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Monday March 18, 2024

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Monday March 18, 2024

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:48 am

Good morning,

Well we are suppose to be in the 50's today temperatures are going up and down.
Today nothing much is planned I will was some clothes and work on my pineapple I'm only making it lap size.

Well this is my day how about yours.
Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by WeeOne » Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:53 am

Windy, cloudy morning on the coast of Texas.

We have 11 a.m. Chiropractor appt. I will be pulling all tax stuff together and working on that, yuk.

Hope y'all can play with fabric today.

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:08 am

Good Morning, It is cold in the 30s will wear my winter coat to go out today...I am heading down to the closed quilt shop///the owner ( newly diagnosed with breast cancer) has decided to open a day or 2 to get rid of inventory she still has...I believe this is her only income and she needs to sell. the building she owns is for sale pending, hoping it goes through for her,,,last supposed sale fell through. She has to be out by april and cannot store all this fabric and sewing machines and notions so her friends will open the shop for her and try to generate some sales...she has Bernina sewing machines used and new floor models for 50% off but I am not in the market for a new machine,,,but I will try to relieve them of some fabric...I have 2 patterns I will kit up for future making...I feel bad for her I have been shopping with her for over 20yrs..She says she will beat this thing and open a new shop in the future,,,but in a different location. Praying for her ...you prayers are appreciated...her name is Judy.
I had a good time with Sophia yesterday ( she is a great conversationalist) We got a pattern cut and marked...then we ran out of time...there is a lot of components to the vintage style bra,,,which is the pattern she wanted...I will go back there when she has time to start the assembly...at 13 she has a lot of things to do and yesterday she has homework to do...so we ended after all the cutting and marking was done..
Liam got his first job at a golf course he will work weekends...he will start in 2 weeks...gets his braces off tomorrow and his license on thursday his birthday...I think we are going to dinner for his birthday...Ken and I will give him cash and ken made up an emergency car kit for him...I has hand sanitzer, tissue snacks, a flashlight,first aide kit, a multi tool and many other things for the car, I have included a Small gas card too...it is shocking that he is driving and Sophia has a year and a half for her to start drivers training.. I met Nolans new girl friend too and she is very sweet,,,a fun day with the grands,,,Nolan is getting all his ducks in a row for college in Sept.
Well I am getting going have a few chores to finisnh first...have a wonderful day, My DDIL gets home today so I am anxious to hear about her treatment,,,thank you for your prayers,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:44 am

Good morning,

It's going to be another beautiful day here. Yesterday was 74*. Today should be about 65*. I'll take it!

CHRISS - You asked me Drew's big news - He has passed his security clearance checks and if he passes his physical next month, he will go back to his old job at Bremerton Naval Shipyard. He has been wanting this for over a year as at his present job there are no raises, no chance for advancement. Prices of everything have gone up so much he is just hanging on, financially. So he is pretty happy. Poor Jerry - I can't imagine being in his situation. I would be surprised if his emotions - and yours - didn't jump all over the place. If you go outside, can you take the baby monitor with you? Or wait until Hospice aide comes by again?

LYN - I've been typing since I was 16 years old. My fingers automatically double space. I don't think about it. I couldn't stop them if I tried. lol!

VAL - I could be wrong but I seem to have a vague memory that you said you were taking some of your dad's paperwork with you to Reno last week. Did you do that? Could it still be there? Or in your suitcae? Car? As for my name, I am Virginia Mary. Three of the six of us kids were called by our middle names. It's been a pain my whole life, going by my middle name, whenever dealing with anything legal, medical, etc. They were sure I'd be a boy, "Davey", so they were not prepared to name a girl. Virginia was my godmother and Mary was my grandmother. The other names in contention for me were Gretchen and Nancy. I don't care much for Virginia but its' better than either of those two! (Bill's ex was Nancy.)

JANA - I think you also won the name lottery. Jo Ann is much better than Shirley. And Marie (my mom's name) has always been one of my top favorites. As for loading a quilt, it seemed we always had one end that kind of sagged, especially the backing. Bill discovered that after loading it he rolls it back and forth on the rollers a couple extra times it seems to remove that sag. He rolls and I smooth out any wrinkles as he rolls the final time, So easy and it solves that saggy problem.

DIANE - I hope you didn't have to eat Irish Frisbee for your St. Pat's dinner! :lol: I thought about making Irish soda bread but it would have taken what little sewing time I had yesterday so I skipped it.

