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TUESDAY, Jan 16th

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TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:04 am

Good morning,

I know a lot of you are colder than we are here in Texas, but gosh - this is TEXAS! Our outdoor thermometer says it's 19* but my phone says it's 16* "at my location". With a feels like temp of 2*. I think I want a new phone!

CHRISS - so sorry Jerry isn't doing well. Scary that he is starting to fall. Funny about Moose barking at the walker. Our Snickers used to try to bite at the feet of a friend's walker. She had put tennis balls on them! I'm glad you enjoyed the concert with your "uber friend". At the end of the year you will have a whole file filled with fun patterns if you collect them every month.

LORI - I've seen those attachments and wondered if they really work. After several years my bindings have gotten pretty good - not great, but at least I can sew a straight line on them now. I sew the binding on the back of the quilt, fold it over to the front, and stitch down the very edge of the binding on the front. My back seam runs along the back of the quilt, not on, but next to the binding, so I match the bobbin thread to the backing fabric. That's my method. If you get the attachment, I'll be very curious to see what you think. Have fun at R2C!

KATY - I guess I need to get out my Illinois map so I can look up where all these towns are in relation to you. So the plan is to move Jim to FL to be near your DD? Is she the one who was in the hospital last week? How is she doing? Glad the car sold. What is his "buggy"? We called our Polaris RZR a buggy, but I'm having a hard time picturing your Jim in an ATV. I hope your driveway is cleared soon in case of emergency. Don't forget to double check the direction of your pinwheels on your lotto blocks. A few of us got them going the wrong way. I made a similar mistake on one of my Dec lotto blocks, too. Arghh.. So easy to do - make mistakes, I mean. At least it is for me!

SHARONA - hope today is the day you turn the corner. The RIGHT corner, please!!

MARY Q - I use tongs at home to reach things in high cabinets (not my crystal stuff!), but never thought of them for Aut's washer. I just stretch and stretch some more. And yes, Antonio especially seems happy to have us back. He's already got us on his quarantine/testing protocol. Seems his folks don't arrive until next Sunday so he wants us back babysitting ASAP. lol! He told us when they were leaving (Jan 27) but never said when they were arriving. And we came back from FL early thinking they were here. Guess we all need to go to communication school. You aren't messing up that sparkling clean house, are you?!? I owe you a text. Got busy yesterday and it's still too early today. But you are on my texting list for later.

VAL - good news about Josiah! I've never heard of juvenile rehab before. Does insurance cover it? Is your blue quilt the one your DH picked out the fabric for several months ago? Seems to me that was blue. Sorry you forgot about R2C. You've had a lot on your plate. I'm surprised you remember to breathe! How did your dr appt go the other day?

JANA -Sorry the bar stools didn't work out for you. I wish you better luck assembling your beds. Bill hates doing that. I'm just his lovely assistant. But every furniture kit we've ever bought in the past was either missing hardware or had broken pieces which necessitated a second trip back to IKEA. So, now he refuses to buy anything from them or anyone else that requires some assembly. Our IKEA is a 50-mile, traffic-riddled, four freeway trip each way. Makes for a grumpy DH. I hope you have better luck!

FLO - deciding to keep or sell a beloved RV can be a difficult decision. Some of our friends are going through that right now. We will, too, one day. Do you enjoy camping? It's hard to go anywhere for long when you have chickens or other livestock that needs caring for.

JUDI - I know you are having a good time getting ready for FL! What day do you leave? My DBIL says it's nice, though they had HARD rain yesterday - at 76*! Who all will be there with you? Are you going to a different Air B&B than last year? It feels good to get those cabinets all cleaned a purged even if you had to sacrifice a sewing day to do it. Will be a nice 'surprise' to come home to.

LOIS - did you get your Cats quilted yesterday? How are you planning to quilt it?

Yesterday was in the teens most of the day but finally climbed up to 25* before it started to drop again. Today is supposed to be a bit colder. We cleaned the trailer and I reorganized some of our storage areas. Then I spent the rest of the day cutting out Cats in PJ's. I got all the background and the 12 cats cut out. Today I'll cut the PJ's. I saw Trump won the Iowa Caucus. Last night I dreamed he named me as his running mate! :lol: I hope tonite I dream I get a new wardrobe!

Be safe, warm, and well!

