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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 18

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 18

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:37 am

Good morning!

I'm home! We got home yesterday afternoon, unpacked, and even got 3 loads of wash done. We didn't have so many dirty clothes, but this weekend our weather has taken a drastic turn towards fall and it's obvious it's time to switch trailer sheets from cotton to flannel. So I had a lot of sheets to wash.

We had a really nice, relaxing trip. We did a lot of reading, napping, and games. The park was beautiful, on a lake, and very quiet. Deer roaming the campground was a nice touch. We were 10 mi south of Grand Coulee Dam, the biggest powerhouse in the country. Bill wanted a tour but it was closed so he made do with the Visitor Center. A few miles south was Dry Falls, once the largest waterfall in the world but the Ice Age changed all that and now it's dry. It's so old that it eroded a huge canyon and the falls backtracked 20 miles before the Ice age rerouted the river and dried up the falls. Fascinating. I love geology.

We've got rain here. It started yesterday before we got home and poured through the night. A little wind, too. We turned on the furnace and built a fire in the woodstove. By Tuesday we will be 70* and sunny again. I'll be finishing up the last of the laundry and back working on my LOTR blocks today.

CHICKIE - your little boy is growing up! What a sweetie he is. Glad you had at least one good day. Hopefully there will be many more coming up! Thanks for setting the table!

BECCA - Denise is coming today? Hooray! I live only 2 miles from my parents' farm. I used to visit them several times a week and did various things for them, too like cleaning the bathroom, changing the bed sheets, mopping a floor, etc. House things were very difficult for Mom her last few years. My brother lived on the acreage next to them and he did things for them, too. Blue jobs. I did the pink jobs.

VELDA - You not only fill the tote bags, but you make them, too! Wonderful! Who are they for? Local kids, foreign missions, or ??

I have a bit of marinara sauce leftover from spaghetti night while camping. I think I'll make chicken parm with it. Salad and broccoli should finish out our menu. Unless Mr. Bill finds out about the broccoli ahead of time. lol!

What's your plan?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 18

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:20 am

Welcome home, Mary. What a wonderful refreshing trip!
Tonight is a special performance of the popular local band. It is sponced by Rural King( a popular store with all these country folks) and it's in a mall. Lots of room for dancing.
So that means dinner out on our way to dance.
As for bags. Yes, we fill with school supplies. A couple ladies happened to be in Walmart on the day they dropped the school supplies prices. I was told that as example, crayons (24) where 5¢. So they bought up a lot of things. Now we needed more bags. That's where I came into the picture. Asked if I was settled in enough to sew some bags. They brought me a stack of fabric already cutt to size.
So 18 bags are being stitched. Tuesday, we will fill the last of the supplies into these.
They do go to the missions that are supported by our churches nation wide. If they are shared in USA as well as overseas??? That I don't have the answer.
Well I better get back to work.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 18

Post by auntjana » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:48 pm

Good afternoon!

Welcome back Mary! Sounds like a very enjoyable trip. Love the blocks that you have finished on the LOTR quilt. It is really, though you may not think so, coming together quickly.

Vel - those bags are great to help out school children. We did something similar here in our stake for the kids in a school district nearby. Our Ward was asked to put together snack bags to go in the school supply bags. It was fun to do that.

Dinner - I have a chicken breast that I will split in half. It is big, so that will feed both of us easily. Need to put some kind of side with it as well. Then I can sit down and watch my Giants and BYU play. They are playing at the same time. So glad that I have a DVR and a recall button on the Dish remote - poor Michael - it takes him a minute to notice that I am switching back and forth between the two games. My Giants pulled out a win in extra innings last night. I don't have enough fingernails to last through the World Series! LOL!

I have all the little mini stockings finished - at least the fusing down parts - now to do all the blanket stitching. I will find all the white parts that need to be stitched in that, then all the next color, etc, etc, etc. Not in the mood to change the thread all the time! Did that with all the towels that I made. 6 colors, 6 changes times 39 towels - that is a lot of changes! LOL! And that is not counting if the thread breaks, which it does now and then.

The rain has stopped for the time being. It is muggy here, a rarity.

Do fun things!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 18

Post by zfatcat » Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:50 pm

Mary, sounds like a wonderful trip. I love little bits of historical information too.

Vel, sounds like a great project. I saw pictures of your new place.
What state are you in now? I think you were traveling between TX and IL before.

Jana, I would love to see SF take the series.

We had chili for dinner.

Have a lovely evening.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 18

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:13 pm

Hi everyone!
Welcome home Mary!
I love history too.
Sorry I disappeared for a couple of days but I've been trying to get a queen size quilt together. I should finish it tomorrow. It's a Christmas present for Kevin and Maria. I'll be making a king for Holly and I have to get it done by the first of October. I can't quilt the big ones so for me to be able to get them back in time I have to get them to her early.
I read the last 3 days and was going to respond, then I had a bug crawling on me and totally forgot what I was going to say.
Chickie I'm glad you're having good days again, I hope you have more good days than bad and they keep getting better.
Irish, I'm glad you are getting more nice neighbors.
Jana, that's cool about your robot vacuum.... mine is an older one .... before brains LOL it just wanders around and after it recharges I have to pick it up and take it where I want it to go. It works though so a little less for me 😊
Velda, that's so nice of you all to do with the bags.
Lori, we've been a tad too warm for chili here...95° but next week we're supposed to go down about 10°
We had leftover pork chops, green beans and a baked potato.
I'm hoping to finish the top and back tomorrow but I'll try to check in here too.

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