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Supper Club - Thursday, May 12

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Supper Club - Thursday, May 12

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu May 12, 2022 6:43 am

Good wet morning

After two nice days we are back to chilly and rainy. But these days make us appreciate the sunny days all that much more.

Carol, sounds like you got the uplifting break you needed. They don’t say D-land is the happiest place on earth for nothing. Though I will admit after spending four days there in 2010 with the family my feet didn’t think it was so happy! Lol!! 👣

Lori, how was the game? Really nice to have all the family together. Several years ago we went to a Mariners game. It was a combo Mother’s Day/Father’s Day gift from the kids. To be honest we don’t care that much about baseball but they all do and they wanted to go to the game. So it was really a gift for themselves and they let us tag along! 😆

Jana, I think a lazy boy recliner is the best seat in the house to watch any sport! You reminded me that I also have a pot roast in our freezer. I think that will come out one day soon

Becca, you always find interesting things to fill your day. Did you choose something for your first painting?

Velda, I love petunias, my go-to flower because they always bloom so well for me. At least they did until we put the roof on the deck. Now there isn’t enough sun but that’s OK. The deck is much nicer now. Petunias just take a lot of dead heading. And if flowers aren’t in pots on the deck, I don’t get out in the yard as often as they need it

Well my plan yesterday went according - to plan! Spent the morning making pies, potato salad, and beans and shucking corn. I got to sew in the afternoon And even had time to sit and read a book for a bit. We really enjoyed the boys and I think they had a good time too. Alec was happy to take away the toaster oven and also a grey suit that Bill had “outgrown”. It had only been worn twice so it’s basically new condition. And I loaded everybody up with lots of leftovers.

I have a doctor appointment this morning. Chiropractor yesterday worked on my carpal tunnel and then gave me exercises to do for my wrists and hands. I am already seeing an improvement I think. Today is regular doctor for same problem. I decided I will go ahead and keep this appointment too and see what she says. Chiro says it is a mild case. Difficult for me to open jars, carry things, or even pick up a glass.

We have leftover potato salad and beans. So we might grill burgers again tonight. We also have blackberry pie and apple pie. I didn’t have enough crust left for the blackberry so I crumbled what I had over the pie, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and topped with toasted walnuts before I baked it. It turned out really great!

Got any good ideas for your supper tonight?

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Re: Supper Club - Thursday, May 12

Post by auntjana » Thu May 12, 2022 9:04 am

Good morning!

I knew if I waited, there would be a Aaron story for y'all. There is.

First a bit of backstory- when Sarah was younger, she saw some Texas Longhorn cows off in the distance, no glasses and she called them reindeer. So now in this family we call longhorns, Texas Reindeer Cows. Now Aaron this morning. Two very uncooperative longhorns got out on the road, just south of me. Herriman on my side of town is still quite rural and we have all kinds of critters. So Aaron and a couple of other officers went out to herd these wayward cows back on the right side of the fence. Now, Aaron is about 6 ft tall and the big longhorn, horns were at face level and charged Aaron. Aaron quickly jumped over a rock and scrambled over a fence. They tried to lasso the onery cows, no success, but they finally succeeded and got the cows back where they belonged. We were laughing as all of the officers and Aaron were remembering the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, where the brother, a officer, was gored by a Longhorn cow! Aaron as a 12 year old, tangled with a mama cow on the neighbor's dairy farm, next door to his grandparents farm. At this time, Aaron was just a city boy and helping his friend, the dairy farmers son, take a calf from the mama. Aaron learned that you don't mess with the mama's baby. Aaron learned quickly how to scramble over a fence! Oh, the Aaron stories started a long time ago.

Dinner - leftovers- open faced hot pot roast sandwich.

Time to sew! Oh, the command picture hanging strips are working very well. We attach them to the picture and wait until the next day, so the adhesive attaches well, then put them on the wall. So far, everything has stayed in place.


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Re: Supper Club - Thursday, May 12

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu May 12, 2022 9:18 am

Happy day everyone! I had dentist appointment this morning. Before that, helped a group of gals doing garden clean up for our church. Now lunchtime. Then we are off to explore a second hand furniture store that we heard about. All sales benefit Habitat for Humanity. They also sell some new stuff.
Supper tonight is leftover rice a Roni dish. Also going to try doing some parsnips. I remembered having them at our son's house out in Virginia and I loved them. Never tried them on my own. Hope I do it right.
I love the Aaron stories. Those longhorns are amazing and beautiful.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Supper Club - Thursday, May 12

Post by Becca » Thu May 12, 2022 10:12 am

Hello everyone sunny here at 82 I worked outside from 8:00 until 11/30 Made lunch Wennt back at it but still one shrub to go I had to take a break I worked on flower bed washed off porch again from birds roosting CA fixed it so they can’t do it again Also weed eat Then trimmed the shrubs In between washed pollen off car
I’m a tired puppy
Maryz I started my painting yesterday but don’t know when I may get back to it Itsa picture of a young girl standing at door with flowers in arm & a sprinkler can beside her & a kitty Kat and a door bell ringer And a butterfly Pretty detailed
Your evening was a big success

Jana Aaron seems to be in all the right spots for drama

Velda I have always used marigold seeds to fill in my beds I save seed every year
Glad you got the Church beds completed
Time for break to end Will finish my 1 shrub & call it quits for today outside Weed eat for about an Hr looks much better
We will have something from freezer I have meals I have frozen
Becca .

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Re: Supper Club - Thursday, May 12

Post by zfatcat » Thu May 12, 2022 8:36 pm

Becca, we had similar weather today. It was about 84 here.

Mary, yes the Cubs beat the Padres. It was a good game and fun time. I love baseball. We watch almost all the Cub games. Also Angels and Dodgers. We'll be going to Wrigley field for a game on the 21st.

Jana, that's funny. Texas reindeer. Good thing Aaron got out of the way quickly.

We worked on paperwork for the guild today. We were able to get though quite a lot. No scanning at this point. Just removing what we need to keep.

Dinner was nachos.

Sleep well my friends.

Lori 8-)

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