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Holy Saturday March 30th

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Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:56 am

Good morning It is raining and dreary here abut 37.
I havent sewn this week...I am working on the photos. I have hardly made a dent in them..Each grandchild has an album and each kid and their family has an album. I have an album of this house and all the remodeling we have done since we have lived here, Havent even gotten to the boxes of old photos from my mom and kens family...I am so afraid the kids will toss most of them if they are in boxes..So I am sorting and putting them all in albums. You would think that in this day of digital everything we would not need photos..but I have them...It has been my on going project for several years...this year I added great grand children. so as I get the urge I go down and sort...It is very satisfying...and some times sad...as I see the ones who have died some way to young...We have lost so many of our friends,,,Especially the couples we did so much with.
Today I have a little clean up to do and perhaps instead of photos I will work on the quilt...
Maryq I sorted all the stabelizers I have and there isnt much to share, When it was a mess it looked like a lot but much is small pieces that fit my 5x7 hoop. The old computer for transfering files works ok and started right up after I charged the batteries. that is another project for another day,
Well that is it for me..I need coffee and see what the big guy has in mind for today too/ Hope you have a happy Easter we will head to my sons for dinner tomorrow and family time...always good,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:23 am

Good morning ,
Its sunny here but its 39* outside suppose to get up to about 59*.
The house is all clean an I have a couple of loads of wash to do I have 10 blocks complete on my pineapple quilt and it's going slow but that's ok.
Judi wow that's alot of pictures.
Mary a my dishwasher was 15 years old and I think it's done justice for that amount of time will wait a while before we get another.

Well that's all the news from here I hope everyone has a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:32 am

Chriss, hope the move goes smoothly. My love and prayers are with you.

Maryz, over last 2 days we built 2 8foot by 18 inch planters out of cedar, filler 6 large barrel planters with soil, we pur hated these. 2 dwarf peach trees are in barrel. The other 4 we are unsure of. We were going to put tulips and hyacinths in them, but the bulbs may go in the ground.
We will build 2 more of the car planters, then hydrangeas and rhododendrons will go in plus coral bells.
Today I have baking and Easter prep work to do.

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:42 am

Good morning,

Holy Saturday, the last day of Lent. Time is going so quickly. It will be Christmas again before we know it!

BECCA e-mailed me. Her birthday was March 22nd and she went to spend several days with her DD, Denise. She is home now but is down with BP issues and her TGN, which is very painful and isn't helping with the BP. She has asked me to tell you all hello and if you have any spare prayers, would you please put her name on one of them.

CHRISS - I know we are all wondering how the transition went yesterday for you and for Jerry. Praying for a positive experience for you both.

IRISH - What?? You didn't get all your cleaning done?? Gasp! Kidding! Cleaning is overrated. Who looks back on their life and said, "I wish I'd spent more time cleaning my house!" Sounds like your sister is a good fun manager! Since your pet sitting friend moved away, who will care for Baby Girl when you travel? I'd put my hand in the air but it's a bit far for the drop-off, perhaps.

MARY Q - it would be so nice to have a house keeper stop in once a week but I'd rather spend the money on quilty stuff or camping. I am thinking, though, of getting a little help in the yard. I'm not super fussy but neither am I super young anymore either. As for my borderless quilt - I do have enough batting and backing at all four edges to add a 3 or 4 inch border. Now, it's just a matter of "do I want to go to the trouble?" Since I planned on making a total of four quilts from this pattern, maybe this "practice" one will be for me and I won't bother. For now, it's just sitting while I think about it.

TINA - sounds like your dad is making his own decisions. No need for you to feel awful about it. Just be thankful that one thing has been taken off your plate.

JANA - I hope Sandee and Karlie have a great visit in CA and come home safely. I heard the weather in CA is supposed to be less than spring-like. You are all set for tools when your house-keeper starts work!

VAL - when my kids and later my grandkids were little they chose to sleep in sleeping bags on the floor rather than in their beds. Kids like that! So I wouldn't worry too much about mattresses, but just sleeping bags or blankets. (Except for little ones who might still need the confines of a crib.) It's all going to work out. Maybe you could toss in some extra quilts for padding to sleep on?

LOIS - I would definitely say you got your money's worth out of that dishwasher! When ours died almost 2 yrs ago it took four months before our new one finally arrived. Everything was on back order because of Covid. I hope that is resolved now. I'm curious if you're doing each pineapple block one at a time or if you are assembly lining several at a time.

