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Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:26 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

I hope you all saw my post about Sue's husband, Kenn. 💔 He was such a nice guy and we will sure miss him whenever we visit.

CHRISS - you had me worried, too. Your wording made it sound like you were planning to move alone. Happy that's not the case! We like Jerry! I hope your gravel comes today and your road is all repaired. Don't worry about your dusting. In the grand scheme of life, dusting is considered "small stuff" and we shouldn't sweat the small stuff. Besides, if you are ever held hostage in your home, you can use that dust to write secret messages! Besides, if you dust it sets an unpleasant precedent for the rest of us! And I'd rather spend my time in my sewing room, creating more dust!

LYN - Last year in this park we had a guy, who also lived here, wash our rig. He was really an X-ray tech but washed RV's in the park on the side. He did a nice job for $250. There was also a company who made the rounds and washed, waxed, coated RV's for $2,500. We went with the XR-tech. :D Hope your rig turned out sparkling!

JANA - Happy trouble-getting-into! What did you end up doing yesterday?

MARY Q - glad you are enjoying reading again. It's great entertainment! Better than movies, IMHO. I always have a regular book going and almost always an audio book. I listen to the audio book while I sew, cook, clean, garden, etc. And yes, my sis and dbil left Saturday and they will arrive home tomorrow night. They are having a good trip, so far.

DIANE - glad to know what a 2nd chance quilt is. Makes sense. I was noticing a beautiful Tennessee Waltz on Pinterest yesterday and thought of you. In place of the center square, they used another block and it added another whole dimension to the quilt. I made a TW some years back for a wedding that never happened. It was in black, gold, and cream. I didn't change up that center square but if I ever make it again, I might experiment with that. I did eventually give the quilt to my girlfriend, but I didn't tell her it was supposed to be her wedding quilt.

JUDI - your sibling party sounded like so much fun! I love all the games and prizes!

VELDA - that was a great Lenten challenge your friend did. I'd rather that than giving up chocolate! :D

Our time here in Austin is short - two more nights. Our son-in-law (I love calling him that!) called us last night and asked us to come by tonite for one last visit and to see Aut for her birthday, which is really tomorrow. We said we'd bring the Christmas lasagna that we never got to have. So today, it's back to the grocery store (third day in a row! :lol: ) and I'll be cooking this afternoon.

Scottie got his bath yesterday and back at camp, he got a good comb out and a haircut. This sheltie can really grow hair! It's one of his best skills besides eating. After that I spent a couple hours working on my seal block until I was doing more frogging than sewing. I decided it was time to put it away. I'll hopefully finish him today and then pack up my machine. That will leave me 4 blocks to do when we get home. And we are going home. It's time. Probably past time. We watched lots of football yesterday, too. All the teams we were rooting for won and our Seahawks go on to wild card play offs. Yay!!

Have a marvy Monday.

mary z

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:41 am
by fabricgirl
Good morning,

Well we had a passing cloud of rain it's suppose to be another 40 50ish week I don't like this weather it brings allergies to me I have been doing a little coughing a have some post nasal going on.
I took xyzal and it make me sleep to much so I'm not taking anymore.
Today I already have wash in the dryer I want to sew but I need some fabric so we might go to Joanns and see what they have.

Mary I'm so sorry to here about Sue's Ken
glad that she has family around her.

Well thats all the news from here everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:59 am
by grammiequilts
Good Morning All, I am saddened by the number of folks going to their reward. We had a few here too ,
I stripped the bed this morning and will re make it in a few. I don't have much to do today just straighten up the house...Liam's team won his game last night,,,4-2. I watched it on my phone...Yeah I really do love hockey....
I did a bit of purging in the sewing room yesterday and pared down the scraps to a couple of small bins...and am really starting to see daylight,,,,All these deaths have gotten me thinking about what might happen to all this stuff in the sewing room...when I leave.....I will write a few things down but it is better to get rid of it now.
I did spend a lot of time in the sewing room and did get month 9 finished on the stitchers garden...I did bring out the jane Austen quilt and begun the process of starching all the fabric...since the diamonds are cut with bias edges,,,the pieces need to be handled very carefully and the pattern recommends starching all the fabric to stablize the edges. this will be a long term quilting project.....I have 3 ufos quilts in the closet....
Hope you all have a good day,,Prayers and good thoughts for all. Its cold here but we are still seeing temps in the 40s all weekXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:26 am
by patches4
Good morning all
Just a quick fly by. Just want to wish everyone a super Monday. After two weeks of family here, life returned to quiet. On the 1st we had all 14 of us together. Great time.
Sad to see them all go. Back to normal now. Got all Christmas down and put away. House needs good dusting too. Will do that, vacuum. Have meeting this morning then to church withDH to start taking down church’s decorations that we helped put up.
Hopefully the I can get my sewing machine out! Yeah. It will take awhile to find my stuff because I packed it up prior to holidays. Definitely thinking of my own space in a bedroom our family is bigger than beds. This year the five liitles,. 5 and under slept under the Christmas tree it was fun. Camp out with Gma
Three of our kids stayed here Dd lives 10 minutes away. So it will be a day of a bit of work then sewing fun. I hope.
Have a blessed day. I am thankful for all of you.

