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Sunday, Jan 8th

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Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:10 am

Good morning,

Today is going to be a very important day - the dog gets a bath. And not a moment too soon. We're going to run him through the automatic dog wash down the road. They have a wall lined with elevated tubs, we do the washing, but they provide the soaps, towels, brushes, and clean up the mess, all for about $20.

CHRISS - Is the propane company paying for the repairs to your road? Isn't this a fairly new driveway because the family that bought your gramma's house uses the old driveway? Is it possible to still use the old driveway for a few days? I hope it all works out. The time comes to all of us, if we're lucky enough to live long enough, that we have to downsize and move. But move where? Closer to kids? Parents? Out of state? Which state? A lot to consider. On the other hand, you live in a very pretty, peaceful, pastoral place now . . . .

DIANE - so are you going to make a Tennessee Waltz? It's a neat pattern and fun to make. What is a 2nd chance top?

MARY Q - That's a lot of pockets!! How long does it take you to knit a dishcloth? I've used those before and they work well. I often see lots of yarn in thrift shops for great prices. You might check there.

KATY - I think planning your spring garden is a most excellent January activity! And as far as green beans go, cooking them with a bit of onion and bacon is the only way to have them IMHO.

VELDA - you really scored at the thrift shop! There are often new clothes there, tags still on. I've heard that regular stores donate unsold merchandise at the end of each quarter.

JANA - I don't think I'd want to get involved in cabinet moving and dump runs either! Glad Sarah found what she wants for her kitchen and that, hopefully, it won't take too long to install.

TINA B - nice to see you here!

LYN - I don't blame your friend for not wanting to drive a big truck in an unfamiliar place. I don't like driving ours either. I've done it but on a crowded narrow street and it feels like trying to thread a needle during an earthquake. Did you have a good time in Corpus? That is where we were, when, headed out of town pulling our fiver, took an exit, and got stopped because the underpass was too low. And we had to call 911 to get a police escort to back up the off ramp the wrong way. The cop said it happened all the time and they'd been trying to get the city to put up a sign giving the height of the underpass. Even as we waited for the cop, another RV came down and couldn't go any further so waited with us. Corpus is NOT our favorite town!

JUDI - did the kids all win their games? And you're right - it's HAS been a pretty stressful trip. I am ready for home. I think Bill actually is, too, but he also wants to go on and he can't decide. I told him I will do whatever he wants (and promised I wouldn't even be crabby about it!) - it's just two more weeks. He's still deciding . . . The kids said they will try to squeeze in one more visit before we leave Wed morning. And I did, indeed, get to pat that little baby bump!

I didn't get any sewing done yesterday. I hope to have a few hours at the machine today between the dog's bath and washing the bed sheets and dog rugs. And I hope everyone here also gets a little stitching time in!

mary z

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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:53 am

Good Sunday morning πŸŒ… I hope your day is delightful. I plan to sew again on school bags. When I finish the sewing, then we have to buy the rope that we string thru to made draw string and backpack straps. I usually purchase some of it as donation, but I know our treasury will buy some of it, too. Main thing is to get the sewing completed. Last year one lady used it as her Lenten challenge. She made sure to sew one bag each day. That worked well for her.
Well my coffee β˜•β˜•β˜• is calling.
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:30 am

Good Late morning...I slept in till 730 this morning,,,got up and got my clothes together,,Now here to say hello.
We had a marvelous day yesterday, Ryker's game was fun but we did get to visit with River too. They do not keep score yet and only play half ice but they are fun to watch. Sophias team has improved a lot but they didnt win,,,,Sophia plays well and she still likes it....She has been sewing in her self made sewing space in heir basement. It is the family playroom...Liam's team played well and won their game,,,,they are still in first place and will likely be in the playoffs..for states.
We had a grand time at my sisters...all of my sibling were together and we had a lot of laughs...we played the saran wrap ball thing...I did win a $10 chic filet card so lunch will be there one day...my sister put cash and gift cards in her ball and it is mostly grownups and older kiddos that do it...the younget kids do a cup table you have to roll doubles to pick a cup,,they all have candy and gift cards in them too. It was nice to see many of my nieces and nephews,,.too and all the new babies.
Well today we are staying home and getting a few chores done...(There is a game 2 hrs away) we wont go to that one...so I hope you all have a great day....relax and do something for yourself...I think I might sew....Praying today for all of you...Especially travels,
Chris you moved up to the top of the list, it sounds like life has presented you with some challenges. remember when one door closes God opens another,,Here we agree that we will try and stay in this house till one of us leaves or we cannot care for it and each other,,
Vel so happy you are here to let us know your life each day...and that goes for the rest of you too
Maryz hope you can visit with the baby yet one more time,lol