FLO - my back hurt after reading of all you are doing in your yard! But your rewards will be lovely!

JUDI - glad to hear your DSIL (Jeff?) is doing well. Did he go home? Is this something that is now cured or a condition that he will have to live with for rest of his life? You will have a really nice Easter with your son and family! Is this the son who likes to cook? Is it his wife that has MS? Years ago I spent months putting photos into albums and a few weeks later it all burned. What the fire didn't get the water from the firemen's hoses did. I managed to save a few pictures, but they are charred at the edges. Years later I made scrapbooks out of what was left for each of my kids - a heritage album as far back as I could go (my gr grandparents) up to their birth and then an album from their birth to their marriages. I made a heritage scrapbook for my five siblings, too. All the rest of the photos I filed into acid free photo boxes. Organizing photos is an absorbing project.

Yesterday was lunch with my high school BFF. It's always good to catch up. Turns out her nephew is a sheriff's K-9 officer down in Texas not far from Autumn's house. Then I went grocery shopping. What a madhouse the store was! The check-out lines were down the aisles! I finally got home and in putting away the groceries decided to make soup instead of the stir-fry I had planned. Bill is always happy to vote for soup. As is the way with soup, there is a lot left over and I plan to freeze it for another day. We'll grill burgers tonite. I did about 20 more minutes of cleaning and started cutting out my next three Scaredy Cat Christmas quilts. This morning the grandsons are coming for breakfast. I'm going to make Cherry blintzes and bacon. Alec is bringing fruit and Drew is bringing mimosas. Love spending time with the boys. Though at 27 and 30, they aren't really boys anymore, are they. This afternoon, after the boys leave, we're going to finish our cleaning, do a little yard work, and then get ready for Easter dinner tomorrow. Doyle is bringing Susie, who is finally up and using a walker! Progress! She can go home in another 2-3 weeks. In the meantime, she is free to move about the town - just needs to be there for PT and OT. Any spare time today I'll spend doing more fabric cutting.

Praying for everyone's special intentions this Easter weekend. God bless.

mary z

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:49 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Judi, I love to look through old pics of my parents when they were kids, aunt's, uncle's, grandparents, etc so I hope your kids will too in boxes or not. I'd like for my kids to start doing the holiday cooking but so far I've got no volunteers LOL.
Lois, when we replaced our old dishwasher it was right at 30 years old, I love the new one and it cleans so much better I think..... I've never had anything come out dirty yet.
Flo, oh my goodness those are big planters! I'll join you in baking today.
Maryz, your breakfast sounds really yummy! Dad's cleaning lady had to cancel, she forgot she made other commitments so he'll need to reschedule..... knowing him that's doubtful but we'll see. He's feeling a lot better as of yesterday.
Today will be finishing up the cleaning I pooped out on yesterday and baking, I'm going to try a cheesecake for 1. I'll make a couple pies....pecan and I want to ask Preston what he wants because he doesn't eat pecan that much. I remember when he was really little and saw the crisco can with the picture of the cherry pie on the front label that he thought the pie was in the can and was very disappointed that it wasn't so I made him a cherry pie and he was so happy ❤️
Chriss, I hope all went well 🙏
We're to have windy weather starting today and unfortunately Easter will be pretty bad wind wise but we'll just have everything inside if it's too bad. There's plenty of places to hide eggs inside too and we started using plastic eggs for the hunt so in case we miss any LOL
You all have a great day!

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by WeeOne » Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:56 am

I finally got the Sewing Shack photos posted.

Chriss, I hope the move went well. Since Jerry is now in the same town as Dad, will you get to stop by now? I remember y'all had dinner once a week, didn't you?

Tina, I added size of cabin on photo post. It's 12' x 28', 4 ft Porch, so inside is 12' x 24'.

I'm moving slow this morning. But I need the coffee to kick in soon, I have to run to Marble Falls and mail a birthday card before noon. Then I'm looking at lights, paneling and flooring at Home Depot and maybe Lowe's too. Have nothing planned for Easter dinner, so a stop at H-E-B will be required. Then home and start mowing the lawn.

Sending prayers for your needs. I hope you all have a Blessed Easter.

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by auntjana » Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:21 am

Good morning!

Another stormy day here. Might be rain, might be snow, all with a touch of thunder and lightning. The forecast is to hide and have your Easter egg hunts indoors.

