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Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

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Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by patches4 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:06 am

Good morning everyone,
Rainy stormy day here today and in many places.
Prayers for everyone to be safe and well.
Thanks for your help with wonder clips, it is most usually best to stay with brand names.
I should say I actually made a quilt with hourglass blocks made of triangles and a “love note” square for daughters wedding. The pattern came from McCalls quilting magazine back long time. My friend quilted it on her long arm and I had to bind it. I dabble in other patterns of piecing blocks and then just assemble the blocks in tops for charity but just that. I have dabbled in paper piecing and would like to do more, as well as hand quilting some day perhaps.
Like someone said I am an assembler on a line. Nothing hard and not complicated. I guess that’s more sewing not quilting.
It’s hump day and I hope you all accomplish great things. Prayers all in need Chriss,Jerry, Chrissy1 and Gerry, as well as Al in need the Lord knows who.
Blessings and happy quilting.
You ladies are true quilters start to finish and I am in awe of you all.

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:12 am

Good Morning it is still rainy and dreary here,,,our highs in the 50s. We are dealing with a leaking toilet today,,,Ken has school today and I have a bucket under the toilet tank to catch the leaks...a small drip but it is the upstairs bathroom. DD has a brand new toilt in the box at her house she said we could have,,,She had it delivered and it was the wrong one...so they were supposed to pick it up but because of covid they never did...finally they said to keep it...so we are in a win lose situation...win due to a brand new toilet...Lose becaise it will not match the foot print of the old one and I might have to replace the floor...too. (THis Old House)
I didnt get any sewing done, I worked a bit on the photos...and declared today after 2 ( when Ken leaves for school) sew the rest of the day away,,,I will sew I will sew..Iwill sew. I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday taking care of things and talked to DD twice for an hour...Sometimes she just needs to talk to her mom...and yesterday was one of those days, Prayers are needed for JEff His job has been eliminated He just started there a month ago...since he is in the executive side of things they decided to eliminate an entire department...He has a few things lined up..but today he has to tell a bunch of employees that their job has been eliminated,,with only 3 month severance...Company said they needed to cut due to the economic forcast for the country ( funny the media is telling us how grand things are)
Well I need coffee and see where the bathroom guy is at, then go pick up a toilet...coffee and ruminations first...it is a morning thing, Hope all is going well hope Jerry is adjusting to his new surroundongs...Hope Chrissy1 and Vince are adjusting to the big change, and praying for the things we need,,,and thankful for all we have,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:39 am

Good morning,

TINA B - You are a quilter! We all love different facets of quilting. Most of us don't do all thos facets. We pick and choose what fits our interests, pocketbooks, and circumstances.

LYN - Hope the plane landed OK, on time, and you met up with Amanda and Maddox w/o any trouble. Have a fabulous time!

MARY Q - Did you see the access to the setting triangle chart (and many other sizing charts!) that Carol posted for you yesterday? I've learned Carol is a go-to source for all things quilty! Almost every pattern I've made that calls for setting triangles says to cut a large square and then cut it twice diagonally to get four triangles. From the comment Carol made about putting long edge on straight of grain now I know why! I hadn't even thought about it before.

JUDI - So sorry about the toilet, Jeff's job, and the no sewing thing. Having just replaced a toilet last month in our trailer, we understand the footprint thing. But glad Colleen had a spare to offer you. You can spend what you would have spent on a toilet on flooring! Smile?? Sounds like Ken has a lot of job security at your house! :D

I got some sewing done yesterday and a lot of yard work. I think I have my front yard - the bulk of the work - all squared away for now except for buying and planting a few new bedding plants. The side and back yards are a piece of cake. I got almost all my yard art pieces out and even pruned and fed my few (5) roses. Finally. I'm late this year. This morning we're off for Bill's cataract surgery so that will be my morning. Guess I'll be sewing this afternoon while he naps. I think I figured out my last Christmas quilt. Hooray!! I found in my Christmas stash a panel with 3-1/2" pictures of the Twelve days of Christmas. So I think I'll use those little pictures as log cabin centers and make a log cabin quilt. Colors and arrangement will be determined later but at least now I have a plan! This will suit Teese much better than the Scaredy Cats of Christmas. So I guess I have my summer sewing projects all lined up!

