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SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Sept 30

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:40 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

This is the last September morn we'll see this year. It's all just going too fast!

Yesterday I finished cleaning my kitchen cabinets and drawers. Got rid of a big box of things. Though bill brought home a few things from Ernie's house on Saturday, so not sure I made as much headway there as I thought. . . But everything fits OK, so I guess we're good. When I got up this morning and walked into the kitchen, I realized I forgot to clean out under the sink. It's not too bad, but I'd like it to be better. I mean, what if my big sister stopped by and checked under there! I also got the oven cleaned, though that's just pushing a button on my stove, and I mopped the floor. All in time for the Seahawks game at 1:00. After working so hard all morning I deserved the big win they got! I'm sorry my "secondary team", Denver Broncos, lost in a last-few-second-heartbreaker. Again.

This morning I'm going to bake a pumpkin pie and some sugar cookies We'll be camping with all our wino friends and I have cookie cutters in the shape of a wine glass and bottle. I want to frost them with burgandy colored frosting to look half-filled with wine. Then a short grocery run and flu shots are on the list. Bob & Betsy will be here sometime this afternoon, stay overnight, and then we're all off camping.

I'm going to put a turkey breast into the crockpot this morning after I get my pie in the oven. We're having traditional turkey dinner and leftovers will be great for camping meals.

I have a sad note to share with you all. Chickie texted me last night that they lost their Tinkerbell yesterday. The Hooligans won't be quite the same without her and Chickie and Doyal are both heartbroken. :cry: I think I'll send her a card today.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Sept 30

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:21 am
by gershwin64
Good morning!
Mary, your supper sounds so yummy! I love traditional turkey dinners! And what is a turkey dinner without pumpkin pie?! Yum yum yum! Makes me hungry just thinking about it!
Chickie, I'm so sorry. I'm sending you tons of hugs.
I forgot to come on here yesterday I guess. Saturday night after our drive to the mountains I slept 7 hours straight Saturday night! I must've really needed to go and have that drive and get out and about with nature! It was beautiful! We stopped at 2 lakes! I saw 1 deer, bunches of cows and horses and I saw a bunch of about 9 wild turkeys! This is the 3rd time in my life that I've actually seen turkeys and and all 3 of those times have been in the last 3 years! Yesterday we went to the Rio Grande past Hatch, NM to the 5th Sunday sing that all the churches there participate in. Dad plays and sings and it was his churches turn to host and they always have it down on the river, it was beautiful and a packed house, they ran out of chairs! There was around 75 people there and it was potluck and there was tons of yummy food!
Not much else happening here, I'm ready for a quiet day with just Preston and the furkids.
I think I'm going to make burritos for supper, Frankie needs to replenish his supply of frozen ones from the leftovers.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Sept 30

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:50 am
by Becca
Hello everyone, sunny here & 87.sure not like Oct should start.
Yes I know it’s tomorrow but it shouldn’t be that hot in September either.

Chickie So Sorry about your Furbaby.And I think he was your favorite.Hugs to you.I know how that hurts.

Tina Im So Glad you enjoyed your day & the Singing.I love good singing.When I was growing up we went on Sunday nights to a lot.
I had never seen wild animals like we do here.We have deer turkey.bear,mostly all common ones here.I love seeing them as long as I’m

Maryz You are still on my case about Cabinets.I too am getting on mine but there’s too many other projects getting ahead.Yah for you.Of course Company coming helps me too to get everything ready.Enjoy your trip.You & Bill are Sure deserving.

I got the Town trip done.Went to Lowes to get some cushions for outdoor chairs.What a joke.Christmas is now in Garden Center.In September,So I came Home,Washed Car,got lunch.Just Finished Another flower bed for Winter.One to go.Now maybe I can go up to pick out fabric for Bears & Dolls.Possibly other items.
We have stew beef left & rice.Ill add salad. Becca

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Sept 30

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:25 am
by auntjana
Good afternoon.

I am sitting here in the car as Michael is chasing sprinkler parts. We are out gathering milk and groceries then we will be home.

Not much going on here. Dinner is a unknown for the time being.
