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Tuesday April 2,2024

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Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by patches4 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:15 am

Good morning all,
What a dreary rainy morning here in Virginia 49 and 43 in Illinois . Friend of mine is becoming grandma for the first time today such a neat birthday 4-2-24, prayers being said all goes well.
Someone asked if I am sewing, no my 2 machines are in Illinois and grand dog is here and I tend to drop pins so no machine sewing. I am guilty of adding to my stash at home from here. Have been watching videos on how to do things so am making plans on what I want to accomplish. While home I did do 7 tops for church group. Our other sewer had minor stroke has some vision problems and is in assisted living, her DH she was caring for is in memory care unit at same facility, kids sold house in one day and having estate sale and her new machine is going she sounded so sad. So when I get back with good right foot I will really be busy. Someone asked about Easter baskets. No DD1 did not want to bother with basket she really does not like clutter around and has kindly notated that to her Dad who won’t let me share things with others or get rid of stuff accumulated over 50 years. That conflict will come to a head when we get home. I did needlepoint baskets for each of grandkids, with the date of 1st Easter and their initials on the bottom. My mother made a basket for each of my kids, and my son drew up the pattern off his basket then I made them for the grands. They’re cute for setting out and putting something in it. DD3 has hers and the 5 littles all out. Our 14 year old GS told his Mom no more Easter baskets, not mine just conventional basket.She was not asking him to egg hunt she just had his favorite candies and treats in a basket. I had his basket filled with goodies back when he was about two and his father
always took it away he never did help with any egg hunting, sometimes traditions from 2 families are different.
Rainy today so back to hand stitching. Foot is a bit sore and I haven’t tried stairs to go upstairs yet. Of course I did do stairs to get in the house.
Whoever you are, whatever you are doing may you find love and happiness in what you do.
Prayers for all,
Love, hugs and blessings

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by patches4 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:25 am

Hi again, one more thing, has anyone used the clover wonder clips? Are they not better than others or knock offs? Riley Blake is selling 100 in a cute can on QIAD page as well as clover. Like the tin but don’t know if I need so many but they would be contained however clover clips come in box too. Too much time on my hands looking at stuff.
Got to scoot,


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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by WeeOne » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:41 am

Looks to be a nice day in the Hill Country.

Tinab, I have both Clover and knock off. Clover are better made. My knock offs have some that just don't work and I've had to toss a dozen or more. I needed a lot when I glued my hexi's.

Amanda and Maddox are in the air heading for Denver and then connecting flight to Austin. We'll drive to the coast after picking them up.

I went to the H-E-B grocery store in Marble Falls yesterday. I think everyone was shopping before all the people arrive later is week. They have 14 check outs plus the do it yourself. All were open and 3 or 4 people waiting in every line. I hope I got everything we need for this weekend.

Time to pack up the Jeep. We need to be at the airport by 11:15.
I hope everyone has a good day.

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:49 am

Good morning Tinab and all..I was up at 6 scanning some videos and watering the plants and drinking coffee. I need to run to the store and get a few things,,,Trying to decide what ot do for supper..I have stuffed cabbage in the freezer I may cook up today,,Liam is off school this week and had been here for supper each day. Just like he said he would be, So it has been challenging to feed him. ( mr picky pants is his nick name) He is doing a fantastic job on the shop...and has finally convinced his Pa to get rid of so much stuff...i couldnt even try to do that,,,the kid has pull...the goal here is to get much of the stuff done and the shop organized so they can restore and old car or truck together,,it is Liams dream and Pa knows he isnt getting younger,,,so they are on a mission.
We had rain all night and more rain today,,,so no yard work...it isnt going any where,
I will try to get out in the camper this week...My son is moving it to the lake in 3 weeks...I have so much stuff out there. I will donate a lot of the stuff they dont want. Ken has looked for another camper but we havent found what suits our need exactly. so we keep looking,,
Hope you all have a great day,,,,Prayers for Chrissy1 please,,,Her husband is being released from rehab today and although he is doing ok Chrisyy1 ( after her stroke) cannot manage their care. They will be moving in with her daughter,,leaving their home of over 50 years,,,very traumatic I am sure,,,,

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:36 am

Good morning,

It's 45* this morning, going to 61. No rain. It will be another morning sew/afternoon yard work kind of day I think. No errands to run.

TINA B - I'm thinking you will be going home sometime next month? When you say you "did" 7 tops when you were at home, what does that mean? I know they are for your sewing group. Did you make blocks and sew them together or sew together blocks made by someone else? I believe you are just one stop on the assembly line but I've never quite figured out which stop you are. I got the Wonder Clips from my Secret Santa and I love them. I don't remember if they were Clover or not. But from what Lyn said, my guess is they are. I'd say stick with the brand you trust.

