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Supper Club. Monday, Jan 8

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Supper Club. Monday, Jan 8

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:48 am

Good morning,

Another day checked off in Florida. Yesterday was cold. Bill and Allan took the radio out of our truck and had to come inside to warm up so I made them a pot of fresh hot coffee. They turned on the TV and found some old superman TV shows from the 1950s. They were fun to watch. I was sewing January lotto blocks and my sister was with her friend at their church. About 2:30 we went to “linner“ at Squid Lips, a colorful restaurant built on pilings out in Sebastion Bay. We came home at 4 PM, sat out in the tiki hut for an hour together, and finally came inside and watched a movie. “The in-laws“ with Michael Douglas, Albert Brooks, and Ryan Reynolds. It was pretty funny.

Today the guys are taking our truck and radio 70 miles north to have something installed in the radio. It’s not the radio Per Sé, it’s the back up camera that is housed in the radio. We have a good camera, but Bill has to push two buttons to get it to operate and apparently that’s not good enough. He wants a camera that will engage automatically when ever the truck is in reverse. Personally, I don’t see the need, but then he never questions my need for Fabric,, so I will keep quiet.

Becca, you are wise to stay out of crowds and gatherings. Is your cough from a virus? Some medications can cause a cough. You haven’t changed or added any new meds have you? How did your picture turn out from painting class last week?

Irish, we do indeed need to get you well! You have important stuff to do, places to go, and people to see! Too bad, you can’t train baby to pack those ornaments for you. After all, she is the one that wants the couch cleared, right? Are Nick and his bride all settled in Florida now? Have you heard from them?

Tonight we are going to make Philly steak sandwiches outside out on the griddle.

What is your plan?

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Re: Supper Club. Monday, Jan 8

Post by Becca » Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:04 am

Hello everyone
It’s a beautiful sunny day today with rain tomorrow
I went to aerobics Then grocery store
Made lunch and DGS came by for a visit I have been walking In going in a few minutes to help someone here walk who fell in ice yesterday She’s sore & goes slow
Maryz The picture was ok I will continue to go because you usually learn something to help
I m sure it’s viral I haven’t changed anything It’s something other people have too It’s not contagious I dnt think You have no symptoms other than dry cough Mine I’m sure is a lot allergies My DGS that was here is the one that has them so bad He’s on special medication made just for him
He had trouble at Birth and it’s been all his life
Irish You just take care and do as they tell you Imsure you want to go with DS
I chooses a hamburger and salad

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Re: Supper Club. Monday, Jan 8

Post by zfatcat » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:48 pm

Irish, you sure have had your share of problems. Hope you are on your ways to a healthier year.

Mary, I knew you would decide to go back again to see miss boots. How could you not. Hope the guys get the thing they need to make the camera work on it's own. Sounds like yesterday was a good day all around despite the cold.

Becca, seems like coughs just like to hold on forever. Hope it clears up soon. I like that you learn a little something in the class. That's why I take quilt classes. Everyone has a little something to share.

This morning I got my dad's groceries. Then came home and Jack and I walked. Then Bill and I went to try out a new restaurant for breakfast. It was really good. I came home and started playing with some heart applique shapes. I need a new mini.

Dinner will be out with the girls at a new Mexican place. The menu looks pretty yummy.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Supper Club. Monday, Jan 8

Post by Irishgram » Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:22 pm

Good late afternoon from a chilly, dreary day in SW. Pa....I can see why someone would really get down in the dumps with this weather..I remember Kathy telling me, she'd go around and change all the light bulbs, :idea: putting in a higher wattage to brighten things up.....But, each day we have is just another day closer to spring......My nurse was just here and now worried that I'm dropping too much weight...One thing after the other....If it wasn't for the salt, I'd go back on my chip diet. :lol:
I talked to a friend in Naples last night and she was complaining about how cold Florida is this year....Poor thing hasn't been to the pool in weeks...Of course 67 is not too warm down there...I think the 1st year we were down, it was in the mid 90s at the beach and playing Christmas carols...Talk about confusing!
Well, my boxes/totes are sitting in the corner of the living room, waiting for Kevin to come by...He's a lot like me, hates to go out in weather like this so I try not to bother him...Now, if the sun came out and it was a little warmer, he'd be on the course, (Priorities).....

Mary, It seems men have to always be doing little tinkering or they're not happy..But like you said, as long as he doesn't interfere in your quilting, it's all good....I like everyone else is very happy you are going back to Texas and Miss Boots...You know, she'll be so excited to see you and so will Daddy......Nick and Trisha are pretty much settled and from what I hear, they love it...I've never been to the Panhandle and I hear it's gorgeous....Trisha has been trying to learn how to drive a car on the right side of the road and she's also looking for a job...Jokingly, I said, she loves Walmart, that would be a perfect match....I had a nice surprise from Stephan and Christine in Kansas, received a box with 2 of her home made candles and also homemade ornaments...She's very, very talented and quite good..Not sure if I had mentioned it but Stephan will be leaving the Air Force and has taken another job with the possibility of moving closer to his Dad...He'll stay in the reserves, not leave them completely....Nick plans on making the AF a career...Very, very proud of my younguns!

Becca, Aren't you the nice lady! Helping someone in need, that's special....I would love to take a painting class...Have always admired those who could whip up a painting, that actually looked good...Mine are a big glob of yuck! My Terry used to watch Bob Ross on Tv and did a few of his paintings....I watched and that was it! Hamburger and salad sounds perfect for dinner, enjoy.....

Z fat cat, I love, love that name...Took me awhile to figure it out but so clever.....Also sometimes wish I had a dog that would take me for a walk...Then I think of needing to get up in the middle of the night to let it out and that sure changes my mind...Guess I'd better stick with cats....
Sounds like your day is darn near perfect...Breakfast out and then also dinner out, lucky you......

Well, time for me to run (no walk, no running left in this body)....Not sure what's on the menu, probably some soup.....I think my sister has plans to take me out tomorrow so maybe stop and pick up a few groceries, other than soup.....

You all have a great rest of the day...........Stay warm......

Happy eating...............

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