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Monday, Jan 16th

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Monday, Jan 16th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:57 am

Good morning,

VELDA - glad your family day was so nice!

LOIS - you doing laundry yesterday made me think of what I'll be facing in about 12 days - 3 weeks of laundry plus sheets, towels, and rugs. I was going to say "UGH!" to that, but then I remembered I don't have to wash clothes on a washboard in a tub out in the back yard and hang them on a line (unless I want to). I'm so lucky!

TINA B - did you decide if you're going to move your sewing into your guest room?

JUDI - so how was sleeping in your own bed last night? You must have been exhausted by the time you got to see it!

MARY Q - you are such a good friend to KC and Katie. Storing 10 to 12 packing boxes is a big deal. On the plus side, if she is selling most of her fabric, you won't be needing to quilt more of her quilts. I feel badly for your friend who had medical problems and no family to help her. You are earning your wings, TOM!

SUZ - so, did your package arrive??

CHRISS - so YOU'RE the one!! The one who prayed for the rain! It's all on you! Next time I want something I sure know who to ask! But happy to hear that after today, hopefully the worst is behind you and soon you'll be able to get your propane. What is I-5 looking like? Not sure exactly when we'll hit CA, but it will be at least another week. I echo your thought on Washington. OUR Washington, too!

JANA - how are you feeling? Remember, the current variants of Covid are just like a cold. And it can take up to 5 days to test positive. Did you make any progress on your ugly sweater mug rugs? And remember, just like beauty, ugly is in the eye of the beholder.

LYN - that sleep rule is interesting. As I read it, I realize I do (or don't do) all of those things already! Though my usual bedtime of 9pm is more suited to a middle-schooler. lol! When we get back into our own time zone, I'll be going to bed at 7pm and getting up at 2am. It's always harder to adjust going west. And getting the fur kids to adjust back to PST is even harder.

We finally chose our route and because Chriss and Lori have been kind enough to share all those storms with everyone east of them, we've determined the better route for us to travel is the most southern. So after traveling the full length of Louisiana up into Arkansas, we've now turned west and are back in Texas. It's going to take us 3 days to get out of this state! Once we cross into NM I almost feel like we're close to home! lol! Tonight we'll be just west of Dallas/Ft Worth. I can't sew right now, but I love reading about the sewing all y'all are doing, so keep it coming!

I hope your day is a good one!
mary z


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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by velvet » Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:10 am

Good morning to all who are not awake yet. 5am I woke and could not so back to sleep. One of those types of nights.
Yesterday I was figuring out borders needed for a pattern for qov. Someone gave a picture and I want to write up using all 6 1/2 half square triangles. We have tons of them already cut at Diane's. So being in a rush I mis-calulated the border sizes and it ended up short. Today I'll have the fun of taking borders off and put the new ones on. What a waste of time that was, oh well, my fault. I should have re-checked my numbers before cutting.
I'll have coffee and read the paper for my puzzles and hope I have better luck today.
Everyone is so busy and I hope everyone is having fun wherever you are.

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Jan 16, 2023 4:42 am

Saturday kids brought supper over, DDIL made Swedish meatballs. Yesterday was church. Then we just relaxed and watched old movies.
Today I will finish deep clean in sewing room. I have a mess on my sewing gtable and clean the window. Ok, supposed to rain, so window may have to wait....sew may make valance instead. Using a panel of antique sewing Machines for valance.
Have a sew great day

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:53 am

Good morning,,,After 5 days it was fun to sleep in my own bed...I didnt get to bed til late...after the last hockey game dropping Liam off at home and collecting all my stuff I didnt get to bed til after 11....I woke at 750 to sun shine streaming into my room....(Aint it great to be back home again sang John Denver) I have a ton of catching up to do. Ken is not the best person to be left to his own devises. We did so much running over the week with hockey there is a ton of laundry and mail and general dusting to catch up on...
There is a hockey game at noon but we wont be going...Ken had to go to work and I wont drive an hour away by myself)
Next week end we leave for a hockey tournament in the beautiful upper penninsula of Michigan It is beautiful and very very cold...The high temps are in the 20s there...the low 20s, We will be going with Colleen Jeff and Liam...it will be a fun get away for us...You just might get the idea we love hockey here. Most ly we love hanging with the kids.
Well I need to get in gear here,,,my house plants are needing water too...on the list...have a wonderful dy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:08 am

Good Cloudy Cold Day.................