LYN - HEB is busy on a slow day! I say if you didn't get it, you don't need it until after the big rush is over. I hope traffic back to the house later this week isn't too bad. Did you find something to block off your driveway. It sounds pretty nervy to think people would actually go into your driveway, but people are nervy these days. I'd say park your boat crossways to block the driveway but they'd probably steal your boat!

TINA - glad you got a little rain. Did your weather hold off on Easter so the boys could have an outdoor egg hunt? When I was little - and also my kids - our egg hunts were indoor at least half the time. And we always had to race the dogs to find the eggs! :lol:

LORI - We'll just say I LOVE both your dogs, whichever one is doing the stealing. :lol: Nice to finish up one more project.

IRISH - I would say that your Jim was for sure a silver lining in that broken leg cloud so many years ago! And you are right - cleaning one mess so often begets another one - sometimes even worse! What's with this "huge mass" on your leg?? Blood clot? Simple edema? What is 'huge'? Grapefruit, grape tomato, or actual grape sized?

CHRISS - how was Jerry doing yesterday? Did all the orders get straightened out? Is he content in his new digs? How did your own day go?

MARY Q - I think your birds aren't simply singing - they are nagging! If they are anything like our birds they want a full birdfeeder at all times. And isn't it great to hear them again, singing or nagging! And yes, the doctor thinks even Bill's bad eye will show some improvement after he has the cataracts removed. Bill doesn't believe it, but I think the dr is right. His overall vision is getting worse rapidly. I've never seen a recipe for chicken soup using Velveeta cheese. But then you do live pretty close to Wisconsin, the Cheese State. I remember when your riding lawnmower used to buck you off. I was so relieved when you finally stopped all that trick riding!

JANA - so much going on in your post yesterday! Your new dress sounds quite lovely! You painted a purrfect picture of it! Glad Matt and family made it home OK despite the weather and glad you were able to help out with the girls when Aaron got called on duty. Any word on the Security Guard? I said a prayer for everyone involved in that situation. Kudos to your Gracie! I bet she is proud of herself and rightly so! Have so say though, between you and me, I simply cannot eat lamb. When I was little I had a pet lamb named Susie. Ever since then, eating lamb would be, to me, like eating Scottie. :(

DIANE - happy birthday to Lily!

LOIS - Anything going on in your sewing room today? The national news talked about a big storm going up the east coast. Is that affecting you much?

JUDI - what's the story at your house? Your Liam is a special kind of guy! I am still plugging along on my hexies. Sigh. It's like eating an elephant. I saw I was going to run short of my background fabric but found 3/4 yd on e-Bay that looks like it's exactly the same so we ordered it. I probably won't be needing it for several months (or years!) but at least it will be here when I do. I'm so glad your Fiver is going to have a good home. You are looking for another, shorter fifth-wheel, right? Please steer clear of any Forest River products. They are pretty but we've heard so many horror stories. Conversely, we've heard nothing but good about anything put out by Grand Designs. Their smaller fivers are called "Reflection". If we were to give up our Arctic Fox, that's where we'd look first.

Yesterday was just about as I planned - sewing on Cat Christmas #2 in the morning (albeit slow sewing) and yardwork in the afternoon (again, slow but did make forward progress). Today, if all goes as planned, will be a repeat. Tomorrow will be Bill's cataract surgery so I may get in some afternoon sewing but nothing in the yard. I want to make my second sister's Christmas quilt different from my first sister's so I'm going through all my books, patterns, and binders and I'm not finding anything yet that is catching my eye. But it is fun to revisit all those patterns - some I've done and some just appealed. Or maybe I could just do a regular pattern - snail trail, storm at sea, log cabin, etc. in Christmas fabrics. The good news is I have time to think about it.

I wish us all full bobbins today and the time to empty them.

mary z

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by auntjana » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:54 am

Good morning!

It's looking to be sunny today and moving towards 70! But alas, that's only one day, then we get cold again. Finicky Spring. I do have one lonely daffodil blooming, the others are coming.

Matt called and filled me in on his trip. They had lots of fun with all the adventures. Also, the injured security guard from Aaron's incident has survived so far, that's a miracle!

Ethan let me know about his summer concert in July. The Piano Guys are coming to perform with the groups Ethan plays with. The Piano Guys are well loved loved here in Utah. One plays the piano and the other is a cellist. Ethan's favorite! Ethan is very excited to play with them. Ethan's group is playing Star Wars music with the Piano Guys. Another Ethan favorite.

