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Christmas Eve 2023

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Christmas Eve 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:36 am

Good morning Up and moving here,,straightening up each room putting away..all ready for the feast. Kids will come about 3 to watch the rest of the football game and i will get the food ready..It is a labor of love...Hope you are all having something to celebrte today and tomorrow...even if its only the fact that you have a day to celebrate..Jesus made that happen...Love to all...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by womster » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:24 am

Good morning!

Judi - a labor of love indeed. I'm inspired that you are doing this. I was ready to retire from hosting after yesterday, but will rethink it. Although I think it's time I accepted offers from others to bring food. I'm excited for your dinner tonight - I know y'all will have a wonderful time of family and fellowship.

Today I don't think we will be going to church, what the the covid being here and all. Too bad - I was really looking forward to showing off my son and granddaughters! DH is getting ready to put the brisket on for tomorrow. All I have to do is make a salad and some bread so yay for that. Have a glorious and blessed Christmas! xoxo Sharon

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by FlorenceM » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:28 am

Morning Judi and all to follow,
Up and almost moving here. Mass was wonderful last night. Rain supposed to start soon. DS1 comes in from his run sometime today. So I may see grandkids today, or they may have quiet time with daddy. Either way I will bake Italian cookies and pies.
My neighbor, my "adopted" sister dropped by last night. I made some things for 2 of her grandkids. She got me a new travel coffee mug. It says " coffee makes things less murderey"..I love it. I made her some of my jarred sauces.
Time to get moving.

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:42 am

Good morning

Well I have been up we had breakfast I will get dressed and make the bed and get ready for the day I'm making my fish dinner for the two of us got the ham thawing for tomorrow so that will be that we don't like to travel on holidays .

So my Christmas will be next week will see how that works out.

Well I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas weekend.

Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:48 am

Good rainy morning,

It's 64* and raining. Started raining just as predicted at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and won't stop until noon which is when we leave for the A's. They really need it here, though I wouldn't mind if they got their rain after Jan 1.

SUZETTE - that is quite a respectable crowd - 14, counting yourselves! The more the merrier! I do hope your hubby is feeling up to it!

JUDI - It's Christmas Eve! Your crowd is getting ready to descend for the roast beast feast! I know you will enjoy it all! Sorry you ran out of your preferred fabric but as we quilters can most often do - you made do! I hope your cold is much better today. I would love to come to your party! I even have a rather beautiful statue of a white elephant, trimmed in gold, at home, waiting for just such a party!

DIANE - Merry everything at your house! See you when the quiet returns! Happy birthday to your son. I have a nephew who also has a birthday on NYE and also named Joe! And is also in the early 50's.

JANA - sounds like you are ready, too! Will family presents be tonite or will you gather again tomorrow? Thanks to you and others for the card-scamming lesson. This is why we almost always give cash or a check when doing monetary gifts. Isn't Ethan's birthday also NYE?

FLO - glad all the tree work is done except for the clean up! And I can guarantee it won't be going anywhere! I LOVE that coffee mug you received from your friend! It would be purrfect for my younger sister who is the world's grumpiest morning person!

MARY Q - Did you remember your grocery items to add to your list? (was it wine??) I have heard wise people - mostly writers, composers, choreographers, etc - leave a pad of paper and a pen on beside table to write down things like ideas, dance steps, music, grocery items. lol! I learned this in a creative writing class I took years ago. As soon as you sit up in bed, what you were thinking/dreaming goes out of your mind. As a kid, we always went to Midnight Mass. Though now Midnight Mass is at 9pm so not so hard to stay awake. I checked out your table. I have a similar one. Actually, come to think of it you've seen it and cut fabric on mine! My room isn't big enough to extend both wings, so I only have one out as a rule.

LYN - I hope all is well with your laptop and phone. I HATE scammers.

CHRISS - adding blue cheese crumbles to your dressing is a smart idea! No why didn't I think of that?? My DMIL used to make hers from scratch. My mom, Marie, used Marie's. I use the best I can find in the store but Marie's isn't always available. We have a big recycling bin at home and they pick it up every other week. But no glass because it breaks and can injure the workers. We CAN recycle glass but have to deliver it to the plant ourselves. So we don't.

