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Tuesday Feb 27,2024

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Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:27 am

Maryq, we moved to Missouri in 2016...so we are 8 yrs here.
Yesterday I repotted my Spider plants. They were root bound. Now I have 4! DDIL wants 2, so that works for me. My back is doing better, but not completely worked out.
Today is bathe SJ day....maybe...if my back is up to wrestling him.

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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:50 am

Good morning Flo and all who follow. Decided to get an early start today so I have time to come and say hello, so HELLO!

Today is my cystogram. Not looking forward to it at all but guess I will follow through. Then one person to see after. A bit of charting to do and working on a binding I'd like to get done today. DH has started making the new coveres for the boat seats so my machine is out of commission. I don't want to have to keep changing thread and settings. May pull out one of my other machines.

Chriss and Jana, I have a small embroidery machine, have never done anything with it. Regular quilts yes, but that is all.

Chriss my rain is returning Thursday and lasting through the weekend. Sounds like the weekend could be the worst of this storm. Did you get anything loaded? If you want to stop by, I can have another load or two for you!

Lyn Wow, that is quite a temperature change. Lyn hoping your signs work, sorry to here they would be ignored. Oh no, poor Minnie. That must hurt. Maybe she should have an extra treat or two.

Maryq I think if I don't win the lotto this month I will find a jelly roll and make this quilt too. Just love the look. DH said that was a nice wheel I had on the design wall! Wheel? He likes the Dresden plate look too.

Lois I am so happy you got to make a couple of blocks. I think the blocks are lovely and would be a great addition. Please send them in.

Judi what is a Ruggable? Have never heard that term.

Maryz I am feeling better, still have symptoms but Saturday was a complete loss. I ended up just having him buy what he wanted on line. He got something to do with his guitar set up. Today is DS birthday. She is the youngest of us 4 girls. Hard to believe she is in her 60's. Gosh it seems like she should just be a teen.

Nothing much else new, come check out this months Lotto, it's a great block and much easier than it looks.

Happy sewing everyone.
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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:12 am

Good Morning Flo and all...I was up at 545 and started my day. Needing to do some bathroom work today but I also need to figure out supper and run to the post office. I have no sewing mojo at the moment so I best get some cleaning done...I did get all the tax papers together and ready for the tax lady,,,and paid all the bills.
It is really hard to get back in the groove after 3 weeks away...but i will get there,,,
Hope you are all in the groove today,,,We are expecting severe weather here,,,but when I looked at the radar it looks like it will be mostly south of us...Hail and storms..."they" are not very accurate...A great job to forcast the weather...your can be wrong much of the time and still get paid to do your job,,
Flo I am glad to hear your back is mending, do you see a Chiropractor for it...I never would have untill I saw the miracles they performed on my hubby, he was told by 3 different drs that he needed back surgery and some visits to the chiro and he hasnt had back problems again...
Val Ruggables are washable rugs,,They go in the washer and dryer,,,(The larger room sizes would need a laundromat) They have a velcro type pad that stays on the floor to hold the rug after washing...the idea is good and my DD has 2 dogs so they work well for her,,but I dint think they were as great as she does. quite pricey,,,
Chris I bought an embroidery machine years ago..and made so much cutie stuff for my kiddos..I also did a lot of in the hoop projects ( things completed by the embroidery machine while the project stayed in the hoop// Little coin purses with zippers done in the hoop and other stuff,,,it is amazing...it also makes great quilt labels and each year Sophia had a themed birthday and I was able to make her a shirt with her themes on it,,,very fun, embroidered mug rugs and lace oranments are made too...Sadly the kids outgrew my cute shirts and now I only use it for labels...(I should pull it out and see if there is anything new I can make) one day.....xxxooo
TinaB how far is your trip...sounds like a lot of car time...will hubby be able to come home and continue recovery,,,


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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by auntjana » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:31 am

Good morning!

Well, the proverbial they got one right, for once. They said about 2 inches of snow and that what's on my lawn. Around here, when Michael hears what is said about the storms, weather, etc, he calls it a post cast not a forecast.

Almost done with the stars top. There are a few stars that need a bit of help, where I missed getting them lined up right as they were sewn. So, out comes the handy dandy seam ripper! Then re-sew those spots.

So, I'll be in the Batt Cave , sewing!


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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:44 am

Good chilly morning,

Brrrr.... 30* out there this morning, going to 43* this afternoon. Yesterday we had a 15 minute hailstorm, right when I was picking Scottie up from the groomer and taking him to his favorite grassy spot before getting him into the car. My black dog was white by the time he found just the right spot! And I was sorry I'd gone to the trouble of fixing my hair before I left the house!

