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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Jul 27, 2021 4:33 am

Good morning,

Things are quiet here. Nice, but I keep thinking I should be doing something. UGH-lies are caught up and, until tonite, we've had leftovers to eat up so not even much cooking. So I've been working on Halloween blocks. Bill didn't start quilting Gypsy yesterday. Instead, he suddenly decided he wanted to sell our canoe that we've owned for about 15 years and never used. So he dragged it up from the "back forty", pressure washed it, put it on our local "offer up" site, and had it sold within an hour. It was picked up and gone by 5pm. Easy peasy! Now he's going to do the same with an old utility trailer he's had for decades and not used for 20 years. Poor Gypsy. :cry:

VELDA - so nice that your condo will come with all the appliances. It's nice to have all new, though that means that when they start breaking down, they all go out about the same time. I posted a photo of all my Sew-Along blocks together. You asked if I thought about sharing. With whom? Mine are all done in 30's reproduction fabrics.

TINA - Stitch is so cute! When we trained Scottie, we took him out every two hours round the clock to the same place in the yard. Then he got a good puppy treat when he did what he was supposed to. He was trained in 2 weeks. He only made one little oops after that and we know where that was, don't we! But that was his dad's fault for ignoring him, not Scottie's.

JANA - I remember Mike loved baking chocolate chip cookies when he was in school. That was the only kind he made and he got quite good at them! Autumn's Running Start college classes were the same classes offered at the college. They weren't specialized for high school students. She attended high school in the mornings and then drove to Tacoma to the Comm. College in the afternoons. One really neat thing was she got half of her college for free! Let me tell you, that was a HUGE help!

I think I'll make a pizza tonite. And some salad. That's always a crowd pleaser in my house.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 7:07 am

Good morning!
Mary, Bill is purging outside now too! Frankie needs to do that for sure! We have so much to do that it seems like we'll never get caught up. I'm not doing the heat very well this year... well Frankie isn't either but he'll go do stuff outside all day, not complain free either I might add. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
I do remember that one time Mary LOL I still have that rug, it's been moved to the front porch just because I wanted a new rug in the livingroom that is a different color LOL it's still in great shape though so he didn't mess it up any.
Stitch is such a funny little guy ❀ he's started sticking his tongue out a lot LOL he's just too stinkin cute! I had him going out every hour and on a schedule of 8, 2 & 8 for eating, sad to say that he's home with Adam now and we all know he won't take care of him. Frankie and me even think he'll end up dying from him not taking care of him. These little dogs can't be left outside, even the vet went over how he's to only get to play in the early mornings and late evenings outside with someone with him and only for a little while because the heat will kill him. He can't just be put outside and forgotten about. πŸ₯Ί it really upsets us to know he's not going to be taken care of, he's such a good puppy. Jazmyne wanted us to keep him during the day but Duncan and Rosie don't like him after 3+ weeks and we've had to keep them downstairs too much. And it would be a lot for Holly to drop him off, then take Jazmyne and get her and the boys to their school too. Adam spends most of his days at the country club golf course, he's such a selfish person. I was telling Frankie we could make a list of Adam on one side and Holly on the other and start writing the selfish things each do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis and Adams would take pages and Holly wouldn't even get anything written on her side. She goes to work, takes care of the kids, does all the uglies, cooks or will get food and take it home if she's exhausted which happens pretty often anymore, take the kids where they need to go..... she's almost never without the kids. She only gets her hair done about once a year even. He spends money like it's going out of style all on himself. He's even paying monthly $140 to belong to the Country Club. I've just never known anyone so selfish in my entire life!
Well my au gratin zucchini and squash was pretty good, Frankie couldn't decide if he liked it, Jazmyne didn't like it at all but she did try it at least. We have leftovers of that for tonight and I'm going to make Salmon patties 🀫 for Dad and me and Frankie can throw a burger on the grill for himself LOL he doesn't like what I'm making. I'll also make some kind of potatoes to go with, maybe air fryer French fries πŸ€”

