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Good Friday, March 29th

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Good Friday, March 29th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:04 am

Good morning,

LYN - it's all coming together for you! How much longer will you be in Texas? I bet next year you are at the house more than the coast, with that beautiful new sewing chalet.

LORI - welcome back from your retreat. Your fabrics are beautiful! I'm glad you had such a relaxing week.

JUDI - you had my head spinning with all the things you do with your spinny mops. Remember back when a squeeze sponge mop was THE newest thing? You have great grandsons! Glad you got in on that batting sale.

CHRISS - I hope Jerry's move goes off today without a hitch. You are going to be busy. And yes, I think you and I are twins in the fabric style liking department. I like everything you said and even a little more.

JANA - I've always thought that electric seam ripper looks like it could rip fabric. I can do that all on my own and don't need to spend money to buy a tool to help me do it! lol! Y'all are convincing me I need to look at the spinny mops. I have a swiffer.

TINA - that's great that your Dad is getting someone in to clean. I think your plate is full enough! Good news that he's feeling better.

MARY Q - One year Santa put a package of those bulk seam rippers in my stocking. They aren't sharp at all. The best one's I've found are the white, fat-handled ones from Clover. They last about a year before getting too dull. At least in my sewing room. I do a lot of ripping!

KATY - poor Barny. Glad his mommy was there for him! How is Jim doing? Is he still planning to move to FL? Any more news on the sale of your property?

LOIS - what's the word on your dishwashwer? How old is it? Is your hubby handy at fixing appliances? We got 8 years out of our last one but 16 from the one before that. Did you get relaxed yesterday on your "day off"?

FLO - that's a lot of potting soil! How many planters are you building? My neighbor has some aluminum stock troughs for her veggies. She filled the bottom of them with milk jugs so she didn't have to use so much good soil.

VAL - you get a LOT done whether you think you do or not. You work full time plus a little more. I know you put a lot into running the montly lotto for us and we appreciate that. And you are constantly working on your own projects and are "there" for your family when you are needed. Yep! You should wear a cape! BTW, I'll be sending four blocks for April lotto this coming week.

Yesterday I got my lotto blocks finished and really gave our bedroom, bath, and closet a good cleaning, sorted out summer clothes, did 3 loads of wash, and polished all the wood in the downstairs family room. I was pooped! Especially running on only about 3 hours of sleep. Bill finished quilting Scaredy Cat Christmas and then asked me several times through the day what he could do to help clean. And he made supper! I was just too tired so he made salads and grilled cheese sandwiches. Ambrosia! Today, I'll finish my cleaning, meet my high school BFF for lunch, grocery shop, then assess the quilt to see if it's feasible to add that outer border that I forgot. How could I do that?? Duh! And I'm going to prep veggies and chicken early in the day for stir fry for supper. Sometimes I think the hardest part of making supper is just figuring out what to make.

May blessings come everyone's way this Good Friday.

mary z

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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:22 am

Good morning Not much planned for today. I started sorting the embroidery cabinet and I realized I probably dont even remmeber how to download and use most of the patterns in there,,,I have an old lap top that I used to transfer files to my machine,,,It has been on the shelf dead for several years...I should plug it in and see if the batteries will even charge or if it even works...After I get the Christmas projects done I will make this a project. if it doesnt wqrk I will just use the embroidery module to make labels for all of the quilts that need them here,,,That is my other lofty goal. I must have 3 boxes of different stabelizers for embroidery projects...this all must be sorted and purged....
My house work is done for theweekend...We will go to my oldest sons for dinner sunday and I have easter bags fr the littles..I am bringing salad. (easy) my DDIL is doing ok. It will take a while for this new therapy to work,,but your prayers are certainly appreciated. my DSIL is still in the hospital...He should be coming home possibley today...They started him on steroids and he is much better,,, all his blood work is finally normal and the kidney dr said his kidneys are in perfect order and no worse for wear. All good news...God is good...
Well Im off to see about this mess I made with all the cabinet stuff,,,It is a bright sunny day but the temps are in the 20s/// Liam may come over today to work on the shop purge...They took a truck load 0f trash to the dump yesterday,,,even the hoarder who works in there was impressed by the amount of stuff they were able to throw away...maybe more today...we might go to fish fry tonight,,( a good friday tradition) we shall see if Ken is up for it...If not we might have tuna salad for supper tonight...hope you Good Friday is a good day.