SHARONA - had to admit, I didn't expect to see you here this morning! Were you hiding in the bathroom so you could post? Sorry someone has Covid. Is she a DD, a grand? Did she come down sick after she arrived at your house? Sorry you will miss church, but I'm sure your cogregation is grateful for your decision to stay home. I bet there will be a big spike in cases over Christmas as people gather together. Maybe someone could read the Christmas story aloud to the group? Our Antonio tests everyone who comes to their house - every day. Us included. His mother drove from Georgia, tested positive, and that ended her visit immediately!

VAL - thinking of you. I believe you said all the fam was leaving on Saturday, yesterday. I hope your household is soon back to its quiet normal, your job situation is sorted out, and you are happy in your sewing room once again.

LORI - that is a lot of cookies! But always nice to give the neighbors a nice plate of goodies. I no longer have any neighbors or family around home anymore to give them to so I usually make only one batch of Bill's favorite - oatmeal Craisin - and call it good.

That being said, yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies (MY favorite) but added walnuts and a big glop of peanut butter. I also cleaned my fridge and freezer and we worked together to sort, reorganize, and stow things for travel. We'll pack up the rest the day after Christmas - lights, tree, our few decorations, Christmas tee shirts, etc. When you stay as long as we have, especially over the holidays, you spread out. Takes a while to reel it all back in and get it stowed. Today we're going to Autumn's about noon. We'll do presents, eat our Italian Christmas supper that Lara had shipped to Aut's house, and probably be home before dark. We always try to be in before dark because Bill is legally blind in one eye and has cataracts in both which are getting worse. He is scheduled for cataract surgery when we get home. Dr said to avoid driving at night. And this gives A&A&A Christmas Eve evening to themselves. Works for everyone. We'll go back again tomorrow at noon for a late brunch.

Have a very merry Christmas!

mary z

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by maryq » Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:12 am

Merry Christmas One and All!

For some reason it doesn't feel quite like Christmas here today! Could it be that it's 47* and raining with an expected hi temp of 50* something? Not a flake of snow anywhere in the forecast. We won't even see sunshine until Friday!

But, in my heart it IS Christmas and it's a wonderful time of year to stop for a minute and reflect on my many blessings. Of course there are my wonderful kids and beautiful grandkids, but there are so many other things that I count when I add of the joys of my life. Here I am in a perfect little home, with just enough space to have the things I need and love. I have just enough financially to keep the roof over my head, the furnace running, food in the fridge and fabric to play with. AND, one of the biggest joys of my life is that I have all of you.. my QIAD quilting buddies that share not only these joys of life, but the sorrows that have come my way over the years. You will never know how much I truly value your friendship and the difference this forum has made in my life. I have a sneaky feeling that I would be a lump on the couch if I didn't have all of you to encourage me in my quilting journey.

Judi...Ah yes... even tho preparing a big meal etc, is a lot of work.. it really doesn't always seem like it does it... The end result is so gratifying when family is gathered around a table to connect with each other.

Sharon... Let's just call it "semi-retirement" from all the cooking! My Mom would always want to have the big dinner at her house "while I still can" and now I find myself saying the same thing. It does work out wonderfully tho, when I do the main thing (ham, turkey or whatever) and the kids bring the rest.. It means I don't have to spend the whole day in the kitchen.

Flo.. Oh my gosh... I love that cup!!! I might just have to stitch that on a shirt!! You are still baking today?

Lois... Fish dinner? What kind of fish are you cooking? Have you tried Tilapia? That's one of my new favorites! Though I do treat myself good salmon now and then. Enjoy your nice quiet day!

Maryz... As much as I love Christmas decorations... I'm kind of tempted to clear all of mine up on Wednesday too, though I usually wait until New Years day to do that. Shawn is bringing me a heater to set up in my garage to I can re-sort and re-pack stuff out there---tho I actually I made not need it if the temps stay warm. What fun you will have today with that little girl and how great to be there for her First Christmas! OH I have little notebooks every where around here---on the couch, on the desk, a little tablet on the fridge... tho not by my bed...Guess I should grab another spiral notebook from my stash! :lol: :lol:

