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Wednesday April 24

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Wednesday April 24

Post by Becca » Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:19 am

Good morning everyone sun isn’t up yet but it is to be warm today
Hope your day is a good one filled with blessings

I plan to bake cookies for neighbor who had stroke Mainly for Husband He spends every day with her
Maryq I have been here since last June Seems long in some ways but I try to make the best of my situation
I must run because my water aerobics starts early How early 8:30
Have a great day
Maryz No the quilt is waiting Maybe soon I will get it out

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by mepeace2 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:06 am

Good morning Becca and all that follow
Becca glad to hear from you. There is always something you can tell us about. I seem to be over whelmed at this point in time. Too much to do. and not enough time. So I am not always on here because I have too much to do. LOL But I have decided I need to chat.
I have been clearing out more stuff. I am trying to get rid of clothes I cant wear anymore. And junk thats just sitting in basement. I need to load up and take to town to give to Helping Hands.
Today I need to finish mowing but since it rained about 2 inches yesterday I dont know if this will get done.
Too darned wet.
The house needs cleaned . And I really just want to sew. LOL
If I cant mow then I am going to clean my kitchen then sew. Still need to get more junk out of the sewing room . But a lot left.
Well I need more coffee and get to work.
Y'all have a great sewing day and remember to relax.

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:14 am

Good mornng try #2 I had a whole post and it poofed...gone nothing will bring it back....
It is gloomy and chilly here, I have my nieces husband coming out to spray the house and shop...today
Other than that there is nothing going on...I might work on the photos today....I am about 3/4 done with 58 yrs of photos...an amazing trip down memory lane. but I will be glad when it is done...
Hope you all have a great day,,,
Becca enjoy your water arobics.. I think I should look into that for my pain,,,I hate getting into the bathing suit in front of people...and getting dressed to go out wet...but in the simmer it might be a good thing,,,
Well I hope you all have a great day...we are under a freeze warning for tonight for all the hardy folks who were at the stores buying live plants for theor garden last weekend. it will be fun keeping them alive....My tulips are all in full bloom all over ( transplanted by squirrels) it is pretty but I think the frost will do them in...I am going to try and get them dug up and relocated to my daughter in laws yard,,,as soon as the plants die back. She has requested them and she has won awards for her gardens at her house...I offered them to her,,,

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by zfatcat » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:41 am

Good morning. I'm learning a lot in class. Busy days sewing and walking about town.

Maryz, I made it to the Loreto Chapel yesterday. It was beautiful.

Hi Tina South of me.

Gotta get ready for my day.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:49 am

Good morning,

BECCA - Cookies! Yum! What kind, she asked? Chocolate Chip with nuts happens to be my favorite in case you need to know. My other favorites are Snickerdoodles and peanut butter. It's thoughtful of you to make cookies for your neighbor. I know he is grateful for that bit of homemade joy in his life right now. It's Wed - will you be going to Alex's for supper with the family?

KATY - you and Chriss seem to be on the same mission right now. When I'm overwhelmed with gotta-do's and wanna-do's, and I don't have deadlines, I divide up the day, giving so many hours to each task. I have to be careful though and put sewing last. If I do it first - I'm still in there come suppertime!

TINA - congratulations to the boys on their win! I think you need a dachshund. Weren't they bred to chase badgers? Long and skinny so they can go down into those dens and duke it out. They are feisty little dogs, can be annoying, which is why the badger finally gives up and moves away to a more hospitable neighborhood :D My sister's nickname is Badger. No need to say anything more about that.

IRISH - I'm glad you finally got some human, English-speaking, service about your internet and seem to have made a cat-loving friend to boot! :D Yes, Bill sees better but will always wear glasses to protect his one good eye. My cataract time will come in another few years and I'm certainly no raving beauty, but I think as I've gotten older (and rounder) that I look better with glasses. Haha! I'm with you - living with either of my sisters would be a disaster! Maybe in the same town . . . a big town. Did I mention one of my sisters is often called "Badger"?

JANA - you are going to have brick flowerbeds all around your house! It's so much easier to weed raised beds and they will be so pretty when everything blooms. Are you going to plant anything besides spring bulbs? What will you use for summer color?

VAL - That's funny that your son wanted Mike Tyson's autograph. And that your DBIL was with Tyson! If you could pick just one person, living or dead, who's autograph would you most like to have? I want to say for myself it would be Mother Teresa, but probably I'd be more excited to have Tim Allen's. :lol: I will check out May Lotto.