mary z

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:35 am

Good Morning It is 8 here still in the deep freeze..Its still dark but when Ken left this morning there were snow flurries...just snow dust,,too cold for any major snow, I made the bed and got a few things done including a fresh cup of coffee and watched a video I follow this morning, (An english lady who does all sort of quilting and crafting I have been following her for a year or so she does a video every week and I am facinated by her crafts and her cluttered and funky house) I usually watch her on Monday but for some reason forgot yesterday,
I pulled a bunch of summer clothes out to pack and inventory,,,some are a NO and some a YES,,,I always pack too much but Ken and I have each a case and He will take what he wants and I the same...I make a challenge to see jusy how much stuff i can pack in there,,(Last year I packed 4 prs of shoes.) We do have a washer and dryer but I dont want to wash a lot either ( on vacation you know) We are going to a different airbnb this year,,,so it is always a surprise...( sometimes not a good one) We have found that the photos they offer on the website might be a bit better than in person but the house last years was pretty nice and issues were taken care of immediately. We still prefer camping but this gets us into warmer weather with out issue...and Right now where we are going is 75' and cloudy...we are hoping for the same or warmer...We have a ton of our meals outside by the pool. I spend a lot of time reading or stitching outside..my widowed sister and my divorced friend go with us picking up half the rental. (We used to camp the 6 of us all the time) KEn doesnt mind. We visit some camp friends down there and my other sister and brother in law so Ken gets some guy time too.
I did get another row of the geese done and it goes fast,,my only issue is not putting same fabrics together so I do a bit if sorting as I sew.
My coffee cup in empty and I should comb my hair and get dressed...I might run to the market if I feel like bundling up...probably not...
Last edited by grammiequilts on Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:37 am

Good morning,

Well yesterday we did the scavenger hunt but by the time we did all of that and wrapped stuff put all the stuff away I gave up and decided I would work on quilting my quilt today.

So by afternoon Bill was going to put the desk together and everything was going well until we got to the last piece getting out of the box and it was the top and it was damaged so we packed it up the best we could and brought it back to best buy :oops: .

So today after we clean some of the snow will look online.oh the snow at was about 2 1/2".

Well that is all the news from here.
Everyone enjoy your day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by mepeace2 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:57 am

Good Morning Mary and all that follow
Weather Ugg . Its -6 and cloudy actually going into positive today like 5. Will be in 20's tomorrow.
I am staying warm due to electric blankets and electric heater along with my furnance. Next week into 40's. Oh mother nature What the heck.
To answer Marys questions. Yes this my only daughter. She is doing better. Actually moving to Fl Thursday.
The buggy I think is one step up from a Atv. I am driving my old car but it has problems. So a new or used car is in my future. I have a 2023 in my sights but it is expensive. $24000. But I need to remember my 2004 was 18300. I do believe I got my pinwheels correct.
Yesterday was uneventful. Got some cleaning done. Just cant get my fanny in gear. Darn weather. I need to
clear out empty boxes and some stuff for charity out of sewing room. Then maybe I could get in mood to be creative. Got my bills paid . What a trip to mail box. I have to go over a 10 inch mound of ice at end of my drive way.
Maryz Glad to here you are quilting . Canton is 16 miles to my east. Springfield is about 75 miles to my southwest.
Jim is doing ok. In some pain . His pacemaker goes in Wed. He will be in Springfield awhile.
Barney is being Barney. LOl :roll:
I need to let Barney out and more coffee .
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:03 am

LOIS - oh no!! So sorry your desk kit is damaged. It happens all too often. Like I said in my other post - no more assembly kits for us! 100% of all the ones we've ever purchased were damaged or missing parts.

JUDI - fun contemplating your trip! My DBIL, still down in Sebastian, said it was 76 deg yesterday (but raining hard). But so nice to sit out and bask. Save room in that suitcase for stuff you may buy! Fabric? new sandals? Shorts? I found two wonderful affiliated quilt shops in Melbourne and Sebastian. Both had a lot of gorgeous fabrics. That's what - 100 miles from where you'll be? Have you ever toured the Space Center? The American Police Hall of Fame and Memorial Museum is next to that. In Titusville. Both are fascinating.

It's shower day today. Since it's freezing, we are living off the water in our 70-gal tank rather than hooked to the park water. So we're conserving as much as possible. So we don't shower every day. But today's the day!


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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:33 am

Going to warm up a bit...by a bit I mean high will be 15....but overnight low will be in single digits with no wind chill factor. Warmer tomorrow & Thursday, but then drop on Thursday. I have ice on inside of dining room windows! Will take my blow dryer to them later.
Wesig, I remember Vacaville from when we were stationed in Alameda. And I miss Winco!
Today is catch up. Joe will head to kids house, they have a frozen pipe. Our pipes are fine.

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by maryq » Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:29 am

Good morning Girls

Have been up for a bit, but had something I had to take care of first this morning. Usually checking in here is first on the agenda. I get up, throw on clothes and grab my coffee and head to the desk to sit and visit with y'all.

Maryz... Oh are you kidding... Within about 10 minutes of cleaning up I can mess up again!
Oh how great that you can get to Miss Boots sooner than you thought. You have to stay in camp until Friday or Saturday, then you can go visit? So not fair that the grandma's can't be with them at the same time! You know we are all looking forward to seeing pictures!

Judi... Here's a little packing hack I learned years ago, when I went to Scotland for 2 weeks--we were at different B & B's like every other night, but this made it easy.. I packed a complete outfit in a zip lock bag (pants,shirt, skivvies and sox) then sqeezed all the air out. I did that with each outfit. As we arrived at each destination, I just grabbed a bag of clothes and my makeup/toothbrush kit. I didn't need to haul out my whole suitcase. All the dirties went back in the bag. Now you might not have to do it quite that way when you are camping but putting stuff in zippy bags and squeezing the air out... gives you more room in a
suitcase. But then again, you might know that already! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lois... OH such a bummer about your desk!!! What a pain to have to pack it all up and take it back!!! My DIL orders a lot of stuff from Wayfair and very often, if something arrives damaged they tell her to keep and then send her a whole new one! Pretty much anytime something comes shipped to you, rather than just picking it up, there's a risk for damage. I hope Best Buy will resolve the issue for you quickly!