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 7:16 am

Here's a pic of Stitch from last night. Holly said he ran around for an hour all crazy with the kids and wore himself out LOL notice his little tongue sticking out πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚β€β€β€β€
The boys had stayed with their other grandma and Jazmyne and Stitch stayed with us so he was happy to have them all back together and home again.
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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by QuiltGram8 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 7:27 am

Mary, I meant sharing a picture of all your blocks. And that, you did, and they're awesome!! I live your idea of multicolor cornerstones. And piano key border. Great ideas!
Supper here will be salads, sandwiches, and chips. Too hot to cook.
Had salad bar at restaurant last night. Dance was fun and venue is air/conditioned.
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by Irishgram » Tue Jul 27, 2021 7:40 am

Good morning from a very warm, very sunny, SW. Pa....Today is going to be another very summery day but I'm sure there are lots of parts in this big country that are warmer than us, we're just not used to this many hot days but I'm loving it........

1st of all, We Did It! My sister had no clue and it was wonderful...I think she's still in shock...Of course she pouted Friday night and most of the day Sat. because we had all bailed out on playing cards, lol...Her daughter told her, she was taking her out for dinner because they would be away for her real birthday (Aug.1)...When they got her in the car, she told her she had to pick up a grand daughter who was at the hall for a friend's party and when they got there, the DGD came out and said, "GG, there's a lady in there that thinks she worked with you and wants you to come in for a minute"...After some pushing, she finally got out of the car and in she came...There were close to 100 people ready to party and lots and lots of tissues were used...We really did have a great time and then after cleaning up, we then we to her house and 5 of us stayed and gabbed until 3:00 am.....Of course she couldn't believe Kathy was there...Kathy took all the pictures and is going to make up an album for her...But, great, great time......Sunday, Kathy whipped up breakfast for anyone who wanted to come, then she left to go to Cari's and then onto Jackie's to help her move into her new house...I went to my sister's for the afternoon to eat pizza and listen to my nephew's band rehearse, Monday was pool day at my sister's and more pizza and today is to be another pool day, hopefully no more pizza......
About the only thing I'm doing "ugly wise" is put a few dishes in the dish washer, make my bed and water my plants.....(And I'm not complaining at all)...

And now that I've written my novel, I need to get the plants watered and be on my way, pool is waiting........

I'm going to catch up with you all real soon.....

You all have a great rest of the day....

Happy eating.......................

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by auntjana » Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:55 pm

Good afternoon!

Quickie, I am on my phone keyboard.

Just for fun, I looked up the house I grew up in. My parents bought it in December 1941. Paid about 2000 for it. When my mom moved to Utah in 1982, she thought we sold it for a outrageous sum of 85,000. I saw it now sold for 678,000! That is outrageous! It is only 900 square feet and 2 bedrooms one bath. A single car garage, kitchen and living room. No view, just a plain old house. My word!

Dinner - more zucchini and some fresh corn on the cob. I am good with that.

See ya later,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, July 27

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:57 pm

Vel, I love salad bars, so yummy!
Irish, that is soooooooo awesome! Sounds like it went off perfect and your sis really loved it! I think everyone loved it actually ❀❀
Jana, it is crazy how prices have gone so crazy on homes. Wages haven't gone crazy with them..... well not as crazy I should say. My father in law lived ro be 99 and 10 months and we always were blown away by changes in just his lifetime. But I've noticed so many changes in mine and it's so hard to comprehend sometimes. I don't think they'll ever be a chance to be a homeowner on just a one person income anymore, so sad.
I guess we'll be having Stitch weekdays.... Adam left him in his little kennel all day and told Holly he wouldn't leave the golf course to go take care of him. You all can't even imagine the thoughts that run through my head concerning him..... I'm sure I'll be going to HE double hockey sticks for sure for these thoughts.
She text me "I already told him everything. I don't understand not having a job and not being able to help. Go play golf when I get home or something".

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