LYN - good luck keeping people off your lot during the eclipse. Will you be at the house that day so you can keep tabs on things? Or else sell overnights to self-contained RV's and make some fabric money! :lol: I hope Minnie's foot will be OK.

JANA - I hope the snow was 'no big thang' at your house. What day is the eclipse? April sometime, isn't it?
Autumn gave us eclipse glasses when we were in TX. She said the library was giving them out to patrons. Hope the stars are aligning for you in your batt cave!

CHRISS - generous of you to share your extras with the tribe. I know they will put them to good use. I wish our hoarding friend would donate some of her things but she just can't let go of any of it. And it's all good usable stuff. How is Jerry doing? How did he do when you were gone all day? Does he like to read at all? If so, what kind of books? I have no interest in an embroidery machine either, but if I found a machine that I liked for 70% off that just happened to have embroidery capacity I would get it anyway because you just never know what your interests will be down the line. If you decide to expand your sewing skills, you'll be set! If not, you dont' have to use it. It might be nice to be able to personalize items you make or even buy for your new little grandperson!

MARY Q - I know you found some goodies at KC's apartment. I'm trying to imagine who is dealing with all the stuff she took with her to Arkansas, and how they are fitting it into her brother's apartment. I know you are itching to get to your Alaska quilt. And didn't you say you were going to make a wedding quilt for your niece (nephew?) getting married in June? Will Viv quilt these quilts for you? You are going to be a busy quilter this spring! And I certainly do remember long distance phone calls! Since I grew up on the Olympic Peninsula (2 mi from where I live now) and went to Catholic school in Tacoma almost all my friends were long distance and I wasn't allowed to call them. I had a few local friends but was only allowed 10 min per call and the only phone in the house was where my parents could hear everything so I didn't talk a lot on the phone. I was so deprived.

LOIS - If there's anything wrong with your Dresden Plates, it doesn't show from here! Send them in! You never know - you just may win!

JUDI - sounds like you are edging into spring cleaning! Is it window washing time already?? I will start cleaning, too, after I get these four quilts in the can. But I won't be washing walls! I might clean my baseboards, though. What classes is Ken teaching? How often does the class meet? Daily? Weekly? All day? 2 hrs? I wanna know. And he has two jobs other than the ice rink?? I was at the grocery store yesterday, too. You must have been in a different aisle. I didn't see you.

TINA B - I haven't had my hair cut since mid October. I've passed that "can't do anything with it stage" and am now considering letting it be for a while until it's time for a short summer cut. So your group has 7 quilts for you to sew. What sewing do you do on them? Quilting? Binding?

FLO - I hope your forsythia bushes survive such a temp drop! I love forsythia. There is a beautiful one on Vicki's property that is a big ball of gold every spring, but it will soon be bulldozed out. I wonder if they would bulldoze it in my direction . . . . You painted a lovely picture of your family sitting out on a deck, relaxing, BBQ'g. I can't wait to paint that same picture here! Hope your doggie bath goes OK today. We do baths in between grooms. Scottie's coat is 7" long so he needs a groom about 3x/yr.

VAL - glad you are feeling better and I hope your cysto goes OK. In our family, my younger sis and I are still The Little Girls. The older ones (in their 80's) can't believe Teese and I are in our 70's. (me either, for that matter!)

Yesterday Scottie got a shampoo and cut. He looks like a new dog. An expen$ive new dog. His "do's" cost more than 3 times what mine cost! But he has a lot more hair than I do. And I don't bite. I got my third backing pieced. I really didn't want to put a lot more $$ into these three quilts for the little kids of Autumn's friend than I already have so I pieced the backs using coordinating fabrics from my stash. For the last one, Fox in the Pines, (because this little 6 yr old boy loves foxes) I used up my collection of fox prints. I had a lot because we have an Arctic Fox fifth-wheel. I added his name spelled out vertically in 6" letters. I think he'll like it. Today I'll start quilting these quilts.

Happy sewing!
mary z

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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by maryq » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:39 am

Good morning Girls

It's going to be a Terrific Tuesday! I'm home, the sun in shining, I have NO place I need to go and I have lots of stuff to play with today!

Flo.. Gosh, has it been 8 years already!! You have spider plants? That's one plant that I don't seem to kill--(not a green thumb here) Back in the late 70's I bet I had 20 of them growing all over the house... remember when we use to hang plants in pots from macrame hangers from the ceiling!?