CHRISS - Did your dad come out and help you with the lawn mower? Those hidden rocks can be a bugaboo for mowers. The price of your gas makes me not cry so much when we stop at the pump here in WA. We're paying about $4.79 here for gas and more for diesel. Hawaii is $4.99. I guess we take third. With fire season looming, I understand your push to get the weed-eating done ASAP. What a job! It's a back-killer. I bet part of you prays for rain so you can take a break from the outside, but rain just makes the outside grow thicker and faster! A vicious circle! And yes, you do need "me" time, but for me, my "me" time is just more time to spend on whatever I'm focused on at that point in time. That's not often yard work anymore, but it might be cleaning kitchen cabinets, my closet, organizing my library, making a list of cookbooks, sorting pictures, or... sewing! I don't much like just sitting and relaxing unless I have a really good book. I am very bad at "relaxing". My husband is very good at it . We balance each other, I guess.

JUDI - I'm excited for your family - a girl after all those boys! My parents had 3 boys and then 3 girls. My brother had 1 girl and then 5 boys. And one of those boys had 3 boys and another one had 4 girls. Funny how it all works out. Irish is right - Voltarin is a medication and it works, but if you decide to use it, read the warnings on the package. It shouldn't be used on large joints like hips because a large area would give you a large dose. I find Biofreeze works pretty well, too, and it comes in cream or spray. 75% of 58 yrs of pictures organized is impressive! It's a big job. Is everything labeled. And how is your quilt coming along? Your Christmas ones are done and ready for quilting and you're working on the new one now, aren't you?

LOIS - did you get your pineapple together yesterday?

SHARONA - so nice to enjoy lunch out with your long time friend. I was talking just a couple of days ago with a friend and we marveled at the same thing. We were 18 when we first met. (we're both 73 now) She was married and had a newborn. I was engaged. Our "menfolk" were going to the same college, first year, and they bonded because they were married or almost married. And now she has several GREAT grandchildren! But then she is 6 months older than I am so it's understandable that she has them and I don't. :D Where do the years go? I hope you found what you wanted at Costco. Prices are better but selection is minimal.

MARY Q - I never said I wasn't a fan of the name Fred. I just said we have a lot of them in my family! Grandpa was born in 1861 and named after an uncle (who was named after Frederick the Great of Prussia). Grandpa died before I was born but I suspect he was called Fred, as was my dad. (they dropped the "k" with my dad) My DB went by Gene (Frederic Eugene), and his son goes by Rick (from back half of Frederic). And now his son goes by Gene again. And not one of our Freds ever wore a red leisure suit! lol! But I like the nickname you gave your friend - Red Fred. Did you find the purrfect backing for the wedding quilt? If not, check your garage. If you can find a few different fabrics that would coordinate you could always combine them and make an interesting backing from them - wide stripes, large squares, etc.

LORI - that Georgia O'Keefe museum must have been interesting. I'm glad you're getting to see a little of the area while you are there. Santa Fe is so interesting. Have you been to Old Town? I think that's where the Loretto Chapel is. There is a casino about 30 miles south of town called Black Mesa where we stay with our trailer whenever we are in that area. - Oh! I see you did get to the Lorreto Chapel! It was fascinating! I love that I can picture exactly where you were!

LYN - I remember now - you told us but I just forgot - April 29th - off to IN. That's not long. Are you leaving earlier this year? Seems like you usually go in May. Do you have much work that needs to be done on the MH in IN?

Yesterday Bill finished quilting Posies. I put a binding on it and posted a photo. It was a quick project and had an interesting touch - rounded corners so I had to cut bias binding. Then I cleaned up my sewing room. Today I'll look at May Lotto and start cutting background for my third Scaredy Cat Christmas (SCC). I'm going to do some uglies and put homemade chili into the crockpot and will make cornbread. We invited Doyle & Susie over for chili and cards. She was able to finally ditch her "moonboots" and just use a walker for stability for another few weeks - then a cane. She's been OK'd to drive, too, but wants to get out and practice a bit in a parking lot before actually driving on roads.

Got to go - it's time for Scottie and me to meet Walking Lori from across the road for our daily morning stroll. It's when we solve all the country's problems.