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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by velvet » Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:37 am

What a beautiful sunny day to wake up to. It should be a great weather till late afternoon, maybe lite rain.

I'm making Dawn the Tenn. Waltz in light beige and teal-ish greens. She picked out the fabrics when they were here for Christmas. I hope to start this project early next week. Fingers crossed.

A 2nd chance quilt top are those that are donated that don't meet 60x80-ish so they need borders or need to be trimmed to come close to size. Some have missed seams or barely caught seams. Unfortunately, a few will have to be un-done and re made and re cut because of different size blocks forced to fit because they pucker (alot). These are given with heart and they just need a little fixing up. From here they are sent to the LAer. After labels and binding they will eventually end there journey wrapped around a VET with the thanks of many hands.

Time to start my day. Have 2 more rows to sash on Joan and Jims top. Need to border on a 2nd chance . Its 48x72 in size, thank goodness I have a little stash to finish it off. LOL!!!


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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by maryq » Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:41 am

Good Morning All

Happy Sunday to you all. Tis a beautiful day sunny day and gosh if it were just a tad warmer I'd be ready for shorts and flip flops :lol: :lol: Temp here is 3 Above Zero! :lol: :lol:

Maryz... Oh yes, I don't suppose living with a stinky dirty dog in a 5-er is a pleasant experience! There's a dog wash here in town too, attached to the car wash! IF I stay on task and not get distracted I could probably make one dishcloth during about 3-4 hours of TV watching. But you know that never happens, so I'll say it takes 2 nights. Picked up some yarn at Joann yesterday, but the next time I go to a thrift store, I'll check there. Might even find some that I have donated!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Did Tina and Al get off okay? Hope they have good weather all the way.

Velda... Your backpacks sound interesting! I've been saving some of my pieces from the aprons to use for the pencil cases I make for the school kids here. But I dare not take on another project or I'd ask about the pattern for the backpacks! :lol: :lol: Knitting dishcloths I think, just pushed me over the crazy edge! :lol: :lol: It's really bad when my neighbor brings me ideas too

Judi.... Now I know why you go to so many hockey games! There are so fun to watch! I kind of forced myself out of the house yesterday to go see my Nolan play! They won and I got to see him make a goal! Best yet! Of course, Kevin had to explain the rules of the game to me. If you ever need more Saran wrap... let me know. A couple years ago I bought like 4 pkgs to make those balls for Christmas gifts etc, never used them!

Diane... Had to look up a Tennesse Waltz quilt... just to refresh my memory! That will be gorgeous in those colors. I need to make quilt for my niece that is getting married in June and her colors are grey and gold. A TW might just work!

Chriss.... Had to go back to yesterday to check up on you. So so sorry to hear you have a mess at your house! What does Jerry think about moving. Is it such a tough decision and I have to Thank God for how well it worked for me to move.... everything just seemed to fall into place. I can only hope and pray that what ever decision you make works out well.

Normally I don't read much.. or haven't up until recently. But a few months ago I grabbed a paperback to read while I had to sit for a while getting my hair done. Now I am hooked on reading again and finally got a library card and then found the LIBBY app for my phone and IPad. I still like reading an old fashioned real book, but the Libby app is very convenient, as I don't have to go to the library. (which is about 6 blocks away). Anyway.... I've been reading a lot of books by an author, LISA WINGATE and I want to tell you that if you like good non-smut historical fiction, you have to look for her books.

