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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, July 21

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, July 21

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:13 am

Good morning,

Oooooh, my house smells so good! I've had our breakfast in the crockpot, cooking all night. Yum! It should be ready by about 8:30am. It's eggs and hashbrowns with diced ham, peppers, onions, and cheddar cheese.

The party last night was fun. Great to see everyone, though half the folks came from our house! lol! The gathering was actually because the hosts built a huge new deck and wanted to celebrate that. It just happened to be two birthdays and an anniversary the same day. We got home just before full dark and our group sat around the propane campfire (we have fire ban on) until about 10pm. Two trailers will leave this morning and Bob & Betsy will leave tomorrow morning. Not sure what we're going to do with B & B today. Maybe go for a ride and show them more of the area. They had made plans with another couple today but for some reason that fizzled. Vicki was pretty upset last night, making gestures, yelling, and banging things together. Plus, someone let Scottie out of the house and he shot right over there to check out the garbage pile. She got some kind of long-handled garden tool that she held threateningly as if she was going to beat Scott and/or Bill, who went to get him. Life is never dull.

LORI - oh, that sound like it was no kind of fun! I hope you are feeling better today and all will be OK.

IRISH - Always happy to have you sitting around the table! How fun to have sneaky plans afoot! Do you think they can keep the 80th birthday party a surprise? And bonus - you get to see your Kathy!

JANA - ouch on your knee! Will you be looking at replacement surgery one day? Half the folks at the party last night have had joint replacements and say life is so much better since. Glad you have Ethan to give a hand. October should be a terrific time to visit D-land. They decorate everything for Halloween, I'm told.

VELDA - I saw your #16 block. All your blocks look great together! Life has been so busy here that I haven't done my 16 yet. But soon. Despite all the chaos I've managed to get in some sewing time and have my Gypsy almost half assembled. But it's such a mess in my sewing room with piles of fabric, blocks, strips, design board, and more that I just don't have space to haul out my bin of 30's fabrics yet. That's the only problem I have with sew-alongs, having to get the fabrics back out every week when I have other projects taking up all my work space. I originally thought about making two sew-along blocks each week, one in bright batiks or Christmas, or . . . . But I had enough problems keeping everything straight as it was. lol!

As for supper, we'll just have Bob & Betsy left tonite. Another friend was having us all over for BBQ'd ribs but that was cancelled so I'll be making orange chicken, salad, and croissant rolls. There's a lot of birthday cake left over for afters.

So what's your plan?

PS - Bill put photos on FB of our 'campground' if you want to check them out.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, July 21

Post by rosebud3 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:59 am

Good morning Mary and all who come tot he table today. I took a sick day from work today. The day will be pretty low key. I did put on a small pot of veggie soup in the mini crockpot, and the rest of my day will be working on quilty things and laying around in between trips to you know where.

Mary, retirement is still on track at the present. I am still undecided about whether to quit working all together or continue working on a part time basis (to help pay for my fabric and quilting addiction). I sent you an update of the x-stitch.

Supper tonight...Soup...


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, July 21

Post by auntjana » Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:52 am

Good morning!

Quiet in these parts. We had a good thunderstorm in the middle of the night, rained accompanied it too. Yippee! We start the fire worry for the next few days. It's our Pioneer Day holiday and celebration. Fireworks are legal to shoot off, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hope and pray everyone behaves.

Dinner- a steak, salad, and a shared baked potato. Almost easy enough for Michael to cook, but I am picky on the rareness of my steak, so I will cook. May turn the baked potato into a twice baked potato with, green onions, bacon and cheese.

Mary -- it's so sad to read about Vicki, but also, you know she isn't laying hurt or more inside and no one knows. Short respite until your sister arrives. GD3 will be done quickly!

MaryRose - glad to see retirement is on track. Part time is good to supply the fabric habit, you still have time to qui.t!

Becca - so good to see you the other day. Many prayers and you have many blessings in all your children's help watching over you!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, July 21

Post by QuiltGram8 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:19 pm

I know it's late, but we had a busy day. I took on the project this morning to wash screens and inside window. Got about 1/2 of them. Will finish tomorrow.
Then off to the bank to get a stack of out savings bonds that needed to be redeemed. They stopped gaining value, no longer an earn interest. Then need to bring titles home for boat, truck and camper.
Going to sell boat as well. It's time to give it up, as well.
I have had Facebook requests out there to add you and Bill to my friend list. If you both will accept, then maybe I can see Bill's pictures that he posted.
Supper tonight is eating out. The restaurant that we usually go to decided to start new hours of closing at 3pm.
So the only other place enroute to Wednesday night concert/dance is Yoder's ( Amish Buffet)
They charge 13.99 for buffet and Dick and I can't eat that much. Getting so expensive. Tonight I am going to look at the menu for a less expensive item. Will let you know what I choose. 😉
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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