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:36 am
by QuiltGram8
Good Morning! I slept in today. Got up at 6 instead of 4. But I still didn't get in here to say hello till now. I don't have much to tell you. It's a Monday, starting another week. What will I accomplish today. I think maybe I should take time to do my Lotto blocks today. Yes, that's what I will do.
Hope you all have a great day.

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:49 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Many thoughts and prayers for comfort for Sue and her family at this difficult time.

The sun is getting ready to peak over the mountains. We warmed a bit, if you call 41 warm! I do in the winter!

So it's still fairly quiet here. Not much going on. Daniel is down to needing just a couple of special nuts and Frankenjeep is ready to run. He had the two nuts and has misplaced them, so will get two more today. Add the fluids back in and pray alot that it runs. He's at the point of saying, if it doesn't, he's buying a new jeep, right now!

Got another grandchild adventure for y'all! This time it's my Baden. He's almost 7, turns that next month. Well it all started at church yesterday. Meeting had started and that's when Baden decided he needed a drink of water. It's kind of a family rule with us, that you get your drink and bathroom visits over and done with, before the meeting starts. No running in and out all the time. Well, Baden wanted a drink, so when the bigger boys were coming back from the duties during the meeting, Crenda told Baden he could quickly go get his drink and come right back. The drinking fountain is right in the foyer. The big boys came and sat down, no Baden. A few minutes went by, still no Baden. A few more, so Crenda, who was helping a friend, by holding the friend's baby, asked our Tanner to go find Baden. Tanner went out and looked through the entire building to find where Baden wandered off. No Baden anywhere! Tanner reported back to Crenda and Crenda handed off the baby to Andrew to watch and she headed out to look for Baden, in the building. Just as she got out in the foyer, her phone rang, with the special ring for Baden. He doesn't have a phone, so she wondered how he was calling. It was from their house. Baden had walked home to get his drink - he wanted his own special water bottle he had left there. Home is about a mile or slightly more from the church and across a extremely busy 4 lane road! Baden called his mom, deciding he needed a ride back to church! To say the least, Baden is a very independent little boy! And we will now quiz him carefully on exactly what he is going to do, when he asks! In the summer, the kids have walked home from church, but all together and with permission. Baden is next to my youngest grandchildren, Lila is the youngest.

Time to get dressed for the day and get some uglies out of the way,


Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:08 am
by mepeace2
Good Monday Morning All
No excitement here. Same ol same ol. Got dishes done early. Barny got me up at 5. Yesterday it was quarter to 4. I am having left overs for lunch well Jim is. I am having a salad . No cleaning until end of week. I am going to work on those darn chickens . Cutting the sashing pieces is a pain in my you know what. But I do like the results so far. I got one beek 0n the chicken sitting on eggs so no legs. LOL Today going to sew sashing on two sides this creates a 16 in block. Only 11 more to go 22 legs and 11 beeks. And all that sashing. lol
On the home front everyone is doing good except me and I need a chiro bad.
Good morning Velda I will be sewing also
Patches You sound like you had a great time over the holidays.
O Judi I need someone to come purge my sewing room . I made some progress but once again its a mess. I am glad you can get this done. It seems like a never ending Job for me.
Maryz Sorry to here about Kenn. Sue will be in my prayers. Barny needs a bath but I need to get the stuff to do this. I talked to my old groomer and it will cost at least 40 dollars for the stuff she used on Boo. But he always looked great, Barnys groomer will be here the 26. So I may just wait. I do brush him twice a day. The down fall of owning a shi tzu . LOL I cant wait until his hair grows out.

