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Sunday January 28,2024

Daily discussions.
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Sunday January 28,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:29 am

Good morning,
I have been up could not get back to sleep story of my life :lol: .
It has been raining here and its suppose to do it all day Bill and his brother are going to watch the first game then he will come home for dinner.
I will work on my blocks I have 30 blocks made out of 54 it's really going by fast I'm using what I have I found something cranberry color and I think I have some wine upstairs so I will go up a look for that next I will go to hobby lobby Wednesday to get the gray for the background I think this on will be on the finished pile next week I'm making 9" blocks.
Well there isn't anymore news from here.
Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:15 am

Good morning,

LOIS - Sorry you were sleepless in Jersey. I sure understand that! I really like your quilt. It's such a simple, classic pattern. Just looking at this quilt relaxes me. You don't even need the pattern to make it. I saw one on the internet, already made (probably commercially) for sale for over $800. Are you using just the three fabrics or are you going to scrappy, but within your three color families? How is your DH's arm?

CHRISS - There are blessings and bright spots in every situation. I'm glad you have some people around you who are willing to help. Did you ever get the results of the MRI? Do you have a walk-in shower or is it just a tub-shower? Hospice can help with that. They can provide Hoyer lifts so you can easily lift Jerry in and out of the tub and bed. As to the Yellowstone quilt, I saw the picture you mentioned of the woman wrapped in the Beth Dutton quilt on the internet. You gals are getting me worked up to maybe do this quilt, too, just for myself even though I've never seen the show. However I told Bill about the quilt and he knew all about it! At least he knew the character, Beth Dutton. He watches the show.

LORI - You have your plate full, too. Will your brother improve or is this the permanent situation? I really hope it's possible to bring a person in rather than move them both out. At least as a transition arrangement. I've got you on the πŸ™ list.

TINA B - It's so sweet that you make Linus quilts. Such a worthy cause.

VAL - Did you spend the night with Josiah or just a big chunk of time? Where is your DD staying? Can she stay in his room with him?

TINA - I don't know what you are using to post photos. I use Post Image and post right from my phone and they offer many sizes to choose from. 480x640 is the optimum size for posting on forums.

MARY Q - you are a lucky quilter! A seemingly endless supply of fabrics coming right into your house, plus your own personal long-armer! I love batiks and flannels. Nothing more cozy than snuggling under a cozy flannel quilt on a chilly day. Add a fire, a cat, a book, and a hot drink and you have a purrfect stormy afternoon!

JANA - I always did all the packing for my Michael and the kids when they were little. But Bill is a different story - he WILL pack all his own stuff because apparently I'm NOT his mother!. :lol: So I just waited for the fun to happen when he went into his suitcase looking for stuff. And it did! First trip - no pants. Next trip - no jacket. and so it went through underwear, shirts, and shoes. I just smiled. He's got it down now or else if he is missing something he won't admit it to me.

FLO - glad your chickens are happy. Sorry you broke the only egg that day, but lucky that's all you broke!

JUDI - I will be watching your game tonite and rooting for your LIONs. (Sorry Jana). You are really giving all your quilts the once over. That's good. I have quilts all over the house and I change them out with seasons and whims. So they all get a good fluffing a few times a year. I hope Colleen et al are fully over their Covid. When are they supposed to leave on their trip?

We hear that Amara is now getting to her feet and solidly standing unassisted. Antonio assured us yesterday that she will be walking before we leave which is 2-1/2 weeks. He is SUCH a first time daddy! But maybe she will. Can't wait to finally see her again tomorrow.

This has been a good week for sewing but we go back to babysitting tomorrow. And it will be full time. So I have only 3 more sewing days left here - on the next two weekends. That last weekend day will be organizing all our storage bins and packing up not only my sewing, but everything for travel. I got four foxes made yesterday. Then Bill wanted to go for a ride so we were gone about 3 hours - a big chunk of my sewing time. Today I WILL get the second four foxes made and hopefully start cutting out some of the tree blocks. I should be able to keep an eye on the football game while sewing. I am pushing the sewing because I have deadlines on 6 quilts and those deadlines are ASAP after we get home. And I haven't even looked at the last 2 yet. And after 4 months in this trailer, the first two weeks home are always emptying, cleaning, restocking the trailer, doing a gazillion loads of laundry, and then cleaning the mess we make of the house moving back in. Plus Bill made rezzies for a 4-day camping trip 12 days after we get home! Not sure I still want to go!

