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Thurs April 11

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Thurs April 11

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:12 am

Good morning I was up a 5 couldnt sleep or so I thought. Got up put on a audio book and promptly feel asleep in the chair..Now I need to rewind the book to see where I left off...
I has been a long week here,,,Ken comes home tomorrow...I like a day or 2 of me time but miss my hunny,,,He calls but it isnt the same...Much of the time he is in his man cave watching some Scifi and I am in my sewing room...but I know where he is ans we do meet in the kitchen for snacks or drinks...Sadly I just found out he will have to go back there next week...and since he has to take the company truck I would just have to sit in the hotel most of the day,,,,when he is done working he is tired and there is not a lot going on around there, so we decoded I probably woud be bettr off here,,,,
I finally ended up calling the Drs office again and finally got an appt tp have my bum knee looked at, I am not sure whats it is but it is painful and swollen...and I do have a Baker's Cyst on that knee but this might be arthritis flare up...still couldnt get me in till next tuesday, but it is better than 2 months,,,I had to private message my Dr to get any where past the girls at the desk..
Today I get my toes done...its time a nd it will get me out of the house . We are having solid rain here,,,and it will continue till tomorrow....I may stop at a thrift store on my way home...
Tina your quilt blocks are so pretty.
Sharona,,,my Dr office does not have a number for today or next day appt...by I can private message my Dr on "My Chart". he usually answers in the morning,,,which he did,
Dorothy I hope you find the perfect RW&B quilt to make...
Chris Sending good thought as you clean out the stuff in your house...Any one of us would come there and help if we could...but somethings need to be done in baby steps at your comfort..
Lyn I am looking forward to the eclipse photos.

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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by velvet » Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:36 am

Well it looks like a wet rainy day here in Myrtle beach. It rained most of the night. We need the rain. Hubby is going to the shooting range with his friend Jim this morning. So, as you can guess sewing time is on my number 1 list item with a cup of coffee. I cut for a "walk about" pattern but I saw a different arrangement in Missouri star and want to try it out.
Prayers for those in need. Please add Laura to you r prayers. She suffers so much, each day is a struggle for her. Thank you


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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by WeeOne » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:31 am

A cool sunny morning here.

We went to the Longhorn Cavern yesterday. It was very interesting, but the 90 minute tour was about 15 minutes too long for Maddox. He enjoyed the prospecting bag I bought. There were several nice rocks and sharks teeth hiding in the dirt.

The kids fly home this afternoon. We have to leave for the airport by 12:30. Austin says check-in 2 - 2.5 hours ahead. They load the plane at 4. It's an hour and a half drive to airport.

The time with the kids has been great, though I will admit I'm a little tired.

I hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:56 am

Good morning,

Our company supper last night was very nice - everything turned out purrfectly. We invited my SIL, too, as she also knows Tex & Annette so we were five. But all day yesterday Scottie was frantic to get out, barking, whining, running out on the gated deck and staring into the woods. Finally, about 7:30 pm he escaped and was off like a shot, barking. I didn't know he could move that fast anymore! We couldn't get him back. He usually runs to the tractor when he hears it so out came "Scout", but it didn't work. Tex & Annette also tried to catch him. Bark! bark! bark! After barking all day long I figured one of the neighbors would shoot him and at that point I'd have handed him the bullets! Scott was covering maybe 10 acres, racing around, barking, frantically following some big scent that wasn't normal. My thought was our neighborhood bear woke up from his winter nap and was wandering around. We finally caught him over at Vicki's about 9pm but only because he was exhausted. I leashed him and we both limped back to the house for a long drink and to collapse. Anybody want to buy one very used sheltie - 25 cents? Anybody? Good watchdog!

JUDI - sorry Ken has to go back to Holland next week. I suppose you could load up your machine, fabric, iron, ironing & cutting mats, patterns, rulers, cutter, seam ripper (never leave home without it), and thread and go along, but I'm kind of tired just listing all that. Better to stay home with your stuff. I sure hope your doc has some answers for your knee. Ice and elevate until Tuesday.