Last night I finished reading "The Prayer Box" and since it seems we all believe in the power of prayer, I really really recommend the book. It's a wonderful book and gets a person thinking a lot about prayer. One of my favorite lines is "Prayers are answered in ways we don't choose. The river of grace bubble up in unexpected places." So if you are looking for something good to read and relax ... check out Lisa Wingate

Laundry is started here this morning and it looks like the gremlins showed up while I slept last night, so I'm going to go repair their damage and then perhaps light up my sewing machines and see what they can do today.

Wishing you all a most wonderful day!

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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by auntjana » Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:36 am

Good morning!

Home from church. It's nice to have the early time. No snow today, we are in between storms, so a nice break.

Christmas is all downstairs and back in the storage area under the railroad . Daniel was being a brat the other day, making snide comments about how much Valentine decorations I might have. I only have one tote and skinnies. Humm, sounds like more might be needed! LOL!

I got the quilt cupboard cleaned, all the glass on it washed, quilts back in place. Now to my big curio cabinet. It too is lots of glass and waaay too many pretties that I have. They need to be arranged better.

Almost time to get into trouble! There's plenty in the Batt Cave awaiting me! Hopefully I can do more down there.

Stay warm, safe and out of major trouble, :),

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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by WeeOne » Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:06 am

Happy Sunday!
MaryZ, Corpus isn't one of my favorite towns, either. I remember your exit story.

The mystery lights is solved, they were Japanese latterns someone sent off. Another person in the park thinks it might have been a memorial for someone in the area.

No, Garry and I don't wash the MH ourselves anymore. There's a man from El Salvador who runs his business washing coaches and 5th wheels etc. Pedro only speaks Spanish and he has a friend, Lupe who speaks English and Spanish. Lupe is a Vietnam Veteran and Pedro's landlord. Lupe is retired and decided to help Pedro out. Good guys who do a great job.

Fabric and foam found the other day was for making Minnie a set of steps so she can get on the bed at the house and I don't have to haul the steps from the MH to the house.

Chriss, the way you worded things makes it sound like YOU only would be moving to a different place.

Off to cut and sew before the gospel jam at 1:30.

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Re: Sunday, Jan 8th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:36 am

Good morning, it's such a beautiful day today. There are blue spots in my mostly white cloudy sky. We are at 47* outside and 61* inside.

It rained like crazy last night and to prove it there is quite a lake at the bottom of my driveway. I tried to get Jerry to take me fishing but he's no fun.

I didn't get dusting done yesterday I will get to it when I get done here. I did get some ditch stitching done on the RWB quilt and had a few snags, seems tension needs adjusting, and the presser foot needs to be in the down position. But I got it figured out and can do more today. Still need to make the binding but that should be easy to do.

Texted Valerie yesterday. She is still sick and said she doesn't remember being this sick in a long time. Hoping she has help. If I could cross my driveway, I would offer to go there but am trapped.

Maryz, I hope you gave that baby bump a gentle pat for me. A good smelling dog and some sewing can't imagine a better Sunday. Jerry and I talked last night and he says this isn't too much upkeep for him. He reminded me that he's had a couple bouts with Covid that have really taken a toll on him this past year. I really don't want to move but if I did, I would move to the Idle Wheels mobile home park in Mariposa. But it isn't likely to happen any time soon.

Judi, I love the Seran wrap ball game. Also love that Sophia is taking a liking to sewing. She is a bit domestic a bit rough and tumbly A perfect girl if I do say so myself. Next time you hug her add a squeeze for me. I'm pretty proud of that girl. Yeah, I've had a bit of a roadblock, but this too shall pass. I totally see God at work in all this. I'm being slowed down. I went grocery shopping just before the storm and also bought a new vacuum. And I've had more time to read my bible and devotions. This has given me so much time to realize how very thankful I am. I have a roof and food and it's really quite good to be me. I am cleaning my house both the one that I live in and the one that lives in me.

Maryq, I googled Lisa Wingate books in order of printing. She has a lot of books. Seems they are a bunch of series's. I will look into it further, looks like she has a lot of interesting titles. Laundry is something I also want to do, and I have 5 days left before it must absolutely be done. I'm still thinking of moving but likely won't just yet. I'm only having a setback and like a true girl over thinking it.

Lyn, oops. Sorry, Jerry would travel with me if I moved. Wish I could go to a gospel jam session.

That is it for me, dusting awaits. I hope each of you has a super duper day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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