Y'all have a good Sunday.

mary z

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:24 am

Mary I'm working from what I have and keeping it the three colors.
As for Mr. BILLS arm it's coming along thank you for asking.


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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:19 am

Good Morning we have a bit of snow today,,,went below 32 last night,,still NO SUNSHINE!!! I will clean my bathrooms this morning and prep the chicken we are having chicken slidiers and mac salad for supper...( it is a requested favorite) We will eat around 430 so we can have all our travel plans made before the game...
I did get the first border on the geese yesterday, I partially cut out the veterans blocks and went to Rykers skating party,,,He had a blast with all his hockey friends...and family. Got to see all my grands and greats in one day. Colleen and company called me in the morning telling me she felt fine and had a definate positive,,,Nolan is negative, Jeff and Liam are sick with congestion headahes and cough but are both negative,,,both fast and PCR tests..so I told them to all stay home from the party..and they did. She is leaving tuesday afternoon and says she will mask up and go anyway...Jeff will mask up too...thre is no way to cancel and reschedule this trip I might not agree but not my call....We leave on thursday without seeing them. :(
I will pray while i clean for Lois's hubsters shoulder, Chris and Jerry, Tinab s hubster too...and the little Josiah, and everyone else who may be dealing with anything today....everyone have a great day,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo
Question,,,,,,Does the yellowstone quilt have something to do with the story or is it just "in there?".

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:27 am

Judi I think it's just there Bill watches it and so does his brother you definitely can't watch it with kids around its for adults eyes and ears only I have watched several times.


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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by FlorenceM » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:21 am

Tomorrow sun is supposed to come out....I hope so. It's so muddy I may use my winter snow boots to go to chicken run. Kids coming for supper. Dinner is sloppy Joe's with mac& cheese.
Lois, I grew up in Ocean County near Seaside Heights, I don't remember where you live.
Refit on my purse won't take a zipper. It's just not Designed for it...may order snaps from Amazon.
Need to scoot. Over slept

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:33 am

Goid morning πŸŒ„ Happy Sunday to you all.

Maryz I did not spend the night but about 5 hours. It was not the best day for him. He is quite done with all of this and starts to cry as soon as he sees the nurse. She was a very nice nurse and seemed quite competent and really other than changing his dressing didn't do anything that hurt. But he was not having it. He is not eating, just his pediasure and a few snack type foods. But we have to press forward πŸ˜” I hope A and A can catch those first steps on video.

Chriss how goes it with Jerry? Wondering if maybe 2 people should be there for the shower? We do not need or want anymore brain injuries.

Lois I guess I missed what happened to DH arm? Hope he is okay.

And Tinab how goes the ankle wasn't it?

Katy how are things on the farm?

Judi I am with you. I would have canceled the trip. While the rest of the family tested negative, that could change in a day.

Maryq what's shaking 🫨 with you today.

I am going to finish my second Feb lotto block and then start packing for Free Sew today. DD was able to stay at the family house last night and get some sleep so she said she would be okay for today. Parents/guardians have access to the house to sleep, shower and that sort of stuff. The hospital also provides them with 2 free meals a day Mon - Fri. She can sleep in the room but Josiah's Aunt was going to stay last night. The only downside I have seen is the neighborhood. As Jana said gotta be alert there.

Have a great day everyone
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by maryq » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:59 am

Good morning Girls

Another dreary day... man I'd sure like to see the sun!! Alexa says it's going to get up 41 today so I suppose that would be a good day to take down some of my outdoor Christmas decorations.! I have a little rail fence thing on my patio that I decorate with garland and lights.. now that it's warm enough to be out there, I should probably take it off! :lol: :lol:

Lois... sounds like your are moving right along with your Beth Quilt!! I can imagine they would go pretty fast.. I'd love to join you in making one, but I dare not start another project--as there is a tote box full of UFO waiting for my attention right here in my living room.

Maryz.... You keep the cat, I'll take the fire, a warm drink (of a chilled glass of wine) and a good book! oh and the warm flannel blankie! I just bet that little girl will be walking by the time you are ready to go home! Oh what fun you will have babysitting the next couple weeks. Will you be there every day? My goodness, you will be pooped out.

Judi... Oh bummer, Colleen is still testing positive! Yeh, what can you say.. our grown up children don't like to listen to us old folks anyway---never mind that we could be right 99% of the time. I'm glad I don't have to sit next to her on a plane! :lol: :lol: There's a scene in the TV show where Beth Dutton is sitting on the front porch of this beautiful ranch house all wrapped up in this quilt. She's not always a very nice person!! But the quilt is beautiful!!

