the house) but she really does like to eat out, also.....

Need to get something done, even if it's wrong....

You all have a great rest of the day.....Stay cool....

Happy eating....................

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, June 15th

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:58 pm
by zfatcat
Mary, he's in the San Bernardino Mountains, at Big Bear.

Carol, I took little apple popovers from the store. I didn't have time to bake yesterday.

I grilled some chicken. I'm going to shred it and use it in Green Enchiladas.

Have a lovely evening.