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SUNDAY, February 4th

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SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Feb 04, 2024 3:57 am

Good morning,

It's supposed to be windy all day today. We sent Friday's rain to FL to my sister and dbil. They'll get our wind on Wednesday. But so will Judi. Sorry, Judi!

CHRISS - I'm so happy you both enjoyed your DBIL's visit and that he was able to help you as well as Jerry. 100# in 8 boxes is a lot of baseball paraphenalia! I bet you are glad the brother (does he have a name?) took it all to UPS. Nice that his son will treasure it.

VALERIE - what a wonderful picture of a sweet little guy! He sure looks different than the first photo you posted. Praying for his COMPLETE recovery. Also for safe travels for your DD on her way to Reno. How long will they be gone? Or are they staying there and you will travel with Josiah back to Reno on Tuesday? Or do I have plans all confused in my head?

LORI - You said you bought a new Accuquilt die and plan to make a cute wallhanging. Are you designing it yourself or using a pattern. You are always so creative.

MARY Q - I bet you are glad you are done with those 50 state flower blocks! And even gladder that you don't have to put the quilt together! Yes, we'll be driving through Quartzsite, AZ on our way home. Only this trip we won't be staying out on the desert BLM land like we usually do, but turning north on 95 for another 40 miles or so and stay at Buckskin St. Park near Lake Havasu City - just for something different. And to shorten our trip the next day when we'll be crossing the Mohave. I'm so glad you and everyone else now have clean toilets! I will, too, after today.

JANA - sorry about the Valentine bench pillow CD. But it's not to early to start on the St. Patrick's pillow. How are the plans coming along for Party of the Century at your house?

TINA B - I think we are close enough to Wed that your DH can start counting hours instead of days until that splint comes off! So what is the project that you are working on by hand? And when you go back home, how long will you be there before you return to VA?

LYN - your picture is a beauty! I would have bought that house for the tree alone! What a treasure it is.
You've been working hard in the yard, too. Have fun with your friend. You're going to do some measuring and figuring out a sewing space, right?

JUDI - I know you are at your final destination by now. How did you sleep last night? I've forgotten the exact town you are in. We spent the night, coming and going, in a nice KOA in Starke. Are you anywhere near there?

Yesterday I got my fox quilt together before we went to Amara's. It really wasn't a difficult pattern and only had 8 pieced fox blocks. The rest of the quilt is just rectangle pieces cut in varying sizes to resemble tree trunks and background. It went together quickly. Then we went over to the kids and I think they went to a couple wineries for their date. And we stayed home with Amara and her new tooth! That makes four. Her smile is getting quite toothy now. :D She ate lunch, had a short bottle, and a long nap. When she woke up we had a little picnic out on the patio. She loved being outside. We were only there 4 hours. Today is OUR day and we're going to vacuum, sweep, mop, clean the bathroom. and wash pet rugs and blankets. Our RV park has a washer dedicated just for petwear. And yesterday during naptime, I cut all the sashing and borders for Fab Farm so I think I'll have time to put that top together, too, before packing up my machine. I think I can do it today but if not, I'll have an hour here and there this coming week to finish it.

Have a blessed Sunday!

mary z

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by mepeace2 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:30 am

Good morning Mary and all that follow
I have been busy . I am trying to clean out and get rid of stuff. Sometimes its hard but need to turn loose of some items. Right now my sewing room is a mess from boxes and junk. It will be partially cleared today.
I am going to start cleaning bathroom. Window and walls today will finish tomorrow.
On the home front. Car was sold and the mule 4by4 sold yesterday. Phew I need a break.
Jims back in Canton. He is not doing well. All prayers needed Please. He was in better shape before they took out the defibulator. He is now on oxagen and has to eat soft food.
On the up turn We may have a buyer for farm. I just need all this to be done.
Sewing HMMMM whats that. My sewing room is telling me "What the heck is going on ! Please remove all junk and start sewing. " You get the picture. Going to burn papers and boxes this afternoon. Load give away stuff in car trunk.
The weather here has been bouncing between a warm 55 to a colder 30. No wind yet. and no rain.
I had a steak for my birthday. My tricky sister grabbed the bill and paid for it. LOL She said I deserved a speicial treat.
Maryz You are really sewing away. Have fun with Miss Bootsy. It sounds like you are really enjoying your time with her.
I got to go get Barney and have breakfast.
Y'all have a great sewing day

