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Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:10 am
by fabricgirl
Good morning Happy New Year!!!!!!

Well I'm the fist to admit that I didn't make it up until midnight.

Today is our celebration of Christmas and I'm ready everyone will be here at 1 and that's good we are also having my son's dog here for a first time visit and I'm curious to see what he does we have a big backyard for him to run around in my son will bring his food so he dosent throw his schedule off and they won't have to leave so fast altho this dog starts fussing he want to go home :lol: ..

Yesterday I worked on my cats in pjs quilt and so far so good this is the lap size for a gift for my Dil for her cousin.

Well it's time for more coffee.
Mary z safe travel.
Prayers go out to all.

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:19 am
by velvet
I hope the new year brings lots of good health to all.
LOIS--enjoy your "Christmas" day with family.
We made it to around 10pm last night. Today my plan is to straighten up the last corner of a very big closet upstairs. There are 6 boxes all closed and were placed there 6 years ago when we moved here. Hopefully most of it will be trashed. (Fingers crossed)
Well, coffee is done and ready so off I go.

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:29 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! My wish is for us all to have a wonderful, happy, healthy, and quilty 2024. This forum is the first place I go every morning, to sit and chat and share a cuppa with all y'all! Thank you for being my besties!

LOIS - today is your Christmas party day! Enjoy the fun!! And your grand-dog! What kind of dog is he? It's so nice of you to include him. We have friends at home that have told us that any invitation to their house includes Scottie. Thank you for your good travel wishes. We really appreciate that.

JUDI - we didn't make it to midnight either. But I did stay up until 9pm. (does it count if I wasn't exactly awake that long?) That table sounds like a beauty! Colleen was a lucky girl to get that! It doesn't seem possible that it's been 9 years since you lost your DBIL. Glad the pizza oven is a keeper. But what was wrong with the 3 discards? Some day you may find an Arctic Fox fiver parked in front of your house and they will be wanting pizza delivery, so practice up!

DIANE - happy birthday to your Joe! You reminded me I need to text my niece who will be 60 today I think. I believe I was 12 when she was born. You know, professional de-clutterers say if you haven't looked in a box in one year, and don't know what's inside of it, you should just get rid of it without even opening it. Could you do that? I couldn't. It might be just what I'd been looking for all year long!

MARY Q - You always find cool stuff in your bottomless garage! I couldn't store fabric in our garage for a long period of time. At least not over winter - too moist. It would get musty, possibly even moldy. And you are right about charity quilts and good fabric. They probably get harder use and therefore should be made of good quality material. That being said - I will use Joann's fabric for quilts that don't matter so much to my heart if that makes any sense. We love board games. A great way to spend a NYE Evening! We've played LRC. and in fact, have the game with us. We first played it right here in this very RV park with about 60 people (back before Covid). We gave Aut and Antonio each a game for Christmas - Aut got Really Loud Librarians and 'Tonio got U-dub-opoly. (U of WA -opoly). (Autumn graduated from U of WA and he got his MBA at Stanford - they are rivals so we load him up with U of WA stuff.) BTW, Autumn, my youngest, was born in 1977. On my dad's 65th birthday.

TINA - so nice of your DD to come help de-deck the halls! And I understand trying to fit it all back in - like Fibber McGee's closet!

SHARONA - happy happy furnace-working-day! And that's a great warranty. What kind of furnace do you have? We just had a new furnace installed the very end of October. I have no idea what our warranty is but we're looking it up! It will be nice to start the new year with de-cluttered closets! LATER: we have just a 5 yr warranty which will take us only to 2028. :(

LYN - I had no idea that Kona Bay closed. I did some Googling and found 7 blue Kona Bay fabrics at Johnson's Quilt Shop in OK. ... ?pageNum=1 Wouldn't it be something if one of these is YOUR blue?? On the other hand you now have a great excuse to hit the LQS(s)!

JANA - I hope Michael's face isn't all bruised today!

CHRISS - a star chart is a great idea for staying on those tasks! I'd fall for the reward of a star sticker every day! I remember getting stars on my collar at school - red, green, silver, or gold - depending on how good a job you did. The nuns were stern task-masters, so any color was well-earned! I know you will have a whole galaxy of stars a year from now! Congratulations on your big coin toss win! That's your star for playing Lotto with Valerie!

We had a really nice day with the kids yesterday - four adults sitting around taking about and playing with one little person. We ate pizza, opened birthday presents, went for a walk. I didn't want to leave and when we finally did, I ran back into the house, telling Autumn we forgot something, and grabbed Ms Boots out of her arms and went back outside. Kids thought I was joking!

We didn't do any celebrating last night - in fact, never gave NYE a thought. But tons of people in the neighborhood surrounding our RV park did. They were setting off fireworks until after midnight and poor Scottie was really freaked. He crawled into our laps which he NEVER does, and I covered him tightly with a blanket. Later Bill put him on the bed and he crawled up onto my pillow, whining and shivering. Between the noise and the dog it was a long night.