Saandee and Karlie made it safely over Donner. Then the adventure began. Sandee needed some fresh groceries and stopped at the store. Her brother Tommy is with her on this trip, along with the puppies. Well, he needed to use the bathroom, so went back to the RV leaving the puppies in the truck. Now previously as Sandee went in the store, she specifically told Tommy, not to leave the truck keys in the cab. Did he listen? Of course not and the puppies found the keys and proceeded to step on the buttons and locked all the doors, locking all humans out! About 2 hours later, a lock smith came and they were on their way again. You could understand a little kid not listening, but Tommy is almost 49! Sandee is fit to be tied with her brother. He's not taking care and paying attention to his diabetes either and is always getting in trouble with that.

Well, It's a great day to stay in and sew! My little girls had fun arranging all my bunnies, chicks and skinnies for Easter decorations yesterday. I have tons of bunnies and each one was ooohed and aaahed over. With Easter early, the decorations will stay out into late April.

Matt called from Mexico the other day. They were having a wonderful trip. No seasickness either. The ship comes home and docks in the early morning tomorrow and the they will drive back here. There are 4 drivers, so that won't be too bad. About 12 hours from Long Beach. So family dinner will be another day. I have the traditional chocolate bunny for all my grands ready for whenever. Dinner will be just Michael and me. I have a small deboned leg of lamb that I'll roast, along with Hasselbeck potatoes and asparagus. I'm not the chorister tomorrow, so I get to sit in the pews, not up front on the stand .

Well, time for some breakfast- cheerios sound easy!


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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by maryq » Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:33 am

Good morning Girls

Tis a nice sunny day here.. .going to warm up to all of 43*! Whoopee!!! Though I'd really love a couple 73* days, I'll take it. Not that I'm going any place today as it you-know-what day--- chore day once again. Am starting my day with my largest cup of coffee---I never use regular cups anymore, now I just grab one of my many huge ones that go with me in the car.

Judi... Such a daunting task to go through all those pictures! I know I have a box of pictures somewhere around here that I should go through too but I think they must be up in the attic. I did make a big scrap book for Jen and Kevin--so I must need to do one for Shawn, but I might have given him a box full at some point. I found an envelope and a little box (remember when your checks used to come in a little red box from Deluxe check printers?) full of black and white negatives!! Now what do I do with those? I'm trying to figure out how to get them printed so I can at least SEE what they are of. Glad your computer came to life! I sometimes wish I would have gotten a 5" hoop, but my little 4" does some really nice things too.

Lois.... Not bad... 15 years on a dishwasher. Alexa says the average is about 10 years. So yours did better than average. Just for grins I asked Alexa how long a furnace lasts-- about 20 years... so you can see why I'm waiting for that to be my big "thing-to-go". Mine is 25 years old! In the meantime, while the d/w is broken.. it's a great place to store things. Kevin and Sara's never worked when they bought their first house, so it was a good place to put those big baking pans and cookie sheets!!

Flo... My goodness, y'all have been busy! What fun it will be when all those beautiful flowers blooms. No Lilacs? At my house I had a couple lilac bushes, but they were so overgrown and uncared for that they rarely bloom anymore. I'm guessing Shawn will eventually cut them down. I wonder if Rhododendrons would grow up here. They are pretty too and I have pictures of some gorgeous pink ones from Maryz's place when I visited there

Maryz... Oh my gosh... Do you realize that was 8 years ago that I was there?? It was right near Mother's day as I was on my way to Anchorage! Gosh that was a fun trip! Before Jen moves back to the lower 48, maybe I should do it again! :lol: :lol: :lol: Great Idea to keep the borderless quilt for yourself. I have a drawer full of floursack dish towels that are all the boo-boos from learning my embroidery machine! Great news that Susie can now be up and using a walker!! I bet she is thrilled and will love getting out for a wonderful Easter Dinner.

Tina... Make cheese cake for 2 and I'll be right there! One of my most favorite things. My sis makes THE best cheese cake, but it was her ex mother-in-laws and she won't share the recipe (tho her DD's have it and will share with me) A little cherry pie filling on top would make it complete!!

Lyn.... Your sewing shed is absolutely beautiful!!!! Oh what fun it will be to get it up finished inside and set up for sewing! I've learned a little lesson with LVP floor though that I will share. I put it in my sewing room and my two sewing machines are set up across from one another, so I roll on my chair back and forth between machines. I think that rolling has caused the planks to shift (because they are not glued down, they float) and have come loose and sort of broken. SO if you plan to roll around on your floor, there's something to think about. I love the shed because it's my favorite color! BLUE ... and how fun it would be to join you for a cuppa on your front porch!

