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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat May 14, 2022 7:42 am

Good morning,

I got my Buckeye Beauty top almost finished yesterday morning, then went out in the yard and finished up the tough area I've been working on for the last couple weeks. Whew! From now on, things will be a breeze, comparatively speaking. We knocked off about 3:30, had an evening campfire and pizza. A good Friday the 13th. The only incident was Bill got Scout (our John Deere tractor) stuck in the mud in the front woods and we had to use Bart (the truck) to pull him out. Poor Scout! Poor Bart. Poor Bill!!

Today - no real plan. We're going to have a rainy morning but it might let up this afternoon and get up to 60*. I hope to get my piano key border finished and on my BB top. Then we'll see what happens. Maybe more yard work if it's not too wet. We have a boondocker coming in tonite - a muscian/singer/songwriter who is in town for a performance. Bill went to his website and listened to one of his shows. He's pretty good!

IRISH! You're back!! Yay!! That's too funny about your sister and her pizza. You just can't take her anywhere, can you. Is her house ready for her to move into yet? Is Kathy planning to do ALL that traveling in one summer?? Are you going with? Our eaglets are growing up so fast. They are about as big as Dad now. Lots of wingersizing going on, and hopping up onto the nest rails. I'm so afraid they're going to accidentally go over one day! We are going camping May 31-June 8. I hope they don't fledge while we're gone! Chatter on the site is they will fledge sometime first half of June. Do they stick around the nest for a while, or do they just figure out they can fly one day and they're gone!? :o :cry:

JANA - Sounds like Aaron might have gotten himself out of the fire and into the frying pan for some incidents! Want me to send you a box of Lady Clairol?? My brother, Gene, used to use climbers to top trees in his much younger days. I wonder if he still has them. . . . Do you use Red Snappers to load your quilts? Bill bought some at the Houston Quilt show several years ago. So much easier and faster than pins.

BECCA - your place sounds a lot like ours. 2/3 of our property remains 'as-is' with trees and in some places brush so thick we can't get through it. But the acre we do maintain is a lot of extra work if left to go even for one year. Have you thought about having a yard maintainance company coming, perhaps even once a season to help out with some of the heavier work? We're considering it.

VELDA - happy garage sale hopping! Hope treasures abound! Sale season is getting a slow start here this year. WEather just too cold.

CAROL - congratulations on having to take in your jeans!! A great accomplishment!

I'm trying to think of supper for tonite. We still have a couple fresh burger buns left from Wed so we'll have that and salad left over from last night. And fries if Bill wishes.

What might you be having?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

Post by Irishgram » Sat May 14, 2022 11:05 am

Good afternoon from a warm, gorgeous day in SW. Pa....And so far on this gorgeous day, I've done nothing but read the paper and do the cross word puzzles which I hadn't been able to do but now that I can see with 1 eye again, I'm loving it....Thinking of all the trouble I can get into after I get the other eye done, lol.....

Mary, you're right about my sister...But, I got her good when we landed in Pa. in the middle of a rain storm...We picked up the car and as we were driving away, at 1:30 in the morning, I casually said, "You know I can't see in the dark and with this rain, it might be hit or miss"...I think she was ready to walk home! But, we do have fun and know now, not to take each other too serious....No, she is still not in her house although, she's been moving stuff in since we got home...In this township, she has to have an occupancy permit to live in it and they won't issue the permit until the porches are put on and those are being built by her not so dear SIL, whose wife is still giving her mother a hard time about moving...My sister just gave them more property and they're still not satisfied...Personally, they wouldn't have gotten the property in the 1st place or at least until the work was completed...I often think, thank goodness I'm just far enough away to miss most of the drama but close enough if needed in an emergency....We played cards last night and I think her daughter maybe said, 5 words total to her mother....Just like to slap her upside the head and try to knock some sense into that empty noggin.....I think I'm going to write a book, lol......
Our eagles really do put on a show, don't they? In some nests, there have been some that have fallen or been blown over and some not survived....Once they fledge, they will continue to use the nest for awhile, mostly until the parents slow down in bringing their food and then they have to fend for themselves...It's always neat to hear reports that they've stayed together in their adventures but not always...We always say, the parents go on their summer vacation and then return in the fall to start all over again...There have been in the past, eaglets have come back home but most of the time, they will be chased away by the parents....Once they fledge and are on their own, they are known as intruders, which is sad......The survival rate among young fledgings isn't too good, especially their 1 st year.....Our eagles are not banded so it's pretty hard to keep track.......
Kathy is planning to do all that traveling along with coming back east to see Lena every chance she gets...If she says, "do you wanna", I'll be packed especially if it's to go back to Cabo or Hawaii...