I have a friend coming over this afternoon. She has dresses and shirts from her mother that she wants to make quilts from for herself and her siblings. She lost both her parents during the height of covid, couldn't even see them. It has been very hard on her. So she asked me to help her with getting started on this project. I have a few ideas and I'll see what she wants.

I need a restocking run over to Trader Joe's. I'm out of chocolate croissants! Those are so good and a necessity here! I can bake up one or two and a nice cold glass of milk makes me a yummy breakfast.

Today is sewing on OWL. Sandee and Karlie will be home late tonight. Kari is now gone too, on a business trip to Iowa. Andrew is gone this week too - a school trip to San Francisco, well close, he's on the peninsula with his school's orchestra . This is his last school trip, as he graduates in May. Busy as usual around here!

Enjoy your day!

Hugs, from a very much homebody,

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:09 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
TinaB, oh my goodness, your poor friend..... what are her kids going to do when she gets better and gets to leave the assisted living place? Your Easter baskets for your grands sound wonderful. I use the knockoffs of the wonder clips and haven't had a problem with them but maybe I just got lucky. Mine came 100 in a cute little tin from Amazon a few years ago.
Lyn, I sure hope you have everything you need too, sounds like it would or could be a nightmare shopping again. Happy Maddox and Amanda time ❤️ enjoy!
Judi, I have a Mr. picky pants too, it's Matthew LOL he's pickier than our daughter and that's saying a lot. Prayers for Chrissy and her DH 🙏
Our taxes are done so we'll go see what the damages are. I usually do them but the last 2 years have had to get them done because of the solar we had put in, I think what we have to pay to get them done maybe eating up any credit we're getting but I'll know when we go 🤞 fingers crossed.
Maryz, yes the boys got to hunt eggs outside. They colored eggs inside in the downstairs room where the cement floor is. My eggs come out deep colors because of them being brown and green already, they are pretty. The kids don't hunt the real eggs they hunt plastic eggs because there's always at least 1 that doesn't get found for months plus we have about 100 plastic eggs so everyone gets a bunch, they only color about 4-5 each of the real ones.
Jana, prayers for the guard. I always loved concerts. Can you share your ideas about your friend's mother's clothes for a quilt please?
I think I'll vacuum when we get back and then work on my heart's for my sew along, I'm behind most in the group but some are behind me but I just go at my own pace and enjoy the process.
Tonight is Dad's night for supper and we have Jazmyne staying here for a few days so I need to think on supper so we have enough....
You all have a great day! Prayers for those in need 🙏

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by womster » Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:45 am

Good morning, my friends!

Had a lovely post all ready to go, and then the stupid network crashed and I lost it. Rats! It's been a whirlwind around here. Had a great time in OH - I will post a pic of my son and his grandson later. I had the ultrasound appt yesterday and now they want to do a CT scan, as its appearance is suspicious for neoplasm. I go on Thursday. Also had my eye exam - have cycts behind my retina blah blah blah. Getting old isn't for the faint of heart!

Need to run - heading to Costco and I need to order new glasses. Have a lovely day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by maryq » Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:47 am

Good morning Girls

If I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!!! IT"S SNOWING HERE!!! UGH!!! And Ms. Alexa says there's a chance of snow for the next seven days. See, I told you we would pay for that mild winter with no snow at all!!! :x :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tinab... Your friends grandbaby will share a birthday with my DGD Corinne.... she turns 15 today and will in be in line to take her driving permit test tomorrow!! See how fast the time goes!!! No easter baskets here either, tho I did find my basket from when I was little, probably about 65 years old or so? I set it with one some grass and one Reese's peanut butter egg that Katie gave me! Not good for a diabetic to have candy in the house---and I DO love Peanut butter cups! PS... LOVE wonderclips.... KC gave me a couple bags full of the generic ones when she decide she was going to sew any more... They sure come in handy---I used them mostly when I'm sewing zippers!

Lyn... Sounds the Eclipse is going to be good for the economy down there--people coming in from all over and all the stores busy! Hope you have a lot of fun with Amanda and Maddox... I get he is getting quite grown up!!

Judi... Isn't just almost always a first thought in the morning "what's for supper" I'm barely awake and I'm trying to think of something---cooking for one sucks, but then I wasn't any better at cooking for 5! What fun Liam and Pa are going to have fixin' up that car! Just takes the right motivation to get something cleaned out right? Hopefully they took some before and after pictures---as what a good memory that will be for Liam when he gets a garage/shop his own. :lol: :lol:

Maryz... We can't do bird feeders here in the association--they get in the way for the lawn mowers, if my unit was closer to the woods we have on one side of the "park" or near the pond on the other side, I would love one, but in my experience, bird feeders have also brought mice! Thinking about Bill tomorrow morning and hoping/praying that all goes well and that by Thursday he'll be Seeing birds from a mile away! My Dad tried to tell us that after he had his eyes done!

