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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 22nd

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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 22nd

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:51 am

Good morning.

Our little campground is almost empty. Only Bob & Betsy are left and they will leave later this morning. It's been fun but we were looking forward to being by ourselves again when we suddenly remembered we have two couples coming for supper tonite! We forgot! Glad I have those green chili chix enchiladas in the freezer that I made last week. I'll add some Mexican Rice/Roni, refried beans, and a salad to the menu and we're good! We also have leftover birthday cake, cheesecake, and ice cream for afters so we should be good. We'll eat outside on the patio by the firepit. Will be having propane fire, though, due to fireban.

I didn't sew yesterday but most days I've had an hour or two to spend in the sewing room and have managed to get a few of the 10 sections together for GD3. Got some uglies to do today and then hope to spend more time working on that project.

VELDA - I am rarely on FB so haven't seen any requests from you but Bill did and he accepted. He's the one with the photos.

JANA - It will be so good to have your ceiling done! When they do the floor will they have to move all your sewing set-up, LA, etc? What about the RR?? Firewatch gets scarier and scarier every year. Yes it's very sad about Vicki. Some of our guests of this past week remember her from when she was normal and used to socialize with us all - 15-25 yrs ago. I'm glad they have those memories of her and don't see her just as "the crazy lady next door". She was quite upset the past few days. Someone let Scottie out of the house and he ran straight for her garbage that is strewn around her yard. Bill went to get him immediately. She was outside and yelled and came towards Bill and Scott with a long-handled gardening tool raised to strike. It was a tense moment while they scampered the 10 feet back to our property.

MARY ROSE - so nice to have you back! We miss our regulars when they are gone for a while! Your label is coming along a lot more quickly than I'd imagined, especially since you are working FT.

Well, I already told you about our supper plans. So I guess it's time to hop in the shower and get on with the day.

Hope all our suppers are delishioso!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 22nd

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:12 am

Good morning!
Mary, I'll go check pics on Facebook....I bet it was THE place to be in your state to be! Fun times! I hope Scotty didn't get any of the garbage. Isn't your state open now? Why aren't the admitting Vicky now?
I've been under the weather with tummy troubles... Easton and I had it first, then Frankie and Holly and now poor Preston has it. For some reason it's the worst worst on Easton and Preston.
We took Jazmyne for her first vaccine yesterday, she got the Pfizer one. No problems except a little sore arm this morning. I told her I'd let her vacuum for me and have her use that arm and it would work the soreness right out of it LOL she's not convinced πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ It worked for me! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Gramma just trying to help here πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
Hmmmmmm I've been wanting spaghetti so that might be supper tonight.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 22nd

Post by auntjana » Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:37 am

Good morning!

Mary - glad you keep a good calendar and check it! But you could pull off surprise guests for dinner, anytime!

Dinner tonight is still in the unknown category of my recipe file. I do have some yummy pulled pork, but the big if is, do I have buns? I did baked potatoes in my air fryer last night and they came out very nice. Maybe needed a couple of minutes more for perfection. I will do them again that way.

Heading down to the Batt Cave. More organizing needs to be done. Finally getting stuff out of boxes from our move many years ago. Mostly Michael's stuff. It now will have homes. Since that stuff is in his way, he is now ready to deal with it. I was, years ago! LOL! Sarah wants to come sew here this weekend. Interpreted as Mom, will you make this for me. She has lost over 40 pounds, that happens when you allergic to all food, and her clothes are too big. She has a new dress pattern she wants to make. And since ai know this child well, she wants to wear it on Sunday. At least my sewing area is clean.

Well, need to scoot and maybe use some of my pitching to the street skills,


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 22nd

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:12 pm

Hi pals, I have to go to Facebook next. Got six windows done today. Two more tomorrow, then done!
Don't know much. Going to see our son and DGD before she leaves for bootcamp. Last time when we thought she was shipping out, she was only a stand by. We didn't know that. But her actual ship date now is Aug 9. So we want to go see her on Saturday.
Going to take a few things to our son, like bird feeders, etc. Not my hummingbird feeders. I am keeping them.
That's it for me. Salad tonight.
Oh, by the way. I ordered a Reuben sandwich last night. Being in Amish territory, it was served on swirl homemade rye. Gosh was it ever good! And served with homemade potato chips. Double good!!!
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, July 22nd

Post by Irishgram » Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:16 pm

Good afternoon from a warm, sunny SW. Pa...I'm late today but have a very good excuse...1st, had my regular doctor's appointment and blood work. Every thing seemed fine but how come the weight seems to go up but the height goes down..Something wrong with this picture...Then I left there and picked up my sister (this is a little ploy to get her out of the house so her daughter could get in and find some pictures for the party)...She has no idea Kathy is coming home but I told her, Cari needed a certain candy for a bridal shower she's having for a friend and needed me to pick it up and mail it to her...But in the mean time, Kathy will be home and taking it with her when she heads east on Sunday...It's just, the store isn't open on the weekend and that's why I had to get it...So, now I have my sister believing, I'm boxing up 3 big boxes of candy and will be off to the PO...AND, when I stopped to pick her up, I of course told her I needed to use the bathroom and was able to hide pictures for her daughter to pick up, while she was out of the house...Oh my, she's going to be mad! When I dropped her off, she said, see you tomorrow night for cards and I said, OK, but I'm going to be at the airport getting Kathy so I'll have to come up with another good story...Good thing my nose isn't growing..............................

I just got back home and we have a water line break so I have no water..But, that's OK, I'm sure it will be taken care of soon......

Mary, I don't know how you keep things, (events) straight....I'd be so mixed up...But as I said before, you really are the "hostess with the moistest, you need a medal...

Tina, sorry to hear you have some sort of bug, hope and pray it doesn't last long....I like your remedy for a sore arm......

Jana, Both Kathy and my sister love, love their air fryer, so I'm thinking I might have to look into getting one....And why wouldn't Sarah head to your house when she needs some sewing done????Mine would be the same.....And in my day, when I made my own clothes, I remember Jim and I were going to a dinner so I ran out and got green velvet and some fancy silver stuff for around the neck...Came home, made my dress and wore it that night....Sometimes a person works better under pressure.......

Think I need to go outside and play in the dirt...Picked up a few more plants that need planted and a couple that need moved...Just need to get my hands in that dirt......

I'm not planning anything for dinner....We had lunch at one of my favorite places and I had their special Club Sandwich, so I'm good until breakfast.....Probably should have something in the house for Kathy besides zucchini but we can always eat out..But, knowing Kathy, she can take bits and pieces and come up with a gourmet meal.......

You all have a great rest of the day....

Happy eating..................................

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