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Tuesday April 23

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:41 am

Good morning, it's going to be a wonderful day and week. Mid 70's and today the sun is popping in and out of the clouds. A great work outside day

Saw my parents yesterday. They will be up today so dad can look at my lawn mower. I hit a rock and it stopped working. My step mom has Alzheimer's and when I got there yesterday we sat outside and she moved her rolling walker and told me she was going to sit by me. Reminded me of Marilyn and I would come home from work and she'd say sit by me grandma.

Also yesterday I took a load to the thrift store. Nice to get that pile out of my way, got gas at $5.27 a gallon. and got a few things at the grocery store.

Today, the plan is to work outside. Still a lot yard work to clean up and grass/weeds to clear. While a lot is done there is more to do. And I have the inside to do when it gets too hot to work outside. The outside needs to be done before the hot weather and fire season gets here. I figure it needs to be done by the end of May.

Tina, I have been known to put stuff down the squirrel holes. When I used to cut Jerry's hair I'd put it in a squirrel hole, or coffee grounds is another thing I have tried. I bet the turkey breast was really good.

Becca, hope the doctor appointments go in your favor.

Lois, I love chicken alfredo. I use zucchini for the noodles and add broccoli. So good.

Maryz, I agree about nixing the three baby quilts. I often have good intentions and think about making a quilt here or there but seldom do. I have so much going on that I am not even making a wedding quilt for my nephew. My goal is my upcoming grandson and every other sewing thing is on hold. I am making progress but it isn't very rapid.

Judi, a girl, how excited the family must be after all those boys. The neice having the baby girl is going to be so popular. My grandparents had 3 daughters and 5 granddaughters and I had the first boy. It's good to be in that position. We also see dwindling numbers of butterflies and bees here. Hope the knee feels better.

Lyn, still room? maybe I will come along, I could use a trip to the coast.

Jana, Sorry about the prescription misplacement. Glad it was found. Hope all will be calm in your house soon. Happy planting, I have some flower seeds I might plant around a tree here. I need to use them up and why not today.

Lori, I saw your pictures on FB, some amazing art, love the lion, she was really cool in both positions. I do take me time, mostly in the evenings. And I know the garage and inside of the house aren't as dire as the outside, but I just want to get it done. I knew you were kind enough to put a bee on a flower, only kind people would do something like that.

Maryq, I saw the buy nothing in Merced but they won't let m join because I dont' live in that county. I really don't need anythign because I am trying to get rid of things. I just can't say no to fabric. I do take time off. This weekend I'm going to St. Catherines day it's a church service and breakfast. Afterwards we are going to the Iris gardens. Who knows what will happen after that but please have bail money ready just in case. I also see a big maple tree outside my window and quite a few oak trees. Hey, we are seeing the same trees, are you next door?

Sharon, It's nice to go out to lunch with a friend. sorry about the appliances going kaput. I was thinking about a toaster oven, but not sure I would use one. I don't use the oven I have but do use the convection oven sometimes. I mostly use the stovetop or crock pot.

Well, by the time I get dressed and eat something it will be 8am and by then the world should be awake. I'm going to start my yard work and see how far I get.

You girls have a fantastic day.
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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:50 am

Good morning all, just a quick drive by, I have to jump in the shower. Then leave by 9 - 9:15. I have two patients to see in Napa. I haven't had a fever for 48 or so hours so think I am okay. Still coughing. Talked to my boss, she has had the same thing and has been coughing for a month. I took some Dayquil hoping that will relieve some of it.

FYI, May lotto is posted. Hope to have lots of participants.

Not too much else is new here. Oh a story, you would think I know my kids but apparently I don't. I was talking to my DBIL yesterday. He said my son asked for Mike Tyson's autograph. Huh? I have never heard my son mention Mike Tyson! Didn't even know he was interested in boxing? But DBIL was with Mike so he got an autograph for DS. Just when you think your kid has it all together!

Started to try and figure out what went wrong with the mystery quilt. I think I will have to make some new blocks. I will look at it again when I feel better.

Well off to the shower, have a great day everyone.
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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by auntjana » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:03 pm

A successful brick run! We were able to match the exact same color of what I bought 12 years ago! We went to the same brickyard, where they actually manufacture and fire the brick. 12 years ago we were told that the clay pit for my brick had run out and they couldn't get any more. So what I bought, all of the last run was it. So either they fibbed back then or they found another source for that clay. Which ever, I'm glad I was able to match what I had. There might be enough brick to make a third small planter on the south side of my garage. Our Mason has been here this morning and has laid most of the long planter. So far in total I have 34 running feet of planters, about 2 feet wide. The possible small one would be about 6 feet x 2 feet.

All the cap brick is in my Highlander at the moment, only 80 bricks. Drove home very cautiously, avoiding all bumps! Made it!