Jana....OH My Gosh... SO good to hear that the security guard is surviving... Will send prayers that he continues to improve! I've heard of the Piano Guys, and I might even have one of their CD's!

TinaR ... Did the kids find all the eggs you had hidden? One year, when my kids were little .. my Dad helped hide eggs in the woods next to our house... He put money amounts on each egg.. like 5c, 10c 25c etc.. and couple of $1. ones... He didn't think the kids would find them ALL but they did!! Lesson learned! Don't use money as a motive for finding eggs! Dad said he went "broke" :lol: :lol:

Yesterday I ended up making a mad dash to WM. I'm looking for nice solid black for my niece's quilt and Joann website said they had none at the store closets to me, so I thought maybe WM had something decent---nope, none there either! Picked up some lettuce for salads and came right home. I've made 20 blocks for the wedding quilt and have them squared up, they just need one more strip of black on two sides. Tomorrow Peggy and I are going to make a trip to Sam's club so I'll run into the Hobby Lobby that's next door and see what they have. Does anybody have a formula for calculating setting triangles? This quilt, the blocks are set on point!

Here's the rough draft; one more "row" of black then I'll be able to lay them out


guess what... ? It's time for more coffee!!!
Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday

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Re: Tuesday April 2,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:48 am

Good morning. It's going to be a beautiful day today. Already pushing 50* and we should see 70* today and tomorrow. I love having the windows open.

Yesterday they came and got the medical equipment out of my house. The man who came is probably older than me and way out of shape. He told me I didn't have to help but could. I helped only to get him in and out of here otherwise he'd still be here. I moved everything outside except the heaviest part of the bed. He moved that and I am grateful he didn't have a heart attack as he lugged it. I let him load his own van and I went inside the house. I exhaled as he drove down the driveway.

I didn't go see Jerry yesterday, instead I put my living room back in order and got some weed eating done. I will tackle the dining room today when I get home from town. Need to do a little grocery shopping and go see Jerry. I also want to empty the pantry and organize it.

O'Dorothy, we are twins. I also have a few messes from cleaning up messes. I'm enjoying putting things where they belong and cleaning up the nooks and crannies.

Lori, I can't see the snow from here like you can. Wehn I drive into town I can see it in my rearview mirror and see it again as I come home. It is so pretty to see the snow on the mountains. I did get some vacuuming done. Moose hates the vacuum. He barks and growls at it. But yesterday he just went into my sewing room and let me be. He's adjusting.

Tinab, I received those wonderclips from my SS this past Christmas. They are wonderful, I use them for lots of things that I used to use pins for. I took Jerry an Easter bucket. I did most of my shopping at the dollar store , he's a sweet eater. Hope that foot gets better soon. I'd be tempted to go to the estate sale near you.

Lyn, Texas made our news last night. Talking about the eclipse and the best place to see it happens to be at your house. Thankfully they didn't give your address. ha ha. Enjoy your time with the kids.

Judi, what fun to have Liam there, and I bet he grins when you call him Mr. Picky Pants. He will remember that forever. When you mention him and his time with his Pa it reminds me of my grandpa. It's such a blessing to be Liam and have his grandpa make memories with him. I saw a cabbage roll kind of recipe where you cook the meat with toamto sauce and seasonings, shred cabbage over the top, cover the skillet and let the cabbage steam. I'm going to give it a try.

Maryz, decisions, decisions. You'll see the perfect pattern or quilt block and it will be loved by your sister. Heck, it could be a simple 9 patch and I bet she'd love it.

Jana, I'm curious to hear what you come up with for the memory quilts. I need to take the t-shirts that Marilyn made as a kid for Jerry and come up with a quilt idea. I'm thinking of using his flannel shirts as the background? It's in my head hoping to work out.

Tina, It helped me at tax time to have home improvements that had been done. I was going to owe the Feds just over 500 but when I entered the amount for the air conditioner we installed they owed me $61. Yep, I was the victor, hopefully you will be too.

Sharon, I am going to go to Costco today too. Maybe I'll see you there and we can have lunch. Hope your medical stuff gets straightened out, I will keep you in my prayers.

Maryq, ooooohhhhh, pretty. Love it. Come on over here, the worst we are going to have is a little rain. It will be in the 60's, perfect weather.

Thursday Jerry will get his 3 month evaluation for Hospice. I'm sure it's just a thing they do.

I am going to get dressed and head into town. When I get home I will do some chores around here and maybe even start a burn pile. Just depends on the wind. I hope you all have the most wonderful day.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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