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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 28th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 28th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 28, 2023 6:51 am

Good morning,

Today is my parents' 89th wedding anniversary. I will be thinking of them today. They had a very small wedding in the church rectory with just family. And my dad's mom made a cake for them and a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses from a bush in her yard. My parents either moved that bush to their own yard years later or took a start from it. Now that bush is in MY yard. We dug it up and moved it here before we sold my parents' farm. But I have no roses on it yet this year.

Yesterday I had a little bit of sewing time so I worked on my May OWL block. Then my sis and I went to the grocery store and got berries and peppers, came home, and we made two batches of strawberry habanero jam. Only there were no habanero peppers so we got jalapeno instead. The jam is mainly strawberry with faint "underflavors" (is that a word?) of the peppers and it's not really hot. I use this jam to pour over a brick of cream cheese and spread on crackers. It's a great appetizer.

Today - not sure what's happening. The menfolk had planned on vegging out in front of the car races but it sounds like at least one of them will be cancelled due to weather. My sis and I might go to Tacoma. There's a few thrift stores we haven't hit yet, but there are also gardens we might go visit. And a large greenhouse garden in another park that I think she would enjoy seeing. Neither of us has been there since we were kids.

TINA - I bet Jaz is really "jazzed" over that car! What a great photo! If anyone can fix it up, I know Frankie can. What does Holly think about it?

JANA - I think that hailstorm hit my sister's town in CO, too. She was telling me it was predicted - and they have a little old 1976 Toyota pick-up sitting out. She was worried about the hail taking out the rusty parts of the truck and the rust was all that was holding it together! :lol: So, was there trouble in the Batt Cave yesterday? You must have found something to get into!

CAROL - you will master machine binding. I know you will. I was forced to give up doing it by hand because of a variety of problems with my hands. It was a struggle. Some people use a decorative stitch and I tried that but didn't like the look of it. So I persevered with straight stitching. Now I wouldn't go back! I can do a king quilt in about 90 minutes, start to finish.

I have a small ham so I think that's what we'll have for tonight's supper. My sis loves ham. Scalloped potatoes, green beans, and a salad. I'm already hungery.

Got any ideas yet for your supper?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 28th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun May 28, 2023 7:51 am

Good morning everyone!
I'm heading out to go water before it gets too hot for me and I need to dead head my roses.
Mary, happy anniversary to your parents, love that you have the rosebush ❤
Jana, I know huh LOL but she's fixing to turn 16! Time has flown!
Carol, it'll be parked at her house unless she misbehaves. We're on the deed and the loan for their house so I may have to do some reminding to the jerk. I'd love to go tell his mother all the things he tells Jazmyne and I think she did a horrible job raising her son because he's a horrible person.
I'm pretty much going to h-e double hockey sticks for the thoughts i have concerning him.
I'm not sure what's for supper yet but i gotta get outside before it gets hot.
Miracles of miracles we're going to get through May this year with only a high of 91°! Its back like it was 20+ years ago, I sure pray it's a sign we're coming out of the drought! Last year we had sooooo many 100°+ days that I couldn't stand it.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 28th

Post by auntjana » Sun May 28, 2023 11:04 am

Good morning! - still,

Tina - a scripture comes to mind, when I read your post, it is often misquoted and misunderstood. Judge not, as ye be not judged. We have learned that the correct wording should be, judge not, righteous judgment , as ye be judged also. So, I think you have every bit of righteous judgment when it comes to that certain person! You have been very patient over these years.

Mary - Tina and you will will have to open a thrift shop of your own, with all the great things you find. I have never had any success in one at all. Now, consignment stores is a whole different thing.

Shortly I'll be on the hunt for a daybed with a trundle bed that fits under it. I need that for the middle guest bedroom . I will have littles more than grown ups and I have three kids houses with guest rooms too that I can use. I'm leaning toward an old looking iron bed frame, white, but who knows what will end up here. There could be times with Kate's and Aaron's schedules that the little girls will spend the night here. Kate starts her shift at the fire station on Tuesday morning till Thursday morning. It rotates each week, so my baby sitting will vary too. Kate and Aaron are planning a trip to Disneyland at the end of November, right after Thanksgiving.

Dinner - it's fend for yourself day. There's plenty to choose from.


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