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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 7:07 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

Yesterday was a wet and chilly day. Brrr...... Today, it's just going to be chilly. But tomorrow - 65*! Long range forecast is that all of May is going to be damp and chilly.

I don't think I got much done yesterday. Made my spaghetti sauce, which Bill says turned out pretty good. I cleaned one bathroom, made one quilt block, and did two loads of laundry. I watched IRISH'S eagles do a lot of fun things. They are almost as big as Dad now! Dad is about 25% smaller than Mom.

I have no plans for today. Maybe more yard work this afternoon. Maybe sewing some strips. Maybe - gasp - wash a window. No! Not that! I can't be that bored! :lol:

VELDA-I have a LOT of cookbooks. Most of them I never open, but I love having them. If I had to downsize I could. But since I have room for them, I just enjoy owning them. My red/white one is Better Homes and Gardens - one that I do use occasionally. As for Lotto, Val has given a lot of leeway on the fabrics. I bet you have something that would work.

Hey, STREAK! How ya doin' today? Glad you found your windows. You stayed out of the LQS! Such restraint! And no, we're not going to Santa Barbara for the wedding. Autumn went through 5 yrs of fertility treatment in her last marriage. Took 2 yrs break and now is 45 yrs old. Now she's trying IVF with a new husband and donated eggs. If either she or Antonio were to get Covid, it would stop cold her attempts to have a baby and she would have to start all the meds, waiting, etc over again. Months. So, they decided to elope to S.B. The courthouse there only allows 4 people in for weddings. (weddings are the big thing at this old art deco courthouse). Aut says Antonio's relatives from GA are being kind of stinky about this when they told them NO. Airplanes are notorious for spreading viruses of all kinds. So she said if we told his family no, we have to tell you no, too. We would like to be there and we know the kids actually would like us there, but we don't want to be the family that causes them grief on their wedding day. So we will facetime them afterward. So, short story long, that's why we aren't going. But our hearts will be there.

BECCA - what are your plans for today. I get the feeling you're not much for sitting around relaxing. Me neither. Though sometimes, it's nice to sit out on the deck with a book on a warm afternoon . . . And did I read you were 87* yesterday?? No fair!! We barely scratched 53*.

CAROL - ok, ok, I'll wash a window today just so I don't feel left out. I'm a book person, too. I have hundreds of books, perhaps over a thousand, though only one 6-ft shelf is cookbooks . My home decor is all books, cats, and quilts.

LORI-sounds like your SD's wedding was ideal - the important people, intimate ceremony and a backyard gathering. I hate seeing couples - or their poor parents - spending $20,000 on one day! We have casual friends here that are doing that - putting on a 'destintion wedding' at a winery in eastern WA for about 400 people. Everyone will have to travel and either stay overnight or drive back 200 miles afterward. Thankfully, we aren't invited. :D

Tonite's supper is still a mystery. Carol's chicken/rice soup sounds good to me right now and I have everything to make it. So, perhaps that will be what's happening in our kitchen today.

How about yours?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 7:28 am
by Quilter7
Maryz - I am laughing at you wanting Chicken Rice Soup! The reason I am having it is because on Thursday, I have a colonoscopy. It will also be dinner tonight.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 8:14 am
by Becca
Hello everyone cloudy here now I did my laundry Then took my walk then pulled weeds Now inside
Denise made me promise I would wear a mask while walking because of pollen it’s still bad here We have so many trees
Maryz No I have never been one to relax or loaf Much rather be busy We too would have loved to seen Marty & Estel get married but it wasn’t possible & her parents couldn’t come either They looked very happy
I hope A & A have a happy marriage

Carol I love chicken soup but CA not so much Especially on a cold day which we aren’t having now

Jana Glad you found your window to decorate That used to be big here

Velda You sure stay busy at your Church I think that’s wonderful
We have lots of leftovers so no cooking here Have a great day to all. Becca

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 8:50 am
by purrfect-lady
CAROL, now I'M laughing! :lol: hope all goes well with the colonoscopy. Bill just says he wants more pasta tonite. So our menu has changed. But the chix soup is coming up if for no other reason than in solidarity with you. Well, that and because I happen to have all the ingredients. :D

BECCA, I wish we both could see our "chicks" get married, but it's more important to see them happy. And I haven't seen Autumn this happy since - well, not since she was a little girl! So, I'm good with all their plans.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 10:51 am
by zfatcat
Mary, we paid for a big wedding the first time she got married. Such a waist of money.
They broke up 2 1/2 years later. She asked if we could help out this time. We declined.

Today I'm going bowling with some quilting friends. We're trying to do things other than sewing. It should be fun. I haven't bowled in years, but I do have a ball and shoes.

Don't know what we'll do for dinner yet. I have some chicken thighs in the fridge, so maybe put those on the bbq. We shall see.

Have a lovely day.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 12:18 pm
by QuiltGram8
Hi ladies! Sounds fun to go bowling. I was never very good, but it's fun.
I will add a picture later by editing of the table settings for our event. We are serving baked potato bar. Lots of various toppings. ( Broccoli and cheese, pulled pork, chicken salad, ham cubes, bacon bits, shredded cheese, sour cream, chives. There are plenty of choices, that's for sure! Cup cakes for dessert. Ice tea, lemonade, or coffee. Then or program after the meal.
Tonight DH and I are having salad with chicken, cheese, n bacon bits. Easy supper.
I am working on a block for Lotto. At least I will have one to send in.



Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 12:38 pm
by auntjana
Good afternoon!

Velda - very nice table settings. Looks and sounds like the many dinners I helped with at church too! Reminded me of one we did that was a salad bar - just us ladies- but our Bishop stopped to see us and we invited him to stay for dinner, he did and added - "where's the meat?" We still chuckle at that.

Mary - I knew there had to be a excellent reason- and praying for a great outcome!

Becca - you have the second set of best children - mine are first! :) They take such good care of you.

Been busy hanging pictures doing laundry and talking to Aaron. The other day, Sunday afternoon, his power went out. Mine didn't. So we have wondered what happened. Today we found out. Near Aaron's is some open fields with cows that graze there. Also some very high voltage power lines. Well, one of the transformers went poof, caught fire and a live high voltage wire fell and zapped, bbq'd, 15 cows in the field, instantly. PD went out and so did Animal Control from several cities nearby. They were able to save the meat and it was sent up to our zoo for the animals there.

Snowed on us all night, didn't stick, but has dropped a few more flakes today. This is May! SHEESH!

Dinner - we finished off some leftovers and tonight will be the chicken pot pies.

Not much else here,
Streak! :)