JUDI - So, what's your middle name? My cousin Judy was Judith Caroline. Besides you and her I've only known one other Judy in my life. How is Sophie doing with her sewing? It's a lot to learn. When my little sis and I were 9 and 10 my mom took us to the Singer store in Tacoma for official sewing lessons, once a week for the summer. We learned everything - gathered skirts, set in sleeves, facings, hems, buttons, etc. I wonder if there are any sewing classes like that around anymore. Where do kids learn to sew now? I don't think many schools even offer useful Home Ec classes nowadays. I guess they learn from their grammas. :D Loved your Irish poem. Being Irish, I'd heard it before and it's my favorite. :lol: I can't believe "little" Liam is driving! Great gifts you are giving him. One Christmas we gave all our kids a tool that cuts seatbelts and smashes windows and we told them to keep it in the console. I hope they do. Prayers for your friend, Judy. I wish I was there to look at her Bernies!

MARY Q - since you asked, when I went for my haircut on Saturday my stylist didn't even remember highlighting my hair last Oct until I reminded her. And she smiled and asked how I liked it. When I told her I hated it and finally, with advice from my good friend who was a former hairdresser, I covered it, she said, "Oh Honey, you should have told me and I could have done something for you!". Well, not from WA, she couldn't! So she comped my haircut! But I tipped her anyway. As for names, my parents (Fred & Marie) named us all after grandparents, themselves, uncle, or, in my case, my godmother. They filled in with their own personal favorites - James, June. Oddly, my paternal grandparents were also Fred & Marie. I get the attraction of blank paper (notebooks). It even smells good! Personally, I like steno notebooks. Back in the day I was very good at shorthand and I loved using it (shorthand) to write secret notes, etc. I never needed it in my jobs so I've forgotten most of it. But not the allure of the steno pads!

LOIS - you're not Irish but like corned beef. I AM Irish but do not like corned beef. However I AM a big fan of potatoes! (as is easy for anyone to see! :lol: ) Sorry your fabrics aren't as bright as you'd hoped. But maybe against the black, they will look brighter. What size is 'lap' to you? What many folks call lap, I would call throw sized (smaller than twin but bigger than lap). I get confused.

LYN - chiropractor - :D , Taxes - :evil:

Yesterday morning I cut some background for S.C.Xmas. Then Drew came by and was here for a few hours. Then he took us to lunch as my birthday present. His big news was going back to his old job in the Naval Shipyard and he's pretty happy about that. He even said he might go back to school part time as a degree will ensure advancement possibilities. The shipyard will pay some of the college expenses, too.

I worked in the yard after we came home from lunch and then we lit off a campfire, our first of the season and relaxed before supper. So nice! Today, sewing and laundry in the morning and yard work in the afternoon. And I think we'll grill some chicken for supper. Taking good advantage of this nice weather while we have it. The rains are returning later this week and we'll be back to sewing weather. Which is great, too!

Happy Monday!
mary z

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by mepeace2 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:47 am

Good morning all
It is another darn cool day like 23 degrees. I got my trash out and walked Barney. I have been sewing a little and cleaning out more crap. I have not done much more to sewing room. But will in the near future.
Cleaned out the towel shelf this morning . Put several in the rag bag. I have a couple of new white towels that will probably be donated. As soon as washing gets done will wash my hair and dye it tomorrow.
Later will go work on OWL . Slow but sure is how this is going. I did order thread to go with this project. So I will be ironing down pieces until thread gets here.
I moved three limbs out of front yard yesterday . I dragged them into south field along fence. The whole place is looking better . One day at a time. I need to work on cleaning out boxes in sewing room.
I need to get my hair cut this week. I got a coupon so I will get it done.
No word on if the farm is going to be sold. Jim is doing better. He lost 18 pounds but has put 10 back on. He is once again walking with help and his walker.
Barney is being Barney. I need to go to vets and pick up his pills.
Thats about all the news from here . O I did plant some lettuce. :lol:
Judi I wish I was closer I would look at sewing machines. I do not really need more fabric, but would probably find something I liked.
Lyn Have my taxes done. THank goodness.
Lois Have a good day.

I need another cup of coffee
Y'all have a great day whether your sewing or working on something fun.

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by auntjana » Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:17 am

Good morning!

Chilly but warming up to a whopping 60! I'll take it, it's not freezing!

Not much going on around here. Just Monday uglies and sewing. It still a tax stand off coming to do the taxes. I will have to get the stupid file off the computer where Michael thought it is more useful than the actual papers that arrived. Some come electronically and others good old paper. I need to have the good old paper to work from, so I will have to print them out myself. He's being a big brat about this. Normally I'd be done the first of February! He thinks its easier to work from multiple screens on the computer, not me! It's also a bone of contention over how things are sorted, filed, named on a file structure on the computer too. It's a very love hate relationship with a computer and me! More hate than love! A necessary evil as far as I'm concerned!

