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Friday April 26

Daily discussions.
Posts: 6738
Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:46 pm

Re: Friday April 26

Post by Irishgram » Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:19 pm

Good late afternoon from a warm, sunny, SW. Pa....One of those days when you feel you really should do something but end up doing nothing, yep, that's me today....Tonight I'll be mad at myself for wasting the whole day....But, yesterday, did get my latest quilt top finished and now need to go back to JoAnn's to get batting and backing....I had planned to use 1 fabric and then started thinking of another and of course liked the other best and don't have enough....I also need to run to Walmart and pick up my RX and a few other things....They have the best blue berry muffins and I can't start the day if I don't have one and the newspaper.....

Sharona, there is always a fix, when you're doing a Tshirt quilt....On all of mine, most of the blocks are a different size and I also use the little logo patches on the pockets...It does get to be like a puzzle when I try to place them all and figure out the frames in between...But, your quilt will be extra special.....From your description of where you live, it's no wonder you are still getting snow...I also like to hear some thunderstorms but the cat is so afraid, no matter how much snuggling.....

Maryq, sorry to hear about your back...Nothing worse than a back ache, messes up the whole body....AND, you're right about those little strips that "come right off"...I also have spots on a wall or 2 to prove they don't.....And, also, have had some come loose in the middle of the night and scares the bejeevers out of sleeping cats and people.....I had hated to use nails, didn't want to make holes in the new walls but now, give me that hammer and nail......

Valerie, Oh my, what a cutie...He is adorable!

Judi, know you'll be having a great day with Navy...2 can be difficult but also so darn cute....Hope you're knee has a good day, also....

Jana, Mr. Grumpy at it again, lol....Loved the missing card story but we've all done some "weird" things....After mine was used in another state, they sent me a new one and half way through cutting up what I thought was the old one, discovered it was the new one.....So, had to call and have them send me another new one......I felt like such a fool, but thank goodness I didn't have to talk to a live person, just needed to push buttons.....

maryZ, yes you do need a "mini me".....Still can't figure out how you do all you do.....My design spot is also my living room floor but then I usually have help.....My sister has a huge island in her kitchen and I've used it for pinning...She did help and that's the closest she'll ever get to "making" a quilt.....

Becca, love how you started our day (even though I'm so late)....Wow, you really are out there playing in the dirt, good for you.....I think I still have a few weeks before planting and then it's only going to be tomato plants in huge buckets....Those I can keep on my deck but, I am getting antsy to get to the green house and check out all the flowers.....I'm surprised, my neighbor hasn't been shopping, she's worse than me about buying and having flowers in the yard, lol.....

Well, best I get moving...At least I did get the kitchen done but need to chase a few dust bunnies or might let them live another day.....

You all have a great rest of the day......................

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