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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by WeSignificant » Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:23 am

Woke up at 4, couldn't go back to sleep so here I am. I was going to work on some of Dad's paperwork as his anuity company just can't make up their mind. I thought dealing with the VA was a challenge. Nope, I did finally let them know yesterday if they wanted things a certain way they needed to explain that the first time, not the 6th! And the Air Force has now sent an amended form (1099R) after I have already had his taxes done and they want the EIN number. I will call the tax lady and make an appointment for next week. Lessons learned! I will never do this again! I will be sure and die destitute so my family doesn't have to go through this. Okay, vented now I feel better. Still not doing the paperwork till tomorrow though.

No real sewing done yesterday. I got one of my Waste Knot block components squared up but that was it. I might get some done today. Need to start making my list for upcoming fishing trip. Will have DS go to the base and do the grocery shopping but I will make the list. I also will need to get some sort of sleeping something for the kids. I will bring Josiah's mattress off his toddler bed but Lina will need something. Maybe DD can fit the mattress off her toddler bed in the their truck. DD has a playpen sort of thing for Xavier. They were going to bring their travel trailer but now that the weather has decided to act up DSIL is not sure he wants to chance pulling it over the summit. We have rented a cabin with a bed, futon, and loft that they usually put a mattress on the floor. We also have 2 large tents and DS and DDIL will stay in our RV. Just need to work in DH brother.

Lyn sure looking forward to those cabin pictures. Guess it never occurred to me that the electric stuff is not already there when you purchase it.

Lori what do you dye your fabrics with. My sister used to spin her own yarn and she used all sorts of things to dye with. One of them I remember was koolaid. I think she also used certain flowers and stuff like that.

Judi thinking I may have to get some spinny things now that I see what all you can get done with it.

Chriss our soggy is coming back today. We did get some here and there yesterday but today is the bigger storm. It sounds like God is getting those little ducks in a row and today is maybe the day. The grands are doing well. Josiah is continuing with his medical care but as he gets older I think it will get less. I imagine by the time he is 5 he will be able to just do his own MRI! Lina is just moving right along 3 going on 16. Xavier is still not taking that first step, just around the furniture. They are still using sign language although LIna's speech is starting to develop more. Josiah is still fist bumping everyone when he decides he has done a good job. I have no idea where he learned that. And Xavier is just trying to keep up with the 2 bigger ones. He is starting to pick up the sign language.

Jana I would also take the mop back or email the company. I heard about that battery powered seam ripper and figured right away, nope I would cut the fabric so never even tried one. One of the girls I sew with at the Vacaville shop bought one a few years ago now and didn't use it very long.

Tina so happy to hear Dad has tested Negative. A good disinfection never hurt anyone. Luckily with my Dad had it the care giver at the time did a lot of that as the days went by. She used to disinfect his room weekly though too.

Maryq speaking of men, my DH slept through an earthquake! Really, how do you do that. I can't sleep through a car going down the street!

Katy glad to see you. Glad Barney made it through the vet appointment. They can be quite trying for animals. I guess I had better get a menu lined up for Easter as DS and his wife will be here. Any suggestions? She has Celiac disease so have to be careful.

Lois will you get a new dishwasher?

Well, I guess I could go do some sewing while I wait for my shift to end. Several phone calls last night regarding one 103 yr old but nothing else. I was so tired after my long trip to Santa Rosa last night I didn't do anything when I got home. So today a few chores and see what I can get done.

Have a great day everyone
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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by auntjana » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:30 am

Good morning!

Well, I got more snow and will have even more! Cold outside too.

