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Wednesday May 22

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Wednesday May 22

Post by Becca » Wed May 22, 2024 4:29 am

Good morning everyone going to be 80 today I’m going early to Church Garden to help
I got my little one here worked yesterday They both look good

I made food for Church last night We eat together before Bible study last night was last one until end of August
I went to a Bible study here yesterday morning
Tonight They are having a concert here in Courtyard which my porch looks out on I will be wthmyfamily
Have a great day and May your troubles be small

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by grammiequilts » Wed May 22, 2024 4:49 am

Good morning It is another hot one. 80s again. As always a chance of thinder storms too..Things here are about the same...I do need to clean the bathrooms today and that might be all I can do for now...
I did cal the office of my Dr yesterday not much they can do bout the appt in July just put me on a cancellation list. the girls in the office never told him about the swelling so he didnt address that, so I had to message him again...who knows when he will get back to me on that, I guess you have to be your own Dr some days...I do know i cannot sit with my leg elevated for 2 months. that is not even an option around here,,,this too shall pass my mother used to say.
The good news is I did get a second quilt loaded and ready to quilt. and i put away my hexi quilt..for another day...Now that i got you girls to work on yours my work here is through. Mine is no rhyme or reason so it just fills in quilting gaps...which I dont seem to have any, 2 quilts in the "make" pile and 3 in the "quilt it" pile.I do have all the fabric but did order from QIAD a batt for one of them. Free shipping and the price was the same as Joanns,,,saves me a trip . my local Joanns seems to be trying ti single handedly save them from backruptsy with their prices lately. (coupons only apply to non sale items and they mark everything on sale that is worth buying after up charging all the good stuff)
Well I need to get those bathrooms cleaned and coffee drank. Hope your day is cool and fun. Supper maybe chicken enchilladas or chicken parm...I have chicken....and salad stuff,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
PS Dr called and ordered a water pill to see if that relieves some of the swelling,,,Oh goodie now I need to stay close to a bathroom....its always something but Im sure this will help///xxooo

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by fabricgirl » Wed May 22, 2024 6:26 am

Good Morning Becca and Judi,

I was up at 5 and put sheets in the wash.
I'm dressed for the day we are going up to 90⁰ today.
I'm not sure if I will make it into the sewing room I have some cleaning I want to get done so thats what I will be doing.

Well I'm off to get started.
Everyone have a great day.

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 22, 2024 6:30 am

Good morning,

BECCA - What kind of gardening are you doing at the church? Just keeping the landscaping up? Planting flowers? Or does your church grow veggies and give them away? I know you'll be having a fab fam evening tonite!

JUDI - Hexies! Arghh!! At least I got my hexie tote emptied and I thank you for that. But I hope you don't get us worked up about yoyo's now. I have a small tote full of those, too, but I'm not ready to tackle it yet. Would compression stockings help your swelling or could you even get them on? I wish I were there to help clean your bathrooms for you today. Since I can't do that, I'm going to send Chriss in my stead! Because I'm just that nice a friend! Oh, Chriss!! . . . ..

LOIS - it's too early for 90*!

MARY Q - welcome home! And you brought home a brand new friend! Bill took an 8-hr class from Nova Montgomery (the queen of Featherweights) at Houston Quilt show several years ago. He learned all about how to grease/oil/maintain/repair Featherweights. It's a big deal. Ferry is a good name, but you could always go fancy and name her Vivienne or Thomasina . . . Mine is Bridget (My mom's middle name). And yes, new bed comes today. Not sure what Foxy will think. We dismantled our old bed yesterday and slept on just the mattress last night. When Foxtrot came to bed, he circled it twice, sniffing suspiciously. I guess he usually checks under the bed for monsters or mice ane he couldn't do it. We'll see what he thinks tonite. He's not used to a queen bed except in our trailer. We may have to get a smaller cat! Thankfully, Scottie prefers his own bed.

JANA - nice for all your kids to be able to get away on short trips! Camping with the RZR is FUN! I wanna go with Matt and fam! But then the train trip in Yosemite sounds tempting, too. I can't choose! Is Sandee going any place or will she be home? Is her brother still living with her? How much more packing and dismantling do you have to do? The big stuff - you can just move from side to side as the floor is laid, can't you? That's what we did. One thing we found when we replaced the carpeting with floor like yours - the furniture slides when you sit down in it. We put down an 8x10 rug in the center of the room, but had to get a few smaller rugs to put under the recliners.

