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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 31

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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 31

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:41 am

Good morning!

Last day of July! Time is flying. Already, our morning air is a bit crisp in the early hours (my favorite hours!) We should be about 81* today. And just this morning, we got our first Boondocker request for tonite. Exciting! They sound like a nice young couple from SC who are exploring the PNW with an eye to possibly moving here to be close to family. We can read what other hosts have said about them before we accept their request, and it's all good. Guess we'll have to tell them about Vicki as they will be parked about 50 feet from her house. :/

Yesterday was filled with Halloween blocks and kitchen work. I cleaned fridge and cut up snack veggies, packaged shredded cheese for the freezer, then moved on to clean the kitchen pantry. From there, I cleaned and organized our back up pantry that is in the quilting room. Then it was HH and supper. I closed out the day in front of TV, working on my cross stitch. Today is going to be UGH-lies and laundry. The house isn't too ugly since we've been basically living on our deck all summer long. Just need to do bathrooms, dust, sweep, & mop. Bill will vacuum. Speaking of Bill, he has my GD3 more than half quilted. Yay for Bill!

JANA - you will have FOUR Costcos?? Kind of hoggy, if you ask me. Our friends, Bob & Betsy, have to go 160 miles to their closest Costco. so when they visit us or their son in Portland, they stock up big time!

VELDA - I wonder if the dress fabrics are thin or fragile if you could use fusible interfacing to stablize them. Like if you were making a t-shirt quilt . . . . It will be a special quilt.

TINA - for the most part, my sis is recovered from her last trip with us. She has some residual pain and limitations, so she had an MRI on Thursday just before leaving on this trip yesterday. She may have a torn muscle or adhesions in her shoulder. And she can't kneel on her knee to weed her flowers. she also has back problems and gets an occasional shot in her back for that. She's falling apart but we told our BIL, NO RETURNS! Holly and you should be keeping a written journal of every neglectful thing Adam does or doesn't do to/for the kids and even the pets. Detail the money stuff, the golf stuff, the no job stuff. (EVERYONE is betting for new hires! No excuses there!). Believe me, those journals taken into account when making your case when you go to court.

Tonite's supper is going to be chef's salad, I think. Or pierogi's and a smaller salad. Or . . . . Still thinking . . . .

What are you thinking?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 31

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:09 am

Good morning!
Wow Mary you were busy yesterday!
I hope Vicky doesn't cause any troubles for your boondockers! Your sis sure was put through the ringer huh. I'm glad she's doing better.
I wish I could say we have crisp mornings, we're lucky if we get to 68° at night, mostly it's 70° or above. I'm grateful our days have been in the 90's though and not hitting triples.
Today is a really fun day planned, Holly, Jazmyne and me are going on a girls day out shopping spree for Jazmyne's birthday present. Holly asked her if she'd like to do that instead of a family party....I wished they would've done both myself....I like to acknowledge a birthday with at least family, cake and ice cream! We already gave her her present, a new pair of boots.
Dad hasn't been doing very good, he's having a hard time walking. He's been using a Walker with a seat on it to help him get to the bathroom. He's in a lot of pain from the chemical stress test they did on him Thursday. We've been taking supper over to him. Tonight is his night and I'll call and see how he's doing today to see if we're taking his supper tonight.
I'm actually not sure what supper will even be, maybe I'll have Frankie make a salad and he can throw burgers on the grill. Frankie is the salad maker here.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 31

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:20 am

Hi ladies. Maryz, you sure are a popular hostess for company. See, you treat your guests so special! They all love you.
Sure hope Vicki stays hidden and you have no trouble from her.
Thanks for the tip about using old material. I will surely remember that.
This morning, on Facebook, our Katy shared a really neat link. It inspired me, since I have a friend who totally loves butterfly. It was a method to make a cute fabric butterfly. Can be used in many ways. After taking notes, I decided to try it with paper, since it was an origami pattern. I had a bit of trouble, but finally got the hang of it.
Now to try it with fabric. I will share a picture when I accomplish it. 😊
We loved our dinner at TGIFRIDAY. Leftovers for tonight with some fresh corn 🌽 on the cob.
I was much smarter this time. I took all the meat off the bones(ribs) before putting away in the frig. It will be so much easier to reheat without all the bones. Taking it away from the bone was so easy since they were still a little warm and oh, so tender. We drizzled any left over dipping glaze over them, so that makes the leftovers so juicy and tasty.
Do I have your mouths watering yet? LOL
Maybe the rest of you aren't so crazy about ribs. I used to not like ribs so much until I tasted these Whiskey Glazed Ribs at TGIFriday.
They are so tender the meat just falls off the bones.

It's so rainy this morning, but looking on our local radar, it looks like it will pass by about 1:30 pm.
Good eating everyone!

Hope this link works. I took a screenshot trying to show you.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, July 31

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:09 pm

Good afternoon!

Hiding here in the Batt Cave - Sarah just called and she found a shop up in Logan with tons of Kimberbell Patterns and notions. She wanted to double check which bench pillows patterns I have. I have duplicated several, so it is best to check. She found one for next summer - Watermelons- which is new to us. So she is getting it. The other ones that we like, we already have.

Finally got to where I am just working on my stuff and not having others hanging fire for me to get done. I like that! So I will be squaring up the last of the blocks needed and then, sew them into the main four patch block to make the top of the quilt. There are 320 blocks that you first make, then, sew those into a 4 patch block, which means I will have 20 big blocks for this quilt, if my math is right. It can be off! LOL!

Dinner - well, last night was the last of our leftovers, that I thought were gone, but they are now! And if I find a dab of one left, I will pitch it out! Michael has a habit of saving little itty bitty dabs, not enough for more than a mouthful, and puts them back. Not even enough for a cat taste! Me, thinking everything is gone, make something new. So the chef salads will appear tonight.

Aaron called earlier and was very grateful that they had Sarah's trailer for their camping trip. It rained the first night for 5 hours and that would not have been fun in a tent with the little girls. Sarah has the trailer with Matt and the boys, as well as Joseph and Ethan. They all hiked around 7 miles yesterday with full backpacks on, loaded. They all did really well. Sarah stayed off the hike today, as there wasn't enough shade to hike in for her. Hence, the fabric store trip instead! They will be home later this afternoon. This backpacking trip was a semi dry run for future hikes with Matt's boys. Matt now knows what new equipment his boys need - I see what they will be getting for Christmas!

Mary - hope that the Boondockers will work out - sounds like a fun place to be - your house that is!

Vel - I do that with all the ribs that are eaten around this house. With all my boys, and Sarah too, into smoking, ribs are a good place to learn. Aaaron did some amazing brisket for our family dinner the other week. So tender!

Tina - I know from having a SIL exactly what you are going through and facing. This was Sarah's first husband, Stu's dad. I think we dodged a huge bullet, when brain cancer took his life. It was a struggle for Sarah, but she has grown tremendously. We raised Stu from when he was just a few months old, for many years.

well, time to get a new blade in my rotary cutter and get busy, the trimming fairies skipped out on their assignment last night,


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