Valerie.... All good thoughts and prayers for your cystogram today. I took out one of my jelly rolls to maybe make a whole quilt of that lotto block too, but I'm thinking I better put it back---too many other things I'd better do/finish! :lol:

Judi...Hope the lousy weather misses you! I've heard we are "supposed" to get something here soon, but so far it looks beautiful! Yesterday was awesome as I was out and about without even a jacket!! I've never tried those In the Hoop projects with a zipper, haven't been that brave! Tho I have made lots of keyfobs and sewn on vinyl and canvas.

Jana.... LOVE IT... the "Post Cast" I guess that's one way to be 100% correct on the weather---wait until the next day to report was the weather WAS!!

Maryz... OH Gosh,, thanks for reminding me... I have to do the wedding quilt!!! The (Niece) wedding is July 6th in Colorado (immediate family only) and the reception is July 20th, so I do have a little time, But if I'm going to have Viv quilt it for me I should get it done by the 3rd weekend of May when I'll be going down there for the big garage sales (tho we are not having one, we are going to shop!) I bet Scottie just sparkles after his bath and haircut!! Just remember the L'Oreal commercial... "He's worth it"!

Chriss... GO FOR IT!! Oh my gosh, you could have so much fun with an embroidery machine!!! I can talk you through it! I admit, I NEVER had any desire for an embroidery machine, I'd seen them at shows etc and thought, "that's not real embroidery, real embroidery is by hand." But oh my, I've had so much fun. But I will warn you, once/if you get into it, you will go broke with beautiful designs. I only have a 4" hoop, and sometimes wish I would have and COULD upgrade to a bigger hoop. But a 4" is really all I need.

So yes I made it down to KC's apartment yesterday. I knew she had left things behind, but I was amazed and shocked at what I found when I got there. If I'd had a bigger car I could have filled it with so much more! She left a brand new small microwave, a never used toaster over, a closet full of clothes, a dresser full of clothes, but one drawer was full of fabric, 2 other boxes with fabric, two Brother sewing machines. Found 4 boxes of dishes and various genealogy papers in the bedroom closet. I could go on and on!! But I remember her telling me how important that genealogy stuff was, so I called her son last night and told him she had moved---he had no idea as they don't speak. I thought he should know that there are pictures left behind and other stuff that they might want. He had expressed interest in the genealogy when I had talked to him last fall. SO, my project for today is to sort out some of the fabric I brought back. She has one of the little 3 drawer plastic carts full of Patterns so I'm sorting through those. TONS of them for stuffed animals.... anybody make stuffed animals!!??? Some are brand new, never even opened! I know we are supposed to sell stuff here, but I would happily share things!!!

In order to get all the done today... I'm off to get more coffee!
Hope that YOU GUYS all have a Terrific Tuesday too!

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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by WeeOne » Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:18 am

Cloudy morning in the Hill Country.

The 'Total' Eclipse is a bigger thing than the partial that took place back in October. April 8th is the day. I have lots of glasses bought, have DD2 & DGS and friends will be here in their MH. One of the police were cruising the streets yesterday when I had Minnie out. He told me that there will be an emergency helicopter and 2 ambulances from Houston sitting at the grass airport down the street. The people will be staying at the Baptist Church which is almost next door to airport. There's an emergency management model they are using as a starting point and then beefing up from there. They already know that there will be people from all over the world coming to the U.S. to see this. The next 'Total' Eclipse will be in 2044. Because Texas has a chance at the best weather, that's why they are expecting so many here. I was at the City office yesterday and they are posting no overnight RV parking at the parks in town.

And speaking of the Eclipse, Amanda called last night and was happy to say she was able to change their flights out of Austin. At first I would have had them to the airport, an hours drive, at 6 a.m. Now they leave at 4:30 in the afternoon of the 11th. They fly in on April 2nd. She really needs this vacation.

Chriss, I did use my embroidery machine a lot when the grands were little. I hope you find the machine you want at a fantastic price. As for sewing for that little one, time to start making receiving blankets and burp rags. My girls and nieces all liked that I make the blankets bigger than what you can buy. I buy 1 1/2 to 2 yards of flannel. Wash to shrink, then cut off about 54" and turn ends for blanket. I use the rest to make the burp rags. I make them in kind of an hour glass shape and a little bigger than bought ones. Amanda really appreciated the size of them. You are going to have SO much fun with this little person. Are they going to find out gender or will it be a surprise??

MaryQ, Sounds to me like you should make another trip to KC's place. After all, you would be helping out the Apt management by getting things out of there. She must have had a lot of stuff to leave so much behind.