Chriss... Thanks for the explanation of the scam on gift cards.. It didn't occur to me that that's what they were doing! I tried that system of UFO's one year, listing all the UFO's on little pieces of paper and putting them in a jar. Turns out, I'd pick one and they say to self " oh I don't want to do that one right now" and go on to starting something else new! As soon as I get a new table I'm going to start quilting the small quilt tops I have done and get them OUTTA HERE ! Some are too big for to do so I will save for when Viv is able to do them for me--probably in the spring. I'm out of batting and just checked it out at Walmart.com... it's at a pretty good price right now... guess I better go order some. ($4.54/yd on a 9yd bolt)

Lori.... You do Cranberry bread too? Your Mom's recipe? Me too... I think I made 12 loaves this year! Problem is, I've eaten too much of it!! Most I've given away to friends and neighbors. Would be fun to compare recipes... maybe after the rush of Christmas :-)

It's going to be a quiet day here for me. The boys are at their in-laws and of course Jen is in Alaska. We will Facetime with her tomorrow. So today I will spend getting the house a little spiffed up, but the leaf in the dining room table and if all goes well might sit at the sewing machine for a little bit. Darn Peggy sent me a video of another easy peasy quilt pattern so I might have to put it on my list of fun things to do!

The boys and families will be here for later dinner tomorrow and we will open gifts then. Everybody has to be back to work on Tuesday so I'm sure it will be an early night!

For now I need more coffee

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas Eve Day

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Dec 24, 2023 8:01 am

Good morning everyone and Happy Christmas Eve.

Yes Maryz my son was the last to leave. His flight left yesterday afternoon. He is safely back in South Dakota. I am having some breakfast and putting my work schedule together for this week. One of the other nurses is out of town for the holiday so I am picking up her schedule. It will keep me busy and I think that is a good thing. Not quite sure what the new normal is going be yet but I will be working on it. Still lots of paperwork and things to go through.

Today I do have one chart to do. Will also finish up my December Lotto blocks and try to figure out next year. DH is leaving after work to go to the kids in Fernley. I am going to stay home. After two weeks of company I need a break. I have no Christmas plans anyway. DD wanted to give us $$ to help with the meal after the funeral but we gave it back and told her to buy something for the GGrands for Christmas. So they will have something. Other than that, I don't know. I may go to Mass in Benicia tonight.

I am in the same thinking as you Maryq. Christmas is not about presents, etc. It really is about the blessings we have in life. Celebrating the birth of Christ should be foremost but the holiday has become so commercialized. I was in WalMart the other day, guess what, Christmas was all gathered together in one spot and sales beginning. They were making room for Valentine's Day!

Chriss I never realized that happened with gift cards. Wow, it never would have occurred to me that you could do something like that. Amazing what people will do to steal a bit of money. I guess asking them to get a job is a waste of time.

We are 37 now but should get to the mid 50's. No rain in the forecast until maybe Wednesday. It has been very quiet at the night shift job so haven't had to go out in the cold. Thank the good Lord for that.

Well if I am to get this chart done and lots of sewing I best get to moving.

Thank all of you for the wonderful cards you have sent. They really mean a lot. Christmas blessings to you all.
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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by WeeOne » Sun Dec 24, 2023 8:06 am

Rainy morning from the coast to the Hill Country house and Mary's RV Park.

MaryZ, Sorry you have to put up with the rain, but not sorry because you are right, Texas needs the rain. I hope Miss Amara Kumquat Boots rides her new horse with a big smile on her face. Maybe this week you could get a picture of her riding with her boots on and we all wouldn't mind a bit if you posted it. 😉

To everyone, as we are going about our Christmas activities, let us not forget The Reason for the Season.

I didn't turn my laptop on yesterday. I needed a break from the mess. I went to the grocery store and Walmart. Then we went to a couples house for pizza and games. We've known Bill & Diane for many years, they were our RV neighbors here. About 3 years ago he started having trouble with the steps into the 5th wheel, so they sold it and had a house built in a new subdivision a couple miles away. It was a great evening. They taught us how to play Sequence, Diane and I beat the guys all 3 games. :D

We have no plans. I will make Garry a mince meat pie, his favorite. None Such mince meat makes it easy. Pour it into the pie shell and bake. I may make myself a pumpkin pie. I bought some thick sliced ham from the deli and we'll have sweet potatoes for tomorrow's dinner. Tonight I'm fixing chicken pot pie in the Ninja foodi. I would like to sew, but I do have to deal with the laptop.