Chriss... So glad to hear that there is lots of help and comfort for you right close by. I sure don't blame Jerry for putting off his siblings. Have they kept in touch with him over the years and just now popping in? Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday. Viv was here for most of the day, then I went to the kids house for supper. Yes, I'd love the pattern, but don't rush/worry about it. How does Jerry like the Ensure?

Valerie.... So glad you got to spend some time with Josiah... poor little guy being poked and prodded all day. Maybe if the nurse came in wearing a pretty sweater or something over her scrubs/uniform he'd get less anxious? You know that old "white coat" syndrome of being scared of anybody in a white lab coat.

The kids were working on the bathroom remodel at their house yesterday. They completely gutted the downstairs bath and Kris is putting in a new ceramic tile shower and ceramic floor. So while they were busy with that, Viv came over here and we sat and chatted. Katie had given me almost 2 full tote boxes of fabric she won't use and Viv picked out a bunch that she would most definitely use--stuff I won't likely use. So, something good will come of all this fabric! POTD will be for to get all my new stash boxed up and out to the garage. I'm try to organize it by what will make Pillowcases and other projects. There's a ton of 30's prints (Katie doesn't like those) So I'm going to set those aside to maybe one of these days make Lori Holt's "Millie's Dresses" but I make not guarantees about every finishing it!! :lol: :lol:

For now I need to warm up the coffee and get in the shower.

You all are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by auntjana » Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:23 am

Good morning!

I have sunshine! The sun just peeked over my mountains. It will be a wonderful day , especially for my 49ers to win! GO 49ers! I want a superbowl party for my bd in February. When my 49ers make it, we'll do a indoor tailgate spread to watch the game and celebrate Sarah's and my birthdays, which is are two days later. Nice of the world to have the superbowl to celebrate our bd's! :)

Getting ready for church in a few minutes. It's my turn to be the chorister. Michael frowned at me for my first choice of shirts to wear,, my 49ers jersey, so I'll go with a proper dress,, church attire,, then come home and change. I'll be subtle, a red dress.. :)

Didn't make it to sew yesterday, cleaned a stove, it needed it! Still need to scrub the tile backsplash and range hood.

Aaron is chomping at the bit, with the actual superbowl game being played in Las Vegas. Vegas is about a 6 hour drive from here, but the major draw back is the ticket prices! Outrageous! He thinks I should go, get two tickets and he'll drive. Oh how that would dip into cotton funds! Silly boy!

Chriss - Michael likes the Premier Protein drinks better than all the others, like Ensure out there. I get it at Costco and Amazon. Lots of flavors that Jerry might enjoy.

Well, time to get dressed,

GO 49ers!

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Sunday January 28,2024

Post by WeeOne » Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:35 am

Sunny Sunday on the Gulf coast. Not to be confused with Valerie's coast. :D

Chriss, I hope you are not too overwhelmed with all the sudden changes. Jerry asking that question got me to thinking how I would answer that if Garry were on that path. I think I would say that I don't know if the path is going that way or if it has stops or turns onto other paths. I'm so glad you have a group of friends to help you and that you are excepting their help. I'm sure they are God's helpers. You are a strong woman.

MaryZ, Sounds like you better keep your phone camera at the ready while you're Amara sitting.

Lois, I look forward to seeing your quilt. Glad Bill's arm is improving.

Valerie, Little Josiah must be so confused about it all. I'm glad you could spend some time with him and give your DD a break.

Quilt Show was nice, only a few vendors. I may post a few pictures of the quilts I liked the best. There's a cat quilt that I like better than cat's in PJ'S, and my friend, Margaret who is part of the guild, said it's a free pattern. I found some more fats and a book. There'd been talk here of the Delectable Mountain's pattern. Well I now have the book and ruler. For $5 I couldn't pass it up. Just hope I don't have it already on my Estes Park bookshelf. After the show we went to lunch. Both days were good.

I sewed all the sashing strips together.
I measured all my block strips and last night I cut a length of sashing and when I clipped it on, it was short over an inch. What the heck!! So I cut the last strip in half and added a piece, so a seam wouldn't be right at the end. I got it sewn on. Will iron it and see if I can match up the next row. Gospel jam is this afternoon. We, too, will probably watch the football games. Garry was never interested in watching football, but after his stroke things have changed.

Prayers for All the needs here.

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