CHRISS - it IS a good feeling to help someone out with such a gift as your bedroom set. Glad you have a spare in the garage, which now will help to clean your garage, too! I've been to Buelton! What a fun little town! And I probably went to the quilt shop, too - but like you - about 15 yrs ago. That big desk would be a treasure to the right person. Can you put it on your community website like you did the bedroom set with the caviat "You move"? If it were just me, I'd have a laptop, file cabinet, and a printer, though I'd probably fill up my "office" with book shelves and call it a "library". But because Bill is a retired computer engineer for City of Tacoma he needs his office and all his fancy office equipment, electronics, and two desks. It's the "sewing room" of his life. And I'll tell you a secret - I've donated items to a thrift shop, seen them for sale later, and bought them back. Also, I sold a couple things in a garage sale 45 years ago, and found those same items the next year at someone else's sale and bought them back! That is why I don't usually donate to my little local thrift shop! I give my things to Goodwill or Sally's where it all goes to a big central processing location in Seattle, and then is sent to stores all over the state. Little chance of buying back my own stuff that way.

LORI - I love your hexie quilt, but your lovely model puts it over the top! How big are your hexies? Mine are/were 2"x2.5". I would LOVE to be sitting between your honeysuckle and your jasmine right now!

VAL - Your retreat is for 3 days or for a week? I guess since you are coming home each night, if you forget something, you will be able to pick it up for the next day. But it's fun to organize projects for such an event. I used to have killer headaches. My doctor at the time said they were migraines, but they weren't the migraines that have you laying in the dark, cringing at every sound, tossing cookies in a bucket. (I had one of those once about 40 years ago and I pity anyone who suffers from them! ) but dr just prescribed naproxen sodium, 600 mg when the headaches hit. After a few years I had to have a hysterectomy and poof! Headaches were gone - just like that. Ever since, it's rare for me to get even a slight headache. Mine were all hormonal.

LYN - since we started bed shopping, we've heard not just stories but actual testamonials about this Sleep Number bed. People love them! I can't wait to sleep on our new one! What a frustrating disappointment about the steering on the MH. I hope the fix is swift and easy.

SHARONA - I'm getting new lenses in my old frames - but my old frames aren't really old - maybe 2 yrs. I do know when the frames are older they tell you you have to buy new ones. I think that might be because those frames are no longer available so they don't make lenses to fit them any longer, maybe? You are going back to Ohio? Didn't you just go there? Are you flying? Driving? Is this for someone's graduation?

Yesterday I pieced together a bunch of flannel scraps to make "batting" for my hexie quilt. Then we ran some errands, and came home and dismantled our bed, cleaning everything that I couldn't reach before. Washed curtains, walls, etc. We're keeping our king headboard and will be able to attach the new queen bed to it. Our bedroom and the family room down the hall where everything got stashed looks like what Chriss's and Jana's houses must look like right now! But I need to hang up here and go hop into the shower. The bed will be delivered and set up between 7 and 10am. And it's 0630 at the moment. Tonite's supper is going to be homemade split pea soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Have a good day!
mary z

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by womster » Wed May 22, 2024 7:08 am

Good morning!

Becca – enjoy your family time. How fun to be able to sit with them in your courtyard and listen to the concert.

Judi – I remember my favorite boss always said you have to be your own advocate. This is when I worked for Kaiser. I sure hope the water pill helps alleviate some of the swelling.

Lois – our sheets are also in the wash. 90 is hot! Plus I’m sure you have humidity with that.

Maryz – I also had what I called ‘hormone headaches’. They were the pits, but like you said, nothing like migraines. I didn’t understand what the deal was about not having the frames – I think they were wanting to sell new ones. The OH girls are flying out, then we will drive them back in the party van’s farewell tour. DS2 is buying the van. Then we are driving out to MO in August for my dad’s 90th. Today is new bed day! Sure hope you were decent when the delivery people arrived.

I am leaving to go see the dermatologist about my hair loss and nail peeling. It will probably be a waste of time, but it’s too late to cancel now. After that, there’s lots of house stuff that needs to be done. Plus planning two trips and replacing the icky rug in the family room. I was thinking of going with those new washable rugs – has anyone had experience with them? We got down to 27 last night. I'm so glad we haven't yet turned off the furnace. Fingers crossed that the sprinkler system didn't take a hit. I had a flat of petunias in the garage - I'll check on those when I leave. Mexican hamburgers tonight. Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by maryq » Wed May 22, 2024 7:24 am

Good morning Girls

Just waiting for my coffee to kick in so I can get my ambition on this morning. Have a few errands to run this morning. Looks like it's going to be an absolutely lovely day, after raining off and on all day yesterday. Am thinking I might play in the garage. Have to dig out stuff for the garage sale and get it priced.