May you All have a Blest Christmas.

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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:28 am

Good morning. It's going to be a busy day today. Those bathrooms don't seem to be cleaning themselves, so I have no choice but to handle the job myself. After that I will be chopping up what is needed to make a salad. Then chop up bread for tonight's communion at church. Yep, those are my big to do jobs today.

Lori, my almost believable scam was textd to me this morning. Amazon, or someone pretending to be Amazon said someone tried to use my account at 1:30 this morning. I didn't click on the link sent but went to Amazon and there are no purchases so I deleted the text. It looked pretty real but I don't trust anything online. Bet your house smells really good with all that baking, I like peanut butter too.

Sharona, 19, that's a lot of people, but I bet it's festive. Hoping Shelby doesn't have to isolate through Christmas. Sounds like a good idea to let others bring things. One year we had a finger food holiday where we did not eat a big meal. Other times we had pot luck. This year I'll make chix parm because a big ham or turkey dinner is just way too much food for our very small group.

Judi, hope the game goes in your favor.

Flo, what a lovely gift exchange with your neighbor/sister.

Lois, I think your Christmas next week will be perfect. What a wonderful idea and a good way to be home on NYE.

Maryz, I recently bought Maries dressing, I think they changed their recipe. It wasn't thick and creamy like it used to be. Here we don't have regular garbage pickup. You have to pay for it if you want them to come to your house, it's quite pricey. We, instead, just go to the dump when the cans are full. I call my sons stepbrother who comes and takes care of it for me. And if he doesn't come in a timely manner I call my son who sees to it that he shows up and takes my trash. I also have a plan B and a plan C. We pay $3 per can. A can equals three kitchen trash bags. I don't recycle glass, I just don't have enough glass items to make a difference. The big thing to recycle is plastic. Milk jugs are real space taker uppers. Curious to know what dinner will be tonight, can't wait to hear how the rocking horse brought back memories for Autumn.

Maryq, I know I would do the same if I had a list of UFO's or any kind of job, I'd decide I didn't want to do that particular one and do something else. I've even thought of the list idea for house cleaning. A room a month to deep clean, but that probably won't happen either. I just bought a couple packages of batting at Joanns which is closing, they were half price. I also have some tops needing to be quilted but am making more tops first. Makes no sense, but it's what I'm doing. It's like we are twins, I was also appreciating my blessings and thanking God for all he's done in my life. It's so comforting to know all my needs and some of my wants are met and that I have a God to trust to meet those needs. I don't have to worry, and that is a marvelous feeling. It's truly good to be us.

Valerie, glad you are on the calm relaxing side where the kids have all gone home and DH will be away for a day. I pray your day is all about you and you have no distractions. The gift card thing didn't occur to you because you are an honest truthful person. Sadly, more people aren't like you in that respect, imagine what a wonderful world it would be. I've also seen Valentines stuff in the stores already, I'm surprised Easter hasn't been stocked yet. When that rain gets there be sure and shoo it this way.

Lyn, I love buying those thick slabs of ham for a ham dinner. Makes for a nice meal and not a lot of leftovers. I've never had mincemeat and have never had rhubarb. Sorry about the laptop stuff. I have to deal with hospital billing after Christmas. frustrating but solvable thankfully. Chicken pot pie sounds wonderfully comforting. When Jerry made them he used leftover dressing from the turkey dinner as the top crust on the pie.

Last night, for dinner, Jerry made chili. I had been wanting chili cheese dogs. The chili wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, he said he didn't add many spices, I'm not sure he added any. I said it was good and ate it but he can have the rest of it for dinner tonight.

I need to get something done here so need to actually stand up and move my buns. I pray you all have the most memory filled Christmas Eve and Christmas day ever.
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Re: Christmas Eve 2023

Post by auntjana » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:36 am

Good morning!

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

In between meetings.. Ethan is tuning his cello, Sarah is warming up the flute - were getting there. I'm done with my music duty.

Aaron has the roasts on and my green stuff is made. The kitchen needs some attention, big time! I was tired last night and still needed to get my hair rolled, so I punted that till today.

Enjoy the day, with family and the joy of this wonderful season, celebrating the birth of the Christ child.


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