IRISH - I loved hearing about Jim's jackets and shirts, though my first thought was 'why did he want so many jackets from North Dakota?' lol! It finally clicked - Notre Dame! Duh! Smart hiding place - that jacket pocket. We also have a hiding place and no I'm not telling you where it is! Not until you kick your Joanns habit! I knew someone once who literally had a coffee can of money buried in their back yard. And someone else who hid $26,000 in their bathroom wall and told only two people - one being me.

CHRISS - Many people believe that butterflies carry special messages, so I hope you see LOTS of them when you are outside! Isnt' the next town over Mariposa? Meaning butterfly? As to death certificates, you will need many copies. EVeryone wants a certified copy and many you don't get back - regular copies won't do so get several - a dozen. They are much more expensive if you have to order more later. I love Geico's commercials but every few years we price out insurances and they always come into the more expensive category. I'd shop around. I always carry my phone in my back pocket, too. I consider it my 'Life Alert". I had a friend who fell and laid on the floor for 10 hours because she couldn't get to her house phone. I hope Marilyn comes to help you sort Jerry's things. So what if she wants to talk, ask questions, etc. This kind of seems like the time for that. Perhaps her way of finding closure and saying good-bye to him. 😿

TINA - I love your quilt and the fabrics you are using. Are they from your stash or did you buy a kit? Lovely! I have the pattern and maybe one day I'll make this, too. Of course, my mind immediately went to Christmas fabrics but I'll probably be sick of Christmas by the time I finish all five of my quilts I'm working on. Maybe I could do floral? R/W/B? CW? So many possibilities with this pattern. I would like to make them all!

MARY Q - I'm with you on lists - I like a paper list that I can carry when I shop, crossing off things as I go. My phone/picture is just a back-up. Guess I need a back-up back-up plan. :lol: Did you decide what to do about your quilt? It really would be a fairly quick and easy fix. Will it bother you if you don't fix it? Years after my mom died, my dad had a serious health issue and eventually came home from the hospital. In the meantime, my SIL and I cleaned his house and cupboards and found some outdated things in his pantry. We tossed them. It was only later I realized that keeping those things in his cabinet was his way of keeping my mom close. She was the heart of the kitchen and keeping things she had purchased, touched, and would use in previous times was comforting to him. It must have hurt him when he saw what we'd done even though he never said anything. I learned a lesson. There is more than one perspective to everything. I wonder what my kids will think when they find two quarts of home canned cherries in my pantry from 1973. My mom canned them and I get "good energy vibes" from them just being there.

LYN - you've had such a wonderful visit with the kids! I bet you hate to see them go. Will you stay at the house for a while or head back to the MH?

SHARONA - Did you get to do your major sewing yesterday? I'm with your Jim - if it were me, you'd be loading all my software, too! I'm totally ignorant of computers. But I live with a network engineer and he has an entire room full of "gear". He spends more time on his computerS than I do at my sewing machine which is saying a lot. So if anything computery needs doing, I just stand back and watch his smoke.

DIANE - OMG! You're kidding!! The Mullinix ("Mighty Mux") reunion is almost at your house? And there sits my brother in North Pole, AK. At 89 yrs old he's probably one of the oldest surviving crew members. He was stationed on her right after she was commissioned in 1958 and he was a brand new young sailor. He sailed all over the world on her. I will share with him what you told me. If there is a QOV presentation, will you be there?

JANA - I hope the kids house sells quickly. A house that is empty and move-in ready should be a hot commodity. Good thing you have a big house! And that Michael is slow at moving desks! Nothing is ever boring at your house!! :D

Today is Bill's final post-op on his first eye and pre-op instructions on his second eye for next Wed. I will probably go along with him because that's how we roll - together. Then I'm going to make a chicken tetrazinni, salad, and french bread and take it to Doyle and Susie's house because she is coming home today! They would like us to come by at 2pm, visit, eat with them, and maybe play cards if she's not too tired. But I expect she will be. It's an exciting day to come home after almost 3 months. Any spare time I have today will be spent in my sewing room working on my log cabin. I cut my logs 2" wide and I'm trying to decide if I want to make sixteen 4-log blocks (15"x16" each) or twenty 3-log blocks (12"x13" each). I do plan a border but not sure just what it will be yet. So for now I'm doing 3-log and will make my decisions later.