Time to hop in the shower and get ready to leave. Bill's appt is early. I'll be back later on to see what's going on in everyone's day. I hope I have time before we leave to get a crock pot of soup going before we leave. Something with the leftover ham - split pea or bean. Since I'm being nice to Bill today it will probablhy be bean. With sour dough toast.

mary z

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by FlorenceM » Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:06 am

Monday night the weather was rocking here. At 9 pm news said bad part of storm, with tornado possibilities, was going to be north of us. 30 minutes later things were so bad DDIL& grands were here...so they spent the night. All of us just staying awake watching news. By 1 am all threats were past, so we hunkered down to sleep. So yesterday we were zombies..slept well last night, but still a zombie.
Will catch up later

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by maryq » Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:49 am

Good morning Girls

Just a quick hello this morning as I need to take my shower (P-U!) and then go pick up Darn Peggy. We are making a stock up trip to Sam's club this morning and since Peg hates the freeways, I'll drive!

Tinab... I'm a brand name gal too, there are certain things I'll buy generic, but it has to be brand name Miracle Whip, Skippy Peanut Butter, and Ritz Crackers! Oh and Campbells Soups! :lol: :lol: For the most part I can't tell the different between the real Clips and the generic ones, tho I do notice some are tighter than others. Not to worry, every part along the way of an assembly line is important---where would they be without you!!!

Judi... So sorry to hear Jeff has lost his job!! You hear how great the economy is doing and that the jobless rate is so low and there are a million jobs left unfilled etc... I hope he finds something soon, as I can't imagine him sitting still!! Hope it doesn't mean they will have to transfer/move!! You're lucky, in a way.. that the toilet leak is just a little leak. Once when I was visiting Jen, the whole toilet tank broke in pieces and water was everywhere... and of course through the ceiling to the lower level. Thankfully, quickly replaced!

Maryz... Lots of Prayers for Bill this morning. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes and by tomorrow afternoon I'm think he should be able to tell if there has been any change. Might be slight in that eye, but he'll be glad it's over and maybe a little less nervous about the next one!

Flo... When you get tornado warnings, do you have a basement to go to? No basement for me, so if tornado goes through I'll just jump in my bath tub where I keep all my quilt batting and cover up! It will be nice and cushy. I know that sounds funny, but I have bathtub that's never been used and that's where I hide my bolts of quilt batting!

Carol.. Thanks for the info on the setting triangles and other measurements! I could have sworn I printed those out a long time ago, but do you think I could find them!! this time I'll be sure to save on the computer as well!!

Chriss... Yup, it's just a thing hospice does... kind of a checkup every 3 months, things change and his needs may change and theoretically they will be ready for them. Did you eat a lot of weeds yesterday. That was never my favorite part of lawn care, but it always looked so nice when it was done.

time to take the shower and get ready to go!

wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday... with prayers all around~

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by WeeOne » Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:10 am

A sunny morning on the coast of Texas.

I need to read and catch up from yesterday.

We picked up Amanda, Maddox and Moose the puppy from Austin Airport and headed south. We had lunch at Black's BBQ in Lockhart. Since my girls maiden name is Lockhart, this was a fun photo op at the town sign. The BBQ place claims to be the first in Texas, over 90 yrs. The trip down was good, we saw lots of wildflowers, some longhorn cattle and even a humped back camel. After unloading we went to Whataburger.

Today we will go to the beach.

Prayers for your needs.

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by auntjana » Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:47 am

Good morning!

Oh what a beautiful morning! Bright, sunshiny and WARM! Warmest day of the year, so far! Good day to make a grocery run. Costco, Trader Joe's and Winco. My list isn't long, but takes all three stops.

