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Friday April 12,2024

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Re: Friday April 12,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:18 am

Good morning. It's going to be a beautiful day today. I'm sitting here with all the windows open and the kids at the school are arriving at school and playing nosily, I love it. Soon they will do the pledge of allegiance and start their day.

Today my plan is to channel my inner MaryQ and tidy up those little messes that are all over this house. It's too hot to weed eat and Saturday it is supposed to rain so I will get back to the yard work next week.

This afternoon I will go to my parents' house, he has a couple of fans he wants to give me. He and my stepmom get moving a little later in the day than I do so as much as I would like to go to town in the morning it will be the afternoon.

Tomorrow would have been my 22nd wedding anniversary. Grandma died on my anniversary in 2018, perhaps she and Jerry will have cake together.

Lori, is a Sashiko kind of like blackwork? embroidery/cross stitch kind of a thing? There are some stitch along groups I am following on FB, some really incredible designs, just beautiful work. Jerry was one to just put paperwork wherever, then he'd need it and dang if he didn't search then find it. Because of the vast amount of paperwork I am trying to go paperless as much as possible.

Tina, telemed appointments are just wonderful. I've never had a massage, maybe one day. Sorry about the chickens. Do badgers eat the chickens or just kil them?

O'Dorothy, two things are standing in my way of that mower, first I have to sort of dig it out as things have been put in it's path in the cluttered garage. And I still am a bit intimidated, but will get past that soon I'm sure. Sounds like we are twins wanting to put our hands on things before they leave the house.

Lois, so glad you are feeling better. and nice that he found your oatmeal stuff. it's good to be you.

Diane, I type on a lap top and for me it seems that the "mouse pad" is just a smidgen too wide. I often hit it with my wrists and heaven only knows where my cursor goes. sometimes I get a poof all gone too.

Judi, glad your cookies are oatmeal, makes it sort of heart healthy. Also glad Kens next job will bring him home in the evenings. If you figure out how to get the energy of a 20 year old be sure and share your secret. In the mornings I let Moose outside and he comes in full of energy, he grabs a toy and we play for a little while. It keeps me moving.

Valerie, yay for turning in your electronics and yay for your blood test, I pray it shows just what needs to be done to fix you up.

Jana, I googled the camp where the kids are at, it's about 3 hours from here. I was going to suggest they stop by and do some yard work but it wouldn't be their route to travel home, drat.

Katy, you are a busy girl. Since you aren't sewing for the guild you might be interested in the lotto that Valerie hosts.

Sharona, that tail chasing can surely wear a person out. hope it was a wonderful play date with your friend and that the gallbladder hangs on until it's time to take it out.

Maryz, free days? You have free days? come on over, bring your sewing, we will have a slumber party. I also sometimes weed eat around some wild flowers. The purple ones are the ones I used to pick for my grandma, she's float them in water because the stems after I picked them were maybe 1/4 inch long. Grandma's are the best. I don't remember the strip and re-wax flooring, but clearly Jerry did. Which is why he stripped mine as an act of kindness.

Maryq, I will likely hire the man up the road who does weed eating and such. When my grandma died I had him clean up her property and he did an amazing job. I think he charges $20 an hour and there really isn't a lot of hours worth if work here. I want to do the work myself and be self sufficient but sometimes, this year I just may have to swallow that pride and get help. Hard for me to admit. Crazy how busy that store was. As fun as it is to go to a good sale sometimes it just isnt worth the time. What are you making for Jen out of those 30 prints? Ya know, if you took those 30 prints and made things for your craft fair they's probably sell like crazy. I know they would catch my eye for sure.

My BIL called me this morning. Seems he has bladder cancer. He knew this while he was here visiting Jerry but didn't want to mention it. He's had surgery and they think they got it all.
Please add a prayer for him to your list.

Well as I sit here and a slight breeze comes in the window while drying out the grass I'm thinking I could take a round or two with the weed eater.

Tonights dinner will be chicken, maybe parm. Maybe I'll make it before going to my dad's house and take him some, wouldn't I be a wonderful daughter if I did that?

You all have fantastic weekend.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Friday April 12,2024

Post by zfatcat » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:58 am

Lois, glad you are on the mend. And happy you found the Farina you wanted.

Judi, I hear you about body parts misfiring. lol

Val, I'm glad you gave up one of your positions. You are working so many different shifts/days, It's got to be hard on your body and mind. I hope it help a bit.

Jana, I would hate to be a PIO. You have to deal with the media, and there questions sometimes are really stupid. Bill was a captain/arson investigator for the Fire Department. They were working a really bad high rise fire and the reporter asked him, "What kind of fire is this Capt. McCoy?" He responded, " The burning kind," and told her to go find the PIO for more information. Nice you have kids to help with the yard work.

Katy, I had to Youtube how to start the lawn mower when Bill bought a new one. It was very different from our old mower. I love Youtube. You can find how to do anything on there.

Mary, I've been listening to audio books for a long time. I used to check out cassette tapes from the library when they first came out. My favorite was a series about two cats called Coco and YumYum. They were cute mysteries. Give Scottie some ear rubs from me. I'm sure he's sorry for making you chase him for hours. lol

Tina, I sure hope Frankie got whatever killed the chickens. You're having our beautiful weather from the last 3 days.

Maryq, Bummer about all the people at the craft store. It was the universe letting you know you didn't need that fabric, even though you wanted it.

Chriss, Sashiko is a Japanese technique and designs. It's basically a running stitch. I follow a group on FB that does Sashiko. Some of it is gorgeous. Sounds like you need a day to play in the sewing room. The messes will still be there tomorrow.

I've been doing a little knitting and listening to my book this morning. It's cloudy and cool again. Dark and dreary. It's supposed to rain this weekend. It sure was nice to have the sunshine for a few days though.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Friday April 12,2024

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:49 pm

We always tease and refer to the PIO person as the spokes liar. There was a doozy of one that worked at BART for most of Michael's career and he told some whoppers! Kate and Aaron both have to deal with the media currently and do well at rolling their eyes and smiling.

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