Katy... Isn't it crazy how expensive cars are!? I think a new pick up truck these days is more than our first house! Hope you can find something in your price range. I dread having to get a new car because I sure don't want to have another car payment again--that would sure take a chunk out of my fabric budget! :lol: Good to hear your DD is doing better and will continue to keep Jim in thoughts and prayers.

Flo... When the weather gets this cold, I think everybody gets ice on the windows! We all got new roofs in our townhouse complex last summer so we are a little more insulated . Kind of pain to have to blow dry the windows. I've heard if you can keep the window open just a bare crack that can help.

Chriss... Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear Jerry is not doing very well. I will double up on my prayers. Move to Alaska... Oh Hell NO!! Jen lived in Arizona back in 2005-2008 and I thought that would be a perfect place to retire--or at least spend winters! To me, Alaska is a beautiful place to visit... in the summer!!! I'm sort of debating about going up this summer, but I think they kids may try to come home. They haven't been here since '21 and Jen wants to spend some time with her Dad.

Lori,... There's an attachment to sew on a perfect binding? Oh do tell!!! Normally I like doing them by hand, but I have several little quilts that I'd like to get done quickly. I did one yesterday with my walking foot and a little bit of a deco stitch thankfully it was Navy blue thread on Navy Blue fabric so the boo-boos didn't show! :lol:

So yesterday afternoon I spent a couple hours with Katie in her heated garage going through about 10 bags of fabric---there's at least 10 more to go. There is quite a smell to most of it and we are throwing a lot away that we don't we can salvage. But I've brought home quite a bit and am working on washing etc. I'm trying a solution of vinegar and baking soda (soaking first for about 20-30 minutes) and it seems to be helping. There were some beautiful charms and I'm testing those by soaking in vinegar and Dawn. Tried one dishpan full over night so I'll see how that works. I'm open to other suggestions. Though I might just get a big container of straight OXY clean and see how that works. Katie's son in a chemical engineer and he's going to bring her a big ozone machine--so we'll test that as well.

Today's project is to unload the dishwasher... again!! Maybe I should hand wash my dishes.. since it's just me here. But a dishwasher is a great place to hide things!! I have a big tote box full of the stinky fabric so I will probably work on that today as well and then see which other UFO I can tackle.

Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday!!

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by auntjana » Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:36 am

Good frigid morning!

We dropped to 10 last night and may see 20 as our high. The mountains are protecting us from that very cold front hitting most of y'all. No snow, until tomorrow, just a small bit, maybe a inch or two.

My little girls will be here shortly. For some unknown reason, the teachers are off today, so Aaron and Kate have appointments, so I get to play!

We will back the car in the garage and load up all my donations. That way, we can shut the main garage door and stay somewhat warm while doing that. My girls can help too. There's still a couple of things to gather up too.

Then you'll find me sewing on those aprons, blocks, maybe a Valentine bench pillow and a new tote bag. I have plans! Them getting done is another story! LOL!

Stay warm, stay safe, lots of hugs,

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:39 am

Hi gain,,,before you buy the binding foot go to you tube and watch videos on how they work...I bought one and it wasnt near as easy as the video showed and I finally gave it to my sister and she couldnt get the hang of it either,,,,this was maybe 10 yrs ago so they might have something bbetter now.
Maryq thanks for the packing tip that makes a lot of sense . I have a bunch of space bags somewhere around here. I do need room for stuff I buy,,,I used to bring the kids something home every trip but they really dont want t shirts anymore...so I stopped doing the souveniers...xxxxoooo

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Re: TUESDAY, Jan 16th

Post by zfatcat » Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:02 am

Judi, I did hear that about the binding foot as well. Then I read about a lady that bought one, couldn't get it to work so she watched a bunch of Youtube videos. Apparently there are adjustments that need to be made, and fabric needs to be cut a specific size. If I buy one, I'll go to the Bernina store and have them show me how it works. I'll keep you posted on what I find out.

Jana, enjoy you warm day. brrrrrr

Maryq, I use the deco stitches sometimes for binding too. They are great for kids quilts.

Lois, that is so frustrating to get to the last piece and find out it's damaged. I would ask for a discount since I had to repack and drive back. I hate to have my time wasted.

Val, we should plan on getting together next year at road. Maybe we could convince Chriss to come down too. That would be a kick.

I did a few things for dad this morning, and Jack and Wrigley took me for a walk. I need to run the vacuum and dust a bit. If it would rain, we would have so much dust. I think I have everything for my class, so I'll pack that up and have it ready to go in the morning since I have to leave early.

Have a wonderful day.

Lori 8-)

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