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Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:57 am

Good morning! Another early morning here. Can’t even blame it on the dog. My eyes just fly open at 4 AM and my brain goes to work.

Yesterday I finished this block. It is called “Sauron”, The evil guy in LOTR. The block is 16“ x 20“, has 198 pieces. Some of those pieces finished out at about 1/8 of an inch. Like in the squinty eyes. This block took about 16 hours to finish. It wasn’t as hard as it looks but it was time consuming


Tina, I love your Christmas quilt. Some of those blocks have been saved a long time. I see my steaming mugs I made in the winter swap some years back. Glad to see them seeing daylight! I love the way you framed each block before adding the Sashing. It really sets the blocks off but also it’s a great trick to bring a quilt up to the size you want.

Velda, I hope you enjoyed your dancing evening. You are really a dancing queen! I miss dancing. That's how Bill and I met - taking dance classes about 32 years ago. Our good friend, Tex, was the teacher. He was excellent teacher. Eventually about 40 of us formed a dance club called The Guns & Garters, an offshoot of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. And about 10 couples, us included, formed an exhibition dance team and we performed in various places and events throughout the area. We don't dance much anymore. Life moves on and then Covid happened.

Becca, when I clean out my closet like you’ve done I almost feel like I’ve lost weight. I keep a donation box handy so I discard things on a more individual basis now since the big clean out of 2019. LOL

Chickie, babies are absolutely the very best medicine. Glad you got to visit little Emmi. And I love that pretty blue streak in your hair!

Jana, what’s going on in your sewing room this week? Did you finish that last little stocking?

Mary Rose, I’m a little late to the party but I hope you did have a very nice birthday. I hope you did not have to work! What is the word on your retirement? And how is that beautiful Crosstitch label coming along?

Our White chili/chicken stew kind of morphed into an unusual soup. Diced chicken, onions, garlic and herbs. Potatoes celery and tomatoes. I tossed in a can of mixed vegetables because our housesitter left them in our pantry and that’s the only way I can tolerate canned mixed vegetables. The last hour of cooking I went a little crazy and threw in a handful of macaroni and a couple cans of creamed soup. A dash of red pepper flakes gave it just a touch of zip. Bill really liked it and sadly, I had to tell them it was one of those things that will probably never be able to be repeated. Lol But the good news is that by the time I finished adding this and that, I had a big pot full and there's plenty left for tonite.

What’s Happening in your kitchen tonight?

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Re: Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

Post by QuiltGram8 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:47 am

Good morning. There was no dance last night, just eating out with friends and then a drive through country roads viewing how the harvest is going. Our friends, retired farmers, have lived here all their life. They not only know so many people, they know who lives where. We are amazed as they give us these tours. I can keep directions pretty good, but not to know what road leads here or there. When we road motorcycle in our younger years, we used to go out for evening rides and found it fun to "let's see where the road leads".
Fun ride last night.
Today there is a project day at church putting school kits together. I might be asked to sew more bags. Not sure yet.
Need to find something to cook tonight. Not sure yet.
Mary, your soup sounds interesting. I love that you just added this or that.
That's all I know today.
If I figure out my menu, I can come back later.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:35 am

Mary that is a very cool block.


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Re: Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:51 am

Good morning!
Wowzer Mary, you are a brave one making that one with all those pieces! But wowzer it turned out awesome!!
Chickie gets the credit for the framing, I'd never done that before and she suggested it and helped me choose which fabric to use for frames and which to use for sashing. I've had those 2 fabrics to use for the blue blocks since we did that swap but I didn't have enough blocks. I love how it turned out and think it'll make a great early Christmas present.
Your soup sounds yummy!
Velda, my dad does that when we go back to Virginia, his siblings love for him to drive them around..... he remembers every road and who lived where.... pretty cool. We always went for Sunday drives growing up, loved it!
I'm still deciding on this next quilt. I need to decide and get going on it LOL. Maybe I'll text Chickie and she can help me with this one too 🥰 she sure is a good helper ❤
I'll let MrGears run around to keep the floors clean, think I'll run my duster thing over a few things and wipe down the bathrooms real quick and then go into my domain.
We're having a cool down, sooooo nice! We'll be in the 50's for our lows and high 70's to middle 80's for our high four the next 14 days, it's fine with me!
We had banned food last night 🤫
Tonight I'll do maybe burritos LOL I'm never for sure these days.

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Re: Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

Post by Becca » Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:39 am

Hello everyone cloudy here with light rain Think we are in a rain forest Tomorrow is to be the last day then sun Yippee And a cool down tomorrow
Maryz That is a dozzie That many pieces would drive me Bonkers You are a whiz at quilting I Am like you If my Grands asked I did it I sometimes wondered why they even thought I could do it
You did a great job I hope your GS is super excited when he sees it
Your soup sounds just like mine & my spaghetti & meatloaf I never do them the same way
Velda I used to make back packs for our Church pioneer Club here I wore out my machine because they were made of denim But it’s so rewarding Enjoy your time doing them
Lois Glad to see you Join us anytime
Tina Chickie is very good on colors & Ideas I think Your quilt is very pretty
We used to take Sunday Drives too & after our kids came we did too
I got my laundry done CA continues to be on the couch I do wish he could feel better
I made lunch Did my exercises Can only walk. On porches
At least I slept last nite Took something for pain I hate doing it
I am making potatoes cooked in butter What CA wants Cauliflower Broccoli & carrots mix Chicken breast. Becca

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Re: Supper club Dash Tuesday, September 21

Post by auntjana » Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:12 pm

Good afternoon!

Just got off the phone with Aaron. He had a hard incident and needed to talk on his way home. So I am the one he calls.

I did get my floor waxed. I do like a clean shiny floor. Don't like doing it! LOL! My laundry is running and about to sing it is needing to be changed over to the dryer. Then I am heading to the Batt Cave. A little later than I wanted.

Still working on those little stockings. All are blanket stitched, now on to simple quilting. I will swipe some of the left over boards from the ceiling to make a very rustic tree to hang them on. It will live in the front window, Michael 's office, for Christmas. While Sarah and I were heading to the LQS, we stumbled across a new fabric store. Well, we thought it was new. It was one Sarah knew about for drapery and upholstery fabrics, just moved to where we found it. They make custom Roman shades, so I will have one made for the Batt Cave. In the winter, the two windows where I sew, convect the cold in on me and my hands really feel all that cold. So Michael in the past has hung a old moving blanket over the north window. That helps tremendously, but blocks seeing out. So this new shade will let me see out and when it's too cold, lower it down. I could make one, but as my brother Tommy always said, not in the mood! LOL!

Dinner - Ethan was here working for Disneyland money. So when we weredone, we went out to eat and watch trains. So tonight will be what was planned yesterday.

Well, need to switch laundry,

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