Becca... How nice to share a meal before Bible study! My Mom was in the same Bible study group for about 25 years... I don't think she ever missed it. I think my sister has her study Bible with all her notes.

Judi... Don't you just wonder of the current state of Medical Care?? Fortunately I've had all good with my Dr, but I have heard so many "horror" stories of the efficiency of the system. Waiting months to get in to see an Dr., Staff not returning phone calls, even rude staff! My BFF was told she needed to see a cardiologist--but can't get in until JULY!!! Seriously!!! Shopping at Joann is getting a lot more frustrating lately, empty shelves, higher prices, Coupons you can't use. When I make little zipper bags, I wait until fusible fleece is 1/2 off-- At $11.00 (reg price) it's way to expensive! And I've noticed the quality of the fabric has really gone down.

Lois... You were up at 5:00AM!!! If I had to get up that early, I'd for sure be taking a nap! What's your next project now that you have Bill's quilt done. I showed Viv your quilt and she loved it!!! She does a lot of those "wildlife" type quilts, mostly for donation to local causes for raffles.

Maryz... I did check out Nova Montgomery web site. I think she does online classes, and I might think about that. I am going to call the guy that usually fixes my machines and ask him if he does featherweights. I'm sure itching to test her out, but will wait until the new plug arrives. I think her name will be Ferry Vivienne --- a girl as pretty as she is should have 2 names. Sounds like it will busy around your house this morning. I'm anxious to hear how you like your new bed.

Sharon... You are losing hair too!!! My nails are so ridged and break easy!! When I went to the Dr to ask her about it... she said it could be lack of protein, since I don't eat but one meal a day. She said I should have between 100-120 grams of protein a day!! Man I'd be in the kitchen all day!! The Colorguard thing is that at-home colon cancer screening. Surely you've seem their stupid commercials! That's my first errand to run this morning.... to take a package of poo to UPS !! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Chriss... Counting carbs is a pain in the you-know-what sometimes isn't it! I'm getting pretty good at tho. My blood sugar over the weekend was spot on, but I haven't stood on the scale since I got back. :roll: Sounds like you are doing a whole house remodel! Is your new sewing room your OLD bedroom? Is it bigger? Will you have more space? Once you get your new sewing room set up, I'd love to see it!! There's a facebook group "Sewing room ideas" where folks share their sewing room and ideas of how to set them up!

Lori... I checked out that Featherweight site! OMG.. there are some beautiful machines there, but yikes the $$$!!!

Well I suppose I better get going. Need a warm up on my coffee and then a shower

Wishing you all a Wonderful Wednesday

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by auntjana » Wed May 22, 2024 7:39 am

Good morning!

It's chilly, the coldest for the week and we'll warm up to a perfect holiday weekend.

Sandee is going with Sarah and family to Yosemite. Yosemite has always been a camping haunt since I was a little kid. My boys on many scout trips hiked all over the valley and climbed Half Dome a few times too.. I learned to swim in the Merced River, It's cold!

It's my Andrew who's doing the Eagle project. He and Daniel finished all the fabrication work last night. Now all that's left is a trip down to the girls camp and install these pieces parts for playing Frisbee golf. Andrew is my 4th to earn his Eagle rank. Matt, Aaron, and Stuart are my other Eagle scouts.

The landscaper called and will be out this morning to give us a estimate for maintenance on my yard. Ethan is getting to play hooky on Friday and will help me finish up my painting of the brick with flex seal. Then on Saturday, we get dirt and flowers. The house is somewhat in disarray. I've been good at not putting everything out of commission. My flooring guy is back on his way to Livermore and so, my floo is only delayed a couple of days. I need to call the shop I ordered the floor from and check on that.

We got the new diabetes monitor on and hooked up on Mr Grumpy. The numbers we first were getting were way out of range, but today they are great. Just the machine calibrating itself. So hopefully that is one less worry here.

So with all that, I sew today! Sarah will be here to raid my stash for some Gracie fabric for summer clothes.

Oh, Aaron's house - the kids made final packing of their old home. It closes on the 30th. So their house payment will be added to a savings account for about 4 months, nice chunk of change, which will help with a new refrigerator, basement finishing, etc. Also, Matt's rental closed and he got his money for it.

Well, I need to get dressed, feed the hungry bear, straighten a kitchen and then play!


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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed May 22, 2024 8:28 am

Good morning. What a wonderful day today will be. I need to make a mattress decision today. Not sure if I want to use the bed I have in the rafters of the garage or buy a bed frame from Amazon. And I might get out in the garage for a little while today, plenty of work to be done there.

