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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 25th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 25th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 25, 2022 6:58 am

Good morning,

Yesterday I wandered the yard, placing the last few pieces of yard art here and there. Then watched Bill as he chainsaw'd a few things along the driveway that needed a haircut - overhanging limbs, dead branches, etc. They were starting to brush larger vehicles. After that I played in my play room and came up with a March block. Today, I hope to work on more of those. I also have some cooking to do - friends are coming for supper and we're having pizza, a salad of broccoli, bacon, cashews, mandarin oranges, and I'm not sure what all else. I've not made it before. I also plan homemade strawberry shortcake for afters.

We got a text and a few photos from our honeymooners. They got home last night but aren't announcing it to their world. they want a few quiet days at home first. I believe they both go back to work on Monday.

CAROL - enjoy your day at D-land when it comes! No one is going with you?

LORI - I've only been to Knottsberry Farm once - back in 1984, I think. I don't remember much about it. But have to say - I do love Snoopy! But then I love all the old cartoon characters. Sylvester the Cat, of course, is my own personal stand-out.

IRISH - I'm so sorry to hear you need to fridge shop. We had to do that about 2-1/2 years ago. We had a Samsung, freezer on the bottom model for 12 years and I loved it! Well, that model was no longer made, of course. So now we have another Samsung, freezer on the bottom. I hate it! We had to shop only on-line because of Covid. This model is all french doors which, turns out, are a pain in the patootie. And it's so big I can't reach the back of the top shelf. We had to remove the cabinet above it so it would fit. But I do love the bottom freezer - also french doors - with 2 drawers and a sliding shelf on each side. Makes finding things easier. Wow! Looks like it's MY day to complain! How come your sister being sick might postpone your eye procedure? Is she your ride? I'd do it! I'm experienced at driving people to/from cataract surgeries.

TINA - I saw on my weather app that you were having wind. I hope you didn't blow away! What's the update on your painting project? Is it done and I missed it?

JANA - some days I'd like to borrow your arsenic soup recipe! Monday was one of those days. If Bill feels strongly about something, he makes a small show of asking my opinion, but it doesn't matter what I say. I learned early on that there are some things (vehicles being one of those things) that there is just no use in arguing. But he would probably say the same thing about me. Except I doubt he cares much about the issues where I make the decisions. lol! Good luck with the yard. Maybe you could decide on the front and he gets the back?. . . . .

VELDA - sorry you are still not feeling well. If, after you finish your ABX and you're still feeling punk, you should probably see your doc again.

Well, I gave away my big finish - pizza, broccoli & mandarin salad, and strawberry shortcake. I think we'll get a take'n'bake pizza. and if it's a nice evening, we'll sit and eat outside by the fire. If not, we'll eat inside by the fire.

And what can we get for you?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 25th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Wed May 25, 2022 7:20 am

Yes, Maryz, I am supposed to call her tomorrow and report again. They are already aware of my concerns.
I am thinking the nighttime inhaler was giving me fits last night again. Before bed and afternoon naps gave me quiet relief.
Tonight, I am NOT using it and then I can compare the results in morning.
Jana: what excitement! I bet that was a mess at the competition. You must be proud of Ethan.
Will let you all know what doc says, tomorrow.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 25th

Post by auntjana » Wed May 25, 2022 7:26 am

Good morning!

Well, Michael is still here. We had pizza last night, and they didn't offer arsenic as a topping. When Sarah came down to go over the plan with her dad, she got the look from me and took the cue and everything is more my way of liking and Michael thinks he got it all his way. Sarah is very good at what she can do! Basically this was all the hard scaping and we will pick the plants a bit later. Sarah knows my quirks about plants and what I hate and what can be tolerated. Some people can't stand their different foods touching on their plate, me - it's different varieties of plants touching. There has to be visible space and dirt between plants. Unless they are the same variety. I like very manicured looks, not over grown. Sarah has her work cut out!

Dinner - I am thinking of banned noodle cassarole. Easy and will add a salad.