Have a good one!
mary z

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:06 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Becca, how sweet to bake cookies for your neighbor and her DH. I'm guessing water aerobics are inside? Sounds fun enjoy!
Katy, I went through clothes last year big time in my closet, it was quite the chore but they all went to Helping Hands too and that made me feel like it was worth all that work. we just did a total clean out of the closet again and there were a few things I hadn't worn since last purge so I sent those too. I also got rid of a ton of clutter in there and now it's roomy, it's a walk in closet. I also cleaned the last cabinet in our bathroom, funny nobody sees these places but us yet it puts a smile on my face to know they are clean now. Try not to get overwhelmed, maybe just concentrate on 1 room at a time until it's totally finished? But balance with fun and sewing stuff too.
Judi, I didn't know squirrels would transplant bulbs, pretty nice for the recipients but not for the owner of said bulbs LOL. Your DDILs garden sounds amazing ❤️
Lori, I might have missed it, what classes are you taking?
Maryz, we used to have dachshunds when I was a kid, I loved those little weenie dogs ❤️ they were bread to go down some holes but I hope not badger holes as mean as they are. Frankie is aggravating it by running his tractor over his hole. I love your posies quilt!
We're starting a 3 day windy days today so I'll be staying inside. Laundry will be on the agenda for sure and hopefully some sewing. I want to try the May lotto block, I've wanted to try that block for ages and nows my chance. Plus I need to work on my sew along, I've been outside more than inside lately.
I might make a pasta salad tonight for supper, it's Dad's night.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need 🙏🙏

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:44 am

Good morning,

I'm late getting here today we had a chiropractor visit today and then stopped at the store for a few things.
Becca I hope you enjoyed your aerobics class
I need to get back to the gym.
Judi enjoy your day doing pictures.
Tina I hope your able to get back to your sew along.
Mary z yes I did get it finished Mary Q put a picture in photos for me.
Today I need to clean off my cutting table so I can start cutting out the next quilt.
As for dinner tonight hotdogs and beans.
Lori what kind of class are you taking?
Well thats all the news from here have a fun day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by zfatcat » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:47 am

I'm taking a 5 day class with Anna Marie. She is also a fabric designer. We're learning how to design our own quilts. I have learned a lot in just a couple days.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by zfatcat » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:50 am

Maryz, we're staying at the historical Hilton hotel. We are able to walk around town.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Wednesday April 24

Post by maryq » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:58 am

Good morning Everyone!

Happy Wednesday! Looks like a nice sun shiny day here! Might even open up a couple windows today.

Becca... How sweet of you to make some cookies for your neighbor! Gosh, its' been almost a year since you moved to your new place. Good for you doing water aerobics. There's a public pool by one of our schools and I think they offer those classes too, but NO way am I wearing a swim suit in public! :lol: :lol:

Katy... OH I can so sympathize with your dilemma... House work or sewing? Mowing or playing? Sounds like a lot of us have been "closet cleaning" lately-- kind of getting me thinking I should do the same. I went looking for some papers in a file cabinet in my closet and made a mess and haven't cleaned it up yet. Came across a couple quilts in there that I'd forgotten about!

Judi.... How's the knee this morning? Is it getting any better? Will the cyst go away on its own or will this be something you have to live with forever? I too am getting the bug to put some plants out on my patio, but will wait a little while. We are supposed to get before 32 tonite so the one Begonia plant I have will stay inside with me for a little while. Quite a job going through all those old photos isn't it. My Dad was big on using Slide film so that's was quite a chore to look through slides. I also have a box full of black and white negatives I don't know what to do with.

Lori...Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!!!

Maryz...Yup, I found the perfect backing!! It's in the dryer as we speak! Actually I found 3 I liked and ran them by Viv to get a second opinion since she is quilting it for me. Love your Posies quilt... How cute is that with the round corners... you are much braver than I am... as I'm not a fan of bias ANYTHING!!!!

Tina...You've been doing a lot of closet cleaning too? Nice to have it done right? I figured since I just kind of moved here 2 years ago I shouldn't have to clean closets just yet---well except for that fact that when I DID move in, things got kind of shoved here and there! I don't even want to think about what's shoved in the attic over my garage.

Chriss. OMG you pay over $5. for gas? Here it is $3.29 or was yesterday! Yeh, that's the thing about lawn mowers... they don't like rocks! I was notorious for hitting rocks when I mowed my lawn. I had rock around all the edges of the house and they some how always managed to find their way into the lawn. I think I had to completely replace my blades a couple times. Too bad you can't get into the Buy Nothing Group... it's a great place to get rid of things... somebody might be able to use those suitcases if Goodwill won't take them. It's not just for finding something you need, it works great for getting rid of things. Quite a few time I've had just the thing somebody was looking for. The other day I got rid of about 36 plastic hangers that KC left behind.

Oh gosh.. 10am I better get in gear. I overslept a bit I need to crank up the music and get to work!

Hope y'all have a great day!

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