Becca, having a garden is so nice. I've only planted tomatoes this year. I know I need the hot weather for them to grow but I also appreciate the cooler days so I can get some outside work done.

Judi, hope the water pill helps. Thanks for the hexi push but I never got mine out. Some day I will get back to them. Mine are just a bunch of scraps and it will be a quilt full of color. Our Joanns closed down. I'm thinking it won't be long before they are a thing of the past.

Lois, darn, you reminded me, I have some bathrooms needing attention.

Maryz, never thought of flannel scraps for batting. Bet you're excited for that new bed to arrive. That spare bed won't help me clean my garage by much. What I need is to empty that garage and put stuff back. It's a huge crazy mess, it will surely keep me out of trouble. First the inside of the house then the outside.

Maryq, yes to all of your questions. I'm pretty excited but need to empty a room before I can fill it. I offered my bed to my church group and someone wants it. Hoping they come get it next week. In the meantime I wait, which is probably a good thing since my back could use a few days off. It would be a lot more fun playing in your garage than mine.

Jana, sounds like things are moving right along at your house. I would like to do a little sprucing up here but perhaps next year. I think giving this new life of mine a year is a good idea.

I did sell one of my smaller window a/c's and will be $50 richer this afternoon. Wish the two larger ones would sell, maybe when it gets warmer out.

I failed to thaw anything out for dinner so will likely have a salad.

But now I need to find some kind of a bed situation, have breakfast and get dressed. You all have a fantastic day.
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by gershwin64 » Wed May 22, 2024 9:09 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Judi, I hope you get the swelling down, it's the pits! Water pills don't help mine but mine is an always thing and it's different.
We're going to be flirting with 90° until Saturday and then 96° will slap us in the face for all that flirting 😂🤣🤪🤪🥵
I couldn't sleep last night so got caught up on here for the last 2 days, I was up from 2 to 6 then started feeling sick from not sleeping and went back to bed and slept for about 2½ hours.
I used to have those lovely migraine headaches but mine were hormonal, as soon as I had my hysterectomy they went away, I think I've had 1 possibly 2 migraines since then, I had my hysterectomy 20 years ago. I hardly ever even have a headache anymore, other than having them from heat exhaustion and that 2nd med for actual reasons.
Chriss, you can buy a mattress without trying them out first? Our next bed will be going down to a queen size, the king is too heavy to lift to make it up for us now, it's a back breaker.
Well I have to get moving and doing after sleeping so late, the dogs are worried I've forgotten their hotdogs bite (pills are inside shhh 🤫).
Mr Farmer Joe (Frankie) is about done outside because the sun is already hot even though the temp is 73° our UV level is high starting by 10am and it can be painful to be out in it.
I need to see what I'm fixing us and Dad for supper.
Oh Dad is on his way to an orthopedic Dr this morning, he's going to see if he can get an injection for his knee. He said he's been researching it and there's like 6 different things they can do for knees besides replacing them; which he doesn't want to have done for 2 reasons, 1 being his 1st one didn't work like it was supposed to and 2nd because he lives alone and doesn't want to come live with us for a couple weeks. Anyway he said there's 1 injection that can last about 3 years so he's going to find out this morning.
You all have a great day!
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Re: Wednesday May 22

Post by grammiequilts » Wed May 22, 2024 10:48 am

I did tidy up the bathrooms and since I was out went and picked up the Rx, Pharmacist said the water pills last about 6 hrs...I am thinking 10. So I will be very sure to take them really early in the morning,,,I have taken them before and first day is the worst. But if this swelling goes down I will maybe make it til July for my appt to have this things drained. Oh and since I was out...I did stop by the plant store and bought 6 pots of red geraniums.to set on my porch...and a citronella plant too..plants like everything elso has gone way up...I need to look up if you can store geraniums and bring them back the following year,,,I seem to remember my dad doing something with geraniums..to bring them back the folowing year,,,
Tina if you have lymphodema I think compression is the only thing that helps.
Chris mine are the same all colors made up I will sew them together in a color wash,,,untill they are used up it looks right now that that will be a lap quilt or a throw size;
Maryq Drs now work for Corporations and they make the rules...my dr works for Promedica..the hospital is fantastic and I got the best care there but how they run drs offices is like a assembly line...But that being said there is no reason for rudeness or not retirning phone calls...when I worked for a Dr,,,I made little sticky noted of each phone call that required intervention...I didnt leave for the day till all were called back or done something with..Mine never call me back when I call...I asked about it once and was told...(Not nicely) there are only so many hours in the day ! You have to wait 3-4 months to see my cardiologist....Always call at least that far in advance for mine....If you have a problem yo end up at urgent care for the ER...

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