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by Irishgram » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:23 pm

Good late afternoon from a sunny but still a little chilly for me to work outside, but I'm itching to get out there'......For some strange reason, I didn't have internet yesterday and what a hassle trying to get Comcast on the line to get help.....If you don't give the right answer to their "robot" they hang up on you and all I wanted was to talk to a live person...Finally, I heard this tiny voice and she ended up taking care of my problem...Not sure where she was from but sounded so cute and when she heard I had a cat, she said, she did also and her Mom had cats and loved flowers...Well, after she fixed my internet, we stayed on the line and talked about cats......But, here it is, almost dinner time and I'm just getting back in my "room"....Was actually cooking and then saw my neighbor out and had to go out and talk to her.....I keep saying how blessed I am to have found or that Kathy found this house for me....It's a perfect fit and I hope I never have to leave until my buddy, the funeral director pays a visit.....Boy, does that sound morbid! But, I promised the littles, Emma and Lena, I be at their HS graduation in 2037....(I'll only be 100).lol

Maryz, I agree about not making those baby quilts...If you were closer friends, maybe then, but no...Is Bill seeing any better since his surgery? My sister doesn't have to wear glasses, even when she's reading, since her's but, doc blames Lymes on my need for glasses....But, that's OK, I think I look better with, lol....That's quite a list of quilts you need to make but knowing you, you'll whip them out in no time.....

Judi, A GIRL, how wonderful! In our immediate family, there was just my sister and me, then we each had 3 boys and my Mom, being a sewer was so wanting to make clothes for a girl....Then we each had a girl and then each had another boy....Now, with my kids, it's pretty mixed up, although, Kevin had 2 boys and now his boys are having girls...We had a neighbor who had 4 girls and Jim used to say, Oh my Poor Bill (the dad), he couldn't imagine living in a house with 5 women! Glad your doctor said to use Voltairn but you have to be careful...When I tore the ligaments in my knee, that's the only thing that helped and while I was in the hospital, they would glove and mask up before they would put it on..AND, when I got the RX for it, there was a measuring stick inside and you weren't to use more....Kevin is using it on his knee but the doc took it away from DSIL, Tim because of his heart.....Let's just hope and pray, that knee starts to feel better and you won't need anything.....

Becca, so glad to see you and so happy to hear you are feeling better....I have a friend who just moved into an apartment that sounds like the one you have and she just loves it...She too had a big house and lots and lots of stuff to get rid of but so far, she's enjoying her new adventure....Some, not too long ago, asked why my sister and I didn't move in together instead of both buying homes....I think I just gave this person the look! I'm sure one of us would have been in the loony bin before too long had that happened.....

Jana, love to hear about all the things happening at your house...New planter and new flowers, that is exciting......Men! I'm sure Michael feels that a little gremlin must have moved or misplaced his rx bottle....Hopefully, when you get your planters and new deck done, you'll take pictures for us to see.....

Chriss, you really are doing a lot! Give yourself a break, sit in the sun or just take a walk, you deserve some "ME" time....Have you decided what pattern you'll be using for that baby quilt? Guess I need to start thinking about one for our new one coming...I'm not like MaryZ and whip one up in a day or so, it takes me a long time just deciding the pattern.....

Tina, I like the idea of pumping the yukky stuff down the badger hole...Are they like our ground hogs who have a entrance and an exit hole? Our ground hogs or maybe called wood chucks elsewhere, are just a nuisance and do destroy gardens...My close neighbor is battling one now. It keeps getting under her mobile and she's afraid, it might chew on wires and then she's afraid to plug up the whole with him under there....She did ask, if she trapped him, would I go for a ride with her to find him a new home...But, I'm also sure, there's more than just one, they do multiply quickly (most times, have 3 babies)....I'd like to stick with the deer and the hummingbirds, no ground hogs, lol......

Oh well, guess I'd better get moving....I was going to do some running today but the day has gotten away from me so I'll wait until tomorrow.....Today is our election day but I had sent in my ballot.....For my dinner, I made a pot of chicken ala king, (that will last the rest of the week, even if I give some to Kevin lol).... I really should bake something and am hungry for cinnamon rolls but have no yeast....Oh well......

You all have a great rest of the day................

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Re: Tuesday April 23

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:55 pm

We won! The boys had smiles ear to ear!

Jana, flowerbeds are already in! Gosh he's fast! That's fantastic!!

Irish, you've been quite busy lately. Cinnamon rolls sound so good 😋
How to you make your chicken ala king? I used to have it as a kid and really liked it but have no clue which recipe would be good, there's lots.
The badgers do have multiple entrance and exits and their den thing can go 33 feet and it's shaped in a D shape and they have multiple dens. They're pretty good sized too. If my locker spaniel Rosie has shorter legs they'd be about the same size.... well I think the badger is wider than her actually.
Well it's past my bedtime, the game ran late.

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