I need more coffee ladies Then into my messy sewing room.
You all have a great sewing day

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:47 am
by maryq
Good Morning Girls

Today is the day I promised myself I would go get groceries! But, I so don't want to go out! It's cold and I just don't want to go, I want to stay home and sew. I feel like a kid having a tantrum, I don't wanna go! I don't want to go, I don't want to go! Maybe I'll go tomorrow. :lol: :lol:

Maryz... So sorry to hear of Kenn's passing, he was such a sweet guy when I met him. I'm glad you will get to visit with Cindy too! You need to talk her into coming back to QIAD! Now that she's retired I'm wondering if she is back to sewing. Did she sell her LA machine? Happy for your that you are heading home.... there's no place like it! When I've been gone from my home, I come back and want to HUG it!

Lois... I was at Joann on Saturday... all their Christmas stuff was 80% off! But I was a good girl... I didn't buy any more "STUFF"! :lol: Storage containers were 1/2 off and as much as I LOVE containers, I resisted those too! Their Keepsake fabric was on sale for $6.99/yard, but lately I've noticed that the quality doesn't seem so great on that fabric any more. If you look at it you'll probably notice too that it seems thinner!

Judi.... SO true... when we hear of folks our age passing it kind of gives us pause to think of what will happen to our stuff! If I should pass in the middle of the night and somebody finds me they will think my house has been ransacked by strangers.... I think there are some other quilters around here, so come summer when I get out to the warmer garage I just might see if some of them would like my 4 tote boxes of scraps!

Tinab..... Great to have family all together isn't it?! But there is something to be said for normal and enjoying peace and quiet.

Velda... You get up at 4am????? It's still dark out then! You must go to bed really early though.

Jana... OH my gosh... how scary from all of you when Baden didn't come and walked all the way! That's a long walk!!! God was sure watching over him. I can just picture Crenda being so happy to see him and so mad that he walked home! Little stinker!

Katy.... Keeping a sewing room clean IS a never ending battle! I just get a mess cleaned up, then the squirrels start running around in here and I have MORE messes. Man, that's a LOT of chicken! I thought I was crazy making 100 pockets for aprons!

Am seriously considering ordering groceries on line and then just running out to pick up. Is that lazy? I could get a couple hours of sewing in, rather than running around Target!

Oh and a little happy news... remember last summer when I made a baby quilt for my nephew... Well they had a baby girl last Friday! Charlotte June 7lb something I guess. My brother never gets the details. I guess they are going to call her "Charlie"

Ok, coffee is cold and I need a shower!!

Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:17 am
Good Sunny Day..........40*

All quite here in Charlton! Have a tiny bit of snow. A few uglies then(my favorite)paper work. Will try finishing the tote bag. It's for someone that did me a kindness.

The best part of the Holidays being over is not having to put any decorations away.

Tomorrow a nurse from my health ins co is coming for an hours visit. They call every month, even though I ask them not too. So if she comes I hope they stop calling. LOL, I get more call from them after family.

I see a tuna fish sandwich in my future, about 6pm.

Maryz......thank you for the information about Sue. I'll add her to my lost side of my Prayer list. A good SIL is needed for a MIL to have a happy heart. Happy to know she's so happy. I hope your sewing goes smoothly today.

Lois......we are going to be having the same type weather. Sorry it bothers you.

Judi......GO Liam! Maybe we need to form a 'purging group' & we could travel to each others sewing rooms. We could be paid in 'purged' items..LOL
I think about what will happen to my quilting/sewing things. I do not know any quilters around here. I need to look into the Jane Austen quilt. I have a book of all her novels in one book . Four down, three to go. Good luck with those bias edges.

Tina.......sounds like you had a wonder visit with your family. I hope you have fun unpacking all your sewing things.

Vel......happy sewing!!

OH Jana....thank goodness Baden had his angels with him. What a story!!

Katy......No excitement here either, I never know if I should wish for some! Good luck with all those chickens.

Love & Prayers..................Kathy

Re: Monday, Jan 9th

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:01 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning all! Just wanted to let you know I am still alive. Haven't been on here for a couple of weeks and am way behind in reading what you are all doing. Will try to get some reading done this week. Not much going on here. Sadie is still here but should be going to her new home with my son in a couple of weeks. He got the house he bid on for him and Sadie. It is just the perfect size. The closing should be this week and the man wants to be out as soon as possible. My son says he thinks the man needs the money. The house was listed for $189,000 but Rob got it for $162,000 after the man came down to that price. Rob said he thinks the man really needs the money and Rob's was the only offer in 6 months. Rob really likes his new job in southern Indiana. I used to have to drive 110 miles to Elkhart and it is about 170 to his new house.

When Harold was alive we used to go to Brown County in southern Indiana twice a year for Little Nashville so I am familiar with the territory.

Well have gone on long enough. Need to go get some lunch for all of us. Have a good and safe day everyone.