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:36 am

Good morning it is cloudy and 64. We expect a little Florida rain today. It is sunny then rain then sunny again. We have no plans. Just a relax day. My sister and I went to the grocery last night and I really don’t know how people afford to eat here. Everything was so expensive. We will do burgers and dogs today with chips. The house is really nice all the bedrooms are up stairs but that is fine Ken and I have a king size bed and it was a bit lonely. We are used to a queen. Pool
Is small and warm. With a nice lanai. ( patio depen ding on where you are from ) I will
Be spending a bit of time out there. We have used Airbnb several times now. And it is a gamble. So far our houses have been fine. There is a management company that you can call
If you have a problem. House was clean and well appointed. It dLes pay to shop around and read ALL the reviews on the house. Unfortunately there are some houses that aren’t how they are pictured. My Dd did one that was pretty ratty but the pictures looked good. Our friend who is traveling with us had a house that wasn’t as pictured either. We have been lucky so far
The photos are amazing g Amara is so cute. And it warmed my heart to see little Josiah with a big smile. Lyn I love your tree.
Chris I saw the pucture of Jerry and his brother Tom (?) Tom looks exactly like my late uncle Ray. That warmed my heart too. Jerry actually looks good.
That’s all
Fr me. Have a wonderful day prayers and love XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by WeeOne » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:47 am

Clear, cool and windy in the Hill Country this morning.

Chriss, What a great photo of Jerry and Tim. I'm glad for you that you got a little 'you' time.

We think the Marker tree is pointing towards the Llano and Colorado Rivers which come together a mile or so north of us. The tree is bent to the south and we think the base, pointing north, is the direction it told people to go. Love our Marker Tree and house.

MaryZ, It's funny you mention the yard. When we got back on Friday and were sitting out front, Garry looked at our empty lot and said, someone mowed for us. What?? I mowed it before we left. 🙄

Judi, Enjoy your vacation.

Katy, prayers for Jim.

I woke up at 5:30. Got up after reading MaryZ post. Chris came out and is letting her cat, Ryder, explore while Minnie is still in bed. Not sure how this will work out. I may be taking a lot of Benadryl, I'm allergic to cats.

My neighbor lady could use a prayer. She fell yesterday and the hospital here was sending her by helicopter to Tempe to a trauma 1 hospital. Her hubby called and asked if I'd let dogs out. It's time I go check on them.

Have a Blest day.

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by patches4 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:51 am

Good morning,
This is the Day the Lord has made let us rejoice in it!
Bright and sunny here inVA. Was frosty at 730 but will warm to 50.
Helped by doing laundry and changing beds yesterday. Today cleaning about 1 hour and a half. Then sewing my stamped cross stitch. Twelve Sunbonnet Babies that I want to make into a baby quilt. Silly me thought I could knock these out and put together when I get home. That idea may be revisited. I can sew on machine all day, but can only focus awhile on hand stitching and leave it for a bit and then come back to it. I also have books to read too.
DH is a numbers person who has been going over last two weeks by days left, percentage of time spent and left to go, etc.
Back in Illinois I have to be an election judge on the 19 th of March. I would like to get some quilt tops made for our church group. I have junk mail to go through pay the bills, which DH usually handles so I am sure he thinks I can’t and will directing me from VA. Bills paid on line so ok he can do those. Also have to gather income tax records to bring out to do.Most likely should come back after election to help DD out with cooking etc. she is single so she grabs and eats whatever and often doesn’t have time to cook if you know what I mean. I will leave ideas that Dad can help with and she is a master with the grill, so add a salad and done. They will be fine. DD has mentioned many times, how she likes food appearing, laundry done, folded, dishes out of sink, dishwasher emptied. I like doing it too. Time to spoil her.
Time to get going, have a blessed day.
Prayers to all in need, Jim, Jerry, Chriss, Katy, little Josiah who looks so much better than last photo, to his mom and Gma and all in need of extra prayers, hugs and love.

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by maryq » Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:53 am

Good morning Girls

So nice to wake up to sunshine this morning!!

Maryz... OH yes, I am thrilled to be DONE with Viv's blocks. They were a panel she brought me last summer/fall. It was each bird WITH each state flower! I was happy to do it for her though, for all the quilting she has done for me and all the quilts she WILL do for me this summer--after her knee is healed from surgery. Your little book plan for Amara sounds wonderful... Mom and Dad can read it to her often. Be sure to include pictures of Scotty and Foxy...as I know how Amara loves cats!!! :lol: :lol: Are you babysitting every day this next week too? Heck.. you guys might need to ask for a day off!

Katy... Sorry to hear that Jim is not doing well. Will send some more prayers for him while I'm cleaning my sewing room today! I'm trying to find places to keep all this fabric Katie's been giving me. I'll also keep my fingers crossed that it all works out for you to sell the farm. You're speaking of just the land right, not where your house sits? You'll stay in the house and just keep the lot the house is built on right? You're not moving "into town" as they say?

Judi... Do you find grocery prices there higher than at home? Is it a tourist area where you are? Do you suppose they hike up prices this time of year just for the snowbirds? A nice afternoon lounging around on the lanai sounds wonderful! Sure beats shoveling snow doesn't it.

Lyn... Did you mean TEMPLE, TX or TEMPE Arizona!! I looked at the map and was thinking Tempe might be a long flight!! I'll send a little prayer for your neighbor today too.