I've got a swiffer too. As well as the Bissell electric floor washer. That works great except in the corners, but it does help alot. Yes, eventually I will have a house keeper, but Sarah wants to be here when they first come. She's used this company before and wants to make sure they know how I like things done. But that child is always off and busy, so I'll wait a bit more. The cleaning will probably start after she's home from the Texas trip.

This morning as soon as it warms up a bit, Sandee is heading over Donner Summit, pulling the RV. She drove as far as a very small town, Verdi, which is on the Reno side of Donner . Verdi appears on the road, as a wide spot, hardly even noticeable, . She's heading back home next Tuesday.

My little girls will be here for a short hour visit this morning. Then I'll head down to play in the Batt Cave. Michael is already adding extra warmth by running my main furnace upstairs. We added a register in my sewing island area,, so I can add a tad of heat. The Batt Cave stays at 72 naturally, but when it's 25 outside a tad more is nice.

Hope the move for Chriss and Jerry goes smoothly today. Many prayers

Enjoy the day,

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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by gershwin64 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:32 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Chriss, prayers that they get Jerry moved without any trouble.
Maryz, ever since I hurt my leg when you were here I haven't been able to clean at Dad's and I feel so awful about it. He more than qualifies for Home Health Care to clean for him and it not cost him a penny but gosh he's stubborn! Shoot if I qualified for someone to clean my house for free I'd sure say yes! Let me know what you figure out on adding borders, maybe it'll help me with my problem. You really worked yourself hard yesterday, you made up for me not. Today will be cleaning here, I finished my 16 little stars yesterday and won't start the hearts till Monday since I have so much to do here. Enjoy your lunch!
Judi, I'd say as long as you don't need to be hooked to the internet with the old laptop it should still work with your embroidery files and if it won't hold a charge you can get replacement battery or just keep it plugged in while you need to use it.
Valerie, what about blow up mattresses for the kids? I bet it's going to be so much fun with the kids there! Enjoy!
Well I started this and then Dad called and I'm out of time, we need to leave to take Rosie and Duncan to the groomer and they sure need it.
You all have a great day! I may try a new veggie and pasta dish for supper, I'm not sure yet.

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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by maryq » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:44 am

Good morning Girls

So nice to see the sun shining here this morning! Alexa says we're going to hit 40!!! Which means that a lot of snow will MELT!! Yeah! SO looking forward to seeing green grass again!

Maryz... So far so good on my seam rippers, in fact, I used one yesterday---as I think I ripped more than I sewed working on those lotto blocks! But I think I got it! Nice feeling to have all that work done! I'm waiting for that inspiration to hit me around here. Do you think you are going to be able to add that border? I'm trying to picture how that would work. You could just say "Oh it's a new idea.... a borderless quilt!

Judi.. Hope you can get your spare computer up and running! IF not, I have a couple extra ones here!!! :lol: I have one that is so old and slow that it could probably be used for a boat anchor, and one that KC left behind that I'm keeping for a backup! Before you toss out all your spare stabilizers etc.... let me know! When I bought my embroidery machine, I thought I'd just be using it making labels.. but I'm having so much fun with other designs and have been going broke buying them online. The trick is keeping all of them organized. Great news that Jeff(?) is doing so well after the days in the hospital and will keep prayers on board for your DDIL. OH that fish fry sounds good! There's one here at our American Legion, but since it's Good Friday it will be super crowded. Think I'll have salmon for supper!

Valerie.... Sorry all the paper work and stuff for Dad is giving you such a hard time. Years before my folks passed, my Dad had set up everything into a trust. Everything was super easy tying up all the loose ends, tho he didn't have the issues with the VA like you do. Makes me wonder sometimes if I shouldn't do that too, make it easier on the kids. Are you getting excited for your fishing trip? Sounds like it's all coming together and that you will have a houseful!! But oh what fun!!! I probably shouldn't complain about ex sleeping through things- tho a crying baby never woke him up either--that's in their DNA, but I've been known to sleep through a fire engine going down my street!

Jana... Oh won't it be nice to have a housekeeper! YEARS ago DEX insisted I hire one, so I did and when we got divorced we had joint custody of her. She'd go to his house once a month and my house once a month. But by then the kids were gone and it was just me and my budget wouldn't allow me to continue, but it sure was nice to come home to a clean house!