We'll be on the road in a couple hours but only going as far as Houston for tonite. We'll get together with Sue and Cindy, I think at Sue's house this afternoon. It will be good to see those girls again! We've camped with both of them several times over the years. We'll really miss seeing Don and Kenn. I will be sure to deliver hugs to them both from all of you.

mary z

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:15 am
by FlorenceM
Happy New Year
Yesterday kids came for supper, spaghetti and meatballs. It was nice. Did not stay up til midnight. I think we only did that a few times in 40 yrs.
Today we will play catch up...I have floors &Joe planning on lighting off a burn pile...but we may do nothing and watch movies all day....we will see.

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:35 am
by WeSignificant
May your days be free from sorrow, And your friends be ever near. May the paths o'er which you wander, Be to you a joy each day.

Happy New Year!

I am working on getting back into the swing of things. If work schedule allows, I will go to Annettes Finish it class on Thursday, then Slow Stitch is Thursday night. Her Mystery quilt class begins on the 20th and I am already signed up for that. I need to get the fabric together though. I also have a quilt that I am supposed to give to Annette this month for quilting so may try to get to that today. Just two more borders and put the back together.

Lois have a great day today. Nothing like a good Christmas Party!

Judi I did not stay up either. I need my beauty sleep! I heard a few fireworks around 1:30 am but that was it.

Diane you know I think I could as long as DH isn't here to veto that action. He is such a horder. I am ready to declutter big time!

Maryz I am so sad that Scottie had to go through that. Pets and Vets have a hard time with fireworks. People should be more considerate. Traveling mercies to you and say hello to the girls from me.

Chriss say Happy Birthday from me to your Dad. 83 what a nice age. I am going to try and devote 15-30 min everyday (work allowing) to cleaning stuff out. I never make resolutions anymore. I just try my best to have a productive life. It is time to start eating healthier.

Today is sew day. I got all my charting caught up yesterday. Filled out the rest of the forms I needed to for Dad. Will hopefully get them to Fedex sometime tomorrow to get copies and large envelopes to mail. The military says there is unpaid compensation owing? Not that I know of but who knows, and his Newspaper retirement would like my whole life history so those took several hours and a few tears.

So I am off to a new start, may all your bobbins be full. I hope to see many new quilts this year! Lotto has started for the year!

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:59 am
by grammiequilts
Good New year Morning,,,I was up at 6 and started a load of laundry and sat with a cup of coffee Not feeling the motivation this morning,,,But I will soon...I have a lot to do today,,,Ken had to run to the rink for a bit so it is queit here,,,I fell asleep at my usual and didnt hear anything till 6...I cannot rememeber the last time I rang in the new year,,,it might have been 40 yrs ago...
About the pizzas this outdoor fire pizza oven heats up to around 900' you slide the pizza in the turn it frequently to get it cooked evenly and it takes between one to 3 minutes...the first one was burnrd on top but not brown on the bottom (oven was not hot enough) Same with the second one...3rd one was better but the 4th one and all thereafter were amounts to getting the oven the correct is fired by propane and you can add the wood to give it a wood fired oven flavor...the other 5 pizzas were very good..
Today I will continue to de decorate..I have a load of Christmas towels in the wash now. Removing all the batteries from the dancing snowmen take me the longest...they are next on my list...I keep the batteries separate and they get used in the window candles that stay in my windows all year,, I made the mistake of not removing the batteries and had a few leak in the summer...I dont think I will battery all of the snowmen next year just the newest ones
Lois have a wonderful time with your family and post pictures if you can.
Flo i vote for movies and relaxing the whole day away, with leftovers for super on paper plates...a good day for you..
Diane, Have fun with the closet, I have 3 boxes in the spare closet that were never opened when I moved here over 20 years ago...Ha I know whats in them..but have never needed any of it,,,I have a complete set of Norman Rockwell plates in the original boxes I had no where to put they are still there,,,I might just let my kids deal with it when I am gone.....a box of Detroit Red wings memorabilia, I have added to over the years and a box of kids stuff i have saved,,, funny you made me want to look into them but i wont.
Maryz safe travels...and if you pull up here have Bill back into the driveway so we can hook you up to water and electric...I can have the pizza dough ready in an hour...and the oven it was hard to give back the baby....
Valerie sending good thoughts to you the "firsts" with out someone dear are the hardest to get through...but you seem like you are getting the quilting mojo back and I envy the amount of quilting you get done...I just found out the shop that has the "sew time" will be closing Feb 17th,,,I am sad have been there several sew with friends...I will head there tomorrow to say good bye to the owner I have been shopping with her for 27 yrs, One yr my secret santas even got ahold of her and sent me a gift cert to her was such a surprize...
Well all this coffee and chatting isnt getting things done...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:34 am
by auntjana
Happy New Year!

We did make it past midnight together! Watched our movie and watched the neighborhood go ape with fireworks, from dark till 1 a.m. it was quite noisy.

Today will be playing in the Batt Cave, watching the parade and football! This afternoon will be interrupted with cake and ice cream to celebrate Ethan's birthday. He's 12! Taller than Sarah. And a sweetie! I will start packing up my totes of decorations too.