Time is getting closer for Daniel's move. We finally figured out a space for my pixie, Karlie. Daniel built her a bed, like a loft bed, attached to a wall, with space under to play and keep her toys. It will fit where we have space in Michael's office. So Daniel is bringing that to put here. And I have more than enough space to share with Kari in the Batt Cave for her office needs. Now all the project cars is a whole different story! They are heading to Sandee's garage across the street. She has three garage spaces and one is tall and extra deep. So good to have family close! I hope! LOL!

Sew something and hope it's fun!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 25th

Post by Irishgram » Wed May 25, 2022 7:47 am

Good morning from a gorgeous, warm, sunny SW. Pa....Now if the day would just be nice and follow the weather, I'd be happy.....
Right now, I have a cat, hiding well under the bed, far enough that no one can get her simply because she doesn't want to go to the VET....You would think by now, I'd know all her tricks but oh no, she got me again...Her appointment (just a quick urine draw) was for 8:15 this morning and here it is, 2 hours later and the stinker is still playing hard to get....Oh well, I can be just as stubborn with doling out the treats!

And, I did my shopping yesterday and I'll have a new fridge by next weekend...I've never seen so many ugly appliances in my life...All I wanted was a simple, not huge, had to be black, fridge....I had the sweetest, young fellow who had the patience of Job......Then I found out, our electric company recycles appliances and will give me $75.00 for the old one...That sure made my day....
But, you know me and any place that sells plants, I had to bring home a few...I did manage to finish all the weeding in my flower beds and now for the fun stuff...I had planned to take care of the graves when I dropped Baby off at the Vet but will get to them sometime today....I'm thinking, some days, just doesn't pay to try to have a plan.....

Mary, my sister is my driver and she's gotten the OK to take me..But, oh my, would I love to have you come pick me up...Just think of the fun we'd have even if I'd have 1 eye covered....We have so much going on right now, no one has time to be sick! This is supposed to be our weekend at her camp and we're both having "cat sitting" problems...I really haven't decided just what I'm doing and probably would be much easier just to stay home.....I'll be the "honeymooners" put a smile on your face...

Jana, I know exactly how you feel when "trying" to talk to engineers....I was surrounded, Jim, 3 of the boys and a son in law plus all the extra fellas that thought they lived at our house....But, every once in awhile, I'd show them who was boss, not often but it really did make me feel good....I think what "got me" was how long they'd have to discuss things, me, if I was putting up a simple picture, hammer and nail and it's up, not an engineer.............Oh well, what would we do without them???? Hang in there!

Well, going to try to convince someone to come out from under the bed...How can 1 little 15 lb. fur ball be so ornery!

I have no idea what I'm going to be making for dinner...I really do like the idea of Mary's strawberry shortcake....One of our favorite places has the best strawberry pies and 1 year, for Mother's Day, their sign read, "Your Mother Called, she wants you to Pick up a Pie".....Sure wish someone would just pick up a piece for me, lol......

You all have a great rest of the day......

Let's all take a couple minutes to remember all those innocent little children and all those who were taken from us yesterday.....Such a senseless act to cause so much heartache......May God Bless them......

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 25th

Post by Quilter7 » Wed May 25, 2022 9:41 pm

Good Evening,

Tonight's dinner was Pasta and Meat Sauce and a salad.

Maryz - Hope you enjoyed your company and the Pizza party.

Velda - Hope you have a better night's sleep tonight.

Jana - Sounds like Sarah is the peacemaker in the family. I enjoyed reading about Ethan and the cooking contest.

Irish - Hope you captured the cat. We try putting some food in the bathroom when we need to capture our cat. Glad you are getting the refrigerator fairly quickly. We replaced the French door/bottom freezer model we had with a top freezer. I love it. There is more space on the door shelves and everything fits more easily.

I have a doctor appointment for the osteoporosis in the morning. She is an arthritis doctor. I hope I have done enough. She had me do blood work last week. It should be interesting.

Talk to you tomorrow.

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