Tina... Man, I'm so with you on the housecleaner... I'd just be happy if someone would come wash floors! My least favorite thing to do. All this talk about new mops though has me wanting to get a spin mop and try it!

Chriss.... Is today the day? Sending lots of prayers that all goes well for the move and that Jerry loves his new home.

Threw my sheets in the washer this morning and I heard the washer sing its little song that they are done so I suppose I better get butt up and get busy. Need to finish up the little key fob project for Jen's students so I can get in the mail on Monday. Other than that, I think the day will be spent working on the wedding quilt, I've had to use one of my new seam rippers a bit, but I think I'm good to go now!

Wishing you all wonderful day

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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by WeSignificant » Fri Mar 29, 2024 8:41 am

Maryq Dad had everything in a trust too. Getting his annuity transferred to the trust takes an act of congress! The paperwork required for that takes a PHD in finance. I was shocked at how quickly the VA responded and sent his death benefit. Now I am dealing with the Actual Department of Defense for his Air Force stuff. They have a few quirks but nothing like the annuity company.
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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Mar 29, 2024 11:20 am

Good morning. busy, busy, busy. Jerry is packed and ready to go to the facility. He will only have a bed and medical equipment in hsi room. I'm taking a night stand and a book shelf. I will put family picutres on the book shelf along with a tv that I need to go buy, and a lamp and clock on his night stand. Yes, everything is marked.

Changed his clothes this morning, and he could barely stand using his walker. Last night walking from the dining table to his chair was a major feat. He was so exhausted that he slept in his chair rather than moving to the bed a few steps away. Hoping that changes but am not convinced it will.

Judi, please send me a link or make me understand about the thing you have with attachments that cleans your shower. And do the same for the thing you use on your floors. I'm not understanding and it sounds like a very useful tool.

Lori, wish I had read yesterday you were having chili. Ida brought some hot dogs and grated cheese, mmmmmm. There are times I think Jerry should just stay here until the end. Then I try to lift him or I ask him if he needs anything, he says no, I sit down and get started on something then he needs something. He will be much better off in this facility and while I know the end won't be easy I know in the end I will be fine. Hows your dad.?

Lyn, you are so wise to put in good lighting. I bought, at Costco, garage lights. it screws into the light socket in my ceiling fan and has LED lights on paddles, you adjust the three paddles to shine where you want them. It came in a two pack and I have one in my sewing room the other is in my garage. I love them.

Maryz, I knwo you will figure out those borders. There were hitches that started last night but got resolved this morning. I think I am learning to let go and rely on God to lead me. I'm a work in progress.

Judi, again, glad the medical stuff in your family is looking up. It does pay to look up. Funny about how much stuff is being removed from the garage. I bet I will come pretty close when I tackle mine.

Valerie, I loved the kid update. A smooch foreach one of them is in order. Wouldn't it be something if Josiah grew up to be a doctor? If you go to Big 5's website they have a coupon section where they will email you daily coupons or you can just bring them up on your phone. They often have blow up mattresses, perhaps that would work for you. Or go buy the kids a sleeping bags and tell them they are camping out. Sorry about the dad paperwork stuff. Once I get Jerry placed I guess I will drag out his paperwork and see what I need to do. No rain here yet, but we are supposed to get some.

Jana, I'm going to look into the floor and bathroom cleaning thing you and Judi use as soon as I figure out what it si. I would love to have someone come in and clean just one time. A really good cleaing

Tina, give dad a hug for me. happy dog grooming day

transport is here, gotta go.
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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by Irishgram » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:08 pm

Good late afternoon from sunny but chilly, SW. Pa...We really have been blessed with the sunny days but I'm sure Mother Nature still has some tricks up her sleeve, so trying not to get out the shorts and flip flops, yet......Neighbors have been mowing their lawns and the park has mowed the strip across the street from me and everything really does look good...Of course, my yard hasn't been done but my little mower lives at Kevn's and he'll be taking care of things...Kevin keeps the little mower because he knows, I'm so determined this year to try mowing, we'll see!