Good day to all!
mary z
And I always put my kitty at the end because my Foxy Kitty is always here with me every morning, often helping me type my message. So it's from both of us. Every morning.

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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by auntjana » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:38 am

Good morning!

Well,never a dull moment here. We were planning on the Aaron family, but that got changed back to the first plan. Sarah's house. But I got Stu instead, for a week or so. Sarah has a she shed in the backyard, all finished, even with A/C and that will become Stu's little apartment, or hideout . So for right now, he's just sleeping here until Sarah gets that organized for him. The kids house is now officially listed, with the for sale sign in the front yard. Matt too is selling a rental home he owns and it is sold and under contract to close the first part of May. That house is up in Logan and was rented by college students. It was on the market for about 3 weeks. So busy busy here. Aaron just called and the PODS has now arrived.

So hopefully things will get quiet, stop laughing! I do still get to babysit the kitty. Sassy. She's very skitty and will probably hide here.

A short run to the grocery store, then home to sew. The sun is out, doing himself proud, shining brightly. We will warm a bit too.

Chriss - this old brain finally remembered to tell you about a floor finish product that will make your kitchen floor nice and shiny again. I know the finish was stripped, so you might try Kwikshine for floors. It goes on quick and easy, like old fashioned, liquid floor wax and when it's dry, the floor is so shiny it still looks wet! I would find it at Walmart and Amazon has it too. Now, driving that mower, practice on a flat area first. It's not hard. Michael , my worry safety wart, says pay attention to the slope of the ground, remembering that gravity still works and avoid tipping over. You can do it!

Well, time to finish up Thursday uglies,

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by WeSignificant » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:40 am

Good morning friends, I was supposed to go back to the RV site today but I think I will wait till Saturday and just go to help clean up and get things home. I am also going to send a message to my PCP and have him look at my test results (specifically my CT scan) from the ER and see what his opinion is. Insomnia is a real problem but hesitant to take anything when I am home alone. We will see what tonight brings.

I am going to try and get some sewing in today. 4th day home and I have made not one stitch! Would like to get 2 more lotto blocks done for this month, my BOM finished (just have to put the rows together) and maybe make a couple of May lotto blocks. I also have a quilt on the wall I am working on.

Irish we nearly hit 80 yesterday! I turned the AC on for a few hours. Today will still be about 75, cooling tomorrow and then likely rain on Saturday.

Chriss could your son maybe give you some pointers on that riding lawn mower. Should would be easier than by hand. I find it odd that a butterfly is classified as an insect. It really doesn't look like one. Did they explain to you about keeping your paper shredder oiled? The teeth on my old one broke because I didn't know about the oiling part. I think the recommendation is every hour of cummulative shredding or if just in small amounts once a month.

Tina allergies are rampant out here right now so while the weather is nice, I tend to stay indoors as the pollen counts are up. I have been following that sew along on FB, those blocks are gorgeous. Love the pink and green together.

Maryq I clean my sewing room a lot! But just like yours, it doesn't take much to mess it up again. I did tidy it a bit yesterday but it really needs a deep clean. Some other day though. I am going to try and talk DH into the garage this summer. It some needs cleaned out. He is a pack rat so it will be a challenge. He would be great friends with Jerry and Garry.

Lyn I just have to say 6 yr old dressing, that is kinda gross. We got just a partial eclipse here. I didn't see any of it. Uhm, wonder what the elcipse had to do with cattle movement. Some things are just wierd.

Sharona please push me to go get that sewing done. I need to find some initiative somewhere.

Jana hope the kids can sell quickly too. Yes it is difficult with little ones to keep things up. Out at the cabin I must have picked up blocks 16 times a day. Man they can spread them quickly. I am going to start making DH a list of things that need to get done and he can cross them off as they are completed.

Maryz I am not much of an oatmeal person, I really have to have eggs in the morning or things just don't feel right. Tacoma, isn't there a nice quilt shop there? My fav though is the one in Des Moines. Sounds like a great dinner you have planned.