Michael's face is fine, no bruising, just a scrape on his nose and two little marks between the eyebrows. A little stiff from the fall, but otherwise fine. Daniel fired him from helping too.

No snow, maybe some will show up by Wednesday.


Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 7:09 am
by maryq
Good morning Girls

It is now safe to put away the 2023 Calendars and hang the 2024 ones! My Mom always said it was bad luck to turn the calendar page too soon, and I sure don't want to test fate! I have a nice Calendar here by my desk for 2024---and you know the best part.... all the squares are blank! Which means I have no place I have to go all month! (oh except for the DDS tomorrow and the eye Dr. on Thursday) Lots of sewing can get done this month! :lol: :lol:

Lois.. Wishing you and your family all a great time today!!

Diane... Oh my gosh, have you been in that house in SC for six years!???? That can't be---wasn't it just yesterday! You have boxes you haven't unpacked? Me too. When Shawn brought down my Christmas stuff, there was a tote box in the attic with stuff I had totally forgotten about---probably because I didn't realize he'd put it up there in the first place! Kind of fun to find hidden treasures. I found a photo of my kids and grands from 2015!

Maryz.... I wish I could store the fabric in the house, but alas there's no room now. But everything is in plastic tote boxes and knock on wood I haven't had any problem with mice getting in anything. The garage is insulated which I think helps. I bet A & A got a kick out of you running back to grab Miss Boots. That would have been a cute picture! How fun to be able to connect with Sue and Cindy again!! I wonder if they are able to get together very often. Wishing you safe travels as you head east!

Flo.... You had to say that dirty word.... FLOORS!! I noticed my kitchen floor is needing attention the other day and I've been putting it off... too much fun doing other things. IF I could hire a cleaning person... that's all I'd have them do---as it's the chore I hate the most!

Valerie... Love the little saying you opened with this morning. Is that part of a poem? It almost sounds like a part of an old Irish prayer. Your Dad is owed "un paid compensation" ? Kind of makes me wonder why they are just finding that out now. Are you still waiting on getting back to your one permanent job?

Judi... Oh dear, I had to chuckle about the box of Norman Rockwell plates!! When I unpacked Christmas here, I found an old Christmas plate that I think was my Mom's. Dated 1980 (I almost gave it to Kevin as that was the year he was born) I wonder if they are worth much--to a big collector. Now I don't feel so bad about the boxes of stuff in my garage I haven't looked at for 2 years. Tom and Viv have that pizza oven too.. and like you.. it was kind of trial and error to get the hang of it.

Jana.... So glad Michael is ok!! Just a wee bit bruised and sore but, it's a good excuse to take it easy today. You are so right about turning the calendar and looking forward to new sort of blank slate. I see it as new opportunities to use my talents to do as much as I can to make my little corner of the world a better place. Tho some may not agree with me, I think that's why we are here. In my opinion, each of us in our way has something to contribute to the world and I think we are duty bound to do so. OH my ETHAN is 12!!! I remember when he was born!!!

Chriss... Years ago, I decided that I was no longer going to make resolutions. I never followed through on them anyway. Now I make goals or objectives. I make them concrete things that I know I CAN do.... like finish a couple quilts, sew up some pillowcases, clean out a closet---things that I can write down on paper and check off. If I make a resolution to lose weight or read more or pray more---I forget those things. I need real physical hands-on objectives. How I'd love to come help you sort! Katie did find a couple things that she shared with me. She's going back again on Thursday!

I really did try to make it until midnight, but at 11 I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I have this clock by my bed that reflects the time on the ceiling... I went right to sleep but woke up to see the time 12:02....and said "Happy New Year "!!

Yesterday the ADD kicked in pretty badly.... I did get the borders on one old UFO, Finished putting the squares together of the Darn Peggy pattern with the flowers I posted in Photos, found borders and backing for that in the garage and have that already to sandwich and pin today. Then took the pillowcases I had pinned on Saturday and sewed them into the tubes--I'll turn and finish those today. I talked to my brother Tim who works with the reservations at Whitehorse, SD and they would love to have them. I may go on a stash dive in the garage for more fabric to use up for pillowcase. I have fabric out there I bought in 2007-2010 that would work beautifully! The need in Whitehorse is great! In fact, as you destash... if you find you have fabric that would work.... and want to share... I'd gladly reimburse postage!
Each pillow case takes a 27" length WOF, a 9" WOF ( I have tons of 2.5" pieces I can use)

So now my coffee has started to kick in, and I need a refill and to crank up the music and get busy!!

Wishing you all the Very Best today and in the days ahead of 2024

Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:16 am
by gershwin64
Happy New Year to you all!!

I hope 2024 is a good year! Prayers for good health, happiness and what makes you happy!!


Re: Monday Happy New Year 1,2024

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:39 am
by WeSignificant
Maryq it is a Scottish New Year blessing. My Father was mostly German and Scottish so we had a bit of both growing up. My mother's side threw in some British and Pennsylvania Dutch.

Bliadhna mhath ùr means Happy New Year in Scottish Gaelic