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Supper Club. Friday, June 18

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:49 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning

Beautiful day here. The sun is just peeping up. All the other campers are sound asleep. And a bird is jumping repeatedly at our window which has Foxy pretty excited

We went into town yesterday and stopped at a little quilt shop. Got 3 FQs and 3 remnants. Then we stopped at a Goodwill and I picked up a small crockpot to keep in the trailer. And a mug shaped like a toilet for younger sister’s husband for Christmas because that’s the kind of sister I am. Back at camp I spent several productive hours sitting in the shade working on my cross stitch project.

Tex and Annette are still on their month-long trip with her DB & his girlfriend that they started back in May with us wine-tasting in Yakima. They are rejoining us tonight at our RV park. So, dummy that I am, I offered once again to make supper for everyone. Last time the arrived 4 hrs late. They are always late for everything. They will be traveling 275 miles today. I thought they would be tired and appreciate supper waiting for them. I forgot we are traveling, too!! 😝🤪

Anyhoo - supper will be yankee dip sandwiches, coleslaw, melon, and nutty buddy ice cream cones.

How are your supper plans coming along?

Re: Supper Club. Friday, June 18

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:17 am
by auntjana
Good day!

Not quite morning, not quite afternoon yet. Been puttering around upstairs, moving this-s and that-s into new homes,, more convenient. Now to head down to the Batt Cave, which needs a good dusting of construction debris. The fallout of the ceiling tiles is all over! The tiles themselves are quite fragile and make a lot of dust particulate matter. And the last row were all cut tiles. There is never a room that fits whole tiles everywhere. But it sure looks better than open joist bays! When Daniel is building the train layout tables, there will be a bit more dust, but he will cut most everything up in the garage, where the big power tools are.

Dinner - last night's run to Costco for milk, saw a pre-marimated Korean beef dish, and it jumped into my basket. Will add some basmati rice and a veggie to go with. It was many things jump in the basket last night - a huge whole brisket, which Michael swears is a half of a cow. It will be for the family dinner when Daniel is here. Aaron and Matt will smoke some baby back ribs and this brisket.

Mary - what fun you are having this trip out. Trips to visit some favorite haunts.

Well, the debris fairies are not showing up, so it me and Michael.


Re: Supper Club. Friday, June 18

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:47 pm
by zfatcat
The birdie wants to play. lol Hope your guest aren't too late this time.

Jana, the dust fairies never show up at my house.

Ran around and did errands today. Tomorrow is our guilds fund raiser. 5 houses will be displaying quilts in their gardens. I'll be volunteering from 0800-1330. Don't know if I'll get to any of the other houses.
The weather today was perfect. Hope it's the same tomorrow.

Dinner is leftovers.

Have a lovely evening.

Re: Supper Club. Friday, June 18

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:40 pm
by gershwin64
Hi everyone!
I'm super late, I thought I posted today but guess not.
Mary, your supper sounds so yummy! I hope they are there on time.
Jana, brisket it my all time favorite!
Lori, displaying quilts in gardens sounds so nice! I like that idea!
Well I've been painting. Are you tired of hearing that broken record yet? I'm tired of doing it LOL so thought I'd ask if you all are tired of hearing it. 😂🤣😂🤣
I was experimenting with painting galvanized corrugated metal, we're using it on the front to replace our vinyl skirting that doesn't stand up very well against a weed eater string.
Holly and the kids came for an all day visit, it was great! I bought some 3D puzzles I guess they are and I built Easton and Preston's with them and Jazmyne did her own. Easton's was a tank, Preston's was a dinosaur and Jazmyne had a sea turtle. I bought them at Harbor Freight for 99 cents each. They all ate lunch with us and were still here at supper so I cooked for everyone. I made chicken fried chicken (frozen made kind) fried potatoes and green beans with bacon.