Judi thanks for reminding me, I have lots of binding to do also. Good luck with your dr. I am wondering if I will hear back from mine. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.

Well I need to think about trying to put something in the stomach here. Likely scrambled eggs, nothing else sounds good. Hope you all have a wonderful day. May all your bobbins be full.
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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:16 am

Good morning. Today will be a beautiful day. upper 70's both today and tomorrow followed by a Saturday of rain. then back up the thermometer we climb.

I've started my paper shredding adventure. After going through my pile of paperwork twice, I think I may be able to burn the papers, I'll make sure my hose is nearby and it should all go quite quickly. Saves me a trip to the dump.

Got about half of my weed eating done. A good days work sure makes for a good nights sleep. I find myself falling asleep in my chair in the evenings.

My neighbor who does yards said he would do the weed eating between my fence and the road this week. He's not the most reliable person so if he doesn't do it I will work on it next week. We are supposed to have 100 foot clearance around all buildings and while the road is more than 100 feet from my house there are those who think tossing a cigarette out the window is not a fire hazard.

Tinab, you also have a great day.

Judi, glad Ken will be home soon. sorry he has to go back. I also wish everyone could come here to help with things, but you know as well as I do it would just be a gab fest and no work would get done. Besides, I need to put my hands on everything I find so I can decide where it goes. Glad you got that doctors appointment.

Lyn, glad you had a good visit. Your ride home from the airport will be filled with remembering the fun everyone had.

Maryz, I had to google chicken tetrazzini, it looks good, they will enjoy it. I do need to lower my costs and will soon look for less expensive insurance for both home and car. But everything I have read says not to make any major decisions until a year has passed. It's not quite been a week. Hard to believe. Seems like much longer than a week. Glad Scotty came back home. Moose barked at the man who came to take my trash the other day. It was a different bark. A bit more of a get out of here bark. Moose, the chicken dog, seemed quite serious at that moment and even got closer than usual to the man he was barking at. He got a treat for making me feel protected, and it made me realize he might just be a little more than bark if needed.

Jana, I love when your old brain kicks in and I learn something. I will be buying some Kwickshine tomorrow. You tell Michael thanks for the tips on mowing. I do know about slopes and remember what happened to Izzy when she went off to mow. Most all my stuff is flat with only a gradual incline, or decline depending on the direction of travel. But I do have one area that is worrisome, and I will hit it with the weed eater rather than the mower. Funny how plans change, but don't hold your breath, they could change again, those kids could be bringing their sleeping bags any time now.

Valerie, seems eggs just don't fill me up and I am quickly hungry again. I do eat Noatmeal sometimes for breakfast. It's a seed mixture (flax, hemp and chia) I sometimes add apple pie seasoning and I boil it in almond milk. I'll check out the shredder oil stuff, to be honest, I haven't even read the booklet that came with it. I hope you show up at the cabin just in time to not have to help clean up. Hoping it's all done before you get there. Marilyn used to take Melatonin and Vavarian Root for her insominia, not sure it helped. I also want to get to sewing. Saturday it's supposed to rain, it will have been my 22nd anniversary with Jerry. Sounds like a good day for sewing.

It's already 60 degrees here and it's not quite 8:30. Guess I'll get dressed and get moving. You all have a groovy day
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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by zfatcat » Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:51 am

Chriss, you'll get into a routine soon and then things will become easier. You've already been doing everything yourself for a while. Bill is the worst about paperwork. I did the taxes yesterday, and trying to find things was annoying. He just throws things in the files in the envelopes and never purges the old stuff. I need to shred a couple years of taxes that are no longer needed. Hope the neighbor follows through and helps out.

Judi, bummer Ken has to go back again. I bet you are glad you changed your mind and didn't go with him.
Hope the problem with you knee isn't serious.

Val, I hope you can figure out what's going on with your health. A little life slow down might be needed. More sewing, less working.

Jana, your life is rarely quiet, but I think you like it that way.

Maryz, I would love to purchase an adorable dog for 25 cents. He was just saving you from bad things in the woods. lol Hope your friend Susie does well at home. 3 months is a long time to be away. I bet she will be glad to sleep in her own bed again.

