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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 11

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 11

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue May 11, 2021 6:50 am

Good morning!

I hear Dean next door crowing the neighborhood awake with his cheerful cocka-doodle-dos! I love that little rooster.

Yesterday took a left turn for both of us. I got my few yard chores accomplished. But Bill got a distress call from our friend, Tex. They are having windows installed yesterday and today. Tex needed help so off Bill went. In the afternoon he came home and got quite a bit done on the deck stairway, but he will be going back today to finish yesterdays project. They are re-routing electrical wires and a hose bib. Tex is having a sliding glass door installed where a window was and the wiring in the walls was getting in the way. And since their house is all torn up, we spur-of-the-moment invited Tex & Annette here for supper so I spent my afternoon making chicken cacciatore and a walnut cake. It all turned out pretty good and we have plenty left for tonite, so we may invite them back. I KNOW their house will still be in upheaval.

So I have the day to sew! Yay! I also plan to do a little laundry and wash our new cotton sheets. Our new mattress is coming tomorrow. The day will be a good one for putting the sheets on the lines, too. I love that!

IRISH - so happy to see you here! Sorry to hear about your back, though. I hope that whale was worth it! Nice that Kevin will come by and help out. How far away does he live from you?

TINA - Yes, you do deserve a MAJOR Happy Mothers Day from ALL your family! I'm so happy they gave you such a nice day! A birdbath is a purrfect gift for you! You know - since you already have a turtle bath. :lol:

BECCA - I know you have visitors so we will catch you on the flip side.

JANA - Bummer for you that Daniel has decided to stay in CA. Our news says that everyone else is leaving the state in droves. But good jobs for both of them count for a lot. I love the idea of a surprise party for Michael! Did you ever make up that train panel I sent you years ago? If not, this might be the time for it . . .

Well, like I said, it's going to be chicken cacciatore again tonite. And walnut cake. But I'll toss a fresh salad. I don't know if T&A will come or not, but even so, the menu will be the same.

What about you? I have plenty to share with drop-ins . . . . .

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 11

Post by gershwin64 » Tue May 11, 2021 7:38 am

Good morning!
Mary, glad you finished your yard stuff so you can play today. Do you have any new quilts you want to make? I like ideas you come up with, although it makes my list grow LOL
I hadn't thought about turtle bath bird bath LOL
I've already cleaned and mopped the house and fixed breakfast. Going to clean the kitchen back up and gotta make the bed.
Jana, I'm glad they both got promotions but I bet you'll still be looking forward to when they move closer ❤
Irish, it must've been a whale to throw your back out that much!
I've got to dust today. I decided I need to vacuum the walls and wipe everything down I can so that's going to take me days to do.
I'm not sure about supper yet, I have a Walmart order to pick up at 4 and an egg deliver to make and something else I thought of at midnight LOL I can't remember yet what it was.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 11

Post by auntjana » Tue May 11, 2021 8:00 am

Good morning!

Mary - that railroad panel, again, thank you, is in the drawer right next to Ruby. I have added more train fabric, railroad track, backing, etc. I just need to ready a plan in my head for the layout. The design wall can't be used, as it is in plain sight of Michael's view from his desk. Not that he pays all that much attention to what is up on the wall, but trains, he would notice in a heartbeat.

Not much happening here. I will start a receiving blanket for my niece's daughter. They are having a baby shower this weekend. I have never met this great niece. It is my oldest brother's youngest daughter who is the grandmother. The new to be grandmother is 38! Sandee is a good sport and will take the gift from me to the shower. Sandee can handle all the drama on that side of the family, for a short time. I keep a stash of baby flannel, just for such occasions when I need a quick gift. Crochet thread too.

Dinner - Michael is on a salad kick and I will finish up the chow mein from the other night.

Stay safe!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Tuesday, May 11

Post by Becca » Tue May 11, 2021 8:15 am

Hello everyone sunny here
Been busy with nieces We have sure enjoyed catching up with each other’s family
One used to have a bakery and is interested in Seeing Bethanys
Maryz Our DGSs Church was Hoodsport Community Church It was right at Post Office
I forget your other question They used to camp a lot & Hike too I know it’s beautiful there
Tina So glad your family was so good to you Enjoy your bird bath I have one CA gave me
Jana I’m sorry to hear Daniel isn’t coming but jobs are so important I know California is the place to flee right now My DGS in NY said that’s the way it was there In fact this development behind us over the Mtn A couple fled Manhattan & lives there
Irish Sorry about the back It sure can give us fits Mine sure does
I had beef vegetable soup with Beths bread fresh strawberries and blueberries There’s plenty for today Happy eating Becca

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