Valerie... Oh my goodness, the little boy is such a doll!!! Oh how I'd love to scoop him and kiss that darling little face!! How do you feel about him going back to Oakland? Will you DD be caring for him there too? I'll have to get out my map of CA to see how far you are from him... would you be able to visit much? Maybe that Pediatrician will have learned a valuable lesson and not be so likely to dismiss the signs!!!

Chriss... I looked at the pictures of The Brothers and immediately thought "Yup!" I bet Jerry was awful happy to see Tim and I'm so glad they had this time together. I wish I was closer, I'd sure come over and do those toilets for you. Call me crazy, but that's one job I don't absolutely hate. Now, scrubbing floors on hands and knees?? If I go to hell that will be my eternity! (with DEX behind me telling me I missed a spot) I sorted out all the flannel I want to use for the brick quilt and as soon as I get all the rest of the fabric put away, I'm going to start cutting it in the strips!!

A while back I mentioned doing a swap.... Sorry I haven't kept up with it... I'm still trying to plan something fun, but with postage getting so expensive and increasing all the time, I'm thinking a sew along instead. But don't hold you breath that I'm going to get a plan in place soon!! I'm open to suggestions though... trying to think of a quilt sampler type we could kind of do together.

For now I gotta get going.. it IS shower day so there is that and I could probably throw in some laundry. It's going to be warm enough today to get out in the garage, so I may do some rearranging to find room for all this new fabric!!

Wishing you all of God's blessings today!

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by auntjana » Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:40 am

Good morning!

It picture post card perfect looking outside today. We are covered in snow, but all the streets are cleared and beautiful. Yesterday we went out and gathered milk and veggies, most at Costco. And this very pretty silk, 6ft tall tree, jumped in my basket too. It was just right for a spot I mentioned to Michael earlier this week. Then we washed a very dirty white car. As I was driving home, I saw a dark snow cloud lowering, right over my house, so I knew we'd get some. But I warned that cloud, that was over my house, that it had to wait until I got my nice clean shiny car in the garage. It did! Just as I was backing the car in, a few small flakes started falling. As soon as the car was entirely in, then it really came down, about 3 inches in a hour. Sometimes you can get somewhere yelling at the clouds! LOL!

Church is shortly. My turn off from music. Yes, the plans for the Super BD party bowl are coming together. I have it all laid out in my brain and when and where I need to buy stuff. I am cheating on much, calling it catered! Matt and Aaron are smoking the meat - brisket and a pork shoulder. Costco will do the dessert, a cake. Stouffers is doing the Mac and cheese,, Crenda the baked beans- hers are fabulous! It's also Gracie's and Baden's BD's on the 17th. They share the same day, just a different year. So they are included in the big celebration. Sarah has a red tablecloth and I'll get red and gold balloons to help with some decorations. Maybe flowers too. Tailgate dinner, inside, and we'll eat starting just before kickoff. I have the Batt Cave for all the littles not wanting to watch the game. I have the Disney plus channel, so they can watch princess movies. We'll be set! Can't decide if I'm superstitious about washing my jersey, it's not really dirty,, but has been worn for the last two games we won. Humm........

Off to get dressed, getting to be that time,

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Re: SUNDAY, February 4th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:40 am

Good morning. It's going to be a soggy day today. So much good comes from the rain, and I love it. It also makes Moose's potty selection spot quite quick and for that I am grateful.

Maryz, that Amara keeps getting teeth she will be gnawing on corn on the cob before you know it and will get every kernel. Love when kids have pumpkin grins. When you get home you will have quite a stack of quilts needing quilted.

Katy, I bet it felt good to know that the vehicles were sold and out of your hair. As soon as I get some dry weather, I will also be burning papers and such.

Judi, I would love to see a picture of your Uncle Ray. I love Jerry's brother Tim, he really is helpful, but my gosh he is arrogant and full of himself. He means well but just has a different way about himself. Jerry does look good but once Tim left he was pooped. the place you are staying in sounds wonderful and peaceful.

Lyn, I want one of those trees, actually I guess I sort of have them in my Oaks, they are all pointing up. :lol: Prayers said for your neighbor.

Tinab, wish I was a numbers person. I'd love to be able to remember numbers and do hard math in my head. Not happening. Glad you get to spoil DD a bit and glad she appreciates it.

Maryq, I think a sew along is a great idea. Ugh, lets not talk floors. Years ago Jerry stripped my no wax floors and they are disgusting. Someday I will replace them but probably not soon. I'd love to be able to do my whole house. My dad has a linoleum that looks like wood flooring. It's what I want. I have almost 1700 square feet, not sure what that would cost to install.

Jana, glad you can control those clouds. Your superbowl party sounds great. A real feast.

Church is on tv, I need breakfast and to start my day.

I want to give those lotto blocks a shot. My next week plan is to empty the spare room. It's really the junk drawer of this house. I can put everything in the garage, set up the room, then as the weather warms up I can clean out the garage. Jerry is starting to tell me who he wants to have some of his things. I need to get these things sorted and ready for whoever is to receive them.

You all have a fabulous day, If the sun isn't shinning in the sky I pray it is shinning in your heart.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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