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Friday January 6,2023

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Re: Friday January 6,2023

Post by auntjana » Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:25 am

Maryq -

Yes, the kids are looking, but they are also saving up as much money as they can. Daniel has some very specific things they are looking for and they don't want to have that PMI insurance on the loan. They are watching the market closely too.

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Re: Friday January 6,2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:39 am

Good morning. When Marilyn was little, like maybe 3 or 4 years old, she would wake up and look outside. She'd say, "it's sunny" then she would say "outside" No matter how cold it was she'd bang on the door until we opened it, and she could go outside. Often, she'd come right back inside. This morning is one of those mornings. Chilly but bright and beautiful.

We had some excitement yesterday. The truck delivering propane got stuck at the bottom of the driveway, twice. In the morning he thought backing up our driveway would be the best option. After he got pulled out and destroyed our dirt driveway his boss came and thought a few bags of gravel (never saw gravel in a bag) would solve the problem, he was mistaken. Then we got a deluge of rain making the problem worse. They tried it again with the propane truck and, you guessed it, got stuck again. I can't use my driveway so can't leave and my propane last night was at 20%. Today they will fix the situation and fill my tank. Had they come the day before the storm was to hit all would have been fine. I'm hoping things will dry out just enough for them to fill our new ruts.

Today the plan is to go through the pantry and clean out my bedroom. Jerry put together our new vacuum yesterday and vacuumed the house. Amazing how awful the old vac did compared to the new vac. Lots, and I mean lots of dog hair. As I clean each room, I will give it a good vacuum. It was a real eye opener.

Tonight, is senior bingo. I need to make my $20 donation.

Becca, so so good to see you. Hoping the retirement apartments are close to your kids and that you will love your new place. Wise advice to downsize and purge the clutter. I am doing that now and have empty drawers. I pray your new path is wonderful and you love the new direction you are heading toward.

Lois, I would love to do a few loads of laundry and more importantly take a shower, but I have to wait until the propane tank is full. Our hot water is heated by propane so I can't join you in the laundry room today. I love your penguins, they are adorable. smart idea to make big and little ones. too cute.

Velda, hello back to you.

Maryz, and speaking of Elizabeth Hartman, did you see her pattern about farm animals is on sale on QIAD? It's so very cute. Would make a great baby quilt if anyone you knew was getting a baby. We had steak yesterday, I added grilled mushrooms and onions. Today will be steak salad. Moose will bring the bone inside then outside and on and on. I never did ask Valerie what kind of sick she was. I just told her to take care of herself and get better. I sure wish she and I lived closer; I'd bring her a comforting meal and help her out a bit.

Judi, I have that stitchers garden pattern, I think it is adorable but am pretty sure, if I were to do it, it would just be appliqued flowers and not fancy foot using. happy hockey day and a very Merry Christmas.

Diane, your signature quilt will be fine and treasured by the people receiving it. If you need help posting a picture, send it to me and I will happily post it for you. Which QIAD pattern are you using for the anniversary quilt.

Izzy, both quilts are great Eldon and goats wearing pajamas. Looking forward to seeing both

Jana, had I known you needed milk I would have picked up some for you the other day. I am also spring cleaning and purging as I go. Amazing the amount of stuff, we have that we haven't touched for many years.

Lyn, what did the lights end up being. Personally, I would go to the end of the arm's length and work my way in. It would make the travel distance shorter and shorter. But if there is too much in between you may need to work in to out rather out to in.

Maryq, I remember my grandma teaching me to crochet. What a fun day you will have teaching Corinne and her girlfriend. I also slept in. I looked at the clock at about 5am, which is when I would prefer to get up, but finally got up about 8am. I like to get up early so I can have alone time with my bible and devotions.

Guess my day won't start unless I start it. Hope you all have a super day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Friday January 6,2023

Post by WeeOne » Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:45 am

MaryQ, they were definitely not airplanes, because I was seeing the left side and the red light on wings of planes are on the right. Saying is, "Red Right Returning". I'm going to call the police dept and see if any officers saw them at 9:30. Also going to call one or more TV stations in Corpus. As for the Corpus trip, it was fun. My friend, Dorothy, usually has a DH tagging along and the "hurry up" look. When I take a friend we just have fun, taking time to look at this and that, always making a couple extra stops. I miss Velda and another quilt friend, Terry, who no longer comes down. Quilt friend, Margaret, and I did get in a quick shopping trip right after I got here. Anyway, tuners were found and I bought the foam and fabric to make a set of steps for Minnie, for the house.

Izzy, I'm happy to hear that the quilts made it to Germany. Hope the families love them, they are all very lovely.

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