Carol, that's wonderful to be able to take in jeans....Too often it's the other way around....Good for you!

Becca, I love to read your posts and try to imagine your yard...The other day, you said, you were trimming your butterfly bush...I have 2 and both of them look like they're dead...I thought maybe they were just late in coming back but still, looking pretty bad so I really cut one back, almost to the ground and noticed a little bit of green, so I'm hoping....If they're gone, I'll replace them with burning bushes but I'm hoping.....

Well, I guess I should do something, even if it's wrong....Playing cards and not getting home until 3:00 sure plays havoc with the energy level for today...But, I have 2 bins of summer clothes sitting in the middle of the bedroom and the bed covered with winter stuff so someone better do something about it and it sure isn't going to be BabyGirl....And just why do I have all these clothes?????

Not sure what dinner might be but I am thinking burger on the grill unless I get a better offer....If I was really with it, I'd mix up some potato salad....Might have to think on that......

You all have a great rest of the day................

Happy eating............................

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

Post by Quilter7 » Sat May 14, 2022 8:18 pm

Good Evening,
We had a Spaghetti and Sauce dinner this evening.

Mind you I did buy a smaller size of jeans when I lost weight last year, however the jeans did not fit me well so I took them in. They look great now.

Irish - You really do have adventures! Good for you! Glad Kathy is getting you to travel.

Maryz - Wow, the BB went together really fast. That is a great looking design.

Everyone must have had a busy Saturday, because very few are here. Our sale of fabric was successful. The Guild has way too much flannel! In Southern California we don't use flannel for backs, at least I haven't seen very many quilts with flannel. Someone donated so much flannel (and fleece), now we need to use it. Suggestions are welcome. I am thinking receiving blankets and maybe pajama bottoms. We could donate the pajama bottoms to DCFS - Department of Child Foster Services. If you have any other suggestions please let me know. There are huge bins of flannel mostly several yards long.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

Post by zfatcat » Sat May 14, 2022 9:31 pm

Carol, we sold our flannel at the quilt show. What was left, we gave away. It was taking up too much space in our storage unit. We used it mainly for receiving blankets. Maybe you could make little quilts for a neonatal unit.

I helped friends make project bags for our UFO challenge in guild. She wants to give them out to people who sign up. My Bernina is not working right. It won't register the change of the sole plate. So I was unable to use my zipper foot. I'm not real happy about that. I'll take it in on Monday.

Had cereal for dinner.

Sleep well.

Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

Post by auntjana » Sat May 14, 2022 10:16 pm

Carol -quick receiving blankets are really easy by putting the wrong sides together (I use two pieces per blanket) and using a serger for the edges - clean finish. No bulky seam and no turning right side out. Slightly round each corner. I do these all the time, except I crochet a fancy edge, which takes time. I make mine square 36x36. I have seen them as big as the 45 width square. They are great for California weather - great summer blanket for a baby. I made many when we lived there.

More time consuming, but easy is a ragged edge quilt. Again in California, no batting, or maybe a square of flannel in each square to be ragged. That can use up all kinds of flannel scaps.

I would check with DCFS, as they might be persnickity because some flannel, states on the selvage, not suitable for children's sleepwear. Flammability standards.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 14

Post by Quilter7 » Sat May 14, 2022 10:43 pm

Jana-Thank for reminding me about the flammability laws.

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