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Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:27 am

Good morning,

Today is our last day in Austin. We're going back to kids for pizza lunch, Aut's bd, and, sniffle, good-byes.
Yesterday was our last babysitting day. We gave Amara the framed 8x10 of us with her and she loved it! Big smiles! She kept patting Pop's face in the picture and then would pat his real face. He put it on the wall above her playpen, just out of her reach. She loved that and kept trying to reach it, of course. A & A laughed when they got home and saw it and thought it a great idea and promised lots of zooming and facetiming.

BECCA - are you still feeling a bit "punk"? Rest is good. How much longer do you think until the stocking is finished? Actually, I worded that wrong - I should ask how much more stitching time? I've let projects sit for 2 years before picking them up again! And yes, I think Amara's Dad is going to miss us most of all! He told us again yesterday that we dont' have to leave, that we are MVP's! Most Valuable Parents. But it's time. If he wants a full time babysitter, all they have to do is move to WA! The best way to insure our welcome next time is to leave them wanting more!

LORI - I hear ya on the OWL mess! I worked from my stash, too, and you're right - all those big pieces of fabric pulled just to cut one little piece. But it's still a fun project. Do I remember correctly - you started in March? Are you doing them randomly or in order?

So - pizza at the kids. We also bought a small cheesecake for Autumn's birthday and left it in their fridge for today. And we'll say our goodbyes and be back at the trailer before dark. I'm sure we'll still be full from lunch by suppertime so no cooking.

What are you having for your NYE supper?

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Post by Quilter7 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:49 am

Happy New Year Everyone!

I am working on sewing down the binding of the TW. I am about a quarter of the way. The label is already attached to one corner and I will sew down the other two sides by hand.

This evening we plan on watching Oppenheimer and eating pizza and popcorn.

Maryz - Amara will miss you! She will wonder what happened to her big playmates. Nice you gave her a picture to help her remember. Enjoy the final visit today.

Lori - Good for you getting out the OWL. Are you just working to finish now or are you going to do a block a month?

Tina - Have you recovered yet? Ready to start a new project? Have you started thinking about what to make for next Christmas?

Becca - The stocking takes patience. It is a lesson of endurance. You have both patience and endurance, and you will get it done, it takes time. Are you going for some family time today or tomorrow?

I will be sewing the binding a bit and try to sort through other projects today and tomorrow. I have Halloween placemats to finish by quilting and binding for example.

Have a wonderful day today!

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Post by gershwin64 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:17 am

Good morning all 🌞
Happy New Year's Eve to you all!!

Mary, I love her reaction to the picture 😍🥰 I don't envy your goodbye today, I'll cry with you 😢 ❤️

Carol, I think I'm recovered now, yesterday I slept 9 hours, it was crazy! Last night I only slept 7 and woke up not feeling tired so I think I'm good now. I'm not sure about Christmas sewing for next year LOL maybe just doing the placemats for the kids houses that I didn't get done this year.

We started undecorating yesterday and I figured it would take us at least 2 days but Holly text me to see if we were home because she needed eggs and I told her what we were doing and after she made their breakfast she came over by herself and we were done in about 4 hours. She even dusted and vacuumed the living room, dining room and kitchen for me. I put all my totes away in the closet after supper last night.
Today is laundry, bathrooms and mopping.
I'll be staying up to ring in the New Year, I always do.
I think supper will be a small steak, ½ baked sweet potato and some veggies.

Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year!! I hope 2024 is a great year for us all! 🎆🎉🎊🥂🥂🥂

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Post by Becca » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:12 am

Hello everyone sunny here but cold The sun helps
I am waiting on my DGS to pick me up for dinner at Alex’s with family
Maryz I don’t envy you having to
Leave your cutie pie Hope the picture helps her remember you both
I have no idea on stocking I am down to toe part past heel turning I used to knit & not stop but That was years ago
Tina I’m glad you got recovered NiceDD helped
Carol I keep trying lol Your. Quilt with be a beauty
Must run now It’s time Becca

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Post by zfatcat » Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:42 pm

Mary, I bet it will be hard for you and Bill to say good bye. You sure got to spend a lot of time the A team this trip. Will you swing by on your way home. Lucky you to get to see Cindy and Sue.
I bet that will be fun. Say hi for me. I miss them posting.

Becca, I knit in spurts. I do it a lot, then not for weeks. I picked out a project today that I'm going to try. I tried it twice and had to start over. 3rd times a charm. Right? I'll let you know.

Tina, how nice to have Holly help with the take down. I bet you were thrilled to have her over.

Carol, do you have any quilts at Road2CA this year?

We did our morning walk at the park. It was a little chilly for us, but not too bad. It's a very damp cold. I went to my dads and paid his bills and checked out the food to see what he needs tomorrow. I ordered the groceries and will pick them up at 9. I'm sure glad they are open, because I will be gone Tuesday. I'm heading out to AZ to visit a friend of mine. She used to live here and moved about 5 years ago. She a quilter, so we'll probably be sewing most of the time.

We had grilled chicken, baked potatoes, and grilled zucchini for dinner. Maybe a glass of bubbly later. We'll probably do the New York new years eve toast. I know I can make it to 9 pm. lol I usually stay up til 11.

Lori 8-)

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