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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 22nd

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:40 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

We're going to 72* here. Hooray for us! Our warmest day so far this year. Back into the mid-60's tomorrow, with an occasional shower, so I'm going to relish this day while we have it. There's still a little more yard out there that hasn't been touched since last spring. But I'm going to need a rainy day soon. I'm wearing out!

Yesterday I got half my IC together, went for a haircut, then we worked together to clean our shop. After that, I spent about 1-1/2 hrs in the yard before hitting the deck with a book. Today, sew and yard. And more relaxing, of course!

VELDA - sorry you are still sick but I'm relieved you went to the doc and got an Rx. and that you are now feeling a bit better. And you know the drill - rest and fluids!

IRISH - I have the eagle cam on. One of the folks chattering said that looking at those babies now takes her back to her childhood. She said they looked reminiscent of the nuns. I took another look at them and she's right!! lol!! Sorry you and Baby Girl had such a day on Friday. I hope she's OK. How old is she? Oh, and I hope you are OK, too. Bummer to hear you took the scenic route home from the dr. But it's good to experience new things. Right?

TINA - Crossing my fingers on the fabric. There just isn't much on TV any more. There's only about 5 shows I enjoy and they are taking 3 of them off the air after this season. We have been recording old Cheers, Seinfelds, Modern Family, and even a few old Honeymooners. But I'm not replacing my TV time with housecleaning! I'll read a book instead. lol! And I'm sorry to hear Maria lost her kitty. I hate losing pets. Our pets are true blue friends and their loss leaves such a big hole.

Last night we grilled teriyaki chicken. and I made a very simple orzo dish that we both really liked. Kind of like Rice-a-Roni only without all the sodium and preservatives. It's going into my keeper file. I have another piece of cooked chicken that I plan to add to saute'd broccoli, onions and peppers and call it fajitas for tonite.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 22nd

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 9:26 am
by QuiltGram8
Hi Mary, yes, rest and fluids! Fluids is easy. But sleep? That's the problem. Stupid cough!
I don't even feel like sewing. Took a morning nap earlier and got about 1 hour of quiet and rest.
We had plans to go and see music event with Molly B from Molly B Polka Party on RFD TV.
Just have to give that up!
But more important to stay home and get over this!
Tonight I am fixing chili. Might be last time until fall. I don't fix chili in summer. We are having a cool spell, so a good time to do this.
You all take care. Going to try another nap after lunch.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 22nd

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 1:56 pm
by Irishgram
Good late afternoon from warm, sunny, no now it's raining, oops, no the sun is out...Oh well, it's warm today......It has been the craziest day but please, just no snow!

Well, my weird Friday is continuing until today.....Would you believe, my sister now tested positive AND Dyan, my cat sitter who is visiting her boyfriend in N. Carolina is also testing positive and when I called her, he had gone to pick up her RX and to be tested and, yep, he tested positive also....My sister and Dyan had been to a birthday party for my sister's DGGD last Sat. and they figure someone there was a carrier....AND I have a feeling, everyone there wouldn't have gotten the shots except, my sister only because she was traveling and Dyan because of her health....Things like this really irk me to no end and now, I'll probably have to cancel my cataract surgery for Thursday......Oh well, we'll get through this again, just hope no one really gets terribly sick....

Mary, I had to laugh when you compared our eagles to the nuns....But, they really do look like them, I've though that for some time but thought it was my imagination......Can you believe how big they've grown? I had been checking on the ones in Ft. Myers and they're having a great time and seem to be staying together...I feel so sorry for them after they fledge and then they "have" to leave home. Just wish they'd come visit me for awhile, I'd take good care of them......

Velda, you do know the routine, rest and fluids....I'm kind of stocking up on the liquids, just in case....Even making jello! But, take it easy.......

Not much happening in my neighborhood...My next door neighbor is really fixing her yard, even though, she keeps telling me, no more....I decided to do some "looking" this morning and some how, came home with the back of the car filled...Just can't help myself, kind of like going out looking for fabric! But, once I get things all planted and then get the mulch, I'll be so happy with all the flowers (and my neighbor's flowers), lol.......

Have no idea what I might be cooking today...Did have the cereal so tonight might be that strawberry sundae.........

You all have a great rest of the day................

Happy eating..................