Kevin told me he did his Easter shopping yesterday...His little ones are getting a little basket, very little candy and he went to the Harley shop and bought them matching outfits...He's having his dinner tomorrow night and then on Sunday, my sister and I were invited to one of our dear, dear friend's home and JoAnn and I are taking desserts.....

Nothing much happening around this household today...Should be cleaning but there's always tomorrow, right? Did do some laundry and cooked some cabbage and noodles (haluski) and might have to hide it....Every time I go by, I need to have a bite or 2 (or 3)......I do need to run to Aldi's for a couple of things ...I have found, the best time to shop, if it isn't 1st thing in the morning when the store opens, is right around dinner time or a little after......
Yesterday, picked up my sister and we went and got hair cuts...The gal lives across the road and up 1 house but of course, my sister, said, I needed to pick her up...Then, back to her house and the friend that used to live in the park and watched Baby Girl, was up from N. C. and stopped in...We sat and caught up, then ordered lunch and sat the rest of the afternoon and did more catching up...I didn't get home until 6:00..Poor Baby thought I had abandoned her.... Finally got all our reservations made for our (not till Dec. ) cruise...Now we have to work on weekends at camp and trips south to Tenn....

Chriss, I know, this has been a very busy, busy day for you...But, we're right there with you...As someone wrote, you will find so many different emotions happening but this is normal...The one to really avoid is feeling guilty because you are doing the right thing...And to have Jerry agree, it's a good thing....Your time with him now will be extra special.....

And now, I'm running out of time....Do want to wish everyone a Blessed Good Friday and also a perfect Easter if I don't make it back tomorrow.....

My dinner will be more sampling of the haluski and maybe a salad.....

You all have a great rest of the day.......

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Re: Good Friday, March 29th

Post by Irishgram » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:11 pm

Good late afternoon from sunny but chilly, SW. Pa...We really have been blessed with the sunny days but I'm sure Mother Nature still has some tricks up her sleeve, so trying not to get out the shorts and flip flops, yet......Neighbors have been mowing their lawns and the park has mowed the strip across the street from me and everything really does look good...Of course, my yard hasn't been done but my little mower lives at Kevn's and he'll be taking care of things...Kevin keeps the little mower because he knows, I'm so determined this year to try mowing, we'll see!

Kevin told me he did his Easter shopping yesterday...His little ones are getting a little basket, very little candy and he went to the Harley shop and bought them matching outfits...He's having his dinner tomorrow night and then on Sunday, my sister and I were invited to one of our dear, dear friend's home and JoAnn and I are taking desserts.....

Nothing much happening around this household today...Should be cleaning but there's always tomorrow, right? Did do some laundry and cooked some cabbage and noodles (haluski) and might have to hide it....Every time I go by, I need to have a bite or 2 (or 3)......I do need to run to Aldi's for a couple of things ...I have found, the best time to shop, if it isn't 1st thing in the morning when the store opens, is right around dinner time or a little after......
Yesterday, picked up my sister and we went and got hair cuts...The gal lives across the road and up 1 house but of course, my sister, said, I needed to pick her up...Then, back to her house and the friend that used to live in the park and watched Baby Girl, was up from N. C. and stopped in...We sat and caught up, then ordered lunch and sat the rest of the afternoon and did more catching up...I didn't get home until 6:00..Poor Baby thought I had abandoned her.... Finally got all our reservations made for our (not till Dec. ) cruise...Now we have to work on weekends at camp and trips south to Tenn....

Chriss, I know, this has been a very busy, busy day for you...But, we're right there with you...As someone wrote, you will find so many different emotions happening but this is normal...The one to really avoid is feeling guilty because you are doing the right thing...And to have Jerry agree, it's a good thing....Your time with him now will be extra special.....

And now, I'm running out of time....Do want to wish everyone a Blessed Good Friday and also a perfect Easter if I don't make it back tomorrow.....

My dinner will be more sampling of the haluski and maybe a salad.....

You all have a great rest of the day.......

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