Jana... Ah what is life without a little adventure now and then. And what are the odds that the dogs could step on just the right buttons to lock all the doors! I can't tell you how many times I've been away from home and locked my keys in the car!! Knock on wood I've been rescued by kind neighbors and teenagers that could drive!

Chriss... Did Jerry get all moved? Did you get a good nights sleep? I saw your selfies on FB! If I try to take a selfie, I always just get my double chin... so you did good!

Now that I've downed one cup of coffee I better go pour another. I promised myself that I would do FTD today, so I better get to it. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow. Kris was going to cook a big dinner, but her folks aren't coming up after all so I'm not sure what she has planned. I did buy some frozen dinner rolls, so I can whip those up if she needs me to bring something.

Music is on.. time to fly!
Wishing you all a wonderful Saturday

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by zfatcat » Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:35 am

Val, I use dyes from a company called Dharma. They are a powder that you mix up. With ice dying you just sprinkle the dye onto the ice and let it melt. Super easy.

Mary, yes the retreat was relaxing. It was good to get away from everyday life.

Lyn, your sewing shack looks great.

Judi, going through photos is a lot of work. My mom made many albums over time. I'll eventually go though them. I'll probably scan some.

I need to feed the boys. TTFN
Lori 8-)

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Re: Holy Saturday March 30th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:52 am

Good morning.

My suggestion is, if you ever need to move someone to an assisted living facility, don't do it on Friday. Nothing but frustration because of Hospice not following through. First it was Jerry's meds for his epilepsy. The facility can't give him his meds without doctors orders and while the hospice nurse requested the orders the doctor never followed through. Then Jerry calls me at midnight. He wasn't hooked up to oxygen. Again the hospice doctor failed to order it. Thankfully the facility called their supervisor and directed staff to hook Jerry up to oxygen. Prior to all of this, before Jerry had his evaluation, the hospice doctor sent the facility drug information on the wrong patient. And last night the hospice doctor didn't return phone calls from the hospice nurse.

The facility that Jerry is in is not a medical facility but an assisted living facility. They can do things for him but need doctors orders. I'm going to see if I can change Hospice's. I am also going to see if Medicare needs to see a complaint filed on Jerrys behalf.

Judi, ugh, photos. I can see 11 photo albums from here, I have tons of photos in a tote that are from my great grandparents house, and there are so many more here and there. No one has looked at any of them in years. I will sort them into two piles. Richard and Marilyn will each get theirs but the rest, who knows.

Lois, slow and steady, that pineapple quilt will be gorgeous. How big are you making it?

Flo, your flowers remind me of my grandma, you often mention some of the ones she had in her yard.

Maryz, breakfast with the boys sounds wonderful. They must like spending time with you too. I would like to get a few things at the store but think I will wait till after Easter.

Tina, it's windy and rainy here too. the usn is out now, hoping it clears up a bit. I saw a story about an Easter egg hunt where each kid had a different colored basket and they could only pick up eggs that were the same color as their basket. We used to hunt eggs and grandma had prizes (there were only 3 of us) the one who got th3 most got the biggest prize and the other two got smaller prizes. One year I got a purse thing that had play makeup and fingernail polish. My cousin cried because she didn't have polish, I was told to give her my prize. Silly the things you remember

Lyn, I have tried three or more times to comment on how wonderful your shed is but keep getting distracted. I do love it. What company did you finally choose to buy it from. Love their customer service. Yes, I will get to go see my dad more often and hoping to bring back dinner with the parents. I really miss dinner with the parents.

Hospice just called me back, they are working on this fiasco now.

Jana, glad everyone is doing well on their trips, hope Sandee gets unfrustrated with her brother. I bet next time she will take the keys with her. You have inspired me to make an Easter basket for Jerry, I think he will like that. Hoping the weather holds out, they are supposed to have outdoor service for Easter, then I will go see Jerry, basket in hand.

Maryq, I was told, by my son the self proclaimed expert, that when you take a selfie you look up and hold the phone higher than your head. Yes, I slept quite well.

Lori, don't you think we need a road trip over to Lyn's shack for a play date? Glad you had a nice retreat.

Time to start my day. Hospice called and Jerry has his meds and oxygen. Somewhere there was a communication brakedown but all is well now.

can't really hit the showers till I get the phone call, guess I'll have breakfast, have a marvy dya

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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