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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 7

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:58 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

We've been having morning temps in low 30's but close to 60 by afternoon. We sat on our deck until 7:30 last night, had happy hour, supper, TV, and cross-stitching. The fur-boys lounged with us. So nice! But today will be about 48 and rainy. Sure hope those May flowers are pretty and plentiful!

Yesterday I quilted and bound my scrappy quilt and finished cutting out my Halloween tablerunner. Then we went to Tacoma and picked up my Bernie, "Chip", from the spa. I packed up "Stitch", my travel Bernie, and off he went into the trailer. Today, I'll make binding for the GT quilt and sew it on, start sewing my runner, make my log cabin block for the sew-along, and maybe get my UGRR ready for the quilt frame. Our window installation date was bumped up again and they will be here next Tuesday and we have to make sure they have at least 2 feet of room in front of every window, so soon we'll be moving furniture again. I'm trying to make sure whatever project I have in the works can be easily shoved aside that day.

BECCA - Yes, that cross-stitch project is going to take me a long time to finish. 2 or 3 years probably because I have to take long breaks from projects like that. So do you have any more family coming this weekend or are you resting up for CA's birthday? Isn't it in May? Or is it July? Bill is in July.

CHICKIE!!! - we are so happy to see you back! Let's hope you never need that 'go' bag again! Mr. Bert is a cutie! And it's hard to believe that PL and Blondie are moms! They grow up so fast. Where does the time go?? Glad to hear you are back in your sewing room. My BFF, Marlene, had a stroke back in '06. She was only 56 at the time. She had to learn a lot of things over again but with practice and perseverance, she has done very well and never had another problem.

JANA - nice to know you almost have your house just the way you want it! We've kind of been doing the same thing here, but on a smaller, slower scale. Same with the yard. Bill says Vicki doesn't have fuses per se, but an electrical panel. She probably flips a switch frequently, but does have the mental wherewithall to reset it. But doesn't seem to grasp the danger of what she is doing. And we agree with you - not sure how to pray this scenario out - that they fix it or let it be condemned. And if the house is condemned, what then? Will family fix it up and someone move in? Strangers? Developers? Maybe we'll buy it and fix it ourselves. Just don't know . . . It's 2-1/2 acres, the other half of ours, which was once a 5 acre piece.

Our leftovers are dwindling. I diced up a few cups of ham for the freezer to make split pea soup later. and I put the rest - potatoes, ham, brussels sprouts - together into a small casserole. It was really good. But there's still enough of that for tonite. I'm getting tired of it, but we can do it one more time, I think. Then I want something totally different!! Maybe that soup. Or grilled pork chops. or chicken.

What are YOU looking forward to for your supper?

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 7

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:32 am
by FarmChick
Good morning! Surprise, I’m here twice in two days! I’m getting ready to work on my baby quilt, and thought I’d stop here first. I’ll be walking Ava sometime around noon if it’s not raining then. We are having a few spotty showers in the area. I also want to go to the grocery store later. Not sure if I will be driving or not. Until recently I didn’t feel safe, but I think I have my faculties about me now and should have no problems.

I think I have officially gotten old! Next week I have trips to the hospital or doctor for various tests and appointments four days in a row! It’s a crazy life I’m leading these days! No wonder I can’t get a thing accomplished!!!

At least I don’t have anything this week but walking dogs, and the quilt is due Saturday. Hopefully I’m good there!

Mary, I just am amazed at all you accomplish! What Halloween runner are you doing—the one from BLOCK? I love it! I think if at all possible, purchasing Vicky’s house would be a good thing! If it wasn’t repairable, then you would have a lovely 5 acre site! I love having no neighbors close, just across the road at the end of our lane and half a mile down the road. Close enough to call for help, and still have seclusion.

Dinner tonight will be pork chops and apples for DH, and a boneless, skinless chicken breast for me. I’m on low cholesterol now, so a few changes to my diet, but actually not many since I’m not a big meat eater other than chicken and the “good stuff” from water! I need to get to the grocery store for some sides, but if I don’t make it there until tomorrow, it’s no big deal.

With that, I’m headed to quilt… Sorry this seems to have been all about me. Life seems to revolve around nothing but medical issues these days.

Bon appétit!

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 7

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:53 am
by Becca
Hello everyone sunny here at 82 I hope this doesn’t mean a hot Summer
I got walk in early due to heat & here it is only 1st of April
Cleaning lady was here I did yard work as I have all my errands and shots tomorrow It bothers me to be in House because I want to be doing it myself Even though she is excellent fast & a wonderful person I just like doing it myself but my children won’t hear of it
Maryz You do amaze me too But I think that’s just your speed Mine used to be on high all the time too
I think it’s a great idea to buy it & have more space I do hope something is done for her good

Chickie Welcome back You were greatly missed & oh I know all about Dr appts We are overrun in April Things piled up due to Covid DDS & Optometrist & Dr too plus a test
Glad you are able to resume your walking & sewing
Just take it slow & let your body heal
We have a chicken pot pie Denise brought to us Becca

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, April 7

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:36 pm
by auntjana
Good afternoon!

So good to see all our "chicks" in a row! It is great to see y'all here!

Finished school work for the day. It was a bit more pulling hair than in the past. Ethan detests doing English and writing paragraphs, and that was most of today. He has been good about getting things ahead, to have Friday off. We may only have one small task to do on Friday, then he can play! Ethan is eating his lunch now - his dad made it for him - egg salad. But it was made with miracle whip - uggh - tastes so nasty! But I won't tell that to Ethan!

The Gnomes are getting the binding sewn on, almost all the way around with that task for me. I need to get busy on getting my Relief Society lesson ready for Sunday. It will be the first Sunday back in person for our main meeting, but my lesson will still be taught over Zoom. I will be conducting the music for the main meeting as my regular chorister has a new calling and he will be doing that instead of the music, so I will fill n until I get a new chorister. That is the way things are done here in the church, you serve in one calling for awhile and then you get changed.

Dinner - I made a chicken and rice cassarole - a Michael favorite and we have leftovers. It is so simple - rice, chicken, diced celery, diced water chestnuts, mayo, cream of chicken soup and lemon juice. Stir altogether and bake, adding a crunchy topping near the end. I tried to make a smaller amount, almost succeeded, so we have just enough for tonight.

Mary - buying that property wold give you control of what happens to it. The house I would think is a total loss. You could deed and subdivide if you want into a large lot size with covenants to protect future sub-divisions. My two cents worth.

Chickie - so good to see you again. You and the calf escapades were missed!

Becca - I am so ready for a very warm summer, after all the cold that we have had here. We are still cold and another cold front is coming in this week!

Well, it's time to get Ethan all ready to go home. Sarah has a meeting at 2:30 every day, so he goes home before or after that.

Oh, the other day, it was raining at my house, and Sarah was driving home from here and as she got to her house, it was snowing, less than a half mile from each other!