Lyn, sounds like you had a great time with the kids. I bet it will be hard to say goodbye.

Well yesterday was a busy one. I cleaned, and did taxes. I was able to pick up some handwork last night before bed. I'm working on a Sashiko table runner. I listen to a book as I stitch, so it helps me relax before bed.

Not sure what I'll do today. Jack already took me or a walk, and now I need some breakfast. Dinner will be chicken on the grill with potatoes and broccoli.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:26 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
I'm running way late! Dad had a telemed appt at 8:30 the Dr finally called at 9, it only took 5 minutes then we gabbed for awhile. It's a 90 minute drive to El Paso to his Dr's office then at least an hour long wait then 90 minutes back and there's construction to drive through so we're very thankful they let him go in person only once a year and the rest is the telemed appointments.... he does those at my house. He's doing really good with his numbers, the Doc was super happy and we are too.
I then went outside and started watering, it's 70Β° right now and we'll hit the low 80's today.
I haven't gotten a chance to get in my sewing room yet today. I'm boiling chicken now to make chicken salad for lunch.
I cut strips till lunchtime yesterday then we had a sandwich and I went for a massage, oh my goodness did I have tension! I took the rest of the day off and just relaxed.
I'm using my stash for the sew along. There are all sorts of different colors people are using, I've seen a couple RWB and I think civil war fabrics. 1 lady did hers all in yellow, wow is it ever pretty!!
We have a game tonight and thankfully leftovers to eat for supper tonight.
You all have a great day! Prayers for those in need πŸ™

Oh Chriss, I use a riding mower and it's easy peasy, you can do it πŸ‘

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Re: Thurs April 11

Post by Irishgram » Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:10 am

Good afternoon from a very dreary, rainy, SW. Pa...Sunny, dry days are over for a few but come next week, summer! Kevin came and cut the grass while I was a card club the other day and I'll be before he had his tractor loaded up to go home, those "pretty yellow flowers" were already popping up...At least my yard is very colorful.....

MaryZ, Oh my, Scotty can come here but BabyGirl might not like to share...And for sure, he'd have a lot to bark at, we have wild life running through the yard all the time...Kevin even saw a bear not too long ago so add that to the list...Will be thinking of Bill and hope all goes well with the eyes...Remember my pet sitter, Dyan, who moved to NC? Well, she is coming up next week to have her eyes taken care of...She'll be staying with JoAnn (who calls her, her adopted daughter) but it will be so good to see her.... And also, just want you to know, haven't given up trying to figure out a way to meet your brother although the "friend" might get in my way.....Even looked into Alaskan cruises but then my sister would come along and she might get in the way......
Judi, just another day and Ken will be home but sorry to hear he has to go back...Gosh darn, would be special if you could go along...And, glad you're going to see your doctor. Had you bumped it or hurt it in any way? I had that "my chart" with my old doctor and it was great...I need to set it up with my new one but so far (knock on wood) I've had no problem getting through when I call...BUT, it could be that 2 girls in the office want me to help them with Tshirt quilts...But, sure hope you get some answers, good answers....

Jana, I'm glad your brain kicked in, I might just have to give that stuff a try....And for sure, there's never a dull moment in your house but some day, you'll sit back and have so many good memories to think about.....Having family around is the best!

Chriss, sounds like you really are busy, which is good...And to be able to get a good night's sleep is extra good....I was exactly like you, I wanted to "do it" myself, had to make sure what was given or thrown away...And also when I moved, except for the heavy stuff, every day, I loaded my car and came to the new house and toted it in...I know it helped me and sure did sleep good, lol....I'd be like you with that rider...We had never had one and I've never even sat on one...It took Jim at least 4 hours of steady mowing with a self propelled push mower but that's the way he wanted it...... But, I'm sure, you'll get the hang of it.....

Well, I think I'd better get something done...I do have another load of laundry going (can't understand how I have so much) and I even put a small roast in the crock pot...But, now, to the play with some fabric...Perfect day to do it!

You all have a great rest of the day.................

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