Then home and sew. My friend didn't come, but I watched a quilt show that was on using photos in a quilt. Great idea for her quilt. The pictures were set in two different sizes of a Ohio star. Both blocks were 12 inches finished. I think she can handle this. I will get lots of sewing time this weekend as it's General Conference on Saturday and Sunday. We watch all the sessions in the Batt Cave, where I can listen and sew. It's wonderful and is available on BYUTV , so anyone can watch.

Well, time for our morning devotional,
Many prayers for Bill, Jeff, Chriss and Jerry, and the rest of us too! Blessings are wonderful all the time!


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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Apr 03, 2024 9:21 am

I thought I would have my day planned...but it was not to be....ken doesnt have school today its spring break and the school is closed....(No one told me!) But we had a Home Depot run this morning and got the parts for the toilet and looks like we wont be replacing it at this time..We did stop my DD's and took them donuts and coffee...Jeff was in a decent mood and loved the donuts...Liam will be over to work on the shop and I am headed out to the camper to pack up the stuff I am keeping and get it ready for the kids to move later in the month.....I will sew later I promise....Prayers for Bill and his surgery and Chris and Jerry,,,and everyone else who is needing,,,,that's all of us.......xxxooo

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Apr 03, 2024 9:56 am

Good morning. It's been a busy but productive day so far today.

On one of the FB swap sites a lady was looking for a large suitcase. I have a large suitcase but no thrift store around here wants it so I took it to her this morning. Thrilled to get rid of it. and stopped at the grocery store to purchase a steak, with a bone for Moose, some mushrooms and asparagus. yum, that's dinner tonight.

Then came home and watered the trees. It is supposed to be 80+ degrees today and only 50* with rain most all day tomorrow. I have been tackling my weedeating and while I am making progress there is a lot still to do. I'll get there it will just take time.

Tinab, I would love to see your quilt. I bet it's beautiful. If you need help posting pictures my email address is chrmoo at hotmail dot com.

Judi, prayers for Jeff and his crew. I have never understood how they determine that things are better or worse. I pray he finds the perfect job. Happy new toilet day. woo hoo.

Maryz, yay for sewing and yard work. I've gotten some yard work done and some house organizing done. Today I tackle the garage so that I can try to get my mower out of it's cubby hole. Maybe I can also get rid of some junk. Prayers for Bill and the person performing the proceedure.

Flo, hoping there is a nap in your day. I have been surprisingly sleeping quite well lately. Guess I was so tired I just konk out.

Maryq, yeparooni, I ate more than my share of weeds, and have enough to go around. And I seem to find clumps of grass in the house even though I try to brush my shoes and pants off, it still clumps.

Lyn, what fun for Maddox to see those critters. My Moose says hello to your Moose.

Jana, I was in Costco yesterday and only bought two bags of mixed nuts and two of those black totes with the yellow lids. Afer that I went to a grocery store and came home. gas here is $4.75 and my tank is full

Judi, my plans often get fizzled out.

I will go see Jerry this afternoon, the gal who gives him a bath will be there. Tomorrow the nurse will be there for his evaluation and starting next week the nurse will up it to twice a week. I want to know what the evaluation results are.

When I was at the store this morning I purchased $2 worth of their plastic bags. bags cost 10 cents each. I plan to empty book shelves first and take them to the library so they can sell them. Just seems like so much stuff here that needs to be decluttered. It will take time but it will get done. At least I'm not sitting on my butt. I told my son that I am going to get into shape and that is what I intend to do.

That being said I need to have some breakfast and get some work done here.

You all have a groovy day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Post by zfatcat » Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:56 pm

Judi, bummer about the leak, buy yay for a free toilet.

Maryz, how did Bill's surgery go? My Bill had both his eyes done and he said it made a tremendous difference.

Chriss, glad you getting things done. Me too. I've went though fabric and some projects this morning.
I'm giving a few boxes of stuff to the guild for their garage sale. I'm sure I'll find a few more things to put in the boxes as well. Glad you found someone who wanted the suitcase. I'm always happy when someone else can use things I don't want any longer.

I've been busy doing lots of things here and at my dad's this morning. Seems like it's never ending. I posted my mini quilt in the photo section. My goal is to make a wall off all mini's. They are quite fun to make.

have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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