Yesterday I went to the City and got the papers needed to fill out for the permit for the shed. Then I went to Llano and stopped at the County election office to get some questions answered. I picked up a sample ballot so we can see who we want to vote for. We'll do early voting today or tomorrow for the March 5th vote. Then I went to the LQS. The saddest thing is, over a week ago the owner of the shop, Ann, and her DH were in a terrible car accident. I don't know who was at fault and it doesn't change that Ann got the worst of it. She was driving because the DH had recently had knee surgery and not allowed to drive yet. Ann has a broken back. She's been in the little Llano hospital since it happened, why I'm not sure, but they were taking her to the big hospital at Marble Falls yesterday to see a specialist.

I did spent some money, but want this place to stay open. I bought 3 jelly rolls and some thread. I will use the Bluebonnet Breeze by Riley Blake for the March lotto and I want to make a quilt for myself with it. I had bought a pattern, Evergreen Forest by Kathy K. Wylie, a couple weeks ago and decided to buy the jelly strips for it. It's a batik quilt of trees.

Today I'm giving Garry a haircut. I bought clippers for here, others are in the MH. I will try and get permit stuff filled out. I have to call Lowe's and find out why the storm door wasn't delivered to the store yesterday. It just says, delay in shipping, on the tracking.

Hope y'all have a Blest day.

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Re: Tuesday Feb 27,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:09 am

Good morning. What a beautiful day today will be. No rain is predicted until Friday, but boy that fog keeps rolling in and out. I can't even see across the street. Kind of eerie with the leafless oak trees. Sort of like Halloween.

4:30, that is the time I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Lots of stuff flying around in my mind.

Today the Hospice nurse was supposed to come but she asked if she could come Thursday instead. Seems she is in this area on Thursdays. Of course she can come Thursday. Like we have a social life or a calendar to consult. And plans change just like taht. Seems she will be here today afterall. They need a Supervisory Visit, and apparently this must be made today rather than Thursday. Must be a monthly paperwork thing, Jerry started Hospice on 1/25/24.

Jerry just saw his mom in my sewing room. I told him to tell her to feel free to finish up any projects she finds. He's so in and out and nods off all the time. But he's still breathing, moving around and able to walk with his walker. I am so thankful that he is mobile.

Valerie, hope the cystogram goes well. My MIL had an embroidery machine. We often got gifts made with it. Oddly I only have one or two loads of laundry a week, unless I do the bedding. I don't even have enough to sort. Just toss it all in and put it all away when it's done. Our rain should last the weekend too.

Flo, I have a dog who could use a bath, but not today. I used to have a spider plant and a wandering Jew. Now I don't have plants.

Judi, I really should do a little cleaning here too. My MIL made scads of embroidery machine things. Clocks, towels, t-shirts etc. She took these t-shirts and cut out a fabric G and appliqued it on the shirt and the embroidery machine wrote the andma so the shirt said Grandma. Mine got worn so much that it was threadbare and stained and no longer exists. It would be too big for me now.

Jana, I think Michael got it right, it is a post cast. See you in the sewing room later on.

Maryz, you made me laugh. Like Scottie Jerry got a shower, shampoo and beard trim. He also looks like a new man. If I call the house next door it is long distance. When we moved here we had a choice between two telephone companies. Seems we are on the line. I could call grandma long distance or the house on the other side of me long distance. If I were to get that machine for a good price I wouldn't be deterred by the embroidery. Jerry isn't doing well at all. He's seeing his parents, angels and butterflies. And he told me this morning taht today might be the day. He feels that he is close. And frankly, the way he is living is no life. Sleeping in bed or his chair. having a hard time breathing and in pain. I would love to see him at peace. He mostly sleeps. Barely reads and when he does he falls asleep. He has his tablet and plays games but falls asleep during them. And he holds on to the tv remote and pushes buttons in his sleep so heaven only knows what will appear on the tv. It's comical.

Lyn, maybe you could get some K-rail for your lot? I get that the eclipse is a cool thing to witness but wow, I had no clue it was that big. Glad Amanda was able to change her flight. My head is spinning with things to make. I am so excited.

Maryq, if the opportunity falls into my lap to get that embroidery machine I will get it. Oh my gosh, If I lived closer I would help you go through the KC stuff. I hope her son does come and get the family stuff. I'm sure someone would love those sewing machines if they are in working order. Our library has sewing machines that people can check out. Maybe they have something like that there. If you find any baby fabric let me know I may want to "share" with you.

Guess I need to start my day. Not sure what all I will do but there are bathrooms and sewing that need to be done.

Have a marvelous day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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