Will work on quilting stars today.

Enjoy the day!

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:43 am

Yesterday was long and fun. Church was a knight of Columbus meeting about 1 hr away....mass at 9, then breaking together, then the guys went into their meeting and the wives just visited. After things broke up at about noon, Joe and I went plant shopping...boy did we buy...the back seat area filled with tulips, hyacinths & 2 sand cherry bushes..the bed had hydrangeas, rhododendron and 2 crab apple trees. We left almost everything in truck and pulled truck into garage and it dropped below 30 last night...the 2 trees are sitting in garage just not in truck.
Today I will babysit the grands so DDIL can run errands.

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by maryq » Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:08 am

Good FRIGID Morning!

Holy Moly it's cold this morning, feels more like January than March! Guess I just might have to haul out my winter coat again... that's what I get for putting it away!! I try to keep my thermostat at 69* but it sure is chilly in here, I just might crank it up a degree or two. OR am I getting to be one of those old ladies that is always cold?

Lois... Our days pretty much sound the same!! A little of this and a little of that... You're sure you have enough fabric for your pineapple blocks? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lyn.... I second your emotion.. taxes YUK!! Every year I just cross my fingers that I don't have to pay in! That's how you decide on a new baby name... yell the whole thing out the door and if it has a nice ring to it.... go for it!

Judi.... I'll add a few prayers for your friend Judy. How nice of her friends to pitch in and keep the shop going for a little while longer. Sophie is making a vintage style bra? How fun to spend time with her like that. Happy Birthday to Liam! what fun for him to get his license and a first job!!

Maryz... yup, all of my siblings are named for an relative... I'm Margaret of course because my Mom is Margaret, but my siblings have middle names of grand parents and aunts and uncles. Oh gosh, Steno Notebooks, I love those too!! I tried taking a steno class once... failed miserably! Funny that your stylist didn't even remember doing your hair. Nice of her to comp your hair cut tho. That's the way to spend the day... a little sewing, a little laundry and a little yard work for some fresh air!

Katy,... Good news to hear that Jim is doing better. I bet he's much happier to be able to eat better and that seems to be helping him get some strength back.

Jana.... I share your feelings about computers. I know they were intended to make life easier, but some times that can just be a royal pain you-know-where. I'm pretty handy with them, but there's sure a lot of things I'd rather be doing than working on a computer! Fortunately my CPA will do my taxes so I don't have to stress too much!

Flo... You are going to have a most beautiful garden with all those plants!!! Did you get colored hydrangeas or just white ones? I need to check them out up here as I need to plant some in the front of my house.

Chriss... At night I sit in bed and read a book for a while, and then the light automatically shuts off and I know it's time to close my eyes and say my prayers. You and Jerry are always in my prayers--the God be gentle and give your all the courage and support YOU need in these frustrating and sad days. I remember when you could buy "Mary Kitchen Roast Beef Hash" for about $1.50, the other day at walmart it was $3.59. I passed on it--as much as I love it---and I checked the carb content and thought better of it! :lol:

Yesterday I spent almost the whole day cleaning out my 2nd bathroom closet. Now you wouldn't think it would take all day to clean out a bathroom closet, but that closet is where I store a good number of my quilt books and patterns in binders. I posted a pile of KC's books on our local buy nothing group and decided to let go of several books that I KNOW I will never use. I had several binders of patterns from magazines and free patterns from the internet. Several fabric manufacturers have free patterns on their websites. I was going to make a special binder for quilts that I just really want to do... but then I remembered I already have a long list of "want to do" quilts, so I better not start another one!

Today I'll clean up the mess I made sorting patterns and do a little laundry while I'm at it! I've gotten a good start on the wedding quilt and will do more this afternoon. For now I need more coffee and to turn up the heat a bit... my nose is cold!!

Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by velvet » Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:51 am

MARYQ--Did you get my pm?? Knowing me and my hi-tech ways--don't know if it was sent to la-la land or got to you.

Today I'll drop off my Janome to get cleaned and repaired. It seems like after dusting out around the bobbin casings-I put it back in and forgot to check that it was right. Well, it wasn't, and when I started to sew it made a lot of banging. What a mess. Fingers crossed for minor repair. I hope this is not the beginning of bad week for me.

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Re: Monday March 18, 2024

Post by auntjana » Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:03 am

Just saw a news article that JoAnn's filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. The article said that the company should emerge from the reorganization in a month or so and there should be no disruption at all. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

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