We have a very light covering of snow here. I've been handing a quilt so I get snuggly warm doing that.
Not much going on with me. I'm working on de-carbing my diet. It is so difficult, living alone a carb meal is the easiest. It's amazing how better I feel after just a few days.
Kimberly is doing well loosing weight & walking further every day. It's so difficult to put a life back together.
I have a few prayer requests. Kimberly's BFF's father has cancer& great pain,
Judy the sister born just after me had a serious stroke & my sister-in-law had a heart attack she is on life support. Thank you.

Maryz......I'm happy to hear you trip I going well. I love hearing about your travels & everyone else's also.

diane.......sorry you had problems with your boarders. I just know you will find a good use for the leftover boarders.

Flo.........Swedish meatballs are so delicious & so easy to transport. Lucky you. Good luck with you cleaning. Nothing better that a newly organized sewing room.

Love & Prayers.................Kathy

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by maryq » Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:43 am

Good Morning Girls

Well, here it is Monday again... It's a holiday so there is no mail and since it is holiday can I have paid day off?

You've heard that expression "I'm up to my a$$ in alligators" Well I'm up to my a$$ in fabric! Every where I look! Today I'm going to try to make a little sense of the stuff we've sorted already, and make a plan for where to put the rest. I've gotten a good response from the ad on FB and people want to come look.

Maryz... SO glad to hear you are headed home in the right direction.... west, then north! I'm printing out a little US map so I can get an idea of where you are! Is there a route that you can take that would avoid CA all together.. just in case it doesn't stop raining.

Diane.... Been there done that!! tho I don't think there are too many boo-boos that we all haven't done at one time or another. Viv messaged me the other day, one of the quilts that she was doing for me... my backing was 3-4 inches short..... which she discovered AFTER she had it 80% quilted! Fortunately, I had put a 6" border on so maybe it will be ok! :roll:

Flo.... That sounds like such cute fabric to make a valance of!!

Judi..... Do you ever keep track of how many miles you put on your car for hockey? The best part of all that travel, you're so right, is being with the kids. And when they are older with kids of their own, they will remember that Gramma came to all their games and cheered them on!

Kathy.... Will add your family and friends to my prayer list today. I'm not a super religious person, but I have seen prayer work so so many times.

It's raining here this morning... hoping it stays warm enough for it all to NOT turn into ice on the roads. I have no where I have to go for a few days but I do worry about my kids on the road.

This is KC's fabric before we started boxing it up, but wait this is more... in boxes in her bedroom. She is keeping some but there are probably about 4 of those squares left to empty. Viv is coming up this weekend and Katie did a little shopping yesterday... but I will sure be anxious to get rid of it!


Better get in gear, as you can see I have lots to do

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by patches4 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:48 am

All of that fabric from KC to me are great possibilities. Would there be a church doing LWR a quilts or a charity to take fabric donations? I admit I must be a fabric hoarder as I hate to pitch fabric but only see possibilities with it.

Patterns for quilts I am trying to make is Good Night Irene by Missouri Star Quilt and Brightly by Cluck cluck sew.
Have a beautiful day

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by mepeace2 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:07 am

