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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, July 28

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, July 28

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:47 am

Good morning,

We're to be in low to mid 80's again today. Weather has been really nice. Though we're predicted to break 90 for a few days later this week. We haven't had any measurable rain for nearly 2 months. We're very dry for our neck of the woods. Makes me nervous when Vicki hangs out on the road, smoking, and tosses her butts into the dry roadside grass. Our houses are about 500 feet off the road, but still, fires move fast.

I spent yesterday morning tracing, cutting, fusing, and cutting out parts/pieces for my Halloween blocks. We have 9 swappers so far so I'm just doing 9 blocks for each set for now. Today I will fuse some down to the backgrounds and get them ready for stitching. Bill put GD on the LA and I think will make a few passes on her today! Yippee!! I also made a menu and grocery list for my sister's visit. I usually do most of the cooking.

TINA - that's really sad about Adam neglecting the puppy. Is he working at all now? I just don't understand why Holly doesn't kick his sorry hiney out! Sorry, guess I'll probably be going to heck with you! Sorry about the heat. And from what they say, it will be getting nothing but worse each year.

VELDA - lol! I thought you mean trade blocks! haha! I have a ton of short strips and other little pieces left from a 30's quilt I made about 10 yrs ago, and cornerstones and a piano key border would be the ideal place to get rid of them.

IRISH - what a sneaky lot you all are! So happy the party was a success! I don't think I know 100 people! lol! What a happy time!

JANA - where was that house? In CA? Mike and I bought our first house for $24,000 in 1976. We sold it in 1985 for $50,000. Now it would sell for about $280,000. A 900 ft 3 bd/1 bath rambler with single car garage on 1/3 acre lot. Prices be crazy!

Tonite we're going to have pork chops and sweet potatoes, I think. Not sure if we're going to grill it all or use the oven. I am low on veggies but we do have salad makin's.

What's the plan at your house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, July 28

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:43 am

Good morning!
Mary, no Adam doesn't work at all, not even to clean his own dishes after he eats stuff at home (Holly or Jazmyne have to clean the kitchen everyday when they get home before supper can be made) , he won't clean his own shower that only he uses, he does nothing. He signed up for some program that they'll pay him unemployment for 4 years as long as he goes to college and gets a degree. It's a contract and if he breaks it by getting a job or by not getting a degree then he has to pay all the unemployment and college tuition and laptop, books, supplies, everything they've given him back. He does only online classes so he doesn't even have to leave the house for it. He plays golf all day long and hangs out at the country club because he thinks he's well to do. I don't have a problem with him getting a degree but he doesn't do anything at all to help Holly around the house, with the kids, animals, nothing! They need 2 new entry doors and a set of French doors replaced, their water shed where their well head and pressure tank is is only half there and needs replaced, they need a back fence but instead of him doing any of that he spends money on himself on a daily basis, he doesn't care about anyone but himself. The only thing I can figure why Holly doesn't get rid of him is that he would get joint custody of the boys and she doesn't trust him to take care of them if he was with them by himself.... that's why I babysat so much, he was home but Holly wouldn't leave them with him. And you know how courts are these days, you can just say he's unfit you have to have proof proof proof and not just someone saying so for them to believe you. The courts give kids to unfit parents every single day and until they get as far as killing their kids the CPS don't do anything. I think our world is so messed up!
Well that was quite the story, sorry about that.
Today is Jazmyne's birthday and we're all going out to eat together.... I'm hoping Adam won't go when he finds out we're going.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, July 28

Post by QuiltGram8 » Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:14 am

Hello there. It's Hump Day. Another eating out and on to the music and dancing night. Last week, DH and I avoided the big buffet and ordered a simple sandwich. We plan to do that again. Tonight I plan to ask for water with a slice of lemon and skip the soda.
We had ham and cheese cold sandwiches for lunch. I ate deli macaroni salad with mine. It was delicious! Then I walked down to my friends camper for a short visit. Now I am enjoying old episode of Bonanza while DH gets a short nap. He always wakes up to go potty, then has trouble getting back to sleep. A short little cat nap will help him for tonight.
I read a few pages on my Kindle, but decided to pay attention to the Bonanza story instead.
Have a great supper, everyone!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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