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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, Sept 4th

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:50 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning!

Our weather is gradually cooling down. Today may even spit a few raindrops at us. But that's OK. It's been too warm in the afternoons (for me, anyway). We go camping in 3-1/2 weeks and it will be jacket weather by then.

We got the laundry tub in. It's actually a little bigger than the old one I think - 23"x25". Scottie will hate it! lol! And that's about all we did yesterday. Bill did get one row quilted on the black/red/white quilt for his sister. We were relaxing on the deck by 3pm and listening to Vicki at 7pm cleansing her property of toxic energy by ringing a special bell. All part of everyday life here at the Z-Zoo! I went to bed at 8:30 only to have my Alaskan brother, Gene, wake me up to ask what is the best Olive oil and how to tell if it's bad. He asks me some of the weirdest questions sometimes and at the weirdest times.

IRISH - so glad you had such a nice weekend! How far away was the 'camp'? (such a Northeastern term, "camp"). Loved your visitor. He looked rather tame but I wouldn't have wanted to try sharing a hot dog with him! lol! You are such a good kitty gramma! You can come kitty-sit for my Foxtrot any time! Do we have to leave for you to do it though?

JANA - Ethan is really working hard on his quilt! It will be something he will treasure all his life! Someday his wife will try to throw 'this old raggedy thing' out and he will pitch a fit and say, "No! I made that with my gramma! It stays!" and she will sigh. lol!

TINA - glad you finally had a nice lunch. I much prefer I-Hop over Denny's. The last two times we ate at Denny's (both last month and two different Denny's) they were awful! When I go to I-Hop, like you, I can't make up my mind! Oh, since you asked - our laundry tub is white, fairly sturdy, 23"x25" and the label says it's a Utilitub brand. Bill secured it to the wall so even a large, reluctant sheltie can't wiggle it around. That's the story.

BECCA - According to our news stories, it seems you are out of the direct path of Dorian. But I bet you'll be seeing some rain. Hope it doesn't do too much damage to your beautiful yard!

Supper - Maybe a chili relleno casserole. We haven't had that for a long while.

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, Sept 4th

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:57 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Sitting here with my bowl of cheerios and have no clue for dinner. Maybe I will do up a batch of lasagna rollups, freeze for future meals and save one for tonight.

Not much here. I have laundry going and if I find some gumpion, will do more carpet washing. Otherwise I may just play! I can do that, I am retired! And since I was a homemaker for my working career, I retired from that! LOL!

Aaron played cowboy yesterday at work. Some cows feet broke through the plywood bottom of the trailer they were being transported in. Didn't reach the ground, but looked like a Flintstone mobile. Aaron and the trooper had to keep them corralled on the freeway, while the guy got some new wood underneath their feet. The trooper laughed and wondered about tase-ing the cows if they got out! Oh what Aaron and the troopers come up with! Like Aaron said, never a dull moment!

Mary - sorry for Scottie - if you come up short in parts, look in the yard where he buried them!

Off to do something,

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, Sept 4th

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:43 am
by Irishgram
Good afternoon from mostly sunny (but sometimes a cloud or 2 will sneak in). SW. Pa...We're having a slight breeze and it's just heavenly.....If this could be winter, I'd love it, and then get hot......While I was doing laundry, I realized, this might be the last "summer white wash" and then put them away until, hopefully, Florida or Reno/California......Who knows where the big bird might take me....

Mary, Camp is only 3 hours north in Clymer, east of Cook Forest and it's absolutely gorgeous up there as most of the Pa. mountains are....I'm really hoping we can take another weekend, when the trees are changing and before hunting season....Even Gimpy is ready but will depend on her other knee...
I know I've mentioned Dr. Hunk but would you believe my "problem hip" has been fine since I made the appointment...BUT, I am going to that appointment if it's only to check him out! One of the gals who was with us last weekend texted me his picture so I can drool on my phone any time....
I would be happy to come and sit with your fur baby...I can see us now, sitting on your deck, a lap full of happiness listening to the "bells" from next door, don't get much better.....
Is your casserole the same as Tina's? I keep telling Kathy about you 2 making this casserole and want her to make it when I get out there...So, now I need either of you to send me the recipe....

Becca, sure have been thinking about you and hoping everything is OK...Wondering about the twins and also worrying about you and the hurricane....Lots and lots of prayers being said for both....

Jana, your day kind of sounds like mine and I'M also retired, lol.....I've managed to fold and put clothes away, clean 1 bathroom, make my bed and I think that's it! I'm also looking for that "gumption", need to go get my hair cut and then take care of Dan's fur babies.....

It's hard to tell what I might have for dinner...Maybe, just maybe when I do my errands, I might stop at Aldi...Do need milk if I should decide on cereal....Last night was a complete disaster...I had planned to make a burger and also potatoes and carrots but couldn't get the grille to light so made it all inside..But, of course burned the veggies a little and the burger just wasn't the same..So, I had a snowball and then later had my chips....(That part of dinner was great)....

Have a great day
So, hoping your dinner is super.
Happy eating............

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, Sept 4th

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:45 pm
by Becca
Hello everyone,sunny here & 92 ,Much too hot for September.
We are not expecting anything from storm unless rain.Just feel so bad for those people in Bahamas & Outer Banks.My niece lives on Oak Island So they had to evacuate.

TWINS report was put on by Taylor today.Both are napping and Brodee May get to come off ventilator in few days.Hadlee will be longer.Brodee has to have another spinal tap which I hate.He has 1 more week of Med for Spinal Meningitis.He tested negative today so that means Med is working.They both continue to be active & both are stable.
Prayers for complete healing for them is greatly appreciated by us all.

Denise & Mark Cleaned the Car inside & out.Our dehumidifier had leaked on table & floor.Mark fixed that & we Cleaned up mess.Was So Glad They was here.We had a good 2 days together.

Irish Thanks for your thoughts & prayers.Its always good when the kids visit as you know.Saw your Bear.Reminded me of ours but ours is much bigger.Ugh.

Maryz Glad That sink got installed.Oh the joys of living by

Jana Ethan will be so proud of his Quilt.Aaron is never bored I’m

I made spaghetti yesterday.We had salad too.And Denise Made Squash Sautéed with onions.
I also had pecan pie tarts.And ice cream. Becca

Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, Sept 4th

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:25 pm
by rosebud3
mmm, Mary chili rellenos sound really good. I am out of Hatch chili though, and they just aren't the same using other types of chili. Maybe I will get to go down to visit Tina next year at harvest time. Tonight's supper will be _____ sandwiches with sliced tomato and onion on the side.