Good Morning All
Not much going on here . I finally got my kitchen cleaned up. Got counters and all small appliances done yesterday and mopped the floor this morning. then took food stuffs such as soup and cooking oil to the basement. I purchased a spiral ham Friday at Aldies for .99 a pound We cut it up yesterday and put in food saver bags along with 8 pork chops . The ham had a bone which I also froze to make ham and beans . Ham and beans an cornbread sounds good to me. Both freezers are full along with all my totes. The only thing I will be buying on my next scavenger hunt will be bread ,milk, eggs and some fresh veggies or fruit. And I really think this will continue until end of February.
On the sewing front got all 12 chickens sashed. Now on to beeks and feet. With sashing they are 16 inch blocks. As soon as I get feet and beeks on I will sew the blocks together. Then will work on borders. It takes 12 8 inch blocks to make top and bottom and I believe 16 blocks to make side borders.
Still got a lot of sewing to do.
Barny and Jim are doing fine. Just incase anyone wants to know.
It rained all night but no snow.
My o my Maryq KC has a lot of fabric. If it doesnt all sell put the remaing in grab bags or scrap bags and sell it that way. Kind of color coordinate it. I kind of like the purple.
Kathy Prayers being said for all your family and friends.
Judi I just never had anyone play hockey in my family. I have been to a couple profesional hockey games.
But my guess kids games are more fun.
Flo Please take a picture of the valance and post it. I love valances.
Maryz Lordie Those storms are causing everyone problems. I watch and old dude in Alabama not too far from Selma. They had bad tornadoes in that area and he has not been back on youtube. And now you have take more time getting home. Someone in Ca wanted a deluge of rain well they are getting it. I hope all this rain lets crops grow and prices come down.

Well I need to go fix lunch nothing fancy just mac and cheese.
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:37 am

Good morning. If you need water come see me, I'll hook you up. I woke up at about 5am and it was raining when I got up and is still raining. I'm not convinced it will ever stop. Actually, it's supposed to stop around 3pm and dry out for the rest of the month, praise God.

Lori, Martingale does have some great books. I looked through all the patterns and really don't need anything. There are a couple I would like but I have so so many.

Maryz, Lori and I are just generous that way, we are givers. You're very welcome. Texas is an extra large state. Had they chopped it into about 4 states it wouldn't have seemed like such a long trip. Yes, it was me that prayed but not sure if it was my prayer that was answered. I also prayed to win the lottery and that hasn't happened. Not sure about I5. lots can happen as you travel. With all the rock slides and roads falling apart I'd just check the conditions as I drove. Kind of wondering if Cali shouldn't skip the bullet train to Bakersfield for some infrastructure repair. but that's me.

Diane, how short are your borders? Can you do some kind of a block in each corner to make up the difference?

Flo, the valance will be cool. So nice that the kids come over for dinner with the parents. I haven't seen my parents since the end of December. I am so ready for dinner with them. There is flooding between their house and mine.

Judi, home at last, what a blessing. I think it's so wonderful that you get to hang with the kids, watch their games and go places with them.

Kathy, you are correct, a high carb meal is easier. My breakfast is often sandwich fixings without bread eaten with a fork. Sometimes I use romaine leaves as a holder for sandwiches or tacos. Takes a while to get used to eating this way but once you get it it is wonderful. So glad things are looking up for Kimberly.

Maryq, you have a job ahead of you with all that fabric. Did you receive my lotto blocks? they were supposed to have already been delivered. I'm looking forward to next months lotto, I really enjoy it.

Tinab, I love both patterns you mentioned. I have been looking at the MSQC pattern for a long time and would love to do it. what a great scrap buster. I think we should head on over to Maryq's house and peruse that fabric, I'll pick you up.

Katy, Jerry will be making ham and beans today. I won't have any because of the carb count, but he will enjoy it with fried potatoes and corn bread too. The lunch I planned to have has been tossed. Jerry decided cleaning out the fridge was a wise decision and in error threw out my tuna salad. grrrr. So I will look in the fridge and come up with a plan B,

Today I will make the binding for my quilt and go from there. Yesterday was filled with football. I so want Buffalo to be the big winner of the whole thing.

You girls have a great day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday, Jan 16th

Post by auntjana » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:44 am

Good morning!

I am better today. Have a tiny bit of energy.

Just so y'all know, California and water are very mismanaged! Has been that way for years. They get water and are constantly emptying the storage in the dams for fish, that someone thought was a good thing! Yes, fish need water, but so does many other things- learn to share! Daniel farmed rice for quite a few years up in the Sacramento area and all the rules that were imposed ran many of the farmers out of business. Some selling off very fertile land for huge housing development. So more need for water and less food to eat. Humm, sounds a bit off there. California is the most regulated state there is. So glad we got out and my family too! OK, no more soapbox! Oh, Daniel watches still the reservoir levels and they are rising significantly, that's a good thing!

I